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Odin Sphere Leifdrasir announced - PS4/PS3/Vita, HD remaster w/ new shit, Jan 14 2016


Awesome news. Even with the very repetitive gameplay Odin Sphere ranks very highly as one of my favorite game narratives of all time and is ultimately worth the slog for me.


From the trailer it looks like they're addressing all the main issues from the old game, inventory management looks improved, characters have new moves and a skill grid, loads of new environments and enemies.

At a first glance combat seems less mechanical, but will have to try it to say for sure obviously. Would be really weird for them to make a step backwards from Muramasa & Dragon's Crown.

Looking forward hearing some new music tracks. I'll be throwing money at any gadget they'll come up with.



oh sry, i thought this was the reveal they were talking about.

anyway for everyone who hasnt played the original, the game is massive. it took me 65h hours to simply beat the game with every character including getting the good ending.

one of the best games i have ever played. oh and i imported a US ps2 only for this game back then (after beating the game they announced it for europe with enhancements, like better loading times and i think small gameplay balances)

I can finally beat the witch without be handicapped by the damn console? I'm in, for the right price.

what do you mean by handicapped by the damn console?


I never got round to playing this when it first came out, so my wallet is ready for a new and improved version for my PS4.


I was wondering if OS would ever appear on Vita, it's nice to see it not only is, but it'll be a HD update. It's a repetitive but meaty game with all the different characters and paths, good for quick spurts of game play. Great news!


Meh, I was hoping the new Vanillaware game they teased recently would be something new and not just a remaster.

It's still cool I guess, in HD and with no Slowdown it will look fantastic. But I don't remember loving the game, it was Ok but got kinda repetitive


I'm surprised, it looks like they changed a lot. My first reaction was that HD remaster will make the visuals look really nice, but I didn't expect so many additions and possible changes. Will be keeping an eye on it.

I wonder if they're going to adjust the story too. One thing that could help is just making all characters playable from the start, but they would still have to cut down on the bloat a bit.

I actually liked the inventory juggling. Still, won't be mad if they changed it.


Oh yes! I never actually finished all the story of Odin Sphere. I've been thinking of digging out my PS2 for a while now, but it looks like I can just wait.
Nippon Ichi should really think about doing a HD version of Grim Grimoire for Steam. Charge $19.99, offer dual language, KB+M controls. Would probably sell enough to make the port worthwhile.

I don't know, the PC market is oversaturated with RTS games, and VanillaWare is pretty much unknown outside consoles. At 20€ I'm not sure it would sell like hotcakes.

First character (the Valkyrie) is amazing. You discover the game is great and beautiful.

Then you play the prince turned rabbit. It's harder because he's smaller.

Then the fairy and there is where I gave up. You have to play distance, to farm a lot, and you already been through all these levels and bosses twice.

After that you can play Velvet and Oswald that look like the best characters but seriously what is the point ?

The point is the story, which is pretty good in the way it intertwines with itself. Particularly Oswald's with Gwendolyn's.

You know what, I will buy it if we can choose with who we start and what order we play characters.

Doubtful, because of the above. Oswald's story reveals facts about Gwendolyn's that are meant to be learned after the fact.


I wasn't crazy about this game back on PS2, probably wouldn't be able to get into this port.

I'd really like to see these guys make a good traditional beat-em-up some day, their games are so pretty.


Man. This is easily one of my favorite games, but definitely high on the list of things I don't really wanna play again. But, I tend to not replay 80 hour epic adventures anyways. Very cool to see it getting a remaster though.


I appreciate the use of "new shit" in the title OP. No sarcasm.

Was just thinking of buying this along with Valkyrie Profile ever since the Indivisible game got announced. Might as well get the remaster. But PS4 or Vita...

Obligatory DAT OLED.


First character (the Valkyrie) is amazing. You discover the game is great and beautiful.

Then you play the prince turned rabbit. It's harder because he's smaller.

Then the fairy and there is where I gave up. You have to play distance, to farm a lot, and you already been through all these levels and bosses twice.

After that you can play Velvet and Oswald that look like the best characters but seriously what is the point ?
Honestly, the fairy, Mercedes, I always thought was the most broken character. Oswald had a really shit special ability so he was gimped, and Velvet is weak as hell.

I think the game difficulty made sense in that the characters are technically the difficulty level (playing Oswald and Velvet are harder than playing Gwendolyn and Cornelius), but at the same time it was kind of repetitive.
I wasn't crazy about this game back on PS2, probably wouldn't be able to get into this port.

I'd really like to see these guys make a good traditional beat-em-up some day, their games are so pretty.

They made a pretty amazing one in dragon's crown. I guess it's not traditional stage-by-stage progression because it's part ARPG, but it's 90% beat em up.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
This game was really repetitive and boring, the cooking was really tedious, and it was filled with slowdown. I imagine it'll be really good on PS4 and MAAAAYBE PS3 technically though...

This was my impression just playing a few hours of the ps2 game. Gorgeous looking, but the combat struggled with awkward targeting and reaction timing with constant slowdown. inventory management needed constant attention, as did cooking, gardening, and other less engaging ancillary activities needed to survive and level up.

Loved the concept though(multi perspective plot) and will try again with this remake.


Yes...I am happy now.

Platinumed all of dragons crown, and Muramasa and all of it's DLC.

Give me more Vanillaware. GIVE ME MORE!.


Guessing he means the AWFUL slowdown in the PS2 (US only, I think?) version against certain bosses. Thankfully, I'm sure this won't be an issue now.

i think this made the game more awesome.

i love slowdowns during heavy bossfights or in busy scenes. it seems like to show me that the game massively makes use of the hardware.


I never played the original despite being interested. This is not a day one purchase but I will buy it at one point.
The cooking elements really put me off of the PS 2 version. If they improved on it or removed it for this release I'm going to be very happy.

Hoping for a same day English release. If not, I'll import.
Will buy whatever big stupid overpriced and full of garbage CE they release

I'll probably get both the ps4 and vita copies if that gets localized. I've got DC and Murumasa on Vita so might as well keep going.

I wish that DC would get a ps4 port, though. I'd love to play it on a console I actually own again


Despite the flaws I really enjoyed Odin Sphere. With a few changes and tweaks it really could be a very good game (if still repetitive). You already have fun combat, beautiful graphics and music and a fairly cool story.

As with most Vanillaware games the presentation is the best part but in this case there are some unique underlying systems (I like using seeds to grow trees and plants which produce fruit which you then use) to back it up. It is a deeper game than Dragon's Crown and for that reason alone I rank it a little bit higher on my list.

I look forward to this and will be all over a PS4 copy.


Hmm. As someone who has been interested in Odin Sphere for awhile, I'm curious what combat changes people are seeing. Is it really that drastic, or mainly new moves? Based on the "looks like Muramasa" comments, kinda getting the impression they changed the entire feel of the gameplay. What seems so different?
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