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PlayStation and sequel fatigue.

Sequel fatigue before we even get to the third game and games that are spaced out by 5 years each release :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Naughty Dog “doesn’t seem to let go of TLOU” after 2 games in a decade and with an Uncharted game in the middle.

My god I’m even scared of reading these 3 pages so im just leaving this here.


Gold Member
The sequels are like 5 years apart though. That's a long time. Theres only so many new ip they can make because it's a big risk. They usually make a few every generation though, so I'm expecting a few announcements at the next showcase. Last gen we got

Days gone
Ghost of tsushima
Death Stranding
The sequels are five years apart, yes, but, Horizon FW feels like the same game. We used to get these sequels like every 12-18 months, so it's tough to get excited to wait five years to play the same game yet again. I feel the same way about Ghost of Tsushima. I thought the game was great, but will I sign up for another 60 hour game that plays and looks 90% identical to the first one? Honestly probably not.


The reason for the post is that GG have today confirmed that Horizon 3 is their next project.
No Problem Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Sorry, but Horizon is a great franchise with a ton of potential and room for improvement.

This forum just has a weird hate on for this title.

So I'm glad for this announcement mainly for myself, but also out of spite.


As someone that enjoy all platform I don't see the point of ending successful IP for any publisher. Even for franchise as frequent as Assassin's Creed, as long as they have their audience, they should keep making it. If you don't like it simply play something else, we are living in an age of gaming that choices are simply overwhelming.

As for Sony, If the story can't go on anymore, they either do soft reboot, or start a new story with the same IP, throw away an already established IP is unwise. Just like how Zelda's story are independent of each other, sometimes even playstyle are completely different, but yet they still use the same IP, people are drawn by branding.

But each game are made differently, Its not the first time I've seen people saying Sony games are all cinematic, this is like saying Nintendo games are all platformer, Sony games are not only limited to Last of Us and Uncharted or Horizon for that matter. GoW only started story driven approach for only 2 games, the original 6 games (including the PSP one) are not.

Even so, story driven game has its own audience, just because they are less likely to engage on forum doesn't mean they are not large enough to warrant sequels. From my observation, people enjoy story driven games typically have less to discuss, game that focus on mechanic you could discuss playstyle, show-offs etc, for story-driven game that rely on emotions are we going to expect them to come to forum and express how hard they cried?

As for Spider-man certainly many people were anticipating that sequel

Housemarque will keep trying different things, they are the portfolio diversification investment strategy of Sony

GT is going to continue, there is no point for a racing game to suddenly stop

Sony's games are more diverse than they ever were

I hope they make a new Infamous game.

For me my favorite Sony game this gen was Rift Apart, I certainly hope they make more.

Lastly Astro bot had potential, Sackboy was also pretty fun
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I dont mind sequels like God of War, Ghost of Tsushima and Spiderman. But need some new IPs too. Hence why I never understand why people want Days Gone 2. It doesnt deserve a sequel over games like Horizon and the ones I mentioned


The state and risk of AAA has driven studios to become like this, particularly these mid sized type studios which Sony has a bunch of. It's not going to change until AI swoops in to help streamline development.
Personally I just want them to stop focusing so much on realism. It's gotten so fatiguing after about a decade. They need to go back to their roots. I wouldn't even care if they shamelessly rebooted Jak and Daxter if it meant we get another game not trying it's hardest to be a movie or another open world game.
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Gold Member
The Horizon universe has a ton of potential yet. Aloy, on the other hand, I feel has nearly run her course. I'm hoping her story is mostly over by the end of the next game. At the very least I'm hoping that this next game sees her character grow and change. There is something about her I'm not entirely fond of. She just constantly gives off this "better than everyone around me" energy. She may be a badass in her own right, but how that reflects in her personality so often irks me. Not like an obnoxiously arrogant Delsin Rowe kinda way from Infamous: Second Son. But more in a way where she almost acts less human and more designed hero. Which, in a way, she is I guess. But I just find her exhausting. I'm hoping she finds much more of her humanity and humbleness.
The sequels are five years apart, yes, but, Horizon FW feels like the same game. We used to get these sequels like every 12-18 months, so it's tough to get excited to wait five years to play the same game yet again. I feel the same way about Ghost of Tsushima. I thought the game was great, but will I sign up for another 60 hour game that plays and looks 90% identical to the first one? Honestly probably not.

How many sequels can you name that are vastly different? Why can't we just enjoy them like we used to in the past? I don't remember anyone moaning when donkey kong country 2 was just a continuation of the first. Or halo 2, gears 2 and so many others that were a continuation with improvements. Nothings changed apart from the fact that gamers are more entitled and Whiny than they were back than. Now all of a sudden, a sequel should invent a new genre. Its stupid. A sequel is meant to be a continuation. Not a reinvention. There's also vr bringing new experiences and innovation. What do you want exactly? Between all consoles, I'm more than happy with what we're getting.
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Gold Member
How many sequels can you name that are vastly different? Why can't we just enjoy them like we used to in the past? I don't remember anyone moaning when donkey kong country 2 was just a continuation of the first. Or halo 2, gears 2 and so many others that were a continuation with improvements. Nothings changed apart from the fact that gamers are more entitled and Whiny than they were back than. Now all of a sudden, a sequel should invent a new genre. Its stupid. A sequel is meant to be a continuation. Not a reinvention. There's also vr bringing bre experiences and innovation. What do you want exactly?
DKC was like a five hour game. It took me probably fifty hours to get through HZD and I was tired of it by the time I got to the DLC. Once the latent memories came back, HFW felt like *exactly* the same game - so is it that surprising that the excitement for more of this isn't there? It's not that the game has to reinvent everything (although that happened too), it's really tough to get excited about a sequel to a game that had already worn out its welcome.


Gold Member
It's single character games that seem to struggle with sequels. Horizon would be a lot more interesting if they gave us a new character in that world with a change up of mechanics each time

For example, Capcom doesn't run into interest issues pumping out endless Resident Evil games and Monster Hunter games. But DMC they have.

I disagree in diagnosing this as a Sony issue though. Uncharted they put to bed when they were done with it which is basically unheard of in gaming. The Last of Us will likely as well once the trilogy wraps up. God of War they've been quite clever with, the change in settings will bring interest each time. They identified they couldn't string along a 3rd Norse game so decided to move on after 2
DKC was like a five hour game. It took me probably fifty hours to get through HZD and I was tired of it by the time I got to the DLC. Once the latent memories came back, HFW felt like *exactly* the same game - so is it that surprising that the excitement for more of this isn't there? It's not that the game has to reinvent everything (although that happened too), it's really tough to get excited about a sequel to a game that had already worn out its welcome.

You can't gauge the excitement from forums. Why would guerrilla continue making it if nobody wanted it anymore? The ip still has massive room for growth. Its only what, 6 years old? Your acting like we've had 10 games or something. Strange to think horizon has worn out it welcome when it's still a young ip with only 2 games. I can think of 10 other ip to complain about before horizon.


DKC was like a five hour game. It took me probably fifty hours to get through HZD and I was tired of it by the time I got to the DLC. Once the latent memories came back, HFW felt like *exactly* the same game - so is it that surprising that the excitement for more of this isn't there? It's not that the game has to reinvent everything (although that happened too), it's really tough to get excited about a sequel to a game that had already worn out its welcome.
I agree. This coupled with the common games these days being an Action-Adventure open world RPG and not knowing what other kinds of exclusives and current gen games in the horizon (pun intended) are. We had HFW, then Call of the Mountain VR, and now the DLC. Now they announce two new games, and it is a lot tbh. Especially announcing it right when the DLC just released. I think the shorter games make having sequels more manageable. I'm afraid I will also burn out with Zelda TotK despite being really excited for it. I personally just like trying different kinds of games and not have to commit to one forever. I love Sony's cinematic "MoViE" blockbusters, but I have major fatigue with their kinds of games lately.


Gold Member
You can't gauge the excitement from forums. Why would guerrilla continue making it if nobody wanted it anymore? The ip still has massive room for growth. Its only what, 6 years old? Your acting like we've had 10 games or something. Strange to think horizon has worn out it welcome when it's still a young ip with only 2 games. I can think of 10 other ip to complain about before horizon.
Well that's just a cold hard fact. People around here have no idea what is popular

If you went off this forum you'd think Horizon ZD was a massive bomb, yet it sold 20 million. You'd think Spiderman was Nicheman. You wouldn't know that something like Detroit Become Human was a huge hit with casuals that sold 8 million units
Well that's just a cold hard fact. People around here have no idea what is popular

If you went off this forum you'd think Horizon ZD was a massive bomb, yet it sold 20 million. You'd think Spiderman was Nicheman. You wouldn't know that something like Detroit Become Human was a huge hit with casuals that sold 8 million units

People to this day, say that horizon was overshadowed by zelda, even though it sold over 20m copies as a new ip! How many other new ip managed to do that? Online forums are never representative of the real world. Its like a drop in the ocean.
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Gold Member
Nope, sorry, I’m not feeling this PlayStation sequel fatigue myself. I’ve waited years for another Horizon game and it hasn’t let me down. I’ve waited years for a mainline GT game and I’m more than happy with it. I’d swap any other game for TLOU 3. I’m seriously hyped for FF16 and Spider-Man 2. Give me Death Stranding 2 now please.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
OP literally mentions just 5 of SIE's what... 20 STUDIOS?! That's not even counting third party partnerships for exclusives.

What new IPs are those 15 other studios are working on? We are three years into this gen and Returnal is the only new AAA IP they've released this gen with Wolverine set to become the 2nd one in 2024. 4 years into the gen. What else are they cooking?

I see a lot of people shitting on the OP without really countering any of his points. Listing indie stuff like Kena and Stray as proof that these premiere AAA sony studios are working on new IPs is just silly. We all know hes talking about the big guys who moved on from Uncharted, Resistance, Infamous, to bigger and better things. This forum fucking hates TLOU2. Why are we defending ND making TLOU3? especially after they didnt release a new IP the entire gen last gen?

Aside from SSM, no one seems to be working on new IPs. Bend is supposedly working on GaaS so whatever. Hope its not complete trash like Division and other GaaS games.

ND is working on TLOU3.
GG is working on Horizon 3.
Sucker Punch is working on Ghost of Tsushima 2.
Kojima is working on Death Stranding 2.
Insomniac is working on Spiderman 2.

Thats almost all their AAA studios working on sequels. Who is left? Even counting Bend, we are looking at a total 4 AAA new IPs from 20 Sony studios this gen. Are we ok with this? Do you disagree? What other studios do you think are going to come in and give us new IPs single player games we got last gen from Sony?

And no one gives a shit about Deathloop, Forspoken, Ghostwire Tokyo. Come on man. We are playstation first party fans, we have standards. Get those B and C tier games outta here.
What new IPs are those 15 other studios are working on? We are three years into this gen and Returnal is the only new AAA IP they've released this gen with Wolverine set to become the 2nd one in 2024. 4 years into the gen. What else are they cooking?

I see a lot of people shitting on the OP without really countering any of his points. Listing indie stuff like Kena and Stray as proof that these premiere AAA sony studios are working on new IPs is just silly. We all know hes talking about the big guys who moved on from Uncharted, Resistance, Infamous, to bigger and better things. This forum fucking hates TLOU2. Why are we defending ND making TLOU3? especially after they didnt release a new IP the entire gen last gen?

Aside from SSM, no one seems to be working on new IPs. Bend is supposedly working on GaaS so whatever. Hope its not complete trash like Division and other GaaS games.

ND is working on TLOU3.
GG is working on Horizon 3.
Sucker Punch is working on Ghost of Tsushima 2.
Kojima is working on Death Stranding 2.
Insomniac is working on Spiderman 2.

Thats almost all their AAA studios working on sequels. Who is left? Even counting Bend, we are looking at a total 4 AAA new IPs from 20 Sony studios this gen. Are we ok with this? Do you disagree? What other studios do you think are going to come in and give us new IPs single player games we got last gen from Sony?

And no one gives a shit about Deathloop, Forspoken, Ghostwire Tokyo. Come on man. We are playstation first party fans, we have standards. Get those B and C tier games outta here.

Trilogies are fine. Sequels only become an issue after that. 3 of the ip you listed haven't even released 2 games yet. You really expect them to make new ip so soon? Like one after the other? Whats wrong with building an ip for 2-3 games before moving on? Now if they were making part 4s, than I would be annoyed and asking for new ip.
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What new IPs are those 15 other studios are working on? We are three years into this gen and Returnal is the only new AAA IP they've released this gen with Wolverine set to become the 2nd one in 2024. 4 years into the gen. What else are they cooking?

Ok...all you are arguing is that they've yet to announce those titles yet, that doesn't mean they have no new IPs, it merely means they are more careful with how they announce games....

They have a strong history of supporting new IP MORE then most publishers to really be crying over this shit and some of the IP people are crying over are literally different IP from what those teams did prior, so us getting 3 Horizon's makes sense, 3 Last Of Us makes sense cause we got more then 3 Killzone and more then 3 Uncharteds.

ND is working on TLOU3.
GG is working on Horizon 3.
Sucker Punch is working on Ghost of Tsushima 2.
Kojima is working on Death Stranding 2.
Insomniac is working on Spiderman 2.

Yet The Last Of Us is a different IP then Uncharted, the other half of ND is working on a new IP
Horizon is different then Killzone
Ghost Of Tsushima is different then Imfamous
Death Stranding is different then MGS
Spiderman is different then Ratchet, Wolverine is literally a new game they are making too

Your argument merely the NEW FUCKING IP they made before is getting sequels, why would they not? That is a normal thing at this publisher to reward successful new IP with sequels, that doesn't mean those teams won't move on as clearly they had different IP prior to this and yet still made new IP.

So its likely Sony wants those games to end or get to a 3rd or 4th game before those teams move on, but that isn't unusual or some sign that they don't support new IP or something.

Why are we defending ND making TLOU3? especially after they didnt release a new IP the entire gen last gen?

Why would they not make a 3rd game of one of the most successful PS titles of all time? the fuck? Slimy stop man, the other half of that team is making a new IP already, you'll just bitch about that game too when its revealed lol

We got Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy and The Last Of Us 2 last gen

During PS3 we got Uncharted 1,2,3 and The Last Of Us 1....clearly development times have changed and it takes longer to put games out and its more expensive, that is your answer to why you didn't get a fucking new IP last gen man, stop trying to force this fake narrative as if NEW IP is some thing Sony is scared of as if that is why we didn't get one by them this gen, they are not skipping Uncharted 4, they are not ignoring The Last Of Us 2, they don't have the time to put that new IP out during the PS4 gen and it makes sense to save it for PS5 based on timing.

Thats it.

I don't even think I needed to really tell you that majority of game developer are not putting out this massive volume of titles compared to several gens ago.


Gold Member
What new IPs are those 15 other studios are working on? We are three years into this gen and Returnal is the only new AAA IP they've released this gen with Wolverine set to become the 2nd one in 2024. 4 years into the gen. What else are they cooking?

I see a lot of people shitting on the OP without really countering any of his points. Listing indie stuff like Kena and Stray as proof that these premiere AAA sony studios are working on new IPs is just silly. We all know hes talking about the big guys who moved on from Uncharted, Resistance, Infamous, to bigger and better things. This forum fucking hates TLOU2. Why are we defending ND making TLOU3? especially after they didnt release a new IP the entire gen last gen?

Aside from SSM, no one seems to be working on new IPs. Bend is supposedly working on GaaS so whatever. Hope its not complete trash like Division and other GaaS games.

ND is working on TLOU3.
GG is working on Horizon 3.
Sucker Punch is working on Ghost of Tsushima 2.
Kojima is working on Death Stranding 2.
Insomniac is working on Spiderman 2.

Thats almost all their AAA studios working on sequels. Who is left? Even counting Bend, we are looking at a total 4 AAA new IPs from 20 Sony studios this gen. Are we ok with this? Do you disagree? What other studios do you think are going to come in and give us new IPs single player games we got last gen from Sony?

And no one gives a shit about Deathloop, Forspoken, Ghostwire Tokyo. Come on man. We are playstation first party fans, we have standards. Get those B and C tier games outta here.
Insomniac is making Wolverine which is new IP
Bluepoint have an original project in the works potentially new IP
Haven have a new IP
Firewalk have a new IP
TLOU3 is far from confirmed as what ND are working on
Cory Barlog has had a new IP cooking got a few years
Bend are making a new IP
Guerrillas second game will come out before Horizon 3 and is potentially new IP
Team Asobi are working on their "biggest game ever" could be new IP or Astro
Rise of the Ronin is a 2nd Party new IP from the Nioh director
Stellar Blade is another 2nd Party new IP
Housemarque will likely move on to a new IP
Media Molecule will work on a new IP


Gold Member
You can't gauge the excitement from forums. Why would guerrilla continue making it if nobody wanted it anymore? The ip still has massive room for growth. Its only what, 6 years old? Your acting like we've had 10 games or something. Strange to think horizon has worn out it welcome when it's still a young ip with only 2 games. I can think of 10 other ip to complain about before horizon.

I can't speak for everyone or the general world out there. I don't know how much it is beloved. I'm speaking from my POV. HFW was a really underwhelming game that did wear out its welcome. And it's 3 games along with a (rumored) HZD remake. And a movie or TV show or something. I don't see where the room for growth that you do. But like I said, if Ghost of Tsushima 2 comes out, and it is the same game as the last one, and they're asking for another sixty hours of my life, I'll probably pass on it too. So it's not strictly just Horizon, but more that they release these games that burn me out before the end credits, then release a sequel that's exactly the same.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Insomniac is making Wolverine which is new IP
Bluepoint have an original project in the works potentially new IP
Haven have a new IP
Firewalk have a new IP
TLOU3 is far from confirmed as what ND are working on
Cory Barlog has had a new IP cooking got a few years
Bend are making a new IP
Guerrillas second game will come out before Horizon 3 and is potentially new IP
Team Asobi are working on their "biggest game ever" could be new IP or Astro
Rise of the Ronin is a 2nd Party new IP from the Nioh director
Stellar Blade is another 2nd Party new IP
Housemarque will likely move on to a new IP
Media Molecule will work on a new IP
I dont think Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin count as Sony first party games, and GG's second game is a Horizon MP project confirmed in another thread today, but otherwise thats a pretty solid list of new IPs. I had no idea BP and Housemarque were working on new IPs.


Gold Member
I dont think Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin count as Sony first party games, and GG's second game is a Horizon MP project confirmed in another thread today, but otherwise thats a pretty solid list of new IPs. I had no idea BP and Housemarque were working on new IPs.
They are published by Sony. They are first party / second party in the same way Bloodborne is or Death Stranding 2 is

I assumed Guerrilla were doing some sort of shooter as they hired the Rainbow Six leads but we will see.

Bluepoint have announced they are working on two projects one is an "original game" and the other a "beloved remake". Original could mean new IP but could also be a sequel to something like Demons Souls and still be an original game

Housemarque definitely making a new IP:


Lol! They are probably the publisher who releases more AAA new IPs every generation, more than the other 2 console makers combined, and on top of that it's the console maker with more AAA and indie 3rd party exclusives.

They don't have sequel fatigue at all, if you really think Horizon or TLOU have this issue then don't look at Nintendo or Microsoft. Also, it would nonsensical to kill IPs that are selling over 20M units per game.

Bluepoint have announced they are working on two projects one is an "original game" and the other a "beloved remake"
Not true. They said to be working on 'original content' and that they aren't working on any remaster or remake.

I assumed Guerrilla were doing some sort of shooter as they hired the Rainbow Six leads but we will see.
The R6S lead they hired was the game director, who before that already worked at Guerrilla as the Killzone 2 multiplayer director. Very likely he's directing the Horizon online game.

I dont think Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin count as Sony first party games
They are published by Sony, so they are 1st party games. Since they aren't developed inhouse, in addition to being 1st party games they also are 2nd party games.

It's a great pity that the Sony trio doesn't want or can't offer something new.
Sony said half of the games under development at PS Studios are new IPs, and that Bungie is working on multiple new IPs. This means they have well over a dozen new IPs under development. Most of which very likely to be released for this generation.

Why are people burned out on Horizon already? They were burned out after the 1st game even, let alone the 2nd. Why are people burned out on The Last of Us and want Naughty Dog to make something new? It can't be that there's too many games.
People aren't burned out. Horizon sold well over 20M copies and all we know about HFW performance is that had a faster start than the previous one. Same happens with TLOU. People want more.

I think this people who says that Sony should kill their most successful IPs are haters fanboys of their competition who are jelous of Sony's success and want them to stop being that successful.

GOW is done for now.
Sony isn't stupid, GoWR has been their best release sales ever so it will continue.

Especially seeing as how poorly TLOU2 was received by fans.
It was controversial for some people (including me), but got insane reviews, won more awards than any game before it and it's selling a lot. They didn't give a shit about the controversy with the woke stuff since they continue with it, see the recent Horizon DLC.

P.S Nintendo needs to let Mario and Zelda die too.
Doesn't make sense to kill their most iconic and successful (with Pokemon) IPs. They'll continue milking them.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
They are published by Sony. They are first party / second party in the same way Bloodborne is or Death Stranding 2 is

I assumed Guerrilla were doing some sort of shooter as they hired the Rainbow Six leads but we will see.

Bluepoint have announced they are working on two projects one is an "original game" and the other a "beloved remake". Original could mean new IP but could also be a sequel to something like Demons Souls and still be an original game

Housemarque definitely making a new IP:
I figured Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin were third party IPs owned by the dev studios. Bloodborne and Death Stranding are Sony IPs. First im hearing of it.

I figured BP were doing either MGS3 or Demon Souls 2. Housemarque leaving Returnal after just one game is disappointing but I suppose id rather see them do a new IP next.
I’m with you.
Housemarque never made a sequel, but I bet now that they are a Sony studio we will see Returnal 2.

It’s all so short term thinking. Let’s milk this while we can, but when that udder runs dry they’ll have to suddenly find a new cash cow.
I think what they did in PS4 era was very healthy: let the studio’s create where their heart is at.
It gave them new IP’s while also building on existing ones.

They are risking boring their playerbase and their employees like this.


You’re barking up the wrong tree. I don’t want PlayStation to aspire to follow the same endless sequel path.

Would love to know, as a point of comparison, which 1st party dev/publisher you have in mind that Sony should follow?

And I assume by your initial post that this company -- somewhat in contrast to Sony, I imagine -- will be much more focused on new IP as opposed to sequels to established franchises.
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That's what I'm hoping for. I don't have time for waiting 5-8 years between games lol.

Realistically if you start a new trilogy now and a customer is 30 he'll be 50 by the time its concluded. Madness.
An probably ~ 150 hours between all those games in 15 years. Thats like an average pf 1 hour per year per blockbuster game.


A lot of these franchises don’t have the same ever green appeal that something like Mario or Zelda has
Says who? Gran Turismo has been a thing for almost 30 years. Ratchet and Clank for 22. God of War for 18. Uncharted for 16.

All of these (except R&C, I think?) have had their bestselling entries within the last instalment or two, indicating they are continuing to grow and find new audiences.

That is as long as many Nintendo franchises. What's the basis for arguing that PS franchises don't have the longevity that Nintendo franchises do?


Gold Member
I figured Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin were third party IPs owned by the dev studios. Bloodborne and Death Stranding are Sony IPs. First im hearing of it.

I figured BP were doing either MGS3 or Demon Souls 2. Housemarque leaving Returnal after just one game is disappointing but I suppose id rather see them do a new IP next.
Don't know who owns the IP there for sure. Usually Sony own the IP they publish
What new IPs are those 15 other studios are working on? We are three years into this gen and Returnal is the only new AAA IP they've released this gen with Wolverine set to become the 2nd one in 2024. 4 years into the gen. What else are they cooking?

I see a lot of people shitting on the OP without really countering any of his points. Listing indie stuff like Kena and Stray as proof that these premiere AAA sony studios are working on new IPs is just silly. We all know hes talking about the big guys who moved on from Uncharted, Resistance, Infamous, to bigger and better things. This forum fucking hates TLOU2. Why are we defending ND making TLOU3? especially after they didnt release a new IP the entire gen last gen?

Aside from SSM, no one seems to be working on new IPs. Bend is supposedly working on GaaS so whatever. Hope its not complete trash like Division and other GaaS games.

ND is working on TLOU3.
GG is working on Horizon 3.
Sucker Punch is working on Ghost of Tsushima 2.
Kojima is working on Death Stranding 2.
Insomniac is working on Spiderman 2.

Thats almost all their AAA studios working on sequels. Who is left? Even counting Bend, we are looking at a total 4 AAA new IPs from 20 Sony studios this gen. Are we ok with this? Do you disagree? What other studios do you think are going to come in and give us new IPs single player games we got last gen from Sony?

And no one gives a shit about Deathloop, Forspoken, Ghostwire Tokyo. Come on man. We are playstation first party fans, we have standards. Get those B and C tier games outta here.

There will be new IPs from second-party devs, mainly through XDev, certainly; Just as other new IPs will be produced by in-house teams (Bend, MM, London Studios, SSM, Housemarque, Firesprite, Firewalk). I think you will see 15-20 new IPs by Sony this generation. Some of them will succeed and carry over to the PS6; Others will go the way of those PS3 and PS4 dead titles...


All big 3 have many sequels. Maybe it's easier to get fatigued if the games heavily relate on story which gives them little replay value.
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Gold Member
I’m not feeling it yet, but I agree that Sony could take some more risks with their series. It’s difficult though considering their titles are so story focused.

Making God of War with a new artstyle and gameplay gimmick each game would be cool imo, but we’ll never see that as long as the games have to follow each other closely - not to mention it’d be a lot more time consuming and require more effort. For something like Zelda Nintendo can just use the same overarching story with a twist each game and change things up as much as they want.

I feel the only time we’ll see a big departure from most of Sony’s franchises is if they stop selling at this point. They won’t risk it.
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Gold Journalism
Yes yes yes. The sales are great. The figures don’t lie. Whatever. I’m not asking if Sony should be making endless sequels. I’m asking if you wish they’d stop.

The reason for the post is that GG have today confirmed that Horizon 3 is their next project.

Santa Monica are dedicated to GoW. Polyphony are dedicated to GT. Naughty Dog can’t seem to let go of The Last of Us. We know that an Uncharted game is in development based on the sizzle reel featuring Cassie. Insomniac will always have a Ratchet and Clank in the pipeline, and I don’t think anyone would be surprised if Spider-Man 3 follows 2.

A lot of these franchises don’t have the same ever green appeal that something like Mario or Zelda has. In my opinion it would be a hell of a lot more exciting if GG, ND and Santa Monica were looking at fresh new ideas and franchises.

You can post your lol emojis now.

Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey
  • Santa Monica is working on a new IP.
  • Insomniac is working on a new IP.
  • There are rumors that Naughty Dog is also working on a new IP.
Sony has also launched 2 new IPs in Returnal and Destruction All Stars in the last 2 years.

I think their main studios have found a nice balance of new and old IPs, which is healthy. Look at Returnal's and Destruction All Stars' commercial performance; it wasn't good. While DaS was bad, Returnal is a freakin' 10/10 masterpiece and should have sold like 4-6 million+ units, at least. But it did not.

They need those sequels because they generate enough money to fund these new IPs and take other risks.

We'll also see a ton of new IPs likely in their next showcase, especially from other studios like Firesprite, Firewall, Haven, Deviation, etc.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Yes they are focusing on too big to fail games and more of the same sequels. Creative Sony died years ago. “They are working on new IPs” ghat will play and be structured the same as their current games. At least Nintendo experiment with their biggest IPs. That’s why they play fresh and gameplay and fun focused. Instead of graphics and politics focused.


I'm definitely feeling the fatigue from how closely Sony's sequels play to the original games. Horizon 2 is the worst offender - it took 5 years to make and is still plays the same. I ended up completing only the main story and not bothering with quite a big portion of the side content.

Unfortunately Sony's currently plan is to focus even more on several of their biggest IP's. They won't be trying so often with new ones (and with different genres) that won't give them the certainty to sell gazillion copies. I think I'll be playing less of their games even though I appreciate their devotion to doing singleplayer titles.
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Moderated wildly
No Problem Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Sorry, but Horizon is a great franchise with a ton of potential and room for improvement.

This forum just has a weird hate on for this title.

So I'm glad for this announcement mainly for myself, but also out of spite.

It's not just this forum, a lot of the podcasts from people I trust see the flaws in the game. Also, anyone I trust and is open minded is able to discuss the blatant flaws with sonys ubisoft approach and how the game pretends to be a mass effect style rpg etc.

Does that not make it extremely fun for some people, and can they not enjoy it? Of course they can, but for me personally and many others...I'd rather play something else.

But, if you enjoy ubisoft open world games with loads of tick boxes 📦 I'm sure there's loads of fun to be had.

Oh, and sub par writing etc.

Fo me, they need to go back to a solid 15 to 20 hours of great gameplay that makes you want more and release twice as many games, like once every 2 to 3 years with tweaks and advancements based on feedback and reviews.
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Sequels and remakes is the Hollywood formula too.It's takes more time and money to create something new doesn't it.I'm sure they have new IP coming,seems like a lot of it will be GAAS/multiplayer though.
Yes yes yes. The sales are great. The figures don’t lie. Whatever. I’m not asking if Sony should be making endless sequels. I’m asking if you wish they’d stop.

The reason for the post is that GG have today confirmed that Horizon 3 is their next project.

Santa Monica are dedicated to GoW. Polyphony are dedicated to GT. Naughty Dog can’t seem to let go of The Last of Us. We know that an Uncharted game is in development based on the sizzle reel featuring Cassie. Insomniac will always have a Ratchet and Clank in the pipeline, and I don’t think anyone would be surprised if Spider-Man 3 follows 2.

A lot of these franchises don’t have the same ever green appeal that something like Mario or Zelda has. In my opinion it would be a hell of a lot more exciting if GG, ND and Santa Monica were looking at fresh new ideas and franchises.

You can post your lol emojis now.

Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey
Oh come on now.

You can't have a go at Sony for making a 3rd game in a Franchise and then say Nintendo of all the companies can get away with it because there "Evergreen".

Nintendo need the most shit for this lol

Having said that I agree Sony's are the most exciting first party developer because they seem to launch the most new IPs. Let hope it continues this gen


Moderated wildly
Oh come on now.

You can't have a go at Sony for making a 3rd game in a Franchise and then say Nintendo of all the companies can get away with it because there "Evergreen".

Nintendo need the most shit for this lol

Having said that I agree Sony's are the most exciting first party developer because they seem to launch the most new IPs. Let hope it continues this gen

Every single key nintendo game pushes the envelope on design and usually delivers a fresh experience we have never witnessed before.

No other company does this imo.
Sony main issue is climbing.
Why the hell do I need kratos, abi, aloy climb up all day?

Make the game more interesting by walking around, explore the town more and let me have a lot of dialogue with my npcs.

Back to the story. Sony studios needs to understand what an open world is and how to utilize that open world.

Take a cue from Skyrim, the Witcher 3, gta, red dead. Don't make the game about story only. Give players a choice.

These are my 2 cents. I don't know if people here will agree with me or not.
Those 4 games all have terrible core combat and movement. Sony please don't take cues from these games!


Moderated wildly
lets just see what this summer brings, I'm sure theres some huge stuff to show. It's been like 2 years since sony did a show right?
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