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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


In QP, especially against particularly disorganized teams.
She wrecks people without good aim, while herself not requiring any.
Those scenarios are not a reason to consider Symm to be OP.

A disorganized team is going to be wrecked by anyone. Even if you dont have great aim, there is no reason Symmetra should be winning a 1vs1 battle. If you´re playing any one of the DPS, you shouldn’t be putting yourself in a situation where Symms range can reach you. If you are in the situation of a 1 vs 1 in close quarters with a Symm as a DPS, try moving in a circle very near Symm as her gun does not lock on automatically to a moving target, she would also need to follow your movements. Realistically this will do very little to help you win that 1 vs 1 battle, but you can probably gain some seconds to hopefully get some help from some teammates.

Symm is still a very situational character... much like a hero like Mei, Symm is only effective being surrounded by a good team. If a team decides to run Symm, but doesnt surround Symmetra with good play, that team is going to get destroyed.
I'm more perplexed by the people calling her a tank killer.

In one of my recent comp games, after taking the first point on Route 66 I was killed by a flanking Symmetra with her maxed beam. I was near a Roadhog from my team and warned them on chat, thinking they got this.

And then when I respawned I looked at the kill-feed just to see all my team dead to her lol

I really dislike her, more than any character in the game right now.


the holder of the trombone
Like if she has somehow built up max charge unscathe but like, don't let her do that? Like the roadhog can hook and kill her super easy.

DVa is so fucking tanky especially with her armour mitgating the damage from the beam that you have to be real fucking bad to not kill her before she works through that healthpool. And I know some Dvas are super fucking bad because I've done the exact same thing to them. Learn to track.

Reinhardt just start swinging.

Zarya can force her to either build bubble charge or eat damage and will most probably kill the symm during all that.

Winston should just dive the shit out of her, plus bubble still blocks beam.

The only time I dare approach tanks is if I know I outnumber them, and that's not being a tank killer.
When I play Rein, I'm scared of good Syms. Most are stupid but the ones who ambush the rein during a team push is legit scary as if you don't land each swing the Sym wins.
Like if she has somehow built up max charge unscathe but like, don't let her do that? Like the roadhog can hook and kill her super easy.

DVa is so fucking tanky especially with her armour mitgating the damage from the beam that you have to be real fucking bad to not kill her before she works through that healthpool. And I know some Dvas are super fucking bad because I've done the exact same thing to them. Learn to track.

Reinhardt just start swinging.

Zarya can force her to either build bubble charge or eat damage and will most probably die.

Winston should just dive the shit out of her, plus bubble still blocks beam.

The problem is when things get hectic, but I think that with time people will start to target her first. She has to be viewed like Bastion, really dangerous if left alone. The difference is that Bastion is an easy target most of the times (and also stationary), with Sym things aren't that simple. And she also has those fucking turrets that for some reason slow you down...


the holder of the trombone
How do you not land a swing though? It's has one of the dumbest hitboxes in the game and sym has to be in its range to even attack you.

Also do melee> fire strike. Big damage, with really dumb hitboxes that makes landing hits close by real easy.

Landing charge is trickier but the hitboxes are still pretty dumb on it.

I do not approach a rein unless he's preoccupied already.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
The reason Symm gets the "OP" is the community at large is horrible at awareness

They think turning corners with no precaution is the way to be

How many times enemies are like right by you, kill you, yet your team is fucking oblivious

Symm personifies that to a tee
No one cares about the buzzingg sound until it latches onto them


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Like if she has somehow built up max charge unscathe but like, don't let her do that? Like the roadhog can hook and kill her super easy.

DVa is so fucking tanky especially with her armour mitgating the damage from the beam that you have to be real fucking bad to not kill her before she works through that healthpool. And I know some Dvas are super fucking bad because I've done the exact same thing to them. Learn to track.

Reinhardt just start swinging.

Zarya can force her to either build bubble charge or eat damage and will most probably kill the symm during all that.

Winston should just dive the shit out of her, plus bubble still blocks beam.

The only time I dare approach tanks is if I know I outnumber them, and that's not being a tank killer.

As someone who mains Hog I actually fucking hate Sym since in a scenario where your hook is down, the beam is at a range that is incredibly annoying to deal with since your primary fire is too shallow to do much but your alt is too far, and you can't run out or heal since it just charges it more. Her photon barrier blocks hooks which get in the way and if she gets shield matrix up your combo isn't killing people anymore.

But in general I think she just messes with people who aren't coordinated which is why I feel like QP is a mess with her. Basically the whole beam charge thing, yeah, you don't want to let her do that on an individual level...but if some dude on your team just barrels in and gets shredded and you're the only one looking at the sym as everyone else is just running around like a headless chicken it always was too late. The torb + sym combo decimates QP comps since that is basically a comp built around snowballing if they win the first push or two, which is likely. Then everyone has 150 more HP for the rest of the game.

Comp is different but people really seem to not prioritize her enough.


I played a bunch more of PTR tonight. So, Ana is a bit weird. Her initial healing burst is till really good, but the sustain loss is actually kind of wild. I was soloing more damage with Soldier than she could sustain on tanks, which in turn means she has to commit harder to single target healing than before. It's kinda neat. Really thinking that the tank strat will survive but it will be way weaker against big damage dumpy teams that don't have to fight along frontlines.

Also a bunch of Sym players ran at me holding M1 and I double dinked them with McCree :p if Sym is latching onto you in a way you can't escape or just muder her, you fucked up pretty bad lol. In the grand scheme of Overwatch I'm not anything special either, so I know people can deal with it.

I get making some concessions to make lower level player easier, but I don't want nerfs to be dictated around the fact people can't be aware of how to position or hold CDs around Symmetra, let alone have the ability to shoot her.
I do solemnly swear to never be a griefer/tank my MMR on Overwatch...

It's so absolutely infuriating when people do it, and the weird way that I seem to get good MM to start a win streak with no real trolls, then on the important match...ugh. I'm getting MMd with more Diamonds but had a game where its a few Diamonds, a few Plats, we end up having the weirdest comp and people openly griefing etc...grouping up is so much more the way to go. You still occasionally get people who throw a game but it feels rarer, in my experience.
2-1 up in a comp match and one of our team leaves.

Fuck sake.

I know that pain well.

I don't know how easy it'd be from a technical PoV but it feels curious/ridiculous that, afaik, Jeff/Blizzard have not talked about punishing leavers etc or alleviating the punishment for those left behind. I wish that if someone left and didn't rejoin, the losing (assuming its the team where someone left) would be treated as if it was a draw, and not some stupidly punishing loss (it seems like you lose more SR after someone has left vs a normal loss so I wonder if the game forgets you are 5 people vs 6) ...the winning team still gets a win etc.


Symmetra ist especially good in chaos situations since you don't need to aim at all and the lock does hardly break, even around corners and without LoS. And shields don't break it if it is already connected.


They should just put leavers in a low priority queue with other leavers until they finish enough games to get out of it.
My good old Logitech G400 mouse was breaking down so I decided to go with the new G403.
The new mouse is actually better! I honestly didn't expect this but it seems to follow my input more precisely that the old one.
Getting to Grand Master should be easy now :p


My good old Logitech G400 mouse was breaking down so I decided to go with the new G403.
The new mouse is actually better! I honestly didn't expect this but it seems to follow my input more precisely that the old one.
Getting to Grand Master should be easy now :p

The G403 uses a more commonly praised sensor than the G400 actually(the same one as in the 502 which is pretty common among the pro circle), and the G400 had some weird little bugs/quirks to it too. G400 tracked faster on one axis for some reason :S
2-1 up in a comp match and one of our team leaves.

Fuck sake.

It's been happening quite a lot lately. In my case I had no problems this season yet, but in the previous the game kicked me 3 times and there was nothing wrong with my internet, so I will keep blaming the game/servers when I see someone leaving the game when it doesn't make any sense.

The only thing I ask is that if the leaver wasn't in your group, then you shouldn't lose as much SR. Add some kind of system that if your team had less players than the other by a x amount of time you will only lose 10 SR or something.
It's been happening quite a lot lately. In my case I had no problems this season yet, but in the previous the game kicked me 3 times and there was nothing wrong with my internet, so I will keep blaming the game/servers when I see someone leaving the game when it doesn't make any sense.

The only thing I ask is that if the leaver wasn't in your group, then you shouldn't lose as much SR. Add some kind of system that if your team had less players than the other by a x amount of time you will only lose 10 SR or something.

Yeah. Maybe I just don't know enough about balance in these sorts of games but it feels broken when your team can be punished for something outside of your control and still get punished fully. I don't know how Blizzard can really deal with griefers/trolls etc in matches without some Vote Kick-esque feature that'd be open to exploitation.


Lerning Reinhardt seems to be paying off. Won all my comp games with him today. Plus nobody seems to play him so its easy earth shatters.
Had a good loss. No trolls, no griefers, just outplayed.

Shame, but it doesn't feel that bad. Lost 22 SR, but would be easy enough to make it up again. Our damage was Tracer, which felt...weird...but whoever played her did well, but no one ever really took care of enemy Mercy despite everyone being aware of her after Round 1 (final score was 1-3). So, we deserved it.


What irked me most was that the match was a ton of fun up to that point. Every round was tight, and everyone was playing well. Hell, we were even grouping up and carrying out pushes with a measure of coordination.

Sucks, man.
Why am I always going on crazy 20 kill streaks as road hog in Mystery Hero
How come no one votes for me when I heal my ass off as Mercy? Healers need more love from the players


They should just put leavers in a low priority queue with other leavers until they finish enough games to get out of it.

Agreed, maybe after repeat offending twice or something. DOTA 2 does something similar, they should be locked in low prio until they get a couple wins.


They should just remove the "Leave Game" button vor Comp after selecting heroes is done. You could still Alt+F4 but if this happens repeatedly ban them for 10+ minutes which goes up by another 10 for every Alt+F4 in a short period of time. People will blame their internet and connection then but seriously, if that would be even true and your internet would suck so much that you disconnect a few times per hour you deserve the 30 minute ban because you just shouldn't play a competitive game if your internet isn't stable. Yes it sucks but the other 5 people have nothing to do with your shitty ISP and you are ruining their day.

Might sound harsh but that is the reality.


Nothing better than playing Rein knowing the enemy team doesn't have one. It's a one way trip to Shatter City


When the enemy team is in a narrow doorway and your firestrike makes sure there are no survivors.
Someone left our team on Kings Row near the last checkpoint and we managed to push the cart all the way the last point, 5v6 with time to spare... and they actually reconnected a bit after the other team capped the first point so we kicked their asses on defense.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Balancing a game only around a completely premade well coordinated team isn't a good way to make a fun game.

Especially considering that the majority of people play solo or in a duo I would imagine.


Balancing a game only around a completely premade well coordinated team isn't a good way to make a fun game.
One of the issues I have with OW and the reason why I tend to gravitate more towards the silly Arcade Modes lately, especially Brawl.


Last night I started up Arcade mode to begin my weekly grind for free loot boxes... and like last week, I just got steamrolled. I lost several games in a row, and I couldn't figure it out. How could the matchmaking let this happen? The problem and the solution are surprisingly simple, although the solution, as I observed firsthand, could def. be used for nefarious purposes, so I won't be sharing it. >_>


Looking for meaning in GAF
I think Symmetra is fine, but annoying to play against. Good ones always find ways to sneak up on you. The problem is that a lot of people don't realize that if the beam is on you, you should really just try to kill her before she kills you. Trying to get away never works.

Nothing better than playing Rein knowing the enemy team doesn't have one. It's a one way trip to Shatter City
I'm starting to pick him up too, because it seems to be harder to find a good tank than a decent healer.

Reinhardt surprisingly has quite a lot of nuance in his play. You really have to know when to block and when to go in, and he has a lot of damage as long as you don't overextend and get yourself killed. And yes, earthshatter is great.
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