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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Unconfirmed Member
Lol naw.

They won't have a press conference, they'll only have a Nintendo Direct.
They'll call it Wii X, but won't show the console at all.
It'll launch with Zelda U ported over. And some mini-game collection.
It'll be slightly less powerful than Xbox One. And it'll cost about as much too.

Then they'll blame the public for not understanding the product.

I suspect all of this will come true, sadly.
It is happening...again...

People talk about the NX controller like Nintendo has never leaked controllers before. The gamepad may not have had pictures, but we knew exactly what that thing looked like months before reveal.


Neo Member
I don't mind a display on the controller (or a controller on the display?), but I wish Nintendo would put more effort into the hardware instead of focusing too much on the controller.


Nah, still fake. Had me going for a second, though.

Probably because unauthorised comments from official channels regarding speculative information over huge trade secrets doesn't happen.

Yeah, nobody's ever screwed up on twitter, no siree lol.


hopefully this

Who wants to cover the screen with their hands while playing games? It sucks on mobile phones and would especially suck on a real console. Buttons are the reason console games work so well. Fidelity and precision of input is necessary for any kind of skill based gaming.
Nah, still fake. Had me going for a second, though.

Probably because unauthorised comments from official channels regarding speculative information over huge trade secrets doesn't happen.

The only way this would be real is if Nintendo 'leaked' it themselves to gather a consensus on it, and a Treehouse member is doing their job and drawing attention to it. The problem with that idea is that it's incredibly late in the day for NX development-wise, and technology-led multinationals tend not to look to the internet to decide how they're going to spend millions and millions of dollars.

We already know Nintendo's NDAs on NX are incredibly strict, and that they're keen to avoid letting competitors get a head start on their ideas, and neither strategy really complements intentionally leaking pics to Reddit.

It's legit, you are going to be upset in the summer when they show NX and that's the controller.
Well looking at the leaked images, it definitely does not have the technology that 'raises' buttons out of the screen. It's a solid piece of glass, not that thin film looking technology that fills up with air or a gel to form raised buttons at pre-determined places.

Secret Owl

Neo Member
No physical buttons would be baffling and a giant disappointment. If this is true, they have a tremendous uphill battle to sell me on this hardware.
Regarding the apparently multiple/independent sources of the controller leaks from today and last week: do we actually know this for a fact? All I see is one anonymous Reddit throwaway with a white unit and another anonymous Reddit throwaway with a black unit. Nothing about this screams independent confirmation so far.

And the Game Informer guy saying he'd heard from devs that it has no face buttons.

And the Nintendo patent, which it matches pretty well, but not exactly.
Aesthetically, it looks miles better in black compared to the previous leak. But no buttons is still objectively worse than a controller with physical ones, and the shape doesn't look like it would be comfortable.

Games designed around a lack of buttons, like most mobile games, will play fine on this, but traditional console/PC style games (like action games) don't feel right with virtual buttons.
Nah, still fake. Had me going for a second, though.

and that they're keen to avoid letting competitors get a head start on their ideas, and neither strategy really complements intentionally leaking pics to Reddit.

You seem to forget the gasps at E3 when Sony showed how the six-axis had tilt and was compared to the wiimote - most thought it was a blatant rushed ripoff on Sony's part.

I don't think this was a sanctioned leak. I think someone just leaked it. I don't understand why people underestimate the thrill and curiosity one might get from leaking confidential information. Shrug.
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