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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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The fact that people are saying only black people should use that word blows my mind. No one should use it ever if they want to be taken seriously about anything.

Black people don't use the Hard R like that. Nigga on the other hand? We'll do what we want, some say it, some don't, simple as that.


The fact that people are saying only black people should use that word blows my mind. No one should use it ever if they want to be taken seriously about anything.

If you're not black then you have no say in the use of the word in my eyes, period. Feel free to share your opinions, but they won't hold any weight.


The fact that people are saying only black people should use that word blows my mind. No one should use it ever if they want to be taken seriously about anything.

No one who isn't black should say nigger or nigga and whether or not black people should be saying nigga is a discussion that black people and only black people get to be a part of.


Funniest part he proved how misplaced people's trust is in him, not even a week and he made folks look like clown shoes


Damn, how thick you gotta be to say "it's not like we just watched him... do an act of racism" in this context.

then what the fuck did you just watch? lmao these idiots need him to burn a black guy at the cross before they even start to consider him a racist.

don't worry they'll find another excuse when it comes to that.
These fuckers had all the excuses under the sun to explain the Nazi skits.


Unconfirmed Member
Yup, he tried the hat long enough and realized it fitted. Wonder how long it'll be until that Boogie fool defends him again.

Can I make a suggestion ? Can we just keep one official thread for pewdewpie and then post new screw ups he makes instead of creating a new thread every time he says something stupid (which has been frequent lately)? Sometimes I think I am in the off topic session and not gaming session lately.
You have one of those weird mice that automatically click on threads, right? I know, they can be so annoying at times.
The fact that people are saying only black people should use that word blows my mind. No one should use it ever if they want to be taken seriously about anything.
I hope I wasn't derailing the thread but I was just stating that a white person doesn't have an excuse for using the word. I do think it's silly to expect a word that so ingrained in the black community to just go away and it just doesn't carry the same meaning as gger.


Funniest part he proved how misplaced people's trust is in him, not even a week and he made folks look like clown shoes

People were voluntarily rushing to pick up their clown noses and make up by the boat load

At this point he's just orchestrating the 3 ring circus


Ah this does not even surprise me anymore. Even faster then i expected. What a shame he keeps being a complete fucking idiot and racist, shame he inspires/influences alot of teens and kids....


The fact that people are saying only black people should use that word blows my mind. No one should use it ever if they want to be taken seriously about anything.

Meaning is negotiated by relationships. There are social consequences for anybody who uses any variant of the n-word, black people included.

As a black person who uses it a lot, I can tell you now I probably wouldn't walk up to Morgan Freeman like, "What's up, my nigga?" Because I don't have that relationship with him. He would probably find it disrespectful. But if I use it among friends and family, it's not disrespectful. The relationship there is established.

If you aren't black, chances are you don't have that kind of relationship with black people and we will find your usage disrespectful. That doesn't mean you can't say it, it just means you're going to have a problem with us.


Can I make a suggestion ? Can we just keep one official thread for pewdewpie and then post new screw ups he makes instead of creating a new thread every time he says something stupid (which has been frequent lately)? Sometimes I think I am in the off topic session and not gaming session lately.

This feels like some veiled "stick to sports!"
Black people don't use the Hard R like that. Nigga on the other hand? We'll do what we want, some say it, some don't, simple as that.
I don't like Pewds, so I generally don't waste mental energy on conversations about him. I jumped to the last page of this thread just to get a glimpse at what the atmosphere was like and I see we're doing the "black people shouldn't call each other niggers either" game. I salute your patience, Lotus.
I'm not sure what more I have to say about his Captain Hook ass built nose. It's just so funny that his nose is serving me samurai blade tease, but it couldn't cut through the bullshit that he's trying to serve us on these social media platforms. Pewdiepie has a history when it comes to being racist as hell and primary problematic and trash and not only that, he is the reason why YouTubers who made a living off of this shit have been having difficulty doing so recently because advertisers all of a sudden got scared to put ads on videos and it all stems to his ass being trash and a particular ad.

Like why the hell are our ads on his trash which has spawned racist problematic ass videos? Rita, we're cutting this shit. Pewdiepie is already a no no in my book. Okay, so if you turn to Chapter "You Tried It" page bitch you finna get dragged, you see a big-ass picture of Pewdiepie's beaver shaped head as in no matter how hard he tries to build a dam as I said, there's nothing that's going to stop this intense dragging that's coming his fucking way --- okay?

Pewdiepie loves to get his ass online and playing games and shit like that after he trashed his whole YouTube brand and got dropped by a whole bunch of motherfuckers he decided to switch platforms going to Twitch and keep doing that shit there. You know that shows no matter how trash and racist a white person can get they always have another option.and leave other people (pocs) in the dust.

So I'm scrolling on Twitter being gay as hell as it's known and like I'm doing right now and I'm scrolling and then I'm like Nipples, look at this and say "what's he got empty?" What more could he do because it's almost like you know chopping down all of the Amazon Forest. It's just like okay bruh what's left to be done? Like, you damaged everything you destroyed everything so what's the tea? Bruh, not only did he cut down all the trees in the Amazon Forest he decided to drop a nuclear bomb on that shit so the radiation will prevent anything from growing there ever. You thought that shit was bad before? Girl, listen to this shit now! He was just on Twitch playing motherfucking PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds shooting shit up "Oh shit I'm playing this game I lighting fuckers up" and then he gets a little bit frustrated, he got a bit, he got a bit frustrated from getting his shit rocked and says "oh fuck, oh fuck you fucking nigger!" and I'm talking about that shit came out so naturally like he says this shit on a daily casual basis on a debt.

It's not even like he showed no goddamn "oh shit' and even if, even if that was the case still would've been trash. But got damn bitch the way it slips out of your mouth is like me saying bitch or sis or something like that. Or bruh or honey, see it just comes out. It's something natural that I do on a daily basis and ingrained in my personality so that's exactly telling about your naval ship shaped head ass. I'm talking your head is shaped like a fucking aircraft carrier okay, but carrying nothing but trash.


Here comes people defending racists here and on other internet outlets. People defending this racist bitch talking about "it's just a word. A word is still a word even if it's a nigger". Bitch, a chair is still a chair type thing. It really makes no sense y'all out here defending a word is just a word because from your position of privilege and whiteness because it doesn't hold the same connotation as it does for my black ass, okay? It was shouted when black people were being lynched and still being shouted today. I mean I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you or almost anyone the word is offensive. Y'all hoes are something else.

At 9/11 every year y'all are like "Oh we shouldn't forget this", but when it comes to the institution of slavery y'all telling us to forget about it, but y'all can't forget about 9/11. What's the tea? If you use the logic of one thing you should use the logic of the other. Not only that, but when y'all saw black people running around reclaiming the word and saying nigga and shit and greeting each other like "what's up my nigga?", y'all went in on the motherfucking cake. Y'all saw it as a prize to have because anything that's not centered around whiteness has to be eradicated.

The fact that people are saying only black people should use that word blows my mind. No one should use it ever if they want to be taken seriously about anything.

Well Seagal said "Well nobody should be able to use the word. If it's so bad then why do y'all get to use it? Nobody should." So by that logic why are you people defending him using the shit?

Y'all pick and choose whatever narrative suits y'all Elmer's Glue build asses and yet I can't get any logic to stick to your ass. I promise when I get frustrated the first thing that doesn't come out of my mouth isn't a racial slur. Let's try that now. Damn! Shit, Fuck! If the first thing that comes out of your mouth when you get frustrated is a slur then you have shit to reevaluate honey. I don't know if my ass can get up and here get frustrated and say "nigger!" Like it doesn't make sense no matter which way you turn it which way you flip no matter which logic you use. I'm going to sit here and drag.

I'm not sure what I can say to PewDiePie other than to get his Black & Deck shaped head ass out of gamers got damn line-of-sight cuz every time I see it I'm going to drag it. And now with this bullshit today. The only game you need to be playing is Russian Roulette. Have a good got damn evening.[/URL]


L Thammy

Yup, he tried the hat long enough and realized it fitted. Wonder how long it'll be until that Boogie fool defends him again.

Boogie should just record one "let's just stop criticizing bigots and listen to them instead" video and repost it every time something like this happens in the gaming/YouTube sphere.


I hope I wasn't derailing the thread but I was just stating that a white person doesn't have an excuse for using the word. I do think it's silly to expect a word that so ingrained in the black community to just go away and it just doesn't carry the same meaning as gger.

I mean, it does carry the same meaning. That's why they use it -- to remind the participants of their shared existence in a country where their lives were, and are, for sale or for free for any white guy with a gun who doesn't like them.

The context is different. The meaning is not.


Going to remind that he had this pinned on Twitter for a little while.

I'm sure he feels like it's okay because he talks like a black man.

I didn't realise he lived in the UK, well if at least one good thing comes out of Brexit it's that this shitbag might get kicked out.
Maybe it's because I'm dumb like I said before the black community don't say the gger version so I figured that was a given. Sorry if I confused anybody.


People were voluntarily rushing to pick up their clown noses and make up by the boat load

At this point he's just orchestrating the 3 ring circus

And the folks that are coming up after him are defending him the hardest. He got his, he fucking up their money
I mean, it does carry the same meaning. That's why they use it -- to remind the participants of their shared existence in a country where their lives were, and are, for sale or for free for any white guy with a gun who doesn't like them.

The context is different. The meaning is not.
That what I meant but I'm very poorly spoken sorry.


Eh, it was pretty obvious that's a word he uses in his day to day life. The apology was only because he got caught, I'm sure he doesn't intend to stop saying it.


Blue eyes? Bleached blond hair? Right in the middle of trump mania and the alt right movement?

This shit smells like trolling and threads like this only makes the lame ass dude
more relevant. 🤔


Blue eyes? Bleached blond hair? Right in the middle of trump mania and the alt right movement?

This shit smells like trolling and threads like this only makes the lame ass dude
more relevant. 🤔

Yes, this thread is making the biggest Youtuber out there more relevant.


Damn, how thick you gotta be to say "it's not like we just watched him... do an act of racism" in this context.

then what the fuck did you just watch? lmao these idiots need him to burn a black guy at the cross before they even start to consider him a racist.

"It's not racist until there's physical violence"

"It's not sexism until there's physical violence"

"It's not homophobic until there's physical violence"

Many people thinks like this. If someones not bleeding then it's not an issue. This shit needs to change.

"sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" this shit ain't real yo. Words hurt too. Words hurt.

No one who isn't black should say nigger or nigga and whether or not black people should be saying nigga is a discussion that black people and only black people get to be a part of.



Neo Member
Just skipped to this page and all yea I guess it's a good thing he stopped himself. But if you're yelling a racial slur so much you have to stop and catch yourself there's a problem.

But at the same time it reminds me of a teenager on psn/xbl. He obviously doesn't care, I don't care for an apology. He's already been called out. And I'm sure he lost a miniscule amount if any of his fan base. I would compare this to the maximillion "ninja dagger" situation but this is repeated with other offensive things. All in all let's just pretend to be shocked.


I don't think the fact that his character name in that latest clip appears to be "yurgay" should be overlooked as well.

So yeah.....


Disgusting. Is this dude still popular with kids or is his influence waning?

Also, I'm not at all trying to make light of a serious issue but does he have a drug problem? Because he's looking rough.

Giga Man

He should just fucking say it. Liberate yourself, you racist scumbag. Tell all your followers you have racist tendencies. They'll understand. In fact, they'll support you harder because they're either racist too, or they're too ignorant to know any better and just want their favorite pop star to be happy.


Disgusting. Is this dude still popular with kids or is his influence waning?

Also, I'm not at all trying to make light of a serious issue but does he have a drug problem? Because he's looking rough.
He is still massively popular.
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