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[NYT] Trump's Lies

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I had the "Corrections music please!" from Easy Allies running through my head as i skimmed this.

What a douche canoe this guy is...


"If the President does it, it's not illegal."

"If the President says it, it's not a lie."

The fact that this is very nearly the official policy of both government Republicans and citizens that identify as Republicans says a lot about the political party. May as well just change their name to the Fascist Party and be done with it.


The fact that this is very nearly the official policy of both government Republicans and citizens that identify as Republicans says a lot about the political party. May as well just change their name to the Fascist Party and be done with it.



Lying so frequently that lies become the norm and are accepted by the public is such a bizarre strategy. Even more bizarre and disturbing that it worked.
Trump supporters are like flat earthers.

Have you seen his recent rally? He basically did a 180 on his policies and people still cheer him on. A goldman sachs dude, some other wall street dude in his cabinet, everybody cheers. Mexico will pay less for the wall everybody cheers.

If he kills their children in front of them and they will still cheer.

This is how much they hate minorities. They'd rather see their kids die I guess then to give us equal footing. Can't believe this shit in 2017 lol.
I was talking with someone who would ultimately vote for Trump. They were concerned with Hillary's emails and the fact that she was a liar. I reminded them that Trump was advocating some dangerous policies. They responding by telling me that Trump did not actually mean those things he said.

I checked out.


I was talking with someone who would ultimately vote for Trump. They were concerned with Hillary's emails and the fact that she was a liar. I reminded them that Trump was advocating some dangerous policies. They responding by telling me that Trump did not actually mean those things he said.

I checked out.

That's the thing with a lot of Republicans, they know that a lot of what their party supports is horrible, but it's often so horrible that they refuse to believe it's true. I imagine that was the case with a lot of Soviet Communists or German Nazis at the lower levels. You heard rumors of what was going on, but they sounded so outrageous as to be impossible, so you ignored them.

"No exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother? Pfft, they can't possibly mean that."
I can appreciate the effort here, but to be fair there needs to be a distinction made between knowingly and willfully telling falsehoods/speaking from ignorance and just being incompetent, otherwise you're just diluting your point. The former is much harder to prove.


This is how much they hate minorities. They'd rather see their kids die I guess then to give us equal footing. Can't believe this shit in 2017 lol.

It's not just that, you also have to factor in the fact that a lot of Republicans have been brainwashed by the Right Wing Propaganda Machine (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) These people will believe anything that they are told, as long as it comes from the GOP.
I think the most alarming part about America to me, as an outsider in another country is watching how actively people prefer the lies to the truth. It would be one thing if people were being fooled because they had no access to better information, but people are deliberately ignoring good sources of information and actively building a world perception based on lies they wish to believe.

Even in George Orwell's 1984, there was an implication that people would prefer the truth if they were offered it as an alternative, but in the real world, a lot Americans have willfully turned their backs to it, even though they can access it anytime they feel like.

That's probably more frightening to me than anything else. The truth is out there, they just don't want it.

the truth is messy and complex and contains few platitudes

lies are pure and direct and simple and beautiful


It's not just that, you also have to factor in the fact that a lot of Republicans have been brainwashed by the Right Wing Propaganda Machine (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) These people will believe anything that they are told, as long as it comes from the GOP.

Yep. I really wish high schools (or even lower grade levels) would beat into their student's minds on how to conduct effective research and to better their understanding on what is and what is not credible in terms of news, science, ect. And also to realise that we all have biases and that we may be trying to confirm those biases by only selectively absorbing information that support our (and many times unconscious) prejudice for one viewpoint over a different one. I didn't really understand this or was taught this in good detail until fucking community college lol. If I didn't at least understand this basic concept I'd probably be the kind of guy who is skeptical to a fault or I just would probably believe whatever made me happy.


Awesome. I meant to start a thread about this to try and collect all his lies. Glad someone else did it.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This would be very useful when engaging with any Trump supporters.

lol, it would if trump supporters were rational minded people. Trump said it himself, he could literally shoot someone and not lose voters.

Although I'm looking forward to Colbert's monologue based on this.
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