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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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Jesus, sorry for the terrible phone pic, but if you can somehow see it, its not the same ghost as the Women


Why not use the share button?



10 years ago, you would have told me this is what horror games will look like now, I wouldn't believe you, arguing that no one would ever play something so real. I mean, just look at the shadow, so detailed.

Just imagine what the next 10 years have in store.


You don't need to talk, as long as your mic is plugged in.

Cycle betwen the phone, radio, bathroom mirror, and the beginning of the first hallway before the clock. When you hear the music/ghost sounds start up, stand perfectly still and wait for the giggles. If it doesn't happen, move to the next location and try it there. Keep cycling and you should get it pretty fast.

Ok weird. I went straight into the bathroom after you said this, which is where I think she had spawned before. The music came on. I heard her voice but she wasn't in there. Got a new text, while staring at mirror: "Mas o vento da noita levou sua embora"
looks like something before embora but it's small and gets cut. starts with a v
Pretty cool demo. Really tense and there are a lot of psychological scares. The images in this thread are testament to the creepy atmosphere.

However, I ended up quitting because the puzzle solutions were so damned random and arcane.
10 years ago, you would have told me this is what horror games will look like now, I wouldn't believe you, arguing that no one would ever play something so real. I mean, just look at the shadow, so detailed.

Just imagine what the next 10 years have in store.

Right?! The Fox Engine shines in this teaser.


Here are some pics i took trough the entire game:

here are the messages from the 6 pieces of the picture of lisa:

here are 2 random messages that appeared to me in the last loop by walking around:

i took this screenshot of the last loop because i found it weird that that light was on (seems it turns on if you restart the loop by going backwards to the door like some of you have said)
also at the same time i took this screenshot the music started to play so i decided to look at the window and at the dark hallway to see if she was going to spawn there... nope... i look back at the main room and...

and last but not least... i was looking at the clock and the creepy music started again and i was going to head to the bathroom mirror to see if she was there and when i turned around the corner...

Note: when she spawns in that spot (picture above) do not, i repeat, do not go in the bathroom. She will go trough the wall and posses you... you may also scream like a little girl...
i know i did, cause i wasnt expecting her to do that


Gold Member
This game looks so damn good, especially in those screens. It's too bad the IQ is somewhat bad (there's quite a lot of shimmering edges and such), with a better AA solution it would look absolutely amazing.

Right theres things ive seen that non of my friends seen, did anyone here see it

1.Window Ghost, looks like a ghost having a spasm outside the window

2.Dead Child walking around upstairs you see him when the window pops

3.Most scariest one, Clock Ghost, when you hear the women cry, you zoom into the clock at 12, and you get a big jump scare?

Anybody see any of these

I'm not sure 3 exists, haven't heard of zooming into the clock triggering anything. Have you seen it more than once? If not, it was probably just one of the random jump scares she can give you, and nothing to do with the clock.


I really hope the teaser isn't indicative of anything other than the atmopsphere they're going for. Horror games shouldn't be a community effort to beat.
I really hope the teaser isn't indicative of anything other than the atmopsphere they're going for. Horror games shouldn't be a community effort to beat.

I'm pretty sure they made this teaser intentionally convoluted and difficult so that it would be a challenge for people to unlock the trailer and therefore the big reveal.

Can guarantee they won't make a mic mandatory for progress in the final game
I really hope the teaser isn't indicative of anything other than the atmopsphere they're going for. Horror games shouldn't be a community effort to beat.

online horror game with this type of atmosphere. imagine that the other player is the ghost but he or you don't know it.


I'm a little confused by what you guys mean when she posses you. Its not the same as when she chokes you right?

When she rushes you. the first time she does this, you will die soon after when she gets in your face and chokes you to the floor. It seems the times after that it's not so certain that she will kill you...


I really hope the teaser isn't indicative of anything other than the atmopsphere they're going for. Horror games shouldn't be a community effort to beat.

This game was intentionally obtuse. Kojima himself said the trailer wasn't supposed to be unlocked until at least a week and wanted it to go viral with all its mystery.


Oh for fuck's sakes... the internet is NOT SAFE right now... I can't even read a comic strip without the EXACT FUCKING SPOT I'M STUCK being spoiled...

Thanks Internet... go fuck yourself.

If you're stuck in that exact spot how are you being spoiled?


10 years ago, you would have told me this is what horror games will look like now, I wouldn't believe you, arguing that no one would ever play something so real. I mean, just look at the shadow, so detailed.

Just imagine what the next 10 years have in store.

According to Kojima they intentionally reduced the quality of everything to make the game seem like an indie. It's implied the downgrade was significant as he emphasized it was hardest thing they did. When you consider all the processing power to render a single hallway with very limited interactivity, it's not inconceivable the right talent and budget could render something that was effectively photo realistic--even on PS4.


Fuck, those pics are horrifying. I didn't even make it that far in the demo last night. I'm going to have to try this today before the sun goes down lol.


by the way guys i dont know but
Every time the ghost kills you and you fall on the floor it sounds like she unzips her pants or something and starts pissing on you or on the floor... i dont know...



mas o vento da noitE levou sua embora


but the night wind took her away

Close enough:
I though I heard a phone, and fog dwindling awareness (babel fish translation), i didn't move anymore, waiting motionless,whispered his name.
"Then his index slides in my hand" It was a cold hand / They were cold hands My body was shivering. I waited for it to pass.

So now:

I though I heard a phone, and fog dwindling awareness (babel fish translation), i didn't move anymore, waiting motionless,whispered his name.
"Then his index slides in my hand" It was a cold hand / They were cold hands My body was shivering. I waited for it to pass, but the night wind took her away.

Not sure if it's the right order, but probably close


Also.. know that Kojima said that they had to tone down the graphical fidelity to make it look more low res and something created by an "indie" team. So this can look even better.

I thought this game looked fantastic too. If they had to tone it down...then fuck.
by the way guys i dont know but
Every time the ghost kills you and you fall on the floor it sounds like she unzips her pants or something and starts pissing on you or on the floor... i dont know...

Kojima personally recorded that audio track thinking: "You are not chosen!"


Ok triggered the second giggle. She or her voice kept spawning in the bathroom. I stayed in there a couple times and couldn't see her in the mirror. The last time I got the balls to turn towards the crying...it triggered the giggle.
This game looks so damn good, especially in those screens. It's too bad the IQ is somewhat bad (there's quite a lot of shimmering edges and such), with a better AA solution it would look absolutely amazing.

I'm not sure 3 exists, haven't heard of zooming into the clock triggering anything. Have you seen it more than once? If not, it was probably just one of the random jump scares she can give you, and nothing to do with the clock.

Yeah possibly was guess that makes sense,

it was when i turned and she was at end of the Hall and just flied right in my face

yeah sounds ramdom


so what worked for you then?

That img haha... Kojima is ALWAYS looking.

Well have your mic connected to the controller to begin with. Then at the start of the loop walk to anywhere and stand still, Wait for the Bell to ring and weird music/sounds to stop and then walk 10 steps and stop on the 10th step to get the first laugh.
Then i just kept saying "hello" into the mic ever couple seconds and always stopping when the weird music/sounds begin, keep talking into the mic. Just stand still alot without moving, talking into the mic after the first laugh, and it will work. And when you get the second laugh, stay still for the 3rd and while the controller vibrates, wait for the phone to ring before moving. (i've read that moving during the laugh or vibration can fuck it up)


I know this has probably been answered before so forgive me for asking again, but can someone give me the run down of the story told in the radio?

I don't have a ps4 yet and I watched my friend play it via stream and he kinda never stood around the radio long enough to listen to the whole thing or learn the reason you are in the house. So I'm curious why you are in the house and what death took place there.
For clarification again, you do NOT have to speak into the mic to trigger the ending.

You only need to have it plugged in. The trigger is actually being in the right spot at the right time, which is one of the four haunting spots.


by the way guys i dont know but
Every time the ghost kills you and you fall on the floor it sounds like she unzips her pants or something and starts pissing on you or on the floor... i dont know...

Can't say I noticed that... and I'm always on the lookout for that sort of thing.


by the way guys i dont know but
Every time the ghost kills you and you fall on the floor it sounds like she unzips her pants or something and starts pissing on you or on the floor... i dont know...

Thats what I thought of as well. lol
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