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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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I just don't understand what his end game is with this picture.

He has an outspoken dislike of over-pc culture so he posts that?

At face value it's ridiculous and stupid as a defence and it's more likely to wind people up but for what reason?

'that will show those intolerant left, me posting a disingenuous image using transparent attempts to protect myself from accusations of racism'

Its like a gay person in denial who is trying to prove they are straight by having sex with someone of the same sex.

You don't understand? It's pretty simple actually: people are supporting him over this. He's giving them an encore.
I just don't understand what his end game is with this picture.

He has an outspoken dislike of over-pc culture so he posts that?

At face value it's ridiculous and stupid as a defence and it's more likely to wind people up but for what reason?

'that will show those intolerant left, me posting a disingenuous image using transparent attempts to protect myself from accusations of racism'

Its like a gay person in denial who is trying to prove they are straight by having sex with someone of the same sex.

The joke is pretty much: "Let's post deliberately stupid image. This will make the #SJWs get all #triggered lol" The world's most successful youtube comedian ladies and gentlemen


Serious question. I don't watch any of his stuff just know the name.

This guy is a streamer / vlogger right?
Does let's plays and stuff.

Isn't his audience like 8-18 mostly?
Why is he even talking about this to kids?
I mean no he really didn't. But to start he could apologize for any of this;

Including but not limited to: flirting with a neo-nazi, posting bs about cnn, defending trump, using retarded as a slur, retweeting a sexist harassing shitbag who made fun of sjws. I don't know, where's his apologies for any of that in the last few days?
/vanishes in to thin air only to reappear to defend pdp in the next thread probably

Funny how that works
You don't understand? It's pretty simple actually: people are supporting him over this. He's giving them an encore.
I mean that's exactly what it feels like.

'check this out guys, watch how they react to me posting this clear reference to a racist picture but different enough to pretend it wasn't on purpose'

I seems the allure of YouTube/online celebrity is enough that when they start spouting political comments that contain bigotry (or at least are ignorant of their effects) and they start getting called out for it many can't take it and seek protection from the warm and encouraging words of alt right/mra style shitbags online and end up moving even closer to their line of thinking and feelings of oppression.
Serious question. I don't watch any of his stuff just know the name.

This guy is a streamer / vlogger right?
Does let's plays and stuff.

Isn't his audience like 8-18 mostly?
Why is he even talking about this to kids?
Because this way he can influence them to be mindless morons just like himself.
i just don't get why all these male youtubers are such aryan pieces of shit?

like wtf pewdds, are you really this stupid?

edit: is it something about his age range, where he thinks it's cool / smart to be contrarian? [as opposed to researching / critically thinking why pc culture is essential?]


My read on him since his Hitler schtick is that he enjoys pandering to the alt right while being just opaque enough that he or his cult can cry 'context' or 'satire' in response to his dumb shit.
My read on him since his Hitler schtick is that he enjoys pandering to the alt right while being just opaque enough that he or his cult can cry 'context' or 'satire' in response to his dumb shit.

this is so spot on.

like, he COULD just be a genius troll [trolling both sides], but that still wouldn't forgive his actions.

i mean, i watch a lot of PDP videos, then inevitably take breaks when he fucks up like this because.... WTF PEWDS.
I seems the allure of YouTube/online celebrity is enough that when they start spouting political comments that contain bigotry (or at least are ignorant of their effects) and they start getting called out for it many can't take it and seek protection from the warm and encouraging words of alt right/mra style shitbags online and end up moving even closer to their line of thinking and feelings of oppression.

I think it's a bit like that. I think the pattern is they make a risqué joke and get called out on it by some, not even necessarily a lot of people here but someone calls it out, they get defensive and it's down the rabbit hole of being contrarian just for the satisfaction of feeling like you're right while a lot of people are wrong. Problem is, this kind of behavior is finding an audience more easily as of late and as such it's getting encouraged. PDP himself admits in the video he's not the best person to talk about this, so why the fuck is he even talking about it? Why is Jordan Peterson, a guy I'm still surprised even exists, making over 50k a month on Patreon just for the sake of being notorious for being against the use of pronouns according to what a person prefers? Why are Sargon's videos hitting over 400k views regularly to overwhelming support? For fuck's sake, Milo defends statutory rape and his videos still have an audience that goes like yay Milo you're the best fuck CNN, why?

The answers are sadly all the same. Because people are rallying behind these people. I think it's time to reassess things, this isn't an isolated case of PDP being a douchebag, but this confrontational stance against "PC culture" is growing at an alarming rate. There's something that needs to be done and I'm not sure what it is, but we need to stop thinking about these people as "idiots being idiots" or like a vocal minority and realize that this is going fast towards the point of no return.


My read on him since his Hitler schtick is that he enjoys pandering to the alt right while being just opaque enough that he or his cult can cry 'context' or 'satire' in response to his dumb shit.

This exactly. Way to put into a few succinct words how I feel about this dipshit.
I think it's a bit like that. I think the pattern is they make a risqué joke and get called out on it by some, not even necessarily a lot of people here but someone calls it out, they get defensive and it's down the rabbit hole of being contrarian just for the satisfaction of feeling like you're right while a lot of people are wrong. Problem is, this kind of behavior is finding an audience more easily as of late and as such it's getting encouraged. PDP himself admits in the video he's not the best person to talk about this, so why the fuck is he even talking about it? Why is Jordan Peterson, a guy I'm still surprised even exists, making over 50k a month on Patreon just for the sake of being notorious for being against the use of pronouns according to what a person prefers? Why are Sargon's videos hitting over 400k views regularly to overwhelming support? For fuck's sake, Milo defends statutory rape and his videos still have an audience that goes like yay Milo you're the best fuck CNN, why?

The answers are sadly all the same. Because people are rallying behind these people. I think it's time to reassess things, this isn't an isolated case of PDP being a douchebag, but this confrontational stance against "PC culture" is growing at an alarming rate. There's something that needs to be done and I'm not sure what it is, but we need to stop thinking about these people as "idiots being idiots" or like a vocal minority and realize that this is going fast towards the point of no return.
I just don't honestly know what we can do against the anti pc brigade.

People have tried reasoning, using facts, being understanding and yet for the most part it doesn't work.

That's why the left get angry because nothing we do seems to work yet we get called out for being intolerant or just as bad as the right.

It seems a lot of people are only able to understand and have empathy when something happens in their face and it somehow hurts them. Otherwise they don't believe it or just don't care.
Serious question. I don't watch any of his stuff just know the name.

This guy is a streamer / vlogger right?
Does let's plays and stuff.

Isn't his audience like 8-18 mostly?
Why is he even talking about this to kids?
Yes, it is mostly kids watching these vlogs on Youtube. And the content of it is really starting to be worse and worse. From those racist prank videos, basically advocating sexual assault on random women, antisemitism, more alt-right bullshit. And then throw a few Minecraft videos around it to make your channel kid friendly or something. It's disgusting.

I just don't honestly know what we can do against the anti pc brigade.

People have tried reasoning, using facts, being understanding and yet for the most part it doesn't work.

That's why the left get angry because nothing we do seems to work yet we get called out for being intolerant or just as bad as the right.

It seems a lot of people are only able to understand and have empathy when something happens in their face and it somehow hurts them. Otherwise they don't believe it or just don't care.
At least Youtube has changed some stuff in its ad systems so that crap gets less money. But really, the solution is to get these people off mainstream social networks. Get it off Youtube, Facebook and Twitter and the influence is mostly gone.
I just don't honestly know what we can do against the anti pc brigade.

People have tried reasoning, using facts, being understanding and yet for the most part it doesn't work.

That's why the left get angry because nothing we do seems to work yet we get called out for being intolerant or just as bad as the right.

It seems a lot of people are only able to understand and have empathy when something happens in their face and it somehow hurts them. Otherwise they don't believe it or just don't care.

I also don't know what can be done here, but it's pretty clear in terms of public appeal at least this isn't working. Their audience is only growing and you have guys like PDP "joining the cause". This is much more concerning than simply PDP being an asshole and I've been repeating myself endlessly in this thread about this lol because it's a much bigger issue than some of us would even like to admit.

At least Youtube has changed some stuff in its ad systems so that crap gets less money. But really, the solution is to get these people off mainstream social networks. Get it off Youtube, Facebook and Twitter and the influence is mostly gone.

That wouldn't work because they have an audience for this crap. An audience that overall has one common theme going and that is a perception of lack of free speech. The people who are supporting PDP won't go away if he does. They will grow more agitated.
That wouldn't work because they have an audience for this crap. An audience that overall has one common theme going and that is a perception of lack of free speech. The people who are supporting PDP won't go away if he does. They will grow more agitated.
You limit the spread of these messages though. By not having Facebook, Google, Twitter push back against these kind of things, it has very much been normalized as just another opinion for a lot of people.

It won't stop it. But at least you don't have your 12-year old nephew seeing this shit and be influenced while browsing Minecraft videos.
You limit the spread of these messages though. By not having Facebook, Google, Twitter push back against these kind of things, it has very much been normalized as just another opinion for a lot of people.

It won't stop it. But at least you don't have your 12-year old nephew seeing this shit and be influenced while browsing Minecraft videos.

Yes it would help to control the message from spreading of what would be new members in the PDP audience but that's a palliative considering the outrage it would generate in the current members of the audience, especially an audience that rallies behind the deprivation of free speech.


He is absolutely not a nice guy and is largely an opportunist piece of shit who makes videos about his garbage views because he knows it will get him money which is all he cares about. He's a dirty little worm who helps in spreading hate and intolerance wherever he can understand the guise of being "a nice guy'. Fuck that asshole.

see i don't watch many of dude's videos or fuck with him when he was on gaming side, but from all the shit i've read i was glad to see him go, yeah


So I guess studies that show women doing the same job as men with lower pays (as in same positions, similar backgrounds) is all bs because of one that one guy said. Same with the lack of women at top positions, they just don't work hard enough.
Hope he realizes who he is defending (if he thinks he is "progressive") or that his fans realize who he is.
EDIT: kinda sad he defends that position when Sweden (his native country) has one of the most progressive and closest pay gaps, as well as social nets to allow women to take the "breaks" necessary to have children.

Or how jobs "suddenly" lose prestige and pay when they switch from male dominated to female dominated.


Aka Employers decided that the work done is less valid if it's not a sausage party.

A striking example is to be found in the field of recreation — working in parks or leading camps — which went from predominantly male to female from 1950 to 2000. Median hourly wages in this field declined 57 percentage points, accounting for the change in the value of the dollar, according to a complex formula used by Professor Levanon. The job of ticket agent also went from mainly male to female during this period, and wages dropped 43 percentage points.

The same thing happened when women in large numbers became designers (wages fell 34 percentage points), housekeepers (wages fell 21 percentage points) and biologists (wages fell 18 percentage points). The reverse was true when a job attracted more men. Computer programming, for instance, used to be a relatively menial role done by women. But when male programmers began to outnumber female ones, the job began paying more and gained prestige.


It's a shame Fantano is one of the only large music reviewers in a video format, cause his opinions are garbage and he's gotten closer to both sides. Hell he had an entire video bashing Katy Perry for promoting blm and feminism because he assumed she was doing it just for a career boost. For 10 minutes.

Have you listened to that interview though? It sounds like she's down for the cause as long as no one is upset with her.
She brings up her ' angelic ' friends several times and to me at least, kind of implies that as long as you're nice with your
critiques that only then, is she willing to be open to changing and educating herself.

I can see why Anthony had the reaction that he did, even if I was bothered by
the way that he tried to soften some of Katy's instances of cultural appropriation ( namely, the cornrows thing ).

If he is making videos whining about how people are outspoken feminists for a "career boost" then I'm sorry to tell you he's already in freefall.

Katy Perry isn't a great example of an ' outspoken feminist ' by any means, lol.

I mean that's exactly what it feels like.

'check this out guys, watch how they react to me posting this clear reference to a racist picture but different enough to pretend it wasn't on purpose'

I seems the allure of YouTube/online celebrity is enough that when they start spouting political comments that contain bigotry (or at least are ignorant of their effects) and they start getting called out for it many can't take it and seek protection from the warm and encouraging words of alt right/mra style shitbags online and end up moving even closer to their line of thinking and feelings of oppression.

Is it because they share the same platform and see themselves as allies?
Is it because they share the same platform and see themselves as allies?
I think it starts out like this in some of them "they are trying to silence and shut down independent voices, it's an attack on all"

They then start hanging in other 'victim' circles to gain strength with fellow youtubers who have also received criticism for things they have said.

What they fail to realise is that people have every right to tell them their opinions are terrible but they think freedom of speech means freedom of criticism and that simply isn't the case.

L Thammy

Why do white people get so many benefits of the doubt after multiple occasions to be racist?

That was really just a snide remark on my part because he stole that "joke" from 4chan. You're right in that it's still telling that he's comfortable (re-)using that kind of humour.


Ugh, what the fuck is he even thinking? I don't know why he doesn't stay out of this shit, unless he actually holds these beliefs. Also he shouldn't be exposing his viewer base to that Polish dick no matter what side he's on. The video is not really funny and honestly kinda comes off as if he is trying to subtly side with the guy (He never says that girls are less intelligent, but he's defending a guy who does????). I don't even know anymore. I thought he was a lot better than this and I hope he stays the fuck away from this kind of thing forever as his viewers shouldn't be exposed to it.


The One and Done™;243617910 said:
Holy shit! A fucktard on YouTube has a stupid opinion?!?

He's still the same idiot I knew before he made it on the Internet.

Wait wait wait, you knew him?


Or how jobs "suddenly" lose prestige and pay when they switch from male dominated to female dominated.


Aka Employers decided that the work done is less valid if it's not a sausage party.

A striking example is to be found in the field of recreation — working in parks or leading camps — which went from predominantly male to female from 1950 to 2000. Median hourly wages in this field declined 57 percentage points, accounting for the change in the value of the dollar, according to a complex formula used by Professor Levanon. The job of ticket agent also went from mainly male to female during this period, and wages dropped 43 percentage points.

The same thing happened when women in large numbers became designers (wages fell 34 percentage points), housekeepers (wages fell 21 percentage points) and biologists (wages fell 18 percentage points). The reverse was true when a job attracted more men. Computer programming, for instance, used to be a relatively menial role done by women. But when male programmers began to outnumber female ones, the job began paying more and gained prestige.

Quoting this because it's genuinely interesting data that I've never seen before. I had no idea this was a thing, but I guess it explains the wage gap when women are just "going for lower paying jobs", as had been one of the major defenses previously.

Edit: Oh gosh 3 posts in a row I'm sorry :/
It's a shame Fantano is one of the only large music reviewers in a video format, cause his opinions are garbage and he's gotten closer to both sides. Hell he had an entire video bashing Katy Perry for promoting blm and feminism because he assumed she was doing it just for a career boost. For 10 minutes.
I hate Fantano too but Katy Perry is probably the one person those complaints are legitimate about. Perry made a career off of songs like I Kissed a Girl (using homosexuality as an accessory to make herself more attractive to straight men) and Ur So Gay (self-explanatory, Jesus) and then the second Gaga proved inclusivity was profitable with Born This Way, suddenly Perry is all Firework-ing it up and acting like the biggest neoliberal out there. She's a fake through and through.

That being said, you should never give a platform to fascists and Fantano doing stuff like interviews with Sargon of Akkad in the name of "fairness" is some stupid-ass garbage.


I think it starts out like this in some of them "they are trying to silence and shut down independent voices, it's an attack on all"

They then start hanging in other 'victim' circles to gain strength with fellow youtubers who have also received criticism for things they have said.

What they fail to realise is that people have every right to tell them their opinions are terrible but they think freedom of speech means freedom of criticism and that simply isn't the case.

You've just described alt-right indoctrination in a nutshell.
What really blows my mind is that the likes of 4chan managed
to be so influential several years down the road, and for all the wrong reasons.

It's surreal


Doctor Ironic said:
Fantano doing stuff like interviews with Sargon of Akkad in the name of "fairness" is some stupid-ass garbage.

Holy shit, what?!
I used to make jokes about him being my problematic fave, but I never knew about this ; - ;

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Yup and there we go. This is pretty surely going to be a thing now, and PDP will somehow try to escape whatever comes out of it with "Oh but it was a joke!" again, while happily enjoy all those new alt-right conspiracy numbnut fans.
Yup and there we go. This is pretty surely going to be a thing now, and PDP will somehow try to escape whatever comes out of it with "Oh but it was a joke!" again, while happily enjoy all those new alt-right conspiracy numbnut fans.

Friend I sure wish I shared your optimism but PDP is going to come out of this with more people thinking he was right than wrong. This won't be seen as a joke but as factual facts.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Friend I sure wish I shared your optimism but PDP is going to come out of this with more people thinking he was right than wrong. This won't be seen as a joke but as factual facts.

Oh yeah, I agree. I should have left out the "try to", didn't want to imply he won't be successful with it.

Speaking of, there's a new video on the Game Theory channel also pointing out how his "jokes" were "ill-recieved" by the "media", or an "attack on Pewdiepie". "Pewdiepie.. is Pewdiepie, you know", just "a target" because he is so big.

I'm sure that won't change, Youtube creators keep disappointing.


Or how jobs "suddenly" lose prestige and pay when they switch from male dominated to female dominated.


Aka Employers decided that the work done is less valid if it's not a sausage party.

A striking example is to be found in the field of recreation — working in parks or leading camps — which went from predominantly male to female from 1950 to 2000. Median hourly wages in this field declined 57 percentage points, accounting for the change in the value of the dollar, according to a complex formula used by Professor Levanon. The job of ticket agent also went from mainly male to female during this period, and wages dropped 43 percentage points.

The same thing happened when women in large numbers became designers (wages fell 34 percentage points), housekeepers (wages fell 21 percentage points) and biologists (wages fell 18 percentage points). The reverse was true when a job attracted more men. Computer programming, for instance, used to be a relatively menial role done by women. But when male programmers began to outnumber female ones, the job began paying more and gained prestige.

Interesting data. That said, I'd be interested in the wider data on the job fields they track. My gut reaction is that at least some of the discrepancy in wages per field is that as women become more common in said field, there are more trained workers in those fields in general, which leads to increased job scarcity, which leads to lower wages. That's not to say that there isn't some gender bias as well, but it's another factor that should be accounted for. Similarly, in some fields they mention in the article such as housekeepers and child care/nannies are fields now predominantly dominated today by recent immigrant population. Recent immigrants are generally paid less for the same jobs as well, either because they accept less or are offered less.

The computer programmer data is particularly interesting. Unfortunately, the actual study itself seems to be behind a paywall so I can't say for sure, but my guess for a possible alternate explanation is that, depending on the period the data covers, computer programming has become more complex over time and so what was once, using the article's own words, consider a medial role/job, is now much more complex, requiring more education such that what computer programming used to be and what it is now are vastly different in the amount of education and skills needed. But again, that's just a guess.

As for the PewDiePie stuff, while I'm not a fan and I have no idea what exactly this Polish guy is about, I will say that there is something to the quote attributed to PewDiePie about the so called "gender pay gap myth". While not a myth at all, the numbers quoted most (i.e. women make 77-80% what a man does) is what is called the unadjusted pay gap. As PewDiePie correctly states here, it does not account for maternity leave, hours worked, education, experience in field, or variations in the gender ratio per occupation. Once you adjust for all those discrepancies, you get the adjusted pay gap, which is closer to 5-9%.
Oh yeah, I agree. I should have left out the "try to", didn't want to imply he won't be successful with it.

Speaking of, there's a new video on the Game Theory channel also pointing out how his "jokes" were "ill-recieved" by the "media", or an "attack on Pewdiepie". "Pewdiepie.. is Pewdiepie, you know", just "a target" because he is so big.

I'm sure that won't change, Youtube creators keep disappointing.

God YouTube community acts just like the police do. Just a giant blue wall (red wall here?) Of silence.

And then they wonder why YouTube takes drastic measures. Act like children and your parents will take away your toys.
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