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Paradox Interactive write down capitalized development costs for the game The Lamplighters League



What does it mean i don't know


"It's a fun game with many strengths" This seems like ass covering language for the game coming out as a dogs breakfast because the publisher meddled with the design too much.


It seems the development cost about $30m and they made back about $7m? Middling reviews, skipped Switch, PS4, PS5
They went straight into gamepass and skipped most other platforms. I guess they were maybe expecting PC sales but didn't get much there either. Not sure what they were thinking to be honest as it's already a niche and a subset of PC owners are on the sub too. They should have tried to get the whole dev amount upfront if they weren't trying to sell it anywhere.


Releasing an AA RPG around the same time frame as BG3, Starfield and Phantom Liberty isn't the best move. The Lamplighter's League looks pretty cool to me and I've enjoyed past Harebrained Schemes RPGs, but won't get to Lamplighter's League till late this year or early next year.
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I played about 2 hours last night on Gamepass. The game would be so much better as a third person over head adventure.
then the turn based stuff happens and the fun just stopped.
Wish I could have just played and switched characters with different abilities all the way through.
Im never going to buy Baldurs Gate 3 for the exact same reasons.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Lol, are you suggesting Microsoft didn't pay them?

They obviously bet on selling much better on Steam and Epic. That's what the announcement implies.
I would love to see that deal with MS if they are quoting $7 million to make and $30 million to develop.
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I would love to see that deal with MS if they are quoting $7 million to make and $30 million to develop.
If the deal is based also on downloads good luck with starfield lies of p or forza... some games are left behind..too many games..may quantity Vs quality? Do you think Lamplight is part of the quality or the quantity?

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I imagine that a thread discussing the game's profit and loss getting more replies than the thread about the game itself is probably evidence for why this game appears to not be doing as well as was hoped - no buzz.


If the deal is based also on downloads good luck with starfield lies of p or forza... some games are left behind..too many games..may quantity Vs quality? Do you think Lamplight is part of the quality or the quantity?

They also mentioned Gamepass being decent for them. So I’m not sure there’s any profit in this line of thought.


Shocked Pikachu Face.

Seriously, what did they expect? Skipped the #1 and #2 platform, released the game with the fewer software sales, and put it on the subscription service with the fewest subscribers.
Game was average and it's a niche pc game. Putting it on PlayStation and switch wouldn't of helped that much. I don't think Paradox games do that well on consoles anyway... PC company and PC games.
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A game's title can make or break a game. "The lamplighter's league" doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Who even knows what a lamplighter is today? Who hears of a game like this and thinks "yeah...this'll catch on in today's world". Let alone throw 27+ million euros at it and hope for the best...

Also I bet that subscription service that saw some success was gamepass
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I wonder how much MS paid them to put it on Game Pass?

Edit: I've noticed in places such as Reddit, people are once again spouting the old "It's good enough for Game Pass" narrative. Jesus.
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I haven't played much but it is not bad. For people who like games like Gears Tactics, Mutant Year Zero and don't necessarily want to get all strategic like X-com. Performance is pretty bad, though, especially for a game that isn't exactly a graphical showcase. Overall, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vibes. Music rocks, too - epic, orchestral and probably where a considerable portion of the budget went into.


Unfortunately many 'tactics' games don't sell that well. Gears Tactics, Marvel's Midnight Suns or Empire of Sin weren't sales hits. Sure there are some bigger players and surprise hits (like Mutant Year Zero), but it's still a risky move to release a game in this genre.

Another problem with Lamplighters League is that the pricing is quite high for those wanting to purchase it outside of Game Pass. There's also the topic of the aesthetics - this won't be to everyone's liking. Personally I'm waiting for a sale.


Un-installed after an hour from Game Pass. It was fun but the abysmal performance with constant and heavy stuttering not even VRR could compensate for was unfuckingbearable. Of course it is a Unity game... I don't why on earth so many UE and Unity games can't just run smoothly even with everything on low and 120fps. It's like stutter is written and hardcoded in its engine.

I wanted to try it on the Steam Deck (because sometimes certain titles run smoother than on Windows) but the fuckers removed the demo.
Yes, this game that nobody cared about when it launched would have been absolutely massive if even fewer people had played it.
Not saying it would be a success because when I played it I noticed it’s quite a middling game, but I’m quite sure it would’ve moved more copies if it released on all big platforms instead of on a subscription service.

Also, if you play the game put in on quality mode instead of performance, at least it looks like it runs at 29fps then. Performance mode is horrible.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Not saying it would be a success because when I played it I noticed it’s quite a middling game, but I’m quite sure it would’ve moved more copies if it released on all big platforms instead of on a subscription service.

Also, if you play the game put in on quality mode instead of performance, at least it looks like it runs at 29fps then. Performance mode is horrible.

It seems pretty clear to me that the game had no buzz at all (this thread is already bigger than the thread about the game!), which is why it hasn't sold. I would say that Gamepass is being unfairly conflated with poor sales (because people want to make that argument) and when you said "the Gamepass effect." That felt quite a lot like you were doing the same.

I would say that the game would have incurred bigger dev costs to port over to switch and ps, and the same lack of buzz problem would still be there.

Releasing a game with ok reviews isn't enough, it would seem. I'm not sure what they did for press and pr, but it seems to have got few reviews, barely any press.

In my case, I wouldn't even have heard of it were it not on Gamepass and even then, I don't think I've seen even a screenshot. As UnsanctionedBuffoonery UnsanctionedBuffoonery says, even the terrible name will have put some people off (I was one of them!).

That's why I think that, Gamepass or not, this game wasn't going to do much business, but I also think that some people will jump on a chance to say that Gamepass is what made the difference, which is what your post appeared to be doing.
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A game's title can make or break a game. "The lamplighter's league" doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Who even knows what a lamplighter is today? Who hears of a game like this and thinks "yeah...this'll catch on in today's world". Let alone throw 27+ million euros at it and hope for the best...

Also I bet that subscription service that saw some success was gamepass
I dunno, i think the name is alright. A lamplighter was a job in Victorian times that went obsolete with the switch to electric lighting so that invokes a steampunk type aesthetic with lots of crazy weapons extrapolated from Victorian technology. The league part of the title makes me think of the Extraordinary league of gentlemen, a loose group of people with varied talents taking on a mysterious adversary. This is reinforced by the cover art. Before I knew anything about the gameplay and seeing it was a Paradox game I was thinking along the lines of a turn based version of The Order 1886. Personally the name and aesthetic wasn't a problem for me, I was interested in the game coming upto release but it was the reviews that made it fall flat for me. Coming out to mediocre reviews and reading a little about the gameplay loop pushed it way down my play list. There are loads of games in this genre where once you have put a bit of time and experience points into just a handfull of characters you are then kind of forced to carry on playing with these same characters for the rest of the game because the others in the roster are not levelled enough to be competitive in the missions you now have available to play. You end up playing the same characters in the same way for the rest of the game and it gets monotonous. Add to that a lack of a base building element or other significant substance outside the missions and its totally killed my enthusiasm for it. I would probably prefer to play BG3 instead or even go back and play through an XCom, a Wasteland or even Massive Chalice (heavily underrated imo). I might get around to playing Lamplighters League but right now its getting a worse reception than even Mutant Year Zero which I really disliked for the reasons mentioned above so i'll probably give it a miss entirely. Its a shame because I really love turn based strategy games especially when they have a realtime element to them. We got really spoiled with Xcom Enemy Unknown and it set a very high bar that any game struggles to get anywhere near.


I've been enjoying it but it does run a bit crappy on my potato PC. Was going to fire it up on GeForce Now but it took an age to go from 150 to 120 queuers so I gave up. Really must try out the top tier for a month.


Linux User
Game was average and it's a niche pc game. Putting it on PlayStation and switch wouldn't of helped that much. I don't think Paradox games do that well on consoles anyway... PC company and PC games.
Didn't that studio who made Shadow tactics recently go out of business?

Anyway just play Jagged Alliance 3 instead.


They went straight into gamepass and skipped most other platforms. I guess they were maybe expecting PC sales but didn't get much there either. Not sure what they were thinking to be honest as it's already a niche and a subset of PC owners are on the sub too. They should have tried to get the whole dev amount upfront if they weren't trying to sell it anywhere.
Wait, it was right into GamePass without any other console platforms release? That’s just dumb, what the hell were they thinking?


Shocked Pikachu Face.

Seriously, what did they expect? Skipped the #1 and #2 platform, released the game with the fewer software sales, and put it on the subscription service with the fewest subscribers.

There are PC only games that sell quite well, and the choice of subscription service is usually driven by payments, not by subscriber count. Not to mention it’s really the only option since there’s no native ports for other platforms.

Seems like a PC game with payments made for an Xbox port + GamePass.

Not saying it would be a success because when I played it I noticed it’s quite a middling game, but I’m quite sure it would’ve moved more copies if it released on all big platforms instead of on a subscription service.

I’m not sure it makes sense to imagine a GamePass deal is the reason why they never made a Switch or PlayStation port.


Didn't that studio who made Shadow tactics recently go out of business?
Yes, they done it on their own accord. Governmental funding in Germany was always really bad and an issue to begin with. If you're not doing mobile games, you have a really hard time. Recently the government declared to reduce fundings for the video game sector even further. So you either come up with a different Investor or an investor who is willing to fill the gap left by the government's funding, or you dial back on content and/or quality.

Mimimi Games seems to think that neither is an option and the business is too risky, and given how you have to do with time constraints (due to investors not giving you ten years worth of money) they decided it's not worth following any further.

Germany is highly unattractive for developers of big budget games: few investors, little funding, high costs of personnel, a very competitive market. And with rank 18 out 42 on the cost of living index in Europe it's not particular cheap to live there, too.

A real shame. Loved their games and our fuckers in the Government are really trying to cementing that coffin for the video game industry here.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
If the deal is based also on downloads good luck with starfield lies of p or forza... some games are left behind..too many games..may quantity Vs quality? Do you think Lamplight is part of the quality or the quantity?
I would have to imagine that the developers would have worked out an upfront deal with MS. Given the developers pedigree I would hope they could negotiate an up front/lump sum deal. If they signed a deal on engagement then they would be screwed and maybe that is why they wrote the whole project down after release. If they were banking on xbox players engaging very high to drive interest for players without gamepass thus leading to sales then the poor gamepass engagement could be why the write down is underway. (all conjecture of course)


This game came out of nowhere for me. I was looking forward to HBS next game, and this thread is the first I'm hearing of it. I kind of had a suspicion that HBS was the team that took over for the VtM:Bloodlines 2 game, that still could be a possibility.
That what's happens when you spent 30m to release a bad game.
I really liked the Shadowrun Trilogy and was hoping for another Shadowrun game or at least a game with similar mechanics.
If the rumors about big layoffs a few months before the game was released are true
then.... RIP Harebrained Schemes


It seems that the studio might have ben shut down, or at least lost almost all its staff. There's a glassdoor review that says that the person enjoyed working there, but the negative was that the studio has been shut down.


What time is it?
Can't imagine it had much of a marketing budget. If it weren't from the coming soon section of Game Pass, I wouldn't even know it existed.
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