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Obama Will Seek to Raise Taxes on Wealthy to Finance Cuts for Middle Class

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The Republicans are all about those tax cuts. Lets see if they don't backflip on that long held stance now
They will propose, maybe pass, a bill with tax cuts at every level, forcing Obama to oppose/veto a bill that would provide tax cuts to the middle class.


King Obama

So, is there a reason why Barack Obama has been given the distinction of being called "King Obama"? I'm not sure if that is supposed to be an insult.

I thought the same thing...


EDIT, thread title changed


I'm an Obama supporter, but this is like me announcing that I'm seeking a blowjob from Scarlet Johansson right after she got married.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Funny how Big O waited until the Republicans had control of congress before trying to do this.

He is attempting to use the situation to create a contrast. It's good politics, and it's not changing anything the democrat party currently stand for.


Trucker Sexologist
Stop cutting taxes ffs. That includes the middle class- we already know how to survive with what we have

Middle class tax cud are never anything but an excuse for other tax cuts. If rather the money just be spent directly. $1000 or whatever this might get me would be amazing, but not as amazing as functioning infrastructure or healthcare

I hope this deadend shit isn't the focus of his SOTU
The tax system is structured in such a way that the income that you need to survive as a human being is taxed disproportionately high (income taxes stacked on sales taxes). The marginal utility of the money in the higher tax brackets is smaller because you already have your basic needs taken care of (food, shelter, childcare, etc) with plenty left over. As a result, the wealthy typically end up investing that money rather than spending it.


Losing $5k with a $35k income is going to hurt more than losing $120k when you're making $420k. They're taking the ramen right out of people's mouths. If the idea is to stimulate the economy through an increase in consumer spending then that money needs to go to the middle class. But the real boot on the throat of middle class America is student debt.


So there's zero chance of this happening?

What about the other stuff like paid sick days and free community college? Are they actively working on that or just mentioning things that should get done?
Wait, how can it be good for the economy but bad for the country? Or do you believe the rich will not invest as much now?

if i had to wager a guess: they're "good for the economy" in that they provide a decent amount of stimulus to GDP in the short run, but bad for the country in that they severely kneecap what the government can actually do (short of the politically-unpalatable option of reversing the cuts) in the long run
Funny how Big O waited until the Republicans had control of congress before trying to do this.
Pretty much all of his state of the union's have had similar or the same ideas. It was always about taxing the rich and giving tax cuts to the middle class. The media-gasm every single time is weird. This is standard non-republican stuff.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
So there's zero chance of this happening?

What about the other stuff like paid sick days and free community college? Are they actively working on that or just mentioning things that should get done?

None of these will pass in what the House or Senate are comprised of, what Obama is doing is setting it up for a "What If" for the next election, smart move really

Hey get my Democrats in the House + Senate and a Demo pres be it Hilary or whomever, all those promises and dreams that I mentioned during my lame duck 2 years might come to fruition

He's advertising the Democrats for 2016, I mean if the House/Senate don't pass shit till then, all the incumbents will have to get ready cause the people who will try to fight against them will come loaded with some heavy ammo to win their seats (unless it's a gerrymandered district/area, then it's fucked irregardless)


Ugh. Daycare is not the option this country should move toward. Let people be with their children.

Yes because interaction with other children does not benefit them greatly through social interaction and learning.

Best we create a generation of socially anxious teat suckers instead.
Yrah, but at least his party controlled the Senate then. Now its even worse.

The dude strong armed democrats into compromising with the republicans during the first term. He doesn't like his own party lol now he wants to run his lips to gain popular support. If he really wanted to implement these changes he should have done so during the first term.

John Dunbar

correct about everything

Losing $5k with a $35k income is going to hurt more than losing $120k when you're making $420k. They're taking the ramen right out of people's mouths. If the idea is to stimulate the economy through an increase in consumer spending then that money needs to go to the middle class. But the real boot on the throat of middle class America is student debt.

what's the point in having that 35% step? less than 2k increase until leveling up seems like a pointless hassle at those income levels.
The dude strong armed democrats into compromising with the republicans during the first term. He doesn't like his own party lol now he wants to run his lips to gain popular support. If he really wanted to implement these changes he should have done so during the first term.

Okay but im not sure what this has to do with my comments.
It's funny how politicians always say the right things when elections are on the horizon...

I have learnt to ignore all these premises they spout, it's always just bullshit to trick another four years out of the lower classes while inputting changes to suit the upper classes.


But the real boot on the throat of middle class America is student debt.

You aint kidding. Student debt is the ONLY debt I have...I have 63% income to debt ratio just on student debt. The switch from Sallie Mae to Navient has been nothing but a bullshit runaround since it happened too. They just outright tossed the plan I had setup and keep giving me the runaround as to why they haven't processed the paperwork to put it back to how I setup the thing to begin with before they changed it without permission.

I'll be damned if I can affored $1300 a month like Navient set me up for. That is NOT what I setup and I did not approve this change. Process my fucking paperwork already.
quack quack
It's funny to hear this lame duck President and all his proposals when they mean absolutely nothing. I guess it keeps that left base fired up.....for now. But he's got to keep up the charade for 2 years. Yall on board for a 2 year trip on the lame duck train? choo choo


This is semantics, and nothing more
How about we just close all the loopholes

Is the trust fund loophole able to be addressed through executive action?

Clearly he needs congress to do things like up the capital gains tax, but it seems like loophole fixing might be within his power.

According to Wonkblog, the "Trust Fund Loophole" refers to stepped-up basis. That's not so much a loophole as it is an intentional provision of the Internal Revenue Code. "Loophole," in this case, is being used exclusively for its negative connotation--as is "Trust Fund," for that matter. The provision benefits anyone who receives property from a decedent.


He's not getting rid of anything. "Calling on congress" to raise taxes on the rich while the Republicans are in power couldn't be more ineffective. It's probably more about branding Democrats as defenders of the populist left.

Pretty much this. I can't believe I am agreeing with Terrene, but if Obama were serious about any of this it would have come to the table BEFORE republicans controlled everything. The only reason he's dropping all these bombs left and right is to make life tougher for Congress in the next few years.


The dude strong armed democrats into compromising with the republicans during the first term. He doesn't like his own party lol now he wants to run his lips to gain popular support. If he really wanted to implement these changes he should have done so during the first term.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Please show examples of where he strong armed democrats to compromise? And fighting for Obamacare took all the political capital that was available just to get it passed. Obviously people don't even remember the first 4 years of Obama presidency.
Obama should mention Reagan did the exact thing he is proposing by raising the tax.

SHHHHHH .... don't speak of his excellency in such ways.

Seriously though. This will be sold to people hurting the job creators and people will just gloss over and lap it up.

Pretty much this. I can't believe I am agreeing with Terrene, but if Obama were serious about any of this it would have come to the table BEFORE republicans controlled everything. The only reason he's dropping all these bombs left and right is to make life tougher for Congress in the next few years.

I think it puts pressure on the GOP to actually do something over the next two years. They own it. Let see what policy they enact that isn't garbage insta-veto repeals of the ACA or attacks to abortion rights.

And it's not genuine to say he hasn't pushed for higher taxes on the 250K+ earners prior to the GOP control of everything. Like revisionist.


The Autumn Wind
It's funny how politicians always say the right things when elections are on the horizon...

I have learnt to ignore all these premises they spout, it's always just bullshit to trick another four years out of the lower classes while inputting changes to suit the upper classes.
None of this applies to this proposal. Like, at all. Are we even reading the same thread?


How do people still not realize that this is being done to make the GOP look worse when election time comes? Of course he knows it's not going to pass. Hillary gets to get on stage and say 'look at everything Repubs are doing to hold you back, voter!' Cue applause, grab votes, continue news cycle.


How do people still not realize that this is being done to make the GOP look worse when election time comes? Of course he knows it's not going to pass. Hillary gets to get on stage and say 'look at everything Repubs are doing to hold you back, voter!' Cue applause, grab votes, continue news cycle.

Pretty much, he is setting up the agenda for the next Democratic nominee to take up.


How do people still not realize that this is being done to make the GOP look worse when election time comes? Of course he knows it's not going to pass. Hillary gets to get on stage and say 'look at everything Repubs are doing to hold you back, voter!' Cue applause, grab votes, continue news cycle.

Kinda like Romney now saying he's all about the middle class. It was only two years ago where Romney was promising revenue neutral tax cuts for the rich. ie tax increases for everyone but the rich.
Why does the Obama seek to do that? It's a nonstarter for many in elite circles and the government is not a household or a firm. So why would you propose a cut of $175B and a tax increase/fee of $320B? He could look at regressive taxes at the federal level and look at suspending, reducing, or abolishing them. If he'd like to start a political fight on another occasion, then he could tackle white collar/executive compensation for inequality or announce that the DoJ is seeking to secure convictions of senior banking officials to uphold the rule of law. He helps the middle class and causes all out war on the political front. Could be a nice way to end his legacy.
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