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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Seriously, it does not take you two to days to say "what I said was wrong. It's a hurtful word with a even worse history behind it and I apologize for saying it. And to the people out there defending me on saying the word, including my fans, you shouldn't be. That word is horrible and should not be said at all."

That would have been a hell of a better than "I'm sorry if I offended anyone."

He don't want to anger the base.

You know the one.


He probably had to wipe his tears of regret between edits with his 100 dollar bills.

Lots of good responses so far.

What it really comes down to is not so much the exact words he said, but whether or not people think he is sincere.

"I'm sorry if I offended" can be interpreted as "sorry not sorry" or a passively worded way of saying "I'm sorry I offended". How you interpret it comes down to if you believe him or not.

Again, I am not defending him. I think his apology was better than saying nothing. But we could spend pages crafting the perfect response, but as soon as it comes out of PDP's mouth, people will say "well of course he didn't mean it".

So are we really criticizing the apology itself, or can we just admit that nothing he says will be good enough since most people would't believe a word of it anyway. Seems kind of silly to criticize the apology, when we know if he had done more we would just move the goalposts and say "still not good enough".


Watched the apology.

I thought it was eh. It's good that he realizes he's not improving and has to better. But if he really thinks that then he has to outline a plan of action. Simply saying "I'll do better" is dandy and all, but it's outlining the steps you take that make all the difference. He's not required to share the steps with the public by any means - it's his personal life - but as of right now we just have a "woops won't happen again" with no reason to believe it actually won't.

And of course, an apology never immediately excuses you from what you did in the first place.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
Man, the bar is so low for some of you I wonder if you even know if there's one.

Is he supposed to donate his wealth and quit Youtube?

What would actually appease you? I'm guessing nothing.

He acknowledged his position of influence, seems genuinely disappointed in him self and apologized.

Move on.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Have you seen the responses to his tweet?


Most people don't care. Apology accepted, and will forget about it next week.
The reality is they won't even forget about, that's. being generous. Likely they will continue to defend his right to use the word and tell people of color to stop "empowering" word. As we are the ones who invented and used it as an epithet.
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

how many alt accounts do you have? jesus


I challenge anyone to write an apology that would please everyone on GAF.

"Sorry for using the N word. In the heat of the moment I let it slip due to being so desensitized to the word. In hindsight it's clear that this word has a prevalence in online gaming, but going forward I want to take the lead in eradicating its use.

Anyone who watches me, please understand that this word has a long complex history and we should not use it. I sincerely apologize to all those who were offended. To put my money where my mouth is, I am going to donate $10,000 to ______ charity"


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?
You're a lying piece of shit. Nègre is a racial slur and all french people know that.


That apology is actually pretty good. I thought it would be something like his older one, where he just put all the blame on the media. He actually admitted that it was a fucking horrible thing to say, and didn't find any excuses.


I missed the part in his apology where he acknowledged he did something wrong instead of implying peoples reactions were the problem.


Lots of good responses so far.

What it really comes down to is not so much the exact words he said, but whether or not people think he is sincere.

"I'm sorry if I offended" can be interpreted as "sorry not sorry" or a passively worded way of saying "I'm sorry I offended". How you interpret it comes down to if you believe him or not.

That's it.

Saying "i'm sorry if I offended anyone" isn't the same as:

- I'm sorry I said something problematic (he's not acknowledging it was problematic)
- What I said was wrong (he's not showing remorse)
- Nobody should use language like that (he's not spreading a positive message about how this should be corrected)

These are all the best way of apologising and the best way to do damage control. You need to backtrack quickly and be as clear as you can while also explaining why it was problematic in the first place.

But he lives in such a huge, impenetrable bubble he clearly doesn't need to do any of that.

Still, it's good he actually used the word 'sorry'. Too many YouTubs haven't even done that. Jontron didn't do it, did he?
Lots of good responses so far.

What it really comes down to is not so much the exact words he said, but whether or not people think he is sincere.

"I'm sorry if I offended" can be interpreted as "sorry not sorry" or a passively worded way of saying "I'm sorry I offended". How you interpret it comes down to if you believe him or not.

Again, I am not defending him. I think his apology was better than saying nothing. But we could spend pages crafting the perfect response, but as soon as it comes out of PDP's mouth, people will say "well of course he didn't mean it".

So are we really criticizing the apology itself, or can we just admit that nothing he says will be good enough since most people would't believe a word of it anyway. Seems kind of silly to criticize the apology, when we know if he had done more we would just move the goalposts and say "still not good enough".
Yes you're defending him these two statements contradict eachother. What would be good enough is him taking time off from streaming to seek help and self reflection. Only thing he learned from this situation is not to say the n word while streaming.


It is hard to believe that in 2017 we are still having the talk about why it isn't cool for white people to say it and the difference between how black people have taken the word and created a version that is only for them to use amongst themselves.

Oh, wait, it is completely believable because the last generation stood up from their rascal scooters and elected a problematic fuck to be the leader of the free world. So now all the idiots feel emboldened.

What is crazy to me is that dudes like Faze Banks, doing a pretty mediocre Malibus Most Wanted impression btw, and Boogie "Don't call me fat but you can say the N word" 2988 coming to the aid of someone that is ACTIVELY AND CONSISTENTLY fucking their money up.

He's always been problematic. But with his rapid success and climb to the top, he's become "the face" of YouTube and content creators. So now he is the standard and example for the rest of you all to be judged.

How many times is Felix going to draw major news attention to himself for being a complete dipshit? Again, he is the biggest YouTuber in the world, someone that once grabbed headlines as a pioneer for the medium and showing that YouTube was a viable platform to make a living is now only on major news outlets because of all the stupid shit he's doing. An almost 30 year old man that chalks his idiocy up to oppsies and slips of the tongue.

Ya'll think it's because the "SJW" boogeymen are out here pulling strings? You think it's people getting to offended at things too easily? Nah buds, it's people finally taking notice and holding these dweebs you support to SOCIETAL standards. And these people are the with the actual juice to do shit. Advertisers.

Advertisers see these stories and are wanting fuckall to do with YouTube, especially gaming content. He is the person doing the most damage to ya'll fucking bank accounts. He is fucking your money up. Stop standing behind him a line propping him up. Let him fall on his own.

If you care about nothing else, care about your fucking livelihood.

A bunch of white people being willing to fuck up their own economic situation to allow for shitting on minorities is a tale as old as time.
PewDiePie is full of shit. Absolute shit. I don't accept his apology at all. The guy drops a hard R like a fucking symphony then goes on to almost say it again AND use a place holder (ninja, nibba, etc). Anyone who does that does not give a single fuck and is only apologizing because he has to.

And anyone who accepts that apology after his REPEATED behavior is a fool. You can't drop 2 to 4 apologies in a year and expect people to keep extending the line.
What PDP's fanbase thinks is irrelevant. What I want is actual consequences for his actions a la the Firewatch Demonetization. I want major pubs to just ban him from streaming or covering their games. I want youtube to just ban his account. Like enough is enough with this douchebag. Box him out of the industry already.
PewDiePie is doubling-down on that dirty, deplorable money. He's been cut-off from reputable sponsors and his only sanctuary site for financial security is the alt-right community.
I've defended PewDiePie in the past, but I'm sorry, that apology was terrible.

In 2012, Ryan Davis said "faggot" on a Giant Bomb stream. He rightly felt horrible about it and immediately issued an apology. Here's what a SINCERE apology sounds like:

Ladies and gentlemen, during tonight's Lantern Run, I made a terrible mistake with my language, one that I immediately recognized as hurtful, embarrassing, and just categorically inappropriate both personally and professionally. Giant Bomb has certainly been known to "work blue", but that kind of language simply has no place on Giant Bomb--and, frankly, in the world at large--not now, not ever. I was shocked myself when it came tumbling out, and instantly felt like the worst piece of shit in the world. Context is meaningless, because that word comes with too much of its own hurtful baggage to ever possibly justify.

I want to be crystal clear here: I'm saying this not because of some corporate mandate or some fear for my job. I'm saying this because it's important to me personally that I acknowledge the significance of what was said, and to own it. I feel miserable because that's not me, and it's horrifying to me to think that someone would take that awful outburst as some sort of implicit approval to use that word. That shit is just indefensible. As such, the archived version of the Final Lantern Run will be edited, though I wanted to make sure that this message got out there first, and that people know that this isn't a cover-up.

All I can ask for now is forgiveness for my gaffe. If you can't manage that, I understand, and hope that you can at least give me a chance to prove that I am better than what you saw of me in that deeply regrettable moment of frustration.

Ryan Davis: My Worst Moment


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

It does make you wonder what the hell is going on with the internet when somebody goes the trouble to create an account on a gaming forum but then this is their first post.
You would think one would hope people see this so-called "apology" as something that was done to dismiss this controversy than actually feel sincere.

I mean why should he feel sorry anyway? Neither Google, Twitch, or PLAYERUNKNOWN have announced any action towards PDP's remarks so why should he feel remorseful.

A damn fucking shame.


Is he supposed to donate his wealth and quit Youtube?

What would actually appease you? I'm guessing nothing.

He acknowledged his position of influence, seems genuinely disappointed in him self and apologized.

Move on.

Don't lie, you would have have accepted any sign of contrition fake or not.
As I said earlier :
It's our lot of being the butt of this kind of joke.
If we were in a sitcom, this would be the time that people start to complain that the black dude is bad for not accepting the shitty apology.
By the end of the episode we'll see the brother offer his own apology to the shithead because everyone is dogging him for going too far in not accepting the apology.
Shithead will fuck up just before end credits.

It's not his 1st racist outburst, that you're so quick to excuse anything in the face of repeat offenses tells us everything we need to know about you.


He apologized, and I forgive him, but certainly will not forget.

I do not have room in my heart to cast him off to subhuman status, but I also don't think apology should make it ok to go back to watching his videos.

This has made it pretty clear to me that on a subconscious level he is maybe unintentional but certainly complicit with racism.

The Nazi stuff was pretty foolish, but there was a pretty clear argument to be made about context and there was sensationalism and smear campaign to drag him down without a doubt.

This was a very poor choice because it is nearly impossible to justify what he did.

Again, I forgive him, but he probably should not be a public media figure with this patterned behavior.

That's a lot of benefit of fit of the doubt for pdp of all people. And no, calling out anti semetism is not a smear complain.


That was a better apology than I expected from Pewds honestly.

Not that I think it helped anything, but at least the guy tried and seemed honest in his video. That's about 5 steps up from his previous "apologies"


He's from Sweden right. In the latest Swedish opinion poll the openly racist party got 20% of the votes. So at least every fifth Swede is a racist. If anyone assumes there are no racist assholes in Sweden or Europe they are mistaken.

Source: https://val.digital/ (SD is the racist party)


That's it.

Saying "i'm sorry if I offended anyone" isn't the same as:

- I'm sorry I said something problematic (he's not acknowledging it was problematic)
- What I said was wrong (he's not showing remorse)
- Nobody should use language like that (he's not spreading a positive message about how this should be corrected)

These are all the best way of apologising and the best way to do damage control. You need to backtrack quickly and be as clear as you can while also explaining why it was problematic in the first place.

But he lives in such a huge, impenetrable bubble he clearly doesn't need to do any of that.

Still, it's good he actually used the word 'sorry'. Too many YouTubs haven't even done that. Jontron didn't do it, did he?

QFT - seemed like a typical "apology". At least he didn't deflect it towards a large media group and "misinterpretation" like he did in March.

EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ro_wpRKpTU#t=10m10s

He didn't address this either
I've defended PewDiePie in the past, but I'm sorry, that apology was terrible.

In 2012, Ryan Davis said "faggot" on a Giant Bomb stream. He rightly felt horrible about it and immediately issued an apology. Here's what a SINCERE apology sounds like:

Ryan Davis: My Worst Moment

Yeah, that sounds sincere to me. PewDiePie mumbling his way through a heavily edited and meaningless pr apology 2 days after the fact shows me that he's just reacting to the blowback.
Is he supposed to donate his wealth and quit Youtube?

What would actually appease you? I'm guessing nothing.

He acknowledged his position of influence, seems genuinely disappointed in him self and apologized.

Move on.

Some real fucking audacity you have there telling people to move on when a racist shit bag reveals his racism and tries to 'apologize' it away with lame excuses of "Well I hear it all the time" which should be an indicator that he's complacent with racism. A line you're also skirting.


of course it's hard to take the apology at face value when there's video of him yucking it up on stream after dropping the slur.


You would think one would hope people see this so-called "apology" as something that was done to dismiss this controversy than actually feel sincere.

I mean why should he feel sorry anyway? Neither Google, Twitch, or PLAYERUNKNOWN have announced any action towards PDP's remarks so why should he feel remorseful.

A damn fucking shame.

Google don't want racists to boycott YouTube, Twitch don't want racists to boycott Twitch, Playerunknown are probably well aware of the type of shitty racist language that is used in their game on a daily basis so they will simply turn a blind eye to it.

Money trumps all.


I was looking for that tweet! This is my response to every "that was a good apology" post.

Beefy you seen that picture of that tweet that said something along the lines of:

YouTuber: @&#$. Oops my bad

White community: Its cool.

Black community: Who asked y'all??

I think we might be needing it again.
I mean how would you know if Cmerrill, the one Beefy responded to is white or black? Because he found the apology sufficient he/she is automatically white? Really?


Junior Member
Yeah, that sounds sincere to me. PewDiePie mumbling his way through a heavily edited and meaningless pr apology 2 days after the fact shows me that he's just reacting to the blowback.
"Fuck how many subscribers I'm a losing. O for fuck sake now news sites are reporting about it, it's just a word. Boby right me up a apology real quick I better get this out of the way"


Lots of good responses so far.

What it really comes down to is not so much the exact words he said, but whether or not people think he is sincere.

"I'm sorry if I offended" can be interpreted as "sorry not sorry" or a passively worded way of saying "I'm sorry I offended". How you interpret it comes down to if you believe him or not.

Again, I am not defending him. I think his apology was better than saying nothing. But we could spend pages crafting the perfect response, but as soon as it comes out of PDP's mouth, people will say "well of course he didn't mean it".

So are we really criticizing the apology itself, or can we just admit that nothing he says will be good enough since most people would't believe a word of it anyway. Seems kind of silly to criticize the apology, when we know if he had done more we would just move the goalposts and say "still not good enough".

Apologies that involve apologizing for how someone else feels are seldom, if ever, genuine. In fact they're pretty condescending. Mature individuals don't phrase things "sorry if i hurt you....sorry if i offended you....etc" You apology should revolve around your own actions regardless of how the person interpreted those actions. I mean, just by virtue of the way it's worded, he saying that im sorry that you're upset and as such had you not been upset, i wouldn't be apologizing. People shouldn't see that as an acceptable apology

That apology is actually pretty good. I thought it would be something like his older one, where he just put all the blame on the media. He actually admitted that it was a fucking horrible thing to say, and didn't find any excuses.
You miss the part where he said he's not racist, he's just dumb?


Is he supposed to donate his wealth and quit Youtube?

What would actually appease you? I'm guessing nothing.

He acknowledged his position of influence, seems genuinely disappointed in him self and apologized.

Move on.

So is this basically a racist assembly line then?

Be racist > people get upset > half-assed apology > move on

Rinse and repeat. You realize this shit isn't going to stop? These apologies are fucking MEANINGLESS because NOTHING changes.

The fact you are so ready to accept this shitty apology tells me you didn't give a shit in the first place.


It's also a ghost writer. Maybe he'll next pretend they just call one another "Hey, ghost writer !" between pals?

If your friend is a writer I could see that be a way to joke about that writer's fortune.
Otherwise, if you use that slur people will look at you like you Sieg Hailed.


"B-but other people say it, heat of the moment, slipped out, sorry if I offended." Lol. Just some quick and dirty, lame ass attempt at damage control. His track record of repeatedly doing this shit should also reflect this. Give it a few months, and another thread similar to this one will appear. I feel at this point, if people are still actively supporting the guy they're either completely fine with discrimination in general, or as long as it doesn't affect them personally.


Lots of good responses so far.

What it really comes down to is not so much the exact words he said, but whether or not people think he is sincere.

"I'm sorry if I offended" can be interpreted as "sorry not sorry" or a passively worded way of saying "I'm sorry I offended". How you interpret it comes down to if you believe him or not.

Again, I am not defending him. I think his apology was better than saying nothing. But we could spend pages crafting the perfect response, but as soon as it comes out of PDP's mouth, people will say "well of course he didn't mean it".

So are we really criticizing the apology itself, or can we just admit that nothing he says will be good enough since most people would't believe a word of it anyway. Seems kind of silly to criticize the apology, when we know if he had done more we would just move the goalposts and say "still not good enough".

Both. If was a shit apology, but also PDP past makes it worthless
Lots of good responses so far.

What it really comes down to is not so much the exact words he said, but whether or not people think he is sincere.

"I'm sorry if I offended" can be interpreted as "sorry not sorry" or a passively worded way of saying "I'm sorry I offended". How you interpret it comes down to if you believe him or not.

Again, I am not defending him. I think his apology was better than saying nothing. But we could spend pages crafting the perfect response, but as soon as it comes out of PDP's mouth, people will say "well of course he didn't mean it".

So are we really criticizing the apology itself, or can we just admit that nothing he says will be good enough since most people would't believe a word of it anyway. Seems kind of silly to criticize the apology, when we know if he had done more we would just move the goalposts and say "still not good enough".

You're defending him.

And you are making him seem like a victim.

And it's not fooling anyone.
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