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Pokemon Presents Live Tomorrow 22:00 JST


Announcing new DLC for SW & SD YAY! Sadly it turned out as expected, GameFreak really can't make real games. I ended up beating Sword and Shield but was surprised at how terrible it looked, even for the Switch.


Gold Member
Sure, but I think people that visit a dedicated gaming forum are more demanding than your average 12 year old about the quality of their games.

Gaming forum, this is a game. Plenty people have enjoyed the game from out Nintendo GAF crew and this is news to them. Get over yourself if you don’t care about the news see yourself out.


Gold Member
Lol, I knew posting his tweet would instigate you. I debated doing it I just thought it would be good to show it might be something new. <3

Doing something new doesn't equate to something good.
Serebii is your avarage company bootlicker. If a guy from Pokemon Company or GF takes a crap, he will post a tweet saying how great it is.

Also, you post a tweet with the intention of instigate someone? How noble of you. Uncle Serebii is sure proud.
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Nintendo firing up the money printer. I had a good time with Sword and I'm personally done with it, but it's neat they're keeping active with the franchise. I betcha this will be about the DLCs coming up.


Gold Member
Doing something new doesn't equate to something good.
Serebii is your avarage company bootlicker. If a guy from Pokemon Company or GF takes a crap, he will post a tweet saying how great it is.

Also, you post a tweet with the intention of instigate someone? How noble of you. Uncle Serebii is sure proud.

If you read correctly that wasn't my intention. I said I debated doing it because of your feeling towards serebii because I knew it would instigate you. I take back my sent <3


Gold Member
If you read correctly that wasn't my intention. I said I debated doing it because of your feeling towards serebii because I knew it would instigate you. I take back my sent <3


So...any other interesting info to share? So far, this sounds like Sleep crap even they forget about it.

Is it the Sereii owner? I think he was called Joe and basically stuck up for every bad practise they do.

Yup. The serebii guy(the owner of Serebii site) and Joe are the same person, as countless and countless people defend him.

have they learned how to animate wings yet?

We're in 2020, of course they don't. Maybe in 4 years, but who knows.
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Gold Member

So...any other interesting info to share? So far, this sounds like Sleep crap even they forget about it.

Yup. The serebii guy and Joe are the same person, as countless and countless people defend him.

We're in 2020, of course they don't. Maybe in 4 years, but who knows.

People are screeching D/P remakes or Detective Pikachu 2. Probably the latter. I didn't mind Sword and Shield but They were just mediocre Pokemon games it's embarrassing what they are with what they could be. especially playing games like DQ11 and XC on the switch. With as much money as Game Freak makes, and the resources they have there really shouldn't be an excuse to make a 12 -14 linear Pokemon game in 2020.


Gold Member
Should we declare someone with delusions about Pokemon "Serebii Syndrome" then? :LOL:

Hm...perhaps, if you declare that Serebii is your lover :lollipop_squinting:

People are screeching D/P remakes or Detective Pikachu 2. Probably the latter. I didn't mind Sword and Shield but They were just mediocre Pokemon games it's embarrassing what they are with what they could be. especially playing games like DQ11 and XC on the switch. With as much money as Game Freak makes, and the resources they have there really shouldn't be an excuse to make a 12 -14 linear Pokemon game in 2020.

This only shows how brainless their consumers are. They would be pretty stupid to announce DP remakes when they gonna still launch 2 expansions this year. Dectetive Pikachu 2 well...it's not bad guess I think, since it wouldn't mess with their main games. It would be harmless.
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Gold Member
Hm...perhaps, if you declare that Serebii is your lover :lollipop_squinting:

This only shows how brainless their consumers are. They would be pretty stupid to announce DP remakes when they gonna still launch 2 expansions this year. Dectetive Pikachu 2 well...it's not bad guess I think, since it wouldn't mess with their main games. It would be harmless.

Just off topic and strictly a curiosity question what would game freak need to do to a Pokemon game to get you interested in it? Or have you written them off for good?
Just off topic and strictly a curiosity question what would game freak need to do to a Pokemon game to get you interested in it? Or have you written them off for good?

For me, they just have to make other games "other" than Pokemon. Drill Dozer is a great game that was sadly ignored.


Gold Member
Just off topic and strictly a curiosity question what would game freak need to do to a Pokemon game to get you interested in it?

First and foremost, they need to completelly revamp all their models/texture and start from zero. I mean, I know they get all pokemon models from Creatures Inc, but that doesn't excuse then to make a visually dessacted game. It's embarassing at this point. Also, they should make their own monsters more alive inside battles.

One thing that people brings up frequently(and for good reason) is DQ11. The game is a "dream monster catching game" even though its not a monster catching game. It's no wonder that I still keep dreaming on Dragon Quest Monster Joker for PS4/Xbox One using all the assets from DQ11. I doubt people would complain about the viablility of their monsters as long they could deliver a game like that(quests, explorations, etc). I wouldn't.

And thats is what I would called "basic", because theres tons of problems(learning the concept of open world for instance) and they don't even care about story nowadays. Actually, what they even care nowadays? Just launchs the game, it prints money.
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Gold Member
First and foremost, they need to completelly revamp all their models/texture and start from zero. I mean, I know they get all pokemon models from Creatures Inc, but that doesn't excuse then to make a visually dessacted game. It's embarassing at this point. Also, they should make their own monsters more alive inside battles.

One thing that people brings up frequently(and for good reason) is DQ11. The game is a "dream monster catching game" even though its not a monster catching game. It's no wonder that I still keep dreaming on Dragon Quest Monster Joker for PS4/Xbox One using all the assets from DQ11. I doubt people would complain about the viablility of their monsters as long they could deliver a game like that(quests, explorations, etc). I wouldn't.

And thats is what I would called "basic", because theres tons of problems(learning the concept of open world for instance) and they don't even care about story nowadays. Actually, what they even care nowadays? Just launchs the game, it prints money.

Yeah, I don't buy this future proofing model's the model's they made look like 3ds models and I don't see how they will keepup as hardware keeps upgrading. I really don't care about the dex cull IF they actually do something with the models and graphics.


Can we expect announcements of new remakes perhaps? Diamond and Pearl? I'm not really following the rumor discussions these days.
Can't be fucked with them announcing Diamond and Pearl remakes and once again the internet pretends to like a gen or region they never cared for.

"Did you know we realized we liked Sinnoh the same day the remakes were announced?"


Gold Member
Can't be fucked with them announcing Diamond and Pearl remakes and once again the internet pretends to like a gen or region they never cared for.

"Did you know we realized we liked Sinnoh the same day the remakes were announced?"

The possibility of this game being remake bring 2 critical downsides. One is that they want to farm SS as much as possible, while the second is the team behind those games.

Theres no way around it. If they relaunch remakes of Platinum, the game will be destroyed completelly. Not because of how remakes are made, but because of their new visions behind the creation of those titles. Which means the game will be extremelly dumbfied, to the point of being unrecognizable.

One example I might guess about bad changes would be the concept of the map. DPP was heavly criticized for its complexety and kids often got lost. So they will probably rework the map to be straight line and handholding as much as possible. This without counting other possible changes like easier battles, nerfed gyms/elite four, etc.
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Ya'll always gotta nit pick shit and focus on exceptions when this was the only flying bird mon in the wild area without a flapping animation and it's because of the design of the mon.




Codes 208

Gold Member
I want either a remake of P/D or switch ports of the classic games (maybe with color support for r/b like the super gameboy?)


Gold Member
Ya'll always gotta nit pick shit and focus on exceptions when this was the only flying bird mon in the wild area without a flapping animation and it's because of the design of the mon.




Are you using signatures as a form of defending them?

Digimon from Cyber Sleuth has an unique attack animation for each signature move. Pokemon do this with just a very few and people are supposed to be impressed? Lol
Are you using signatures as a form of defending them?

Digimon from Cyber Sleuth has an unique attack animation for each signature move. Pokemon do this with just a very few and people are supposed to be impressed? Lol

I've played Cyber Sleuth and while it's slightly better, it only has 240 total and many lower level evo's are pretty crappy to. But to point out wingull's wild area animation when every other winged mon has a proper flying flapping animation that looks fine is just trying misrepresent things.

Sword and Shield has it's flaws but it's not the flaming dumpster fire people make it out to be however if you want to carry out your hate boner for Sw/Sh then by all means.


Can we expect announcements of new remakes perhaps? Diamond and Pearl? I'm not really following the rumor discussions these days.
Dunno. Maybe is just Sleep. Just don't fall into those crazy fanboys hype and keep your expectation low. Remember those guys saying the SEGA announce would be as big as the wired PS5 reveal?
The best case is some remake, but was a longtime since Pokemon Sleep update.

I've played Cyber Sleuth and while it's slightly better, it only has 240 total and many lower level evo's are pretty crappy to.
How many Pokemons Lets Go version have?
And Cyber Sleuth have some big flaws no doubt, but is a turn base monster game at 60 frames per second, at least the recent one.
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Gold Member
I've played Cyber Sleuth and while it's slightly better, it only has 240 total and many lower level evo's are pretty crappy to. But to point out wingull's wild area animation when every other winged mon has a proper flying flapping animation that looks fine is just trying misrepresent things.

Sword and Shield has it's flaws but it's not the flaming dumpster fire people make it out to be however if you want to carry out your hate boner for Sw/Sh then by all means.

Again in case you don't get it: exclusive animations for each of those 240. Not to mention Digimons that has more than 1 exclusive move(yeah I played and beat 4 times, so no reason to go blind here).

Count how many Pokemons has exclusive animations and compare with them. Not even limiting their quantity of the models they would do that.


Can't be fucked with them announcing Diamond and Pearl remakes and once again the internet pretends to like a gen or region they never cared for.

"Did you know we realized we liked Sinnoh the same day the remakes were announced?"
Sinnoh was my favorite region because Platinum is the game that really pulled into competitive battling back in high school. Even though I haven’t been impressed with Pokemon for a while it will still take a lot of negative reviews to keep me from buying the remakes.

Then again they’ve been hinting at D/P/P remakes since the start of GenVII at least so don’t know when that may actually materialize. Hopefully they’ll care more and be less lazy by then.
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Ya'll always gotta nit pick shit and focus on exceptions when this was the only flying bird mon in the wild area without a flapping animation and it's because of the design of the mon.



Xatu does the same thing as Wingull in the wild but never once flaps its wings. Just kinda superman's it. Those shots that you have there are also few exceptions, since you brought up nitpicking. I will say that most idle animations like Corviknight look decent but as for move animations they are definitely far and few. Sword and Shields graphics and general presentation is not even the biggest problem. It's the amount of content and pacing of the game that is the biggest issue.
Xatu does the same thing as Wingull in the wild but never once flaps its wings. Just kinda superman's it. Those shots that you have there are also few exceptions, since you brought up nitpicking. I will say that most idle animations like Corviknight look decent but as for move animations they are definitely far and few. Sword and Shields graphics and general presentation is not even the biggest problem. It's the amount of content and pacing of the game that is the biggest issue.

I'll agree with that, the campaign was a bit of a bummer since there's pretty much no dungeons now almost. I do like the wild area which is now pretty much an evolution of the safari zone. The idea of the wild area and dynamic weather that changes each day as well what mons spawn in the weather is a great idea.

I still like Sw/Sh over XY and other mainline entries despite Sw/Sh flaws. There's also a ton of QoL changes that make the games much better now. The Y-Comm does suck though and we need the PSS system back.
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