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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Ramirez said:
There were tons of people from GAF on last night...

10 player customs were pretty good. some lag though....

anyone on for matchmaking in the next 20 mins?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I Will NEVER play another custom match on coagulation. BORING


Ram, Duderon, Trash and Bennett, I need to know what time you want to play your match tomorrow. Default time is 9:30 and that should seem fine for me, but Trash can't have to go to bed, so how about nine EST?


rollin' in the gutter
Scoot said:
Ram, Duderon, Trash and Bennett, I need to know what time you want to play your match tomorrow. Default time is 9:30 and that should seem fine for me, but Trash can't have to go to bed, so how about nine EST?

Get on AIM guys.


ok so whats the deal for tomorrow? Im not sure how long it will take to download the new maps but Ill be doing that as soon as I get home from work then Id like to get a bunch of us together to do some custom slayer on the new maps to explore and get used to them and just have a little fun.

if I dont see anyone on I may just go into matchmaking. if you see me in MM and are setting up customs on the new maps send me an invite. Ill immediately quit MM and join you.


damn I just remembered the Rockets play tomorrow night but its not until 8:30 so Ill have like an hour or two to play before the game starts.

Im gonna try to download the maps at lunch time.


rollin' in the gutter
Desperado said:
Zyos guaranteed victory for x6...that didn't really work out for them, heh.

StK/3D wins again, what a surprise

3D played shitty too. OGRE 2 was doing shit that i would do when not playing well. Ghandi and the gang were definately the stars of the tourney. Just shows 3D am beatable.


rollin' in the gutter
Ramirez said:
WTF are you girls talking about?

MLG Orlando Tournament

StK just got sponsored by 3D, hence the Team 3D. They weren't playing well in the championship matches against Ghandi's Team, iGamespot. Ghandi's team was playing awesome, they knocked out Str8 Rippin in the losers bracket, beat StK/3D 2 games in the finals. 3D still won because they are pretty much the halo gods, even if they're playing shitty.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
argh swords :( sorry guys. I was having a shitter....

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
who is on at midnight for you lot tonight? semi confirmation of maps being released then from the map thread in the Games forum. Lets have some customs!


rollin' in the gutter
catfish said:
who is on at midnight for you lot tonight? semi confirmation of maps being released then from the map thread in the Games forum. Lets have some customs!

I'll play for like 30 min :)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
apparently the maps are showing for some people :( not me though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Taking fuckin ages! (probably not really... less than 5 minutes for the free pack. getting the killtacular pack as well though....)

god damn I am stoked right now....


catfish said:
Taking fuckin ages! (probably not really... less than 5 minutes for the free pack. getting the killtacular pack as well though....)

god damn I am stoked right now....


I'll definetly be on tonight.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
Maps were not available when I went to bed at 1am (pacific time) last night but when I woke up this morning there they were. I've been running thru all 4 new maps and I'm quite impressed with the level of detail they put into each one. I can't wait to play on these later today with you guys. We can get our custom games on.


TJ Bennett said:
Maps were not available when I went to bed at 1am (pacific time) last night but when I woke up this morning there they were. I've been running thru all 4 new maps and I'm quite impressed with the level of detail they put into each one. I can't wait to play on these later today with you guys. We can get our custom games on.

You guys need to practice the modes for tonight's games :D
Otherwise I forsee us getting raped.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
Duderon, I'll be on Halo 2 in about two hours after I run some errands. Trasher should be home from preschool in about an hour. And we know Ramirez is always online doing something. I may have to log into WOW and pull him back to Halo 2. The more practice we can get today the better. I'm not expecting early Mike Tyson style domination from us but I'd still like a win.


rollin' in the gutter
TJ Bennett said:
Duderon, I'll be on Halo 2 in about two hours after I run some errands. Trasher should be home from preschool in about an hour. And we know Ramirez is always online doing something. I may have to log into WOW and pull him back to Halo 2. The more practice we can get today the better. I'm not expecting early Mike Tyson style domination from us but I'd still like a win.

Ok, i'll be able to play for a little until 5PM, then i can play from 7:30 on, with no roomate intrusion :/


Some mini mini impressions.

Played a game of Assault on Containment eariler. and uhm, the map is F'n HUGE!!.

Sanctuary is AWESOME for CTF game types. :) << best new map IMO

Turf is a small map. but it looks good. :p

Warlock == Wizard; only with more detail.


rollin' in the gutter
The match is at 9:30PM tonight for sure. I just talked with the kid and it ain't changing anymore.

So go back to plan, practice our asses of a couple hours before it starts :)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
very quick impression of warlock. Played it with 15 other brits on slayer with a laggy ass connection, it was, ah, laggy.

And far to small for 16 people :lol

see you guys in 9 1/2 hours. why oh why do I have to hit the late shift today :(


I was able to download the maps during my lunch hour and actually played a few games. its cool to have new maps but I gotta say Im almost already sick of Warlock :lol. played that one a bit too much on XBC and got sick of it back then. theres not enough to make it feel a whole lot different for Halo2 except that its dark as hell. I am kinda curious how the objective games will play out on that map in MM. Sanctuary and Containment are nice and I cant wait to play CTF and assualt on them. I think turf will turn out to be everyones favorite slayer map.

Ill be on in about an hour to play some more
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