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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]

sörine;121730620 said:
Nintendo didn't announce any 2016 games. No one did really.

That's not the point though, they announced enough that expectations about the platform still changed. People expected things to mostly wrap up this year with just Zelda for next and that might not even happen or might go cross-gen. Now it looks more like Nintendo's making a fuller longer term commitment to the system and general expectations seem to have also changed accordingly.
Again, I really don't see how exactly this E3 has particularly changed that.

They pushed some already announced titles into 2015, and announced some smaller titles for 2014/2015. And there were some vague announcements/demos of things that might be games later.

But I don't really know how that amounts to some sizable swing towards longer term commitment. And a change in general expectations.

Is Zelda Wii U still probably the last big budget project for the platform? Imo, still yes.
Are Nintendo likely to be greenlighting any large scale projects for the platform going forward? Imo, still no.
Is Nintendo completely abandoning their platform? Still no.
Will it get Nintendo games for at least another year or two? Sure.
Is it going to get many other games from other publishers for the remainder of its lifetime? Probably still no.
Is Nintendo really going to wait a full 5-6 year cycle and launch their next platform in ~2018? Imo, still no.


Do you understand that those lines are based on real quantifiable data, right?

Unlike perception which is quite an abstract term, it can't be really studied or measured. And much less with the laughable info such perception is extrapolated form "E3, treehouse views,Luigi stare...etc..."
Public perception can be quantified and studied. It's done all the time and in an array of fields.

It hasn't really been in this context though, at least outside the E3 Twiiter analytics.


WiiU sales look nice because it was hittin rock bottom for almost a year. The uptick is nice, but if you compare it to its rivals its still shit. And Once you realize it sold this much on the back of a succesful E3, with its biggest game release yet, in a release schedule that looks like a ghost town, then its vapid, horrible, watery, malaria induced bloody shite.
Do you understand that those lines are based on real quantifiable data, right?

Unlike perception which is quite an abstract term, it can't be really studied or measured. And much less with the laughable info such perception is extrapolated form "E3, treehouse views,Luigi stare...etc..."

Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so....
sörine;121731265 said:
Public perception can be quantified and studied. It's done all the time and in an array of fields.

It hasn't really been in this context though, at least outside the E3 Twiiter analytics.

but what percentage were bad or good?

How many were about laughing at nintendo or praising it?

I mean, yeah with proper surveys and field study, perpcertion can be estimated I think. That said, with the data users in this thread are handling, every mention of perception in the scale they are like to imply is laughable....
And this is what I believe the "Wii U is doomed/will be discontinued/whatever else doomsday phrase you want to insert here" crowd does not or refuse to see. In no way will the Wii U be a success by any previous Nintendo standard, but rather than killing the system and engendering even more hate, Nintendo has decided to stick it out to the end and the evidence is there.

Which gives me more confidence in them as a company as opposed to SCEA who just decided to more or less kill the Vita. At least I know Nintendo will keep throwing money and resources at their "dying" console.


Which gives me more confidence in them as a company as opposed to SCEA who just decided to more or less kill the Vita. At least I know Nintendo will keep throwing money and resources at their "dying" console.

Which is a wonder why they didn't do the same for Wii, a successful console

it will always blow my mind what Nintendo was thinking at the end of Wii's life. Hell, I didn't like the system much, but the thing was a damned blowout success. You'd think they'd want to keep giving owners a reason to support it. I wish I could have better understood what Nintendo's logic was here in nearly completely abandoning the platform.

At least for Vita, I can say "well let's be honest it's a smart business decision", and I'd say the same about Wii U too if they called it quits here. But I don't get what happened with Wii.


Junior Member
I'm not really sure what exactly Nintendo announced at E3 2014 to imply significant ongoing support into 2016 and beyond.

When Nintendo created the Wii U they were planning to support it through 2016. Iwata said this year that they plan on giving it support and that their priority before releasing a new console is making sure existing owners are satisfied with their purchase. A full slate of titles has been announced for 2015 and this is in the first half of 2014. It's obvious that 2016 titles will be announced next year or some perhaps later this year.

Not supporting it through 2016 would be the anomoly. That would be the change of plans. Is there any actual evidence at all that that has happened?


curious, what is your definition of perception?

Yes you are right you perceive them, but I'm pretty sure than everybody understands that 140<<<270. There is no any other cognitive process included in reading the sales data.

Not meant as an offense..I really mean it.....but you have NO idea what you are saying.. Observation and Perception are EVERYTHING in life... data and sales charts included.

Would you mind pointing to where I talked about observation, please? Could you stop bending the language to fit your agenda too?
Again, I really don't see how exactly this E3 has particularly changed that.

They pushed some already announced titles into 2015, and announced some smaller titles for 2014/2015. And there were some vague announcements/demos of things that might be games later.

But I don't really know how that amounts to some sizable swing towards longer term commitment. And a change in general expectations.

Is Zelda Wii U still probably the last big budget project for the platform? Imo, still yes.
Are Nintendo likely to be greenlighting any large scale projects for the platform going forward? Imo, still no.
Is Nintendo completely abandoning their platform? Still no.
Will it get Nintendo games for at least another year or two? Sure.
Is it going to get many other games from other publishers for the remainder of its lifetime? Probably still no.
Is Nintendo really going to wait a full 5-6 year cycle and launch their next platform in ~2018? Imo, still no.

Personally I see a new Nintendo console for 2016 if they are smart and play their cards right.
WiiU sales look nice because it was hittin rock bottom for almost a year. The uptick is nice, but if you compare it to its rivals its still shit. And Once you realize it sold this much on the back of a succesful E3, with its biggest game release yet, in a release schedule that looks like a ghost town, then its vapid, horrible, watery, malaria induced bloody shite.

enough crazy for both camps..


Galileo son...read more...less video games...


why does it just feel like all your recent posts are about you having just stepped out of Philosophy 101 and wanting to share your amazing new wisdom with us as applied to videogames?

All this perception discussion is making me giggle like a school girl, it's so odd to see it applied the way it is being applied here.


extra source of jiggaflops
why does it just feel like all your recent posts are about you having just stepped out of Philosophy 101 and wanting to share your amazing new wisdom with us as applied to videogames?
Next up, how can we even know the NPDs are real?

NPD Sales Results for June 2014, a Solipsist perspective.
Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so....

True, but with E3 (lol exactly what about E3?), Luigi Death Stare (lol) and "treehouse" a streaming mostly dedicated to gamers who follow closely a show like E3....are you telling me you can meassure "perception" on a global scale (or even US scale) for all kind of demogrpahics?

You're reaching straws and being delusional, on your favour "perception" of the system probably improved, more games announced for one system usually does that, but clearly not on the scale you like to think. And this month sales shows just that.
Yes you are right you perceive them, but I'm pretty sure than everybody understands that 140<<<270. There is no any other cognitive process included in reading the sales data.

Would yo mind pointing to where I talked about observation, please? Could you stop bending the language to fit your agenda too?

They go hand in hand dude, ying and ya....you know what forget mien. The Wii U had a good month, the PS4 will dominate the ENTIRE gen....the XBOX 1 well... bless it's soul.


Personally I see a new Nintendo console for 2016 if they are smart and play their cards right.

It's critical they have a strong launch for the next console... I can't see Nintendo possibly having a strong first-party lineup in 2016 considering the development resources that are currently making Wii U games.

2017 at the earliest, IMHO.
True, but with E3 (lol exactly what about E3?), Luigi Death Stare (lol) and "treehouse" a streaming mostly dedicated to gamers who follow closely a show like E3....are you telling me you can meassure "perception" on a global scale (or even US scale) for all kind of demogrpahics?

You're reaching straws and being delusional, on your favour "perception" of the system probably improved, more games announced for one system usually does that, but clearly not on the scale you like to think. And this month sales shows just that.

Dude you read the quote right? EVERYTHING is measurable, maybe not using your standards, but believe me when I say, EVERYTHING is measurable, global or local.

As for being delusional, lol, why some people got to go there? I'm a realist dude.
Dude you read the quote right? EVERYTHING is measurable, maybe not using your standards, but believe me when I say, EVERYTHING is measurable, global or local.

As for being delusional, lol, why some people got to go there? I'm a realist dude.

Dude, you don't have the data to measure it, that's my point.


Again, I really don't see how exactly this E3 has particularly changed that.

They pushed some already announced titles into 2015, and announced some smaller titles for 2014/2015. And there were some vague announcements/demos of things that might be games later.

But I don't really know how that amounts to some sizable swing towards longer term commitment. And a change in general expectations.

Is Zelda Wii U still probably the last big budget project for the platform? Imo, still yes.
Are Nintendo likely to be greenlighting any large scale projects for the platform going forward? Imo, still no.
Is Nintendo completely abandoning their platform? Still no.
Will it get Nintendo games for at least another year or two? Sure.
Is it going to get many other games from other publishers for the remainder of its lifetime? Probably still no.
Is Nintendo really going to wait a full 5-6 year cycle and launch their next platform in ~2018? Imo, still no.
I think there's been a marked shift in conversation at all levels regarding Wii U's cycle. The sentiment both in the press and here among the audience has shifted from the system being discontinued soon to lasting longer woth a stronger Nintendo commitment. The narrative of abandonment was very real before though and there was the expectation we'd see Nintendo treat Wii U more along the lines of how we see Sony now treating Vita.

As to your specific questions, I don't know for sure. I mean, I do think we might see Retro Metroid after Zelda, is that big budget enough? I don't expect Nintendo to hold out to 2018 for their next console, but 2017 doesn't seem unreasonable (with QOL in 2015 and the next handheld in 2016). I don't know if they're greenlighting any more big games at this stage, but that's not to say they haven't already greenlit other big titles already we don't know about. Big games are often greenlit 3-4 years out, in latter 2008 they probably weren't greenlighting any more big budget Wii games either.

I'd also be hesitant to really characterize something like Splatoon as a "small title" given the push Nintendo's putting behind even at this stage. And really even secondary titles like Devil's Third or Mario Maker have pretty sizable potential depending on how they're handled and what exactly they turn out to be. It seems to me like you're really underselling here.

why does it just feel like all your recent posts are about you having just stepped out of Philosophy 101 and wanting to share your amazing new wisdom with us as applied to videogames?

All this perception discussion is making me giggle like a school girl, it's so odd to see it applied the way it is being applied here.

lol. That made me laugh. Seriously though, I read a lot...about everything....video games and related subjects just as well. When you expand your knowledge of ALL stuff you find that certain things overlap in life and I have seen that numerous times in my time with video games.

Seriously though, some people take these discussions way too serious as if they have a personal vested interest in seeing one succeed and the other fail. As a stock holder maybe I can understand but as a regular video game player,,,,god damn....


It's critical they have a strong launch for the next console... I can't see Nintendo possibly having a strong first-party lineup in 2016 considering the development resources that are currently making Wii U games.

2017 at the earliest, IMHO.

Given handheld and console development will be combined, this should significantly help their output.

I mean, if you think about it, they could have the stage set pretty well for 2016. Retro should have a game near release at that point as it would have been nearly three years. Same for 3D Mario. And NSMB. I can see the next Mario Kart in 2017 easily, since they don't have to make a handheld specific game this time.

Wii U development is probably the baseline for their next gen development. I would expect the transition should be an easy one from Nintendo's development perspective.


Aw, Carpe Diem was really cute in this conversation. Like I really wanted to see where this was going to go. Maybe start quoting Epicurus and shit lol

Epicurus: If life is about the pursuit of pleasure, where would Wii U rank in a scale of potential pleasures?


Seriously though, some people take these discussions way too serious as if they have a personal vested interest in seeing one succeed and the other fail. As a stock holder maybe I can understand but as a regular video game player,,,,god damn....

Pot calling the kettle black x10. I rarely engage in these threads but this made me laugh.
Did you guys perceive a banning as well? Just want to make sure.

I looked at E3 data (don't ask me what data about E3), Nintendo last 20 videos and the luigi death stare gif activity at tumblr and I can say that the perception of bannings on the NPD gaf thread raised exactly a 45% percent.

So what's your methodology on measuring perception? We're dieing to know...

Is a shame, we'll never know.


Dude you read the quote right? EVERYTHING is measurable, maybe not using your standards, but believe me when I say, EVERYTHING is measurable, global or local.

As for being delusional, lol, why some people got to go there? I'm a realist dude.

So what's your methodology on measuring perception? We're dieing to know...

Edit: BANNED, well dammit


Aw, Carpe Diem was really cute in this conversation. Like I really wanted to see where this was going to go. Maybe start quoting Epicurus and shit lol

Epicurus: If life is about the pursuit of pleasure, where would Wii U rank in a scale of potential pleasures?

I don't think material things count as pleasure for Epicurus, but I have only studied the death aspect of his arguments so I could be wrong.


I don't think material things count as pleasure for Epicurus, but I have only studied the death aspect of his arguments so I could be wrong.

No, you're right. Pleasure for him would be more defined as a calmness of thought, often found at the bottom of meditation and rationality. At least that's from my cursory reading of his stuff, I'm no philosophy buff.


Soon enough, nobody will remember the year head start. See: any previous generation.

This is true. No one really ever accounts for the 360s head start when claiming ps3 and 360 sales are equal. When the fact that they are equal means that ps3 has sold better since they have both been on the market. XB1 will still beat the Wii U though. The gap in the US will just be too big. Although with the holidays in Japan it might be close for the year.


needs 2 extra inches
About sales it had a good launch and then collapsed totally as Nintendo failed to release games promised in the launch window, while the OS was incomplete to say the least. What I see now is they put their acts together. On top of where they stand now in terms of value prop, their short term perspective is great these holidays with Smash and Amiibos. Bayonetta sold few hundred copies and was heralded as the best action game last gen, its a niche game that will generate some good sales, even if it's no Watch Dogs obviously.

Looking in the mirror of the car is not what I do to feel trends. I'm looking ahead and what I see/feel is good. Hope I won't be wrong, maybe I will. It'll be fun to watch nevertheless.
I notice you keep brining up the OS in many posts addressing the Wii U performance. Do you associate the terrible state the OS was released in with poor sales the general public perception, outside of enthusiast circles? Or the OS improvement with the reverse of that?

The Wii U performance can be attributed to many, many factors (internal and external), but your fixation on and prioritization of the OS is interesting to say the least.
Aw, Carpe Diem was really cute in this conversation. Like I really wanted to see where this was going to go. Maybe start quoting Epicurus and shit lol

Epicurus: If life is about the pursuit of pleasure, where would Wii U rank in a scale of potential pleasures?

"I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know."

- Epicurus
I wonder how much of a baseline increase the WiiU U will see if the MK8 bundle can stay in stock. It is too bad it took Nintendo so long to get things rolling, had the software schedule all been pulled in a year, the landscape would likely look a lot different now and the 1 year head start would have not been squandered.
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