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Oil hits 2003 low after Iran output increase report

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I've said this before but in Connecticut, the last time oil was this price (around 2001) gas was 99 cents a gallon.

It's about 80 cents higher right now. I don't get it.

There's no magic Philosopher's Stone to convert oil into gasoline. Everything else involved in the process is still subject to inflation from 2001 prices.
surely the gas prices have gone down , are there high taxes on gas in your area or something. It's sub 2 bucks here in PA, Philly area, i bet 40 cents cheaper in NJ.

California has VERY high gas taxes, yes.

California’s traditionally high gas prices are attributed to local taxes and fees—among the highest in the country—as well as state regulations regarding a special low-pollution blend, which means stations get their supply only from certain refineries.


I'm glad we confirmed that $120 oil was speculative bullshit
I agree, but the runup was also necessary to prove that technology makes a true oil shortage impossible. Once you get past $80, all kinds of unconventional extraction techniques become viable.

I remember hearing the head of Continental Resources say in late 2014 that $70 was a fair price for a barrel of oil. That's like hearing a wheat farmer say how much he'd like to sell his product for, and signalled to me that the true number was closer to $35.


Does this discourage fracking?

Yes. I doubt you will find any fracking going on right now, or not much of it anyway. It's too expensive to frack at current prices.

surely the gas prices have gone down , are there high taxes on gas in your area or something. It's sub 2 bucks here in PA, Philly area, i bet 40 cents cheaper in NJ.

In CA I think they refine their own gas and use a different blend then the rest of the country that is more expensive to produce.


Does this discourage fracking?
It's a true glut. Shale producers are sitting on large reserves and are waiting for prices to go up before they drill. But do you see the problem? Once proces go up, they start to drill again and flood the market with more oil. It's very similar to the 80s crash.


I"m usually against regressive taxes, but in terms of the gas tax I'm all for increasing it as long as oil remains dirt cheap. Stipulation being that 99.9% of that extra tax money goes only to infrastructure and alternative energy projects.

Cause Iran is just going to keep pumping oil and not giving a fuck and who knows when China demand will rebound. And since the shale oil genie is out of the bag, even when prices go back up then we'll still be dealing with an abundant supply. And then the cycle repeats.


Not really. It's just below $1 at a couple places having a local price war. I'm in Mid-Michigan and it's average of $1.53 in a tri-county area. Which is still cheap, but not this purported <$1.

Yup.....also super glad I decided to not get a job in the oil industry, was really close.
California has VERY high gas taxes, yes.

California's gas tax is only 18 cents over the national average. The main reason is that California is considered a "gas island" where the sources of gas that come to CA are very limited, combined with the special blend of gas that CA requires, means that supply issues/manipulation can have a heavy impact on gas prices.

This is where the "oh another refinery must have blown up" joke comes from, as there are often oddly timed unscheduled refinery issues whenever there is a major drop in the oil price.


If we're talking about Canada specifically, the money you're saving at the pump is being spent on the higher cost of other stuff(food, games, clothing etc.), so in the end you're not saving all that much.

Thanks to Harper, a strong Canadian economy is now reliant on oil being expensive, so unless we find another high priced resource to tie our economy to, low oil prices is definitely gonna hurt Canadians :/

Man, now I feel like an asshole.

Thanks for clarifying this.


Unconfirmed Member
Raise the gas tax a lot, rebuild our infrastructure using people that will lose jobs in the gas downturn.

Won't work when gas prices shoot up again in a few years and the high taxes hurt consumer spending more than the revenue from gas taxes helps.


Won't work when gas prices shoot up again in a few years and the high taxes hurt consumer spending more than the revenue from gas taxes helps.

You enact a price floor instead of a permanent tax. No idea how feasible it is or how to even collect


While it is indeed devastating for economies based on oil there are some straight up delusional people in this thread. We should artificially raise prices? Get out of here with that bullshit.

This is the first real break the average family has had in ages. Everything else continues to rise in price while their wages have stagnated or dropped. Falling away from the days where $4 was a real potential is a huge savings for these families.

Of course all the bullshit excuses stores gave for hiking food prices etc. like high fuel transportation costs aren't valid anymore but you wont see food prices dropping and instead continue to rise.
So exactly what would happen if we went to 100% clean energy.

Strange how that works.

Some people seem to have a hard time grasping that jobs will ALWAYS be lost as time goes by. Going by some people here we should still be using all human assembly lines, horse draw carriages and other less efficient means for the sake of preserving those jobs


you can't put a price on sparks
Some people seem to have a hard time grasping that jobs will ALWAYS be lost as time goes by. Going by some people here we should still be using all human assembly lines, horse draw carriages and other less efficient means for the sake of preserving those jobs

yep, you see it in full display in every "autonomous car" thread
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