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Pokemon GO Review Thread

MetaCritic - 65

Digitally Downloaded - 5/5

Besides, as simple as it is, I jump a little in excitement every time I spot a Pokemon that I haven’t got yet, especially given that currently all the Pokemon are drawn from the first generation (Red and Blue) and that’s giving me a nostalgic rush like you wouldn’t believe. Will this game have staying power? No idea, but the developer, Niantic, had (and continues to have) staying power with Ingress before it, and that has nowhere near the pulling power of cute Pokemon monsters, so my bets are on this one lasting quite some time yet.

Pocket Gamer - 9/10

Despite its problems, Pokémon GO is an immensely enjoyable experience. The very personal nature of catching Pokémon in your own neighbourhood - something I've wanted to do since my first steps in Pallet Town all those years ago - made me smile more than any game has for years

IGN - 7/10

Right now, Pokemon Go is an incredible, can’t-miss social experience — like Pokemon is actually real and everyone is on board — but its RPG mechanics and combat don’t have nearly enough depth to support itself in the long term. If people start to lose interest due to its lack of depth once the novelty of seeing Pokemon pop up around their everyday lives expires, the community will fall apart and the spell will be broken. What Pokemon Go needs is more features to support that real-world interaction. Things like Pokemon trading and leaderboards, which developer Niantic says are incoming, could keep that momentum up. Even if it will be short-lived, though, there’s no doubt it’s exciting to be a part of while it lasts.

Time - 3/5

“Daddy, I’m running really fast!” says my son later from his booster seat in the back of my car. He’s once more in possession of my phone and swiping away. We’re cruising through light summer evening traffic on the way to a swim lesson in town, my Honda Fit’s modest speeds making Pokémon Go’s game trainer sprint. Every few blocks he makes sounds of exasperation or delight as nearby critters blink in and out of existence. I ask him to describe what he’s doing in the game, which he takes instead as invitation to explain the game itself. “So you have to throw the Pokéballs at the Pokémon,” he tells me, pausing. I imagine his thoughts spooling up like a jet turbine. Or maybe he’s just busy winging Pokéballs. “If you miss, you lose,” he continues, his tone almost dour. And then like sunlight shooting through the clouds, his words brightening, he says “But if you get the Pokémon, you win!” At this point in his life, it’s enough

Jimquisition: 5/10
Thus we return to the notion of Pokemon Go‘s undeniable success. Despite being a pedestrian and uninspiring experience, it’s still conquered the hearts and minds of millions, and while I don’t know why, I’m still firing the thing up every time my dog goes out to take a shit, because there could be an Ekans out there.

So anyway, here’s a score I guess. One that is truthful despite not reflecting the time I’m putting into this damnable product.

The Guardian - 2/5

It’s not just another mobile game, and it’s not another Pokémon game – it’s an entirely separate beast on the cusp of something vast; a glimpse into the future of widely accessible augmented reality. What does it matter now if the nuances of gameplay are clunky when there’s the possibility of catching a Gastly in a previously unfamiliar local park behind a sculpture you never knew the name of before? Or the glee of discovering an Oddish unbeknownst to those around you, a little secret of the reality which exists only in the palm of your hands, beside the bell peppers at Tesco? When everyone street corner is a potential Pokéstop, when any passer-by could ask, “Oh, wow, are you playing Pokémon Go?!” and become a new hunting pal, something much bigger is going on.

Destructoid - 3.5/10

If the game played like a dream, maybe some of this would be fine, but I suspect Pokémon Go caught on because of the first word in that title. A lot of people have powerful nostalgia for the original 151, and the appeal of catching a Pidgey right in your own home is kinda dope. But actually catching that Pidgey and everything you do with it after you've caught it? That stuff isn't particularly interesting. I like talking about Pokémon Go with other people, but I wish there was a way to do that without actually having to play it.

So we've got a game that I don't enjoy from any angle (which sucks), but it's also dominating the cultural conversation right now (which is great). I'm torn on this one, honestly! See, I don't recommend Pokémon Go the video game. But I can't get enough of Pokémon Go the cultural artifact. It's a Videodrome-esque obsession, and I'm very disappointed in how excited I am to play my part. Long live the new flesh.


I'd probably rate it middle of the road too, very addicting, but needs improvements. The tech is impressive having a single source that everyone is updating too and from though.

I feel like many of these outlets would have skipped reviews had it not become a craze.


I kind of forgot that people were going to review this.

I think it'll take a few updates before there's enough substance for a good score though.
This reminds me of when people gave Flappy Bird bad reviews. It's like... yeah it's a bad game. It's still one of the GOAT mobile games because of the zeitgeist.


Feels like a weird thing to review, considering Pokemon Go is all about the social experience and less about the actual gameplay mechanics. Reviewing the game based on the later just seems to be entirely missing the point.

The Cowboy

I think its pretty decent, but i agree with the middle of the road reviews. Due to its lack of features, incredibly basic battle system, lack of trading and interaction - this game should not be scoring 9/10 or a 5/5 (i can't believe its actually managed to get these scores with how it currently is).

I'm addicted to catching all the Pokémon's (pretty much everyone in my office is playing it to), but the same thing is said over and over, "why can't i battle someone nearby", "why isn't it a proper battle system" & "why can't we trade?" etc.

Its just missing far to much to even get over a 7.5/10 IMO, i can't wait for the updates and i do hope it becomes a proper 9/10 game.


It's a mobile game so of course nobody gives a rat's ass about how well it reviews.

Still, it's kind of interesting to see where they plan to go from here to improve the base game and capitalize on its initial success. These reviews could be entertaining to go back to and read when the game receives substantial updates.


Me too. I dont remember seeing any mobile game having à review.

There's a lot of mobile games that got a review, but yeah they're pretty close to traditional videogames as we know it. Reviewing Pokemon GO is like reviewing Ingress or Foursquare or an ARG, which is kinda weird. Especially that the game has very low barrier for anyone to try.


this thing transcends reviews, you can't put score on going outside and catching a clefairy

You also can't put a score on a social experience (I mean you can, if you have serious issues).

Pokemon GO, the app, is buggy and shallow.

Pokemon GO, the thing thats happening around us right now is amazing.
It's not very good by any conventional game reviewing metric, I won't argue with that.

However, the social and real-world aspects make it more than the sum of its parts.
You also can't put a score on a social experience (I mean you can, if you have serious issues).

Pokemon GO, the app, is buggy and shallow.

Pokemon GO, the thing thats happening around us right now is amazing.
Don't games like Dark Souls usually get credit for their social experience?


I'm enjoying the heck out of it, but an average score sounds about right. I think it being more of a game would be a detriment than helpful, as strange as it is to see it like that.


It'll be interesting to see how more traditional game reviewers and sites will grade Pokemon Go as opposed to more mobile focused ones. I hardly ever see mobile gets get reviewed on more traditional sites, but here they are reviewing this because of the brand.

I'd imagine more traditional sites would find it lacking in depth while maybe mobile oriented ones would look past that perhaps?


El Capitan Todd
What's the point in reviewing this besides getting a hot take?

None, I guess.
It's not even a game.
ready for many "Wii-style" review.

It's funny to even read reviews saying "It's terrible but I'm playing hours and hours of it!!" lol
maybe the usual "key-points" used for reviews aren't a good fit for an App like this?


Jim Sterling's review is the definitive one :p

But yeah, right now it's pretty bad because of the technical issue, and also bare bone no way about it.


It's rather telling, how the average/low reviews still acknowledge the game is an irresistible experience. This is a difficult game to rate in the conventional sense.

It's a mechanically simple game with barebones features, but it's also driven by a massive database and an addictive progression loop that compels you out into the real world, discovering new places and meeting new people while getting exercise.

It enables an experience, in other words. Geocaching magical creatures in your neighborhood, alongside kindred spirits who are in on the same secret. And its simplicity may in fact be its greatest strength. :)


It's barely a game and all about the social/cultural experience. Weird that they actually decide to review it like this.
I don't think some of these reviewers get it, the point is to go out and explore the world with the pull of finding and raising Pokemon. At its core its just Google Maps with Pokemon scattered around but thats the beauty of it. It makes walking around fun. It's a fantastic game but putting a score on it seems a little odd.


Reviews can hate all they want, it's also the only free to play game I've played for more than an hour and not immediately uninstalled.

Skipping work to catch a Psyduck / 10


What's the point in reviewing this besides getting a hot take?

I sort of get the feeling its because the traditional sites feel they have to as its clearly a game and its clearly popular, all the while underlining the vast disconnect between what they consider gaming should be and what for most people it actually is.

It feels very old man shouting at clouds "I'm still relevant!"
I'm seeing a lot of reviewers trying to assess this using the usual metrics: performance, graphics, gameplay.

Since Pokemon GO is about the stuff that isn't on your screen as much as it is about the stuff that is, this is a terrible way to capture the value the game actually has, which is the entire point of reviews.


I sort of get the feeling its because the traditional sites feel they have to as its clearly a game and its clearly popular, all the while underlining the vast disconnect between what they consider gaming should be and what for most people it actually is.

It feels very old man shouting at clouds "I'm still relevant!"

That's a very good way of putting it. "This game itself is atrocious and has no redeeming qualities. But I can't stop playing."

It's basically crushing all their normal reviewing conventions. If it were a console game eliciting this response it'd be "It's greater then the sum of it's parts."

They'd be doing people a disservice if they didn't point out the technical problems and ding the game for it, but they just seem so torn it's kind of funny.


The main thing that hurts Go is how goddamn much it freezes or locks up.

Lack of depth isn't nearly as much of a problem as not being able to play the game when you want to


Gold Member
who can possibly give this game more than an average rating??!??!

addicting yes, but the game as whole is awful. without pokemon it'd be getting 1.5/5

I rate it below average personally.

Joey Ravn

I guess "traditional" gaming outlets won't be satisfied with what's in the game right now, but more mobile-oriented publications will love it. It's not a bad split, all things considered. Both are potentially right, in fact.


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