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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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Guess he accepted his career tanked so he went full Alt-right.
There's money to be had in pandering to garbage people. Plus you don't have to censor your garbage opinions!
Maybe he should shut his pewdiepie hole. These rich streamers just can't help but get drunk on their own kool-aid can they?

What I'm wondering is why is it always this brand of kool-aid? Why is it always the spiked poison kool-aid and not the delicious tasty kool-aid?


I don't know if there's a statistic that shows that women in general are less intelligent than men

There is, but that doesn't mean those statistics are right...

PDP trying to pretend as if there is some kind of logical or scientific backing to support this politician. Yes there were people trying to say that women have smaller brains and therefore are less intelligent than men, but it's been clearly shown women can acquire and apply knowledge just as well if not better than men. The politician's words in the last quote are clear, he literally thinks women are less intelligent yet by the definition of the word women certainly aren't less intelligent.

I can imagine saying this to PDP and him responding the same way he already did mentioning the effects of such thinking rather than providing any proof to the politician's claim he is trying to support.


Guess he accepted his career tanked so he went full Alt-right.

PewDiePie is still the face of the franchise, the audience and the creators treat him like so. His career beyond youtube may have tanked, but his career on the site is getting bigger.


Guess he accepted his career tanked so he went full Alt-right.

Disney dropped him for being toxic, no one else with a major platform will touch him again. He peaked, and sad thing is it he did it to himself. It is a high peak but his ceiling was so much higher

PewDiePie is still the face of the franchise, the audience and the creators treat him like so. His career beyond youtube may have tanked, but his career on the site is getting bigger.

Not when major advertisers taking their money out the platform. Directly because him and others. he is Captain of a ship with a gash on it


Gold Member
He's raising 80% of America's kids.

We're fucked.

Looking at the 2016 exit polling breakdown, we're already fucked. Sexist shit like this just perpetuates the cycle.

Meanwhile, here's my reaction about PewDiePie saying something basically lifted straight from the alt-right:

Y'all imagine children's programming 30 years ago saying this kind of shit?

Mr. Rodgers told me every damn morning that I was just as special as the white kids living next door to me. Reading Rainbow taught me that everybody is equal when you've got knowledge.

Pewdiepie is teaching kids that rape is funny and women should shut the hell up.

Channel networks would be dragged everywhere and hit with so many lawsuits.

But not with idiots like these on Youtube.


You'd think by now Youtube funny men would learn to stop talking about politics on their channels. Unless this is PDP finally giving up and deciding to to go all right wing so he can get that sweet sweet Patreon money. Milo has shown that alt righters will blindly throw money at anyone they like without question.


I never used to have a problem with this guy's popularity, but it's since become plainly obvious what a massive piece of shit he is. The fact that this idiot has played a role in shaping the worldview of so many kids is just depressing.


I sincerely hope all the "get these politics outta my vidjya games!" people will come out in full force to combat this unholy collusion.

Oh, but wait, it's dumb and involves shitting on women, so it's cool.

Conservatives are big pussies when their views are challenged in the media they consume (games, NFL, etc). They don't care if it's something they agree with.


All of these social media platforms have failed. The fact that bigotry, racism and hatred aren't enough to stop these platforms from letting kids get exposed to these people through this new form of media is pathetic.
Disney dropped him for being toxic, no one else with a major platform will touch him again. He peaked, and sad thing is it he did it to himself. It is a high peak but his ceiling was so much higher

Not when major advertisers taking their money out the platform. Directly because him and others. he is Captain of a ship with a gash on it

He's making millions upon millions of dollars without MSM giving a shit. He and other youtubers have fought for Youtube to be a platform that MSM takes seriously but at this point he's better off if Youtube stays relatively ignored by the MSM. I typed in "PewDiePie" in google expecting to see more articles and headlines to pop up about this story, but nothing came up. Not being part of MSM yet still having 56 million followers is actually the best thing for him right now.
We saw it happen with 4chan, but i think it will be marginally better. Because Twitch and Youtube have massive amount of shit on them. But they also have some actual good people on there. They might not be as popular as the shit heads but I am glad they are there and people are watching.

Yeah, there's some quality stuff out there no doubt, but you look at who's grabbing all the headlines, and who the kids are gravitating toward, spending an obscene amount of time watching a whole lot of this nonsense and... I dunno, maybe I'm already an out of touch old man here but I feel like the bar has been seriously lowered for how so many kids are spending their time.
But second time I watched it, interpreting all his stumbling and mumbling, I understand what he’s trying to say. Like he said many times, he’s not saying women should earn less, he’s saying they are because of these reasons.

A lot of YouTubers have done this recently, and I really don't like it. It always comes in the formula of:
No you see this person didn't really mean [HORRENDOUSLY RACIST/SEXIST THING], he actually saying [MORE MODERATE POINT] and he got trapped by the interviewers into saying that previous thing!
It's just such a massive pointless deflection. Most of the discussion around the gender wage gap is already full of pointless deflections, but this in particular is notable cause he literally tried to spin "Women are less intelligent then men" into a reasonable position.


Not when major advertisers taking their money out the platform. Directly because him and others. he is Captain of a ship with a gash on it

They're already gotten back some major ones after the incident. It really was a couple of week period of panic, and nothing much more.
I never used to have a problem with this guy's popularity, but it's since become plainly obvious what a massive piece of shit he is. The fact that this idiot has played a role in shaping the worldview of so many kids is just depressing.
I mean it wasn't really surprising considering he got famous off of making funny faces while yelling slurs.
I remember the defense force on PewDiePie

"He's just being sarcastic"

"It's an ironic joke about x,y,z"

There's a limit to hiding behind "LOL JK" before people ultimately react the way they did with his first controversy with that poor taste Nazi joke. Now he's just exposed himself as another idiot with shit views.
As American i know people would break their backs for bigotry

I'll be thankful when Youtube "trims the fat" so to speak and another platform rises from the ashes so I can give the people that are actually trying to be kid friendly and promote positivity clicks and money instead of this fuck.


Youtubers protect Youtubers. They consider an attack against one of them as an attack against all. Anything that threatens being able to live/sustain yourself by being a youtuber is the enemy. PDP being a shitlord and making people lose faith in the idea of youtube celebrities is considered a risk to them.

Exactly this. Nobody wants to rock the boat, while there are holes in the bottom slowly filling it up with water. Also, many of them are cowardly and wouldn't ever go after PDP due to the size of his channel. Most of the kids who sub to them are probably subbed to PDP as well, and they fear a backlash.
The reason other youtubers defend this dude is easy to understand.

He's the biggest one, if he fails, the rest of them have their money in jeopardy, so of course they all rally around him.

They're all terrified of when the bubble will burst (and it's a coming) and none of them bar the few smart ones that branched out have any sort of fallback.
Y'all imagine children's programming 30 years ago saying this kind of shit?

Mr. Rodgers told me every damn morning that I was just as special as the white kids living next door to me. Reading Rainbow taught me that everybody is equal when you've got knowledge.

Pewdiepie is teaching kids that rape is funny and women should shut the hell up.


Reading Rainbow was ahead of its time when you think about it.
Also this was at the bottom of the pewdiepie quote in the op but wasn't bolder

"What happened to ‘I am a woman hear me roar?’ It’s become ‘I am a woman, I earn less than men'"

Gotta love being condescending to women and insinuate the fight for equal pay is vacuous whining.
It'd be pathetic if it wasn't so scary.

56 million people, must of them kids, sub to this bullshit.

One day they'll be old enough to vote...


Didn't Colin Was Right Patreon collapse after a few months? Hit 30k for a couple of months then I'm sure it dropped, just checked now and the figure is now hidden.


Unconfirmed Member
Hope mainstream media stays classy, posting statistic that debunks the politican's argument while ignoring that troll completely.


YouTube was a mistake.

I stopped using YouTube once they were bought by google. It went from a site with silly videos to a site full of obnoxious people with obnoxious colours and texts speaking obnoxious things to other obnoxious people and getting paid obnoxious amounts of money.

Don't give a damn about any YouTube content, who is streaming there and their 'hot opinions'.


Didn't Colin Was Right Patreon collapse after a few months? Hit 30k for a couple of months then I'm sure it dropped, just checked now and the figure is now hidden.

If it did, the money just flowed to Jordan Peterson instead. That scumbag is clearing $56k a month.


Fuck YouTube, to be honest.

How is this (or the "Death to all Jews" thing) not against the terms of service?

YouTube don't have the stones to ban him.


What the hell? He says that women choose lower paying jobs and work fewer hours but then goes on to say women saying they earn less than men are not 'roaring' like they should.

Basically women are strong as long as they keep their mouths shut. This guy is going completely off the rails. That's before you even GET to him defending a Holocaust-denying, woman-hating, racist piece of shit.
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