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Payday 2 (360/PS3/PC, Summer 2013) announced, first trailer/screenshots/details


There's more at the various links.

Gameplay Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OT2YmJjiiHQ

VG247 said:

Here’s a list of gameplay features straight from the criminal’s mouth:

-CRIMENET – The dynamic contract database lets gamers pick and choose from available jobs by connecting with local contacts such as Vlad the Ukrainian, shady politician “The Elephant” and Mexican drug trafficker Hector, all with their own agenda and best interests in mind. CRIMENET features dozens of varied, exciting jobs and as the player progresses, new contacts with new jobs become available.

-Choose Your Profession – As players progress they can invest in any of four special professions: the Mastermind, the Enforcer, the Ghost and the Technician. Each features a deep customization tree of associated skills and equipment to master and they can be mixed and matched to create the ultimate heister.

-PAYDAY Loot – Finishing a job isn’t just an accomplishment to be proud of. After a successful heist gamers will also earn rare and powerful new equipment such as masks, weapons mods, mask modifications and a variety of other accessories.

-Weapons and Modifications – A brand new arsenal for the serious heister covering everything from sniper and assault rifles to compact PDWs and SMGs. Once players have settled for a favorite, they can modify it with optics, suppressors, fore grips, reticles, barrels, frames and stocks – all of which will affect the performance of their weapon. There are also purely aesthetic enhancements – why not go for the drug lord look with polished walnut grips for your nine?

-Mission Assets – Every job has a set of purchasable assets that can alter and enhance the heist such as a faster escape car, blueprints or even inside help.

-Character Upgrades – The signature PAYDAY mask can now be customized into tens of thousands of different combinations, color and material variations and there is a bigger selection of gear to wear for the discerning high-fashion heister.

-Multistage Jobs – Many contracts feature several separate stages allowing for mission forks and different outcomes depending on what the players accomplish in each individual stage.

-Rob Banks With Friends – Players must choose their crew carefully because when the job goes down they will need the right mix of skills on their side.

-PAYDAY Gun Play and Mechanics on a New Level – Firing weapons and zip tying civilians never felt so good.

-Dynamic Scenarios – No heist ever plays out the same way twice. Every single scenario has random geometry or even rare events.

-Character Progression – Gamers begin as dime store thieves and as the game progresses they unlock new skills, weapons, accessories and masks, eventually becoming legendary robbers.

-Play It Your Way – Each job allows for multiple approaches such as slow and stealthy ambushes to running in guns blazing. Players hit the target any way they want and watch as the heist unfolds accordingly.

-AI Director – PAYDAY 2’s new AI director breaks new ground and requires even more from the dedicated co-operative player base. Enemies will devise strategies in response to player action like flash banging, breaching tactics, freeing hostages and even recovering loot bags.

Payday 2 is slated for release this summer on PSN, Steam, and Xbox Live.



Source 1: http://www.vg247.com/2013/03/12/payday-2-overkill-announces-details-modes-first-screenshots/
Source 2: http://www.vg247.com/2013/03/12/payday-2-gameplay-video-watchdogs-mission-revealed/
It's PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 this time, so I guess Sony aren't publishing this time.

Minus the pre-alpha screen tearing, it looks great.


Payday was one of my good surprises of 2011, great to see a sequel coming along. Here's hoping they keep the shotgun to be an accurate killer beast of a weapon, and not some puny wide cone pea shooter like most other FPSes.


I feel like I should play the first one still? I think i grabbed it on PSN when it was free for +

But I would rather have it on PC, maybe if it goes on sale again. But those shots look really good
First one was a great concept but very flawed in its execution. Hopefully this one is improved. Dynamic (random) events and geometry should help a lot. Also I hope the weapon upgrade system makes more sense.


Oh shit!

Adored playing the first one with friends, such a cool and unique experience despite it often feeling like a very elaborate l4d mod.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I played the demo of the first, and while the L4D type of gameplay in a crime setting is appealing, the weapons you're given felt way too weak for the enemies you were up against.

Gametrailers has an action and a stealth walkthrough of the same mission up, so it seems you can approach missions differently and the game reacts to you differently. Unfortunately the AI seems to basically run at you in a straight line, which isn't the most exciting thing in the world.


Sounds great.

I loved the first game, flaws and all, so more of the same with tweaks and new features sounds good to me. I'll be all over it.


Stormy Grey
Is it weird that the one thing that got me most stoked about the gameplay was the gun sounds? I always hated the weak and pitiful gunshots from Payday 1 and dreamed of getting them modded to match the incredible, beefier shots from Heat.


-AI Director – PAYDAY 2’s new AI director breaks new ground and requires even more from the dedicated co-operative player base. Enemies will devise strategies in response to player action like flash banging, breaching tactics, freeing hostages and even recovering loot bags.

From that video it looked pretty bad unless they were playing on "very easy" difficulty level. I hope this is better than PD 1, didn't like it that much.
Is it weird that the one thing that got me most stoked about the gameplay was the gun sounds? I always hated the weak and pitiful gunshots from Payday 1 and dreamed of getting them modded to match the incredible, beefier shots from Heat.

You are DEFINITELY not the only one. The initial bass from the shot and the echo/reverb after that is much, MUCH better than the first one and most shooters not named Battlefield or Killlzone. I'd love to see more smoke + particle effects to really emphasize the power of the weapons.


Yeah those videos are from the PC build. I'll just wait for a [non-existent] PS4 version, 'cus going by the performance and the graphics of the PS3 version of the first game i'm pretty sure this will end up like shit too.


Day 0. Petered out around 90 hours and level 165 on the first one only because the levels got stale. Can't believe this got announced so close to release.

Reading the bullet points, it looks like they've upped the dynamism of the levels which was the one thing holding the first one back the most, IMO.

And if Sony isn't publishing hopefully we won't have to wait for their certification process for console versions before we get PC patches (eg, Wolf Pack). Overkill had great support for the first game in spite of Sony holding that process back a bit.

Can't wait!


Great news. Payday was a really good game, but it lacked depth. The mechanics, atmosphere, missions, and feel of the weapons were all superb, but any decent period of time with it always leads to the initial rush wearing off and being replaced by repetitiveness. This is one of the few shooters that would benefit immensely from an improved experience/leveling system, persistent characters, and a fleshed out class system with skill trees. The original had this kind of stuff, but it was implemented poorly enough for me to consider it one of the game's weak points.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Hopefully they make the gameplay good this time. It's hard to tell from the footage, but it doesn't look like much has changed with the shooting mechanics *sigh*.


Watched the vids. I had no idea the game looked that awesome! Can't wait to rob the fuck out of some banks and secure drug shipments and other seedy stuff! Sounds like so much fun!
Liked the bank robbery mission and diamond heist in the first one and didn't care much for the rest. I was hoping Payday was going to be more of a stealth, puzzle, planning type game where you want to avoid gun combat making it a last resort. Instead most missions turned into your typical shooter fest as you quickly mow down waves after waves of cops. Not that straight up guns blazing games are bad, but I was expecting more of a heist style game. I got games that do gun combat much better if that's I was going for.

Unfortunately right at the beginning of the first video he says it's going to be a shootout :(


Unconfirmed Member
Is it weird that the one thing that got me most stoked about the gameplay was the gun sounds? I always hated the weak and pitiful gunshots from Payday 1 and dreamed of getting them modded to match the incredible, beefier shots from Heat.

No it was one of my big complaints about the first game as well. They just weren't as satisfying to shoot as they should have been. I like weapons that sound like they will fuck you up. My favourite recent example being Syndicate.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
They're saying the right things with how they’re expanding gameplay elements but let’s see how it works in practice first. After all, the original’s “Left 4 Dead with cops instead of zombies” style sounds pretty interesting as well, but it’s actually mediocre.
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