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Odyssey is by far the worst Assassin's Creed and one of the worst games I ever played

Do you think AC Odyssey is a good game/good AC?

  • It's a good videogame but not a good AC.

    Votes: 125 23.9%
  • It's a good videogame and a real AC.

    Votes: 174 33.3%
  • It sucks.

    Votes: 223 42.7%

  • Total voters


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
well if you like the lore then

there will be stuff about the first hidden blade, a connection between odyssey and other games, thus it is "more AC" than the base game. and the second dlc is heavy on Isu stuff. Like very heavy. And there is a hint about Eve.

Better writing (if you like the mythology) and a game world that actually looks hand crafted. Felt to me like the DLC was made from the people that created Origins.

Odyssey was made by Ubi Quebec (who now make Immortals Fenyx rising) and the DLC was handled by a small studio, i think it was Ubisoft Sofia (don´t quote me on that might be another as well, i only remember it being from a different and smaller ubisoft studio). Whereas Ubisoft Montreal made Origins and is now in charge of valhalla.


I dunno, it helped me get through crippling lockdown isolation. Just spending time watching the waves lap in an out and pretending I was on one of those sun soaked beaches.

150 odd hours. I could take or leave the present day Atlantis subplot though.
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Blasted through Origins, loved it and the story/lore.
On the strength of it, picked up Odyssey with the DLC and just barely got into it. Just really struggled with the story, did feel really all over the place and ramshackle in places. On top of that the combat just hasn't clicked for me.
I am a sucker for the AC games, so Valhalla will be picked up, but only when it's massively discounted with the DLC.
The series is starting to feel like the other big franchises where you can skip every other release.
Glad some people like it though.
Unity was the last great more "focused" AC.

I really enjoyed Origins, but it could have been named something else and I'd probably enjoy it the same or more. Odyssey is just too far away from where I like my AC. Origins was already pushing it as it is. And I rather enjoyed a bow playthrough of Origins, it never felt like an AC game like Unity does. They've gutted parkour in the last 3 releases. It's a shame as it's the absolute best thing about Unity is it's parkour and the level of you control you have over your assassin.
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I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it more than Origins, it had quite a few improvements and the story and scale of the story was much more impressive. Overall, it just had a more believable and enjoyable tone to it.

What I didn't enjoy is the general fluidity of movement and gameplay. Comparing such a game to a God of War is really like a more than generational leap in enjoy ability of battle.


Odyssey is one of the most divisive games of the franchise. I like it as a game, but not as a AC.

And even as a game, it has some flaws can be bothersome: lots of question marks on the map, little to no cinematics, dialogue is bad, main quest is divided in a way that does little to motivate the player to go further after the "Family" storyline.


Gold Member
It's an RPG that borrows (AKA steals) heavily from The Witcher 3, so if you've played that game both Origins and Odyessy are the same thing in regards to higher level areas.
Played them all. Odyssey was worse on this. By far. Side quests were mandatory. Not so in Witcher and origins. Or if so, just a few. Odyssey was slog.


Gold Member
I hated this game at first, it was so painfully boring. Put it down for almost a year and eventually went back and it grew on me and I enjoyed it well enough. It's a decent game, terrible Assassin's Creed game.

Origins shits on it from just about every aspect, it's no where near as good as the best games in the series imo, but I wouldn't say it sucks. It just takes time to get into the flow of things and if you level up correctly, you can assassinate whole forts and even a lot of mercenaries. I played the game 75% stealth, not so much at first since it took a while to level up enough to get the skills needed.
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This just happened:
A Life's Dedication quest where you have to escort a guy to an oracle cave
I saved the guy from wolves but soldiers joined and of course accidentally I swinged at one of them during the fight with the wolves. Soldiers started to come and also random people attacking me while I just ran with the guy to the cave as I don't want to waste time fighting. When we arrived into the cave I shit you not 15-20 soldiers and random people were attacking me but the quest didn't continued until I became anonymous so I started to fight them but they were just keep on coming. Of course fucking mercenaries started to teleport too and after 15 minutes of fighting eventually they overwhelmed me with their poison spamming and shit. Fuck this game.
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Play the DLC atlantis, strongest point of odyssey.

Also the story in the base game is kinda bad i agree with that, but combat the game is absolutely fantastic. Also i had no problems 1 shotting enemy's without much issue's. Odyssey combat is probably the best i played in recent games and frankly besides assassin creed open world games there isn't much out there that competes even close towards it.

The game is enjoyable just don't complete it for a 100% ( the base game ) the main meat of the game is end game dlc and when u start to hit 50 where u can make builds work.
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its not that bad ... so large though ... you can be lost there, but so worth money its not somne stupid 4hrs game for $60 its many hrs game at least. i enjoy it , so i wait for next AC that i will buy then and play again many hrs .. until someone else will make similar game better


its not that bad ... so large though ... you can be lost there, but so worth money its not somne stupid 4hrs game for $60 its many hrs game at least. i enjoy it , so i wait for next AC that i will buy then and play again many hrs .. until someone else will make similar game better
A handcrafted short game worths much more than a game that is artificially made insanely long with repetitive shit IMO.


A handcrafted short game worths much more than a game that is artificially made insanely long with repetitive shit IMO.

I agree with this, reason why i liked the end game dlc a lot more, 3x 10-12 hours content in 3 different worlds that have there own substory in it.

The same why i liked witcher 3 last dlc, smaller world with a solid story that wasn't to long. Both base games where incredible bloated to my liking,

I hope valhalla is going to be a bit smaller with a bit better content in it, which is much what origin was. I really liked that game.


Anyone else think that in Origins they should have got the NPC's to talk in authentic ancient Egyptian language, with English subtitles, instead of all the voices being in English?

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I loved Odyssey. Excellent 9.0/10 for me and top 20 game of the generation for me. Super hyped for AC Valhalla!!!


lets show any game that can compete with it and win then we will talk ... i want games be better then this , but then who making them ? for now at least noone.


I agree with this, reason why i liked the end game dlc a lot more, 3x 10-12 hours content in 3 different worlds that have there own substory in it.

The same why i liked witcher 3 last dlc, smaller world with a solid story that wasn't to long. Both base games where incredible bloated to my liking,

I hope valhalla is going to be a bit smaller with a bit better content in it, which is much what origin was. I really liked that game.
That's good, hopefully I will enjoy them too, just have to suffer through the main game first. Origins was awesome btw, yep.

lets show any game that can compete with it and win then we will talk ... i want games be better then this , but then who making them ? for now at least noone.
Any previous entry for example. RDR2, GoT etc.


Yes, cause you all know so much better.
It's your choice that you deny the facts about what is going on in the world. For now, you can research yourself about anything on the internet although these kind of people and those behind are working hard to make it impossible. If you just shoo it away like this then I have nothing else to say to you.

BTW, just realized that even the HDR implementation is fucked up. Google AC Odyssey HDR washed out.
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Gold Member
OP must only have played 5 games in his life, because while this might not be a great game, it is far, far from being one of the worst I have ever played. Heck, it wouldn't even crack the top 25.


I enjoyed Odyssey after they rebalanced the time saver grind in a january update due to justified complaints, it was different to Origin's even though the open world was the same which i loved about both games,

It was based around superpowers and being a demigod really, you had to use abilities, the standard attacks wern't good enough to beat the game, especially the bow, which i hardly used in the end, where as in Origin's i used all 3 skills warrior,bow assassin at will when i wanted to, but i got that it was a different game storywise and the assassin side of the game wasn't the focus so it's a good game but not a good AC for me.


You have no point other than t
Congrats mate, you're fucking genius, you really managed to get the point of the thread.

You have no point other than displaying yourself as a manchild. You didn't like the game, move the fuck on. There's absolutely zero reason to post that girls picture and make fun of her other than to be a whiny little boy.


Congrats mate, you're fucking genius, you really managed to get the point of the thread.

I fail to see how commenting on this lady's choice of haircut is in any way relevant to commenting on whether the game is good, bad or terrible. She's an adult human being and how she wears her hair is none of our business.


I fail to see how commenting on this lady's choice of haircut is in any way relevant to commenting on whether the game is good, bad or terrible. She's an adult human being and how she wears her hair is none of our business.
It's relevant that it's the type of person that is delusional and wants to force their delusions on others.
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