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Pirates of the Caribbean Was the Best Movie Trilogy Post-LOTR


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
What trilogy, they only made 2 :D

Also part 1 is better than 2 come at me.

I think they're 8.5/10, 10/10, 7/10 in sequence, I don't hate TDKR but it's weak compared to the first two. Begins being the best is a respectable opinion


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Staff Member
I think they're 8.5/10, 10/10, 7/10 in sequence, I don't hate TDKR but it's weak compared to the first two. Begins being the best is a respectable opinion

I should clarify. DK is a better "movie". Begins is a better "traditional" super hero movie. Like if someone asked me what was my favorite comic book movie Begins is up there.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I should clarify. DKR is a better "movie". Begins is a better "traditional" super hero movie. Like if someone asked me what was my favorite comic book movie Begins is up there.

For me DKR is way more of a superhero movie than TDK - TDK is basically an action crime thriller that happens to have Batman in it, it's probably why I love it so much. DKR has Batman driving a comically huge bomb away from the city to save everyone (and then somehow surviving anyway). Reminds me of this:



I watched Pirates one again the other day, because it is amazing. I guess I should check out 2 and 3 again. But I don't remember thinking they were very good at all.

The Nolan Batman trilogy is great, but the ending of the DKR and Begins are both pretty weak. DKR being the worse of the 2.

I would also like to add that the New Bond movies are good, and Casino Royal, Quantum of Solace, and Skyfall are a great trilogy. If you want to drop the weakest of those QoS and put Spectre in there, then I think you have an even stronger Trilogy of movies. Eva Green is incredible in Casino Royal.


If only 2 was better it seriously could've been one of the best trilogies. 1 is a classic and I don't know why people don't like 3. 3 was so good.

I hated 3 the first time because my expectations for the Mandarin were so high but on subsequent watches it's my favourite Iron Man 3 film.
The 2nd Iron Man with Sam Rockwell, he is honestly one of the best villains in the MCU, he is so good at playing an arsehole. I like how Tony learns a bit more about his father, or at least how his father really felt about him.
The Hobbit is better.
POTC 3 is pure cringe. 4 is bland and inoffensive but I liked the London bits.
The fifth movie is really good and deserves a sequel. It's funny, looks amazing and has cool characters. The opening heist alone is better than all of 3 and 4 combined. It's not quite as spectacular as 2 but in some ways it's even better. Most importantly, it doesn't feel like they were making it up on the fly, which is what plagues 2 and 3.

Dark Star

Mission Impossible 4/5/6

Solid pick! I love the Mission Impossible movies, they're all great IMO.

Ghost Protocol is the best, but Rogue Nation and Fallout are very tight, too. Christopher McQuarrie knows what he's doing for real, I'm totally looking forward to 7.
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Gold Member
Nah, Spidey 3 was underrated,

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that Harry's arc over the three films was easily one of the most interesting I've ever seen in any trilogy ever and he made one hell of a heel turn.

Also this was awesome; pure cinema


I actually loved the three villains too. Made it feel like the comic books. The one baddie at a time thing in most comic movies never sits well with me.
SM3 was horrible. They tried to cram too much into it. Each villain was enough to carry a single movie and by combining them it made a horrible movie.


Love the pirate movies. I even like some of the last two even though they pretty mediocre. I just love the setting. The first one is a masterpiece IMO. The new characters in the 5th one were horrible tho....


I only liked 1. The other 2 were pretty terrible despite the cool visuals.

The dark Knight trilogy is better even though 3 sucked (but the first two are great).

I guess John Wick too but it seems planned as more than a trilogy
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I never understood the love for the pirates of the caribbean. I though the movies were solid summer blockbuster like hits but that was it and Jack Sparrow I found to be more annoying as the series went on. My pick would have been the original star wars trilogy or even TMNT but that last one went too far lol.


There are only 2 movies in my 40 year history of theatre-going where the entire audience loudly groaned with disappointment in unison when the end credits appeared on the screen: Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and Blair Witch Project.


Third Pirates movie was a total mess. Trilogy disqualified.

I can't think of any trilogy that was good tbh. They've become a meme.


Gold Member
Back to the Future

I wouldn't consider the Pirates 2 and 3 good movies. The first one is absolutely awesome.
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