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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group

Holy shit, guys.

The number of times I saw people shit talking about Nikki's twitter in here on top of people posting about her on Gizmodo that she has deleted her twitter account due to the harassment she's seen.

People tweeting at her that she's a hateful fucker and to fucking kill herself.

Seriously, guys? This is what you want to do? You bitch and moan and whine about inciting harassment on women in gaming, and you take part in this kind of shit on her?

I get what you're really all about, now. You only want women who think the same way you do to feel safe. Fuck the women who don't. Is that seriously progressive? And don't give me the 'it's third party trolls' because it's clear to me that no one accepts that in either direction of these stupid arguments.

Really. You want to talk about harassment of women in games? Look at the times people on here have threatened me for not following groupthink. Look at what happened to her. Instead of spending all your time bitching and whining about Trump (who I detest by the way- so don't throw your stupid 'trump supporter' excuses at me), maybe people here should take a moment- a good long fucking moment- to look in the mirror before they start judging other people.

Unless you know for certain that anybody in this thread is participating in that behavior you can take your bullshit pity party someplace else. She doesn't deserve death threats but calling her out on her bigoted tweets and beliefs is 100% fair game.


Wow, multiple good posts here. A comparative features list for multiple virtual reality products and a caustic expose on the true intentions of the radical feminist left. Are there any other posters sitting on something amazing?

Sou Da

This story sounds like a load of nonsense to me. How come one minute the alleged Palmer Luckey posts on that Reddit thingy that he won't reveal who he is because it would be bad for his business and the next minute he tells a tabloid paper that it's him..?

I call shenanigans on this.

And even if this is true it won't affect my decision to buy a Rift in November. It has more advantages compared to getting a Vive after the Touch controllers have released:


  • Headset is lighter and more comfortable.
  • Headphones included.
  • Slightly less SDE.
  • ATW
  • More developer support (although the Vive has started to catch up now tbf).
  • Having the Touch controllers sold separately allows me to spread the cost across two payments.
  • The Rift plus Touch controllers is 20 quid cheaper than the Vive.
  • The Touch controllers, according to reports at least, feel more like an extension of the hands.
  • The Touch controllers have finger tracking.


  • Slightly bigger FOV
  • Less noticable god rays.
  • Motion controllers included.

And once the Touch controllers have released that third advantage for the Vive will no longer be in that list.

So even if Palmer Luckey releases an official statement that this is entirely true and isn't a load of old bollocks, grows a Hitler-style moustache and starts wearing black shirts and jack boots instead of those Hawaiianshirts and flip-flops I'm still getting a Rift because it's going to give me the best VR experience.

But I don't think he'll say anything of the sort. Even if those two conflicting things that I mentioned at the beginning of the post weren't enough to convince me that Palmer Luckey has nothing to do with this then I should also point out that the posting style also doesn't seem like his his either.
Are you trying to sell rifts in here or something?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I think that going after the dude's girlfriend is a bit gross.


Of course. But those same people may not want Clinton to win, because they don't agree with the Democratic platform. And for some, they may prefer to hold their nose while voting for Trump over allowing Clinton to win -- because the political direction of the next 4-8 years is more important to them than some of the things Trump has said/done.

Again, it's incredibly reductionist and doesn't serve discourse to simply say Trump's only "only platform is racism". That's just sillyness. I don't like the man, and I don't agree with most of his positions, but 'racism' is not his only platform. That's like saying the only thing Hillary has on her resume is Benghazi, it's simply untrue.

I hope neither of them win. Unfortunately, that isn't a viable option.

And I'm asking you to make a case of Trump winning the bid on the grounds of anything other than his racist rhetoric.

If you elect Trump...you're ok with racism and are willing to allow a racist in office. There is no getting around that. You cannot separate it.

He has a history of racism and his campaign continues it. Please...show where it it isn't true.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Holy shit, guys.

The number of times I saw people shit talking about Nikki's twitter in here on top of people posting about her on Gizmodo that she has deleted her twitter account due to the harassment she's seen.

People tweeting at her that she's a hateful fucker and to fucking kill herself.

Seriously, guys? This is what you want to do? You bitch and moan and whine about inciting harassment on women in gaming, and you take part in this kind of shit on her?

I get what you're really all about, now. You only want women who think the same way you do to feel safe. Fuck the women who don't. Is that seriously progressive? And don't give me the 'it's third party trolls' because it's clear to me that no one accepts that in either direction of these stupid arguments.

Really. You want to talk about harassment of women in games? Look at the times people on here have threatened me for not following groupthink. Look at what happened to her. Instead of spending all your time bitching and whining about Trump (who I detest by the way- so don't throw your stupid 'trump supporter' excuses at me), maybe people here should take a moment- a good long fucking moment- to look in the mirror before they start judging other people.
Anyone harassing her, sending death threats, or telling her to kill herself, is not my friend. I hated that stuff in Gamergate, and I hate it here too.

By all means, debate her, shame her, etc.


I think that going after the dude's girlfriend is a bit gross.



Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
I'm still going to support the Rift because I think it's the superior hardware vs the Vive (which I also have) and because they aren't a 1 person company.

Having said that, they need to get rid of this racist man-child Luckey. I appreciate his contribution to current VR but he is just doing more harm than good right now.


This story sounds like a load of nonsense to me. How come one minute the alleged Palmer Luckey posts on that Reddit thingy that he won't reveal who he is because it would be bad for his business and the next minute he tells a tabloid paper that it's him..?

You know I'd respect "I'm buying a rift because I don't care that he supports the alt right" more than this head in the sand crap.


Gold Member
I think that going after the dude's girlfriend is a bit gross.
No one is going after his girlfriend. She's a white supremacist shithead, but no one is going after her. She deleted her account because the pot that Luckey jumped into is heating up. Likely Luckey got called by Oculus/FB and he told her to delete it. They're cowards, so she did.
I think that going after the dude's girlfriend is a bit gross.
It's unequivocally gross to harass her as no one deserves that obviously.
I don't think it's gross to point out in a discussion about her boyfriend's politics that she's a crazy Gamergate type who spouts hateful shit.


Holy shit, guys.

The number of times I saw people shit talking about Nikki's twitter in here on top of people posting about her on Gizmodo that she has deleted her twitter account due to the harassment she's seen.

People tweeting at her that she's a hateful fucker and to fucking kill herself.

Seriously, guys? This is what you want to do? You bitch and moan and whine about inciting harassment on women in gaming, and you take part in this kind of shit on her?

I get what you're really all about, now. You only want women who think the same way you do to feel safe. Fuck the women who don't. Is that seriously progressive? And don't give me the 'it's third party trolls' because it's clear to me that no one accepts that in either direction of these stupid arguments.

Really. You want to talk about harassment of women in games? Look at the times people on here have threatened me for not following groupthink. Look at what happened to her. Instead of spending all your time bitching and whining about Trump (who I detest by the way- so don't throw your stupid 'trump supporter' excuses at me), maybe people here should take a moment- a good long fucking moment- to look in the mirror before they start judging other people.

No one has been harassing her here. Talking down about her for support for trump and her incredibly racist posts about black people and muslims, yeah, that's about it.

Most of the conversation has been about Luckey and his support of racist people and white supremacy like Nimble America who he helps fund.


Neo Member
Well, this seems to be some creepy bullshit. Man, the past year has felt like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but instead of alien invaders posing as people, there are secret Nazis popping up everywhere you look. What the hell's going on?

The issue is the Civil Rights movement and various human rights movements, as important and necessary as they were, didn't make racism disappear, or sexism or homophobia. It might make some people more comfortable to think those vile mindsets disappeared but they just went below the surface.

We need civil rights movements but we needed open discussion of society's issues in the aftermath and during and people weren't willing to have those conversations. Difficult conversations but necessary ones. Conversations that helps confront privilege and insidious forms of hate. Conversations that our society needs.

Those mentalities moved below the surface because people saw it wasn't socially acceptable to think those ways anymore. Except now there has been a shift.
People are confronting privilege, people are trying to shine some light on those insidious systems of discrimination and the social climate has changed to the point where the people who think this way are more comfortable being open about. The advent of social media and social learning via the internet played a huge part as well.

The modern era of digital and online spaces has also given rise to a collective awareness and held up a sort of mirror to society, which is what spurred these discussions which in turn spurred the racists and sexists and homophobes, etc from rising out of the dark recesses they abided in for so long.

In short, these people were always here, they went below the surface along time ago with their stone age thinking and now that we are shining light on those dark spaces they are crawling out of the woodwork


Yeah please don't fall for the bullshit that his girlfriend deleted her twitter because of harassment. It was because she couldn't delete her racist tweets fast enough. I'm sure they'll try and deflect to harassment though.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The dude's girlfriend and the way he responds to her tweets though is proof of what a scumbag he is for people who think he's "just a trump supporter" (???).

i already had her blocked on twitter because she was a prominent gamergater.

Nobody here is "going after her", they are commenting on posts and opinions that she has made very public. That's perfectly fair.

Who is going after her here?

I didnt meant GAF, i meant the folks that made the death treaths that made her close the account.
Probably sparked by the Gizmodo article.

But yeah i should stay on KOF and SF threads since my english not up to par for these kinds of discussions :3
I didnt meant GAF, i meant the folks that made the death treaths that made her close the account.
Probably sparked by the Gizmodo article.

But yeah i should stay on KOF and SF threads since my english not up to par for these kinds of discussions :3
Oh yeah, anyone doing that is gross 😁


Gold Member
I didnt meant GAF, i meant the folks that made the death treaths that made her close the account.
Probably sparked by the Gizmodo article.

But yeah i should stay on KOF and SF threads since my english not up to par for these kinds of discussions :3
What death threats? Where? Show us. I don't believe she closed the account due to threats for a second.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Was there even any screencaps/evidence of 'death threats' and the like, from this specific incident, before her entire twitter account was deleted?

Obv. death threats and the like are horrible in any circumstance, shouldn't have to be said, but in the context of this thread, haven't seen anything of the sort.


Of course. But those same people may not want Clinton to win, because they don't agree with the Democratic platform. And for some, they may prefer to hold their nose while voting for Trump over allowing Clinton to win -- because the political direction of the next 4-8 years is more important to them than some of the things Trump has said/done.

Again, it's incredibly reductionist and doesn't serve discourse to simply say Trump's only "only platform is racism". That's just sillyness. I don't like the man, and I don't agree with most of his positions, but 'racism' is not his only platform. That's like saying the only thing Hillary has on her resume is Benghazi, it's simply untrue.

I hope neither of them win. Unfortunately, that isn't a viable option.

What is trumps platform? I have no clue where he stands on anything other than building a wall and letting Pence take care foreign and domestic policy.


I didnt meant GAF, i meant the folks that made the death treaths that made her close the account.
Probably sparked by the Gizmodo article.

But yeah i should stay on KOF and SF threads since my english not up to par for these kinds of discussions :3

She closed her account for damage control.
trump also wants to cut taxes for the rich and dissolve the EPA. so he's also a classist who hates the environment.

i honestly can't think of a single trump position that isn't deplorable. the best thing you can say about him is he's not the absolute worst on some issues.


Was there even any screencaps/evidence of 'death threats' and the like, from this specific incident, before her entire twitter account was deleted?

Obv. death threats and the like are horrible in any circumstance, shouldn't have to be said, but in the context of this thread, haven't seen anything of the sort.

No clue. She was deleting posts like mad then in a blink of an eye her account was gone.


There is definitely a line, but generally verbally attacking someone for being a racist seems fine. Death threats and gross stuff isn't called for, but say, "Fuck you, racist asshole" or something similar isn't really "going after" someone who uses a public forum to say terrible things.
Even if the account was deleted due to threats what did she expect? You can't post crap like that without some kind of backlash when you're exposed, it just shows how cowardly she is to back away from the situation in this fashion.


I legitimately starting to think some of these crazy posts being dropped in here out of nowhere are part of Luckey's racist meme movement.


Gold Member
If you can find a tweet or post showing any harassment beyond, "you are a giant racist," then fine, that's not good. But right now, I'm 99% sure her account deletion was purely legal protection/damage control.


I legitimately starting to think some of these crazy posts being dropped in here out of nowhere are part of Luckey's racist meme movement.

Don't go down that road, it will only lead to bad things and a ban. Even tho astroturfing is very real and does happen here sometimes, we don't need those conspiracy theories running about


Even if the account was deleted due to threats what did she expect? You can't post crap like that without some kind of backlash when you're exposed, it just shows how cowardly she is to back away from the situation in this fashion.

So if she was indeed threatened, you think she deserved it?
My heart aches for her.

Deleting your account because there's too much racist shit to clean up != Deleting your account due to harassment.

What death threats? Where? Show us. I don't believe she closed the account due to threats for a second.

Honestly, guys, and I know I'm gonna sound like a tone policing asshole, it's entirely unnecessary to the point to doubt there have been death threats, so I don't get where this dismissal is coming from.

To put it differently, I'm not very comfortable with doubting or denying these, as downplaying online harassment is bad and helps propagate it, no matter who is on its receiving end. That doesn't change anything about how abhorrent her views are.

(I haven't checked her twitter, I'm just saying the existence of these threats is irrelevant to the rest and a great way to get side tracked, if not outright defend terrible reactions)


I legitimately starting to think some of these crazy posts being dropped in here out of nowhere are part of Luckey's racist meme movement.
I mean you can't spend $10,000 on a shitposting organization and not expect there to be hired shills shitposting

You know, the thing they accuse democrats of doing


If you can find a tweet or post showing any harassment beyond, "you are a giant racist," then fine, that's not good. But right now, I'm 99% sure her account deletion was purely legal protection/damage control.

The world has gone so crazy and politically correct that simply saying racist things will make the loons on the left call you a racist. Sad.

I'm referencing the people who got banned after their crazy posts. They follow zero logic. It's just hard to wrap my head around.

One of those posters still have a link to her site in her profile, if you're curious. I know I was.
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