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Onechanbara Z2 Chaos |OT| Girls, Garters and Gory


Check options, Lock On Type. Sucks about the DS4 audio, does it change if you lower the volume on the "speaker volume for controller" on the PS4? Probably not...I think I noticed with Resogun or something that it's really loud with headphones

Thanks, didn't notice the second page of options.

I thought about testing the lowering audio thing on the DS4, but it seems like I'm not at a part where I'm getting any at the moment.
Goddammit, this doesn't come out in Australia until next week.

I have to admit, I've long dismissed the Oneechambara series, but I fell in love the moment I saw that unapologetically cheesy trailer.


I find this a great game. But I'm a sucker for great action games. The unlockables and the mission mode are great. When you find the little secrets it's great. I just think this needs iteration to become solid in the level variation.


Gives all the fucks
I still have that 360 Onechanbara game I downloaded when it was a whopping $3 on Xbox Live. Maybe I should finally give that a try considering I don't have a PS4 yet (stupid college budget)...
Watched the first ten minutes or so. Do the environments get any less awful? The combat looks like it could be satisfyingly mindless button mashing, but in those opening levels the thing is not easy on the eyes.


Don't forget to check "coordinate" (dressing room) every once in a while--I unlocked Sailor Moon-esque "toast hanging from your mouth". Also if Kagura/Aya's revealing clothes bug you, you can just swap 'em for the other two girl's modest attire (transformation states aren't changeable though)

Thanks, didn't notice the second page of options.

I thought about testing the lowering audio thing on the DS4, but it seems like I'm not at a part where I'm getting any at the moment.

It's fairly uncommon except a bunch early on. Only "home base" ever comes over to give the "phone" effect.

Speaking of options, disappointed there's no camera speed option. I set the camera to "far" thinking it'd help but it still rotates slower than I'd like. Chase and lock on move it faster tho

Watched the first ten minutes or so. Do the environments get any less awful? The combat looks like it could be satisfyingly mindless button mashing, but in those opening levels the thing is not easy on the eyes.

The environments range from serviceable to laughable. The desert, beginning cave thing and Japan/America's areas look really bad, the indoor maps and south america and China looked okay considering budget IMO. The only actually quality graphical assets are the main characters though and to a lesser extent some of the bosses


Watched the first ten minutes or so. Do the environments get any less awful? The combat looks like it could be satisfyingly mindless button mashing, but in those opening levels the thing is not easy on the eyes.

absolutely not! hahaha. Finished stream tonight, and some of the quality is AWFUL


Took a couple wallpaper-esque pics if anyone wants them too




Meh, this is sounding like a tough decision now.

For me I would say it easily compares to games at the same price. Its a different style of game but its easily worth the cash.
Watched the first ten minutes or so. Do the environments get any less awful? The combat looks like it could be satisfyingly mindless button mashing, but in those opening levels the thing is not easy on the eyes.
All true budget was spent on the characters their animations and so forth. Some locations are OK but as I said in my review many locations are Late PS2, early PS3.


Is there ANY option to pipe Anna's audio through the speakers and not the controller? Its annoying because I play with Headphones and the audio coming from the speaker is absolutely useless to me.


Speaking of options, disappointed there's no camera speed option. I set the camera to "far" thinking it'd help but it still rotates slower than I'd like. Chase and lock on move it faster tho

If we're going to keep discussing options, I do find it weird that vibration is default set to off. I had no idea I was getting hit until I saw my health really low.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Is there ANY option to pipe Anna's audio through the speakers and not the controller? Its annoying because I play with Headphones and the audio coming from the speaker is absolutely useless to me.

Seriously hate games that do this since its fucking useless and not even all that cool with how shit the speakers in the controller is in the first place.

While its not localized, God Eater 2 Rage Burst also does this, which is fucking stupid. Also confirmed with the producer that they did not include any option to remedy that "feature" which was another pissoff.


Gives all the fucks
Seriously hate games that do this since its fucking useless and not even all that cool with how shit the speakers in the controller is in the first place.

............though they did just have that part done via the TV in the PS360 ports.


Seriously hate games that do this since its fucking useless and not even all that cool with how shit the speakers in the controller is in the first place.

While its not localized, God Eater 2 Rage Burst also does this, which is fucking stupid. Also confirmed with the producer that they did not include any option to remedy that "feature" which was another pissoff.

You can just mute the controller speaker, though I'm not sure that will actually output that audio through the main audio. I don't mind it as a feature, but it should be optional and mixed right for headphones at as a minimum.

If we're going to keep discussing options, I do find it weird that vibration is default set to off. I had no idea I was getting hit until I saw my health really low.

Oh, right, I forgot about that. All the more incentive to check options before even playing a game.


............though they did just have that part done via the TV in the PS360 ports.

I also loved it in Game and Wario, though the first time I tried it, I had the gamepad muted and didn't understand what was happening

absolutely not! hahaha. Finished stream tonight, and some of the quality is AWFUL

That shitty rock texture is ART. I'm pretty sure rocks in Unreal were literally higher res


You can just mute the controller speaker, though I'm not sure that will actually output that audio through the main audio. I don't mind it as a feature, but it should be optional and mixed right for headphones at as a minimum.

Oh, right, I forgot about that. All the more incentive to check options before even playing a game.

I also loved it in Game and Wario, though the first time I tried it, I had the gamepad muted and didn't understand what was happening

That shitty rock texture is ART. I'm pretty sure rocks in Unreal were literally higher res

This game is about everything i signed up for, so i'm happy
Played for a couple of hours and I'm really enjoying it. The chase mechanic feels great when you pull in a bunch of enemies, punch 'em up, chase in the opposite direction and scoop up more creeps to destroy. Bosses have been fun, if not a little simple.
Had a good laugh at the final form of the Peru boss.

While the frame rate does hold at 60 more often than not, it does drop down to 30fps but only in moments of pure chaos. And yeah, the lack of a camera speed option is a bummer, but I guess the speedy lock on kind of remedies the situation.

Crazy combos, tons of enemies, equipables, giant bosses and over the top gore. Good times. Can't wait to sit down and dig in some more!


Yes, retail version has a free code for the Banana Split "costume", an OST (not sure on how many tracks) & an artbook (not sure on how many pages).
76, all color pages. This thing is well put together. Haven't opened the game or soundtrack yet. Gonna give it another hour or so.
So far this game has gone above and beyond my expectations. It truly is an amazing game for all the right reasons. Combat and character design is for lack of a better description: brilliant.

The levels are bare, and the enemy types are as plain and one could even say reminiscent of PS2 early PS3 but I don't fault the design for that. In fact perhaps I find it part of the charm of the game.

This is not like SK in which it is a wet dream nerdgasm fan service game. This game has surprisingly well handled female protagonists.

I love writing, it is what really sells me on a game. This game is... a mash up of a high school level script that is dedicated from the heart by a person that is in love with Lynch films and Quentin Tarantino. For a lack of a better description think early 90's runs of the deadpool comic book series. This is not bad in itself but see it for what it is a simple B tribute to action.

Do not get this game if you want spank bank material. Do not purchase this game if you want a very well rounded well made entire package. Get this game to support Xseed in an amazing job at localizing and contributing to such a niche sub genre of oddity that we may never see again this generation.

If you want DMC level action get Bayonetta.

If you want a Rob Zombie style tribute to everything that is horribly right in B action movies go for the gold you will not be disappointed.


LMFAO! Oh, man. I just put my finger inside the Blu Ray to put in my case sleeve, and a voice came out of nowhere telling me to "take responsibility."


My copy arrived today! Won't have a chance to play tonight, but the collector's edition is sweet. I'd expected a stapled artbook in a standard BD case and a download code for the soundtrack; but the game comes beautifully packaged with the BD, artbook and digipak CD in a slick slipcase. The artbook is softcover, but is significantly higher quality than many hardcover artbooks packed in with games. The whole package feels like a love letter to fans of samurai cowboy schoolgirls who kill zombies.

Will post impressions tomorrow, but I'm expecting a triple-B videogame-ass videogame, and I can't wait.
just got home. was gonna post the picture of the disc art, and putting both fingers in the hole...

opted out after reading thread. ha
The disc art is currently a frontpage post on reddit with 4000 upvotes and 400 comments. Great marketing :D

Looking forward to playing it although it may take a week or two since I'm importing.


Got the Japanese Import on 2nd hand a couple months ago, was really surprised that the game store I go to had a 2nd hand copy of this.

Anyway the game is really really fun, I played for a good solid 2 weeks and then stopped once Bloodborne released. It was very enjoyable, once you start unlocking weapons, moves and other upgrades the games combat really starts to shine.

The game is also smooth as butter, really runs well, I recorded this easy mission to kill a bunch of enemies, tried my best to make it stutter by transforming and tagging in all the characters and such but the game just kept on going.

For $40 I'd highly recommend to hack 'n slash fans, it's good brainless fun.



Neo Member
Just a heads up, enemies can be pushed through barriers/walls/and even floors rendering you almost always unable to finish a stage (combined with the auto save function, this renders your game useless and you have to restart). I ran into it myself on
Chapter 11. In the main foyer there's a group of enemies and 4 doors you can enter. Killing them all is supposed to open the gate blocking the stairs, but nothing happened. In turn, I had to get myself stuck on the geometry on the side of the staircase and force myself through the collision box of the 'gate' near the upper corner of the steps (using double jumps and some finicky angles). Even after finishing everything in the stage, including a Jabberwock boss that appreared AFTER I cleared the second floor (back at the original spawn point, wherein I had to jump down, kill him, and then redo the collision jumps to get back up), the gate still didn't trigger correctly.

I've gotten some reports from friends that own the import release stating this wasn't a very rare occurance, nor was falling through the world, or having bosses do the same, only to respawn at a predesignated spot somewhere near the start of the level.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Just a heads up, enemies can be pushed through barriers/walls/and even floors rendering you almost always unable to finish a stage (combined with the auto save function, this renders your game useless and you have to restart). I ran into it myself on
Chapter 11. In the main foyer there's a group of enemies and 4 doors you can enter. Killing them all is supposed to open the gate blocking the stairs, but nothing happened. In turn, I had to get myself stuck on the geometry on the side of the staircase and force myself through the collision box of the 'gate' near the upper corner of the steps (using double jumps and some finicky angles). Even after finishing everything in the stage, including a Jabberwock boss that appreared AFTER I cleared the second floor (back at the original spawn point, wherein I had to jump down, kill him, and then redo the collision jumps to get back up), the gate still didn't trigger correctly.

I've gotten some reports from friends that own the import release stating this wasn't a very rare occurance, nor was falling through the world, or having bosses do the same, only to respawn at a predesignated spot somewhere near the start of the level.

nope that can happen welcome to the series lol


This game is better than it has any right to be. I'm not going to say it'll appeal to everyone, but after playing for the last couple of hours, I know I'll be sinking a ton of time into this. I am having a fucking blast.

It's incredibly fun, and deceptively deep. You can absolutely mash your way to victory and look good doing it, but if you want to get creative and fight with finesse, this game has the tools to let you do so - in spades.

Parries, Witch Time, juggles, real-time weapon switching, real-time character switching (between all four characters, and by "real-time" I mean "mid-combo"), tag-finishers, and Devil Triggers; and every single weapon and moveset is legitimatley fun to use. Somehow, despite two characters sharing double katana, two sharing bare knuckle, and two sharing single katana; every character and every moveset feels distinct and different. Significantly so. On top of those, Kagura has her own Blades of Chaos (read the weapon description), and Saaya has her chainsaw. Each character also has a unique subweapon on the circle button, and all of these are somehow both fun and useful.

The game's finest and most unique mechanic is Chase. Hold jump while fighting to streak into the enemy you just sent flying like a homing missile. This can be performed repeatedly, not just for spectacular combos, but for fast, fluid gameplay as you zip across the field at whoever you feel like attacking.

I don't know what to tell you. As far as I'm comcerned, this is an amazing game. I'm as surprised as anyone. I just came for the gory camp. I'd have been happy with a Japanese Bloodrayne or Deadpool.

The enemies are pretty brainless so far, but thankfully this doesn't feel like a musou game. If a sequel builds on the foundation and makes them a real threat, the franchise will go places. I already find it far more fun than the God of War games in terms of control and feel, though I'm sure pretty much everyone will disagree with that opinion.

In terms of recommendation to those on the fence, I can only say if the videos make the game look like fun to you, you'll almost certainly enjoy playing it. If not, you might be surprised by how it feels, but I imagine you'll ultimately wish you'd skipped it. I find it addictive as hell; that's just me.


I did some challenges, they're rather slow (or maybe I don't own enough upgrades to do Hard ones yet) but unlock cosmetic items and not too difficult yet. Lots of yellow orbs earned too. I wouldn't start with them, but check them out before a playthrough 2 IMO

Is there an option for Japanese audio in the western release?

Yes. At least I'm 99.9% sure that's what the "original" voice option in the menu is for I keep forgetting to change it and it can't be changed mid gameplay

I've gotten some reports from friends that own the import release stating this wasn't a very rare occurance, nor was falling through the world, or having bosses do the same, only to respawn at a predesignated spot somewhere near the start of the level.

Yeah I posted about that earlier, fortunately the "chase" trick isn't all that hard to escape, but the worst thing is if you restart from checkpoint it doesn't fix it. No other major bugs, except for some hilariously bad clipping that causes an invisible wall at the top of that same area, you can just walk around it but you can't use the middle of part of the stairs.

Janky ass fighting here I come.

Now now, everything EXCEPT the fighting is janky-ass

My copy arrives tomorrow. Physical set seems really well put together.

Xseed does really good stuff on that end, at least they also did for Shinovi Versus. I hope they have something nice for Estival and keep the amazing Japanese manual that came with comics and stuff (but translated of course)
Just a heads up, enemies can be pushed through barriers/walls/and even floors rendering you almost always unable to finish a stage (combined with the auto save function, this renders your game useless and you have to restart). I ran into it myself on
Chapter 11. In the main foyer there's a group of enemies and 4 doors you can enter. Killing them all is supposed to open the gate blocking the stairs, but nothing happened. In turn, I had to get myself stuck on the geometry on the side of the staircase and force myself through the collision box of the 'gate' near the upper corner of the steps (using double jumps and some finicky angles). Even after finishing everything in the stage, including a Jabberwock boss that appreared AFTER I cleared the second floor (back at the original spawn point, wherein I had to jump down, kill him, and then redo the collision jumps to get back up), the gate still didn't trigger correctly.

I've gotten some reports from friends that own the import release stating this wasn't a very rare occurance, nor was falling through the world, or having bosses do the same, only to respawn at a predesignated spot somewhere near the start of the level.

Interesting. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I finished the game and there was various moments where I found enemies on the other side of the gates and thought I'm screwed, but every time I was able to find a missing enemy either stuck on geometry in a earlier part of the level, etc, killed it, and then the gates opened, even with the other enemies being on the other side. I swear this happened like 3 to 4 times in my playthrough and I was always like, shit am I gonna have to restart? Yet nope. Never had to, so make sure in some cases to be absolutely sure no enemies are around. Probably is a rarity when it does happen.


Enemies clip through gates all the time and it's no big deal, since you can just kill them through the gate (it's always plain zombies who just walk up to the edge of the gate). The game also seems to make clipping enemies out of the world to their death a feature, there's an unlock for it, but I'm not sure how that works. As for chapter 11 I'm not really sure why the gate didn't lower but I'm 100% certain there were no visible, reachable enemies.

Though, there is some legit bad design where there's like ONE single zombie left and you have to run around the arena to find him, and he' stuck walking into a wall or something. Certain levels like the desert would play way more fluidly if killing 95% of enemies including all "tough" enemies was the requirement instead of killing 100%, you'd kill everything (ish) and continue on instead of spending an extra minute walking around looking for the last enemy. And sometimes the gates DO lower when enemies are still alive, I guess those enemies must not be counted as part of the wave though, since there's some idle trash mobs all over the map sometimes.


People really don't know how the combat is. It is NOT janky, it's pretty fun and very inspired. It's the other areas that could get better in another iteration. Also it has the BEST training mode a action game can ever have.


People really don't know how the combat is. It is NOT janky, it's pretty fun and very inspired. It's the other areas that could get better in another iteration. Also it has the BEST training mode a action game can ever have.

I do not entirely agree--the bars for the training mode are brilliant, but the game doesn't explain them and I still have no idea how to do Cool combo stuff.

But yes, despite everything else being bad, deliberately for the most part, the combat is just fine. Slightly simplified over the button mixups and timing-dependant stuff like Bayonetta, but there are quite a few (optional) moves you can pull off with the same sort of "press a different button at the right time in the attack"and so on, and the framerate isn't janky.

It's a sort of placebo/aesthetic usability effect though, I suspect the gameplay itself would be praised more in mainstream reviews if all the other aspects of the game were better. Throw this exact combat system in a DMC game and it'd get higher marks for gameplay because a lot of people have trouble separating gameplay from all the rest.


I do not entirely agree--the bars for the training mode are brilliant, but the game doesn't explain them and I still have no idea how to do Cool combo stuff.

I haven't fooled around in training mode yet, but it's just about timing. I sometimes whip out Cool combos, but not consistently yet - it's just getting the timing down. But there's a ring you can find in the shop that makes them easier to pull off, which is probably a smart buy. They're definitely the toughest things to nail in combat so far.

Nice job with the OT by the way - thanks for stepping up!

But yes, despite everything else being bad, deliberately for the most part, the combat is just fine. Slightly simplified over the button mixups and timing-dependant stuff like Bayonetta, but there are quite a few (optional) moves you can pull off with the same sort of "press a different button at the right time in the attack"and so on, and the framerate isn't janky.

It's a sort of placebo/aesthetic usability effect though, I suspect the gameplay itself would be praised more in mainstream reviews if all the other aspects of the game were better. Throw this exact combat system in a DMC game and it'd get higher marks for gameplay because a lot of people have trouble separating gameplay from all the rest.

I couldn't agree more. It's God Hand syndrome, but less clear-cut. God Hand is straight-up incredible in terms of gameplay. Undeniably so. Onechanbara has impeccable combat mechanics for the protagonists, but less interesting enemy design that will make the gameplay a miss for a lot of character action fans. It's much more DMC 3 than DMC 1 or 4: more about getting from A to B stylishly than needing to use all your tools to survive.

That being said, a huge number of people are going to miss out because they skipped this, and while I'm sure some people will pick it up and feel let down, I'd bet that more often than not players who take a chance on it will be amazed by how it plays.

Re: the Original vs English VA - I played the first chapter twice to road test the language options and settled on using the English dub for my initial playthrough. I don't think the English VA is bad at all, but the interstitial scenes with the speech bubbles seem difficult to voice because of the timing. Kagura's English VA is legitimately excellent.

I'll be playing again in Japanese because Kagura's hilarious Engrish is too good to miss, but I can see myself opting for English the rest of the time, and it's especially nice not to have to pay attention to subtitles the first time through.
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