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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Being a racist is a belief. You can just think it because of how you were raised, without really considering it very carefully or even realizing it's what you think, and without really knowing how to discuss or defend it. Probably everybody in America believes some racist stuff.

Being a white supremacist is an ideology. It has a coherent, internally consistent belief structure, usually based on Mein Kampf, that provides a rationale for action and for fitting ongoing events into your historical narrative. It has a catechism for mentally managing challenges to your belief and initiating new believers.

People are often just racist. The internet is where they learn (or are often lured unwittingly into believing) that they have a choice between the mainstream ideologies, most of which accept the cosmopolitan agreement that racism is morally wrong and a sin to overcome, or an alternate ideology, in which it is a virtue to be exercised.

I think the whole "free speech or else" attitude of so many websites is culpable in the spread of white supremacist ideology. Reddit and Google should not have let things get this out of hand.


I think the whole "free speech or else" attitude of so many websites is culpable in the spread of white supremacist ideology. Reddit and Google should not have let things get this out of hand.

The complacency of hope.

Last year I believed that the victory of liberal pluralism and inevitably economic and social justice for all was more or less a historical inevitability.

I suspect a lot of people, especially in California, felt the same way.

I don't feel this way any more and I suspect I'm not alone.


I think the whole "free speech or else" attitude of so many websites is culpable in the spread of white supremacist ideology. Reddit and Google should not have let things get this out of hand.

Politicians were I live are pretty much running on the idea of how we have to protect free speech at universities These same politicians have appeared on some really awful far right media outlet that people have nicknamed breitbart north.This far right outlet was at charlottesville yesterday.People have been calling these politicians out after what happened yesterday in charlottesville.


I do sometimes wish a large group of minorities in an open carrying state show up to protest one of these Neo nazi free speech event flaunting their right to bear arms and see how long they stick around. I'm aware how this situation could quickly escalate drastically.
This is even more pathetic than "too little, too late", as not only has Trump still not held white supremacists directly accountable, he still hasn't said jack shit himself.

Hopefully press hits them hard about why they're sending out emails to the press instead of trump tweeting the words white supremacist himself.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump's refusal to acknowledge this and have the WH do it makes zero sense even if he is trying to be tactical. What's going to happen when his 2020 opponent attacks him on the issue? Try to play both sides by telling white supremacists he never condemned them but tell the general American public he did?

I can't tell if he is just playing to his racist base or if he himself is just as much of a racist.


Trump's refusal to acknowledge this and have the WH do it makes zero sense even if he is trying to be tactical. What's going to happen when his 2020 opponent attacks him on the issue? Try to play both sides by telling white supremacists he never condemned them but tell the general American public he did?

Two possibilities:

1. Kelly just kept harping on the need to do this until Trump said "fine just leave me alone."
2. Somebody released this clarification without Trump's okay, which I suspect happens all the time.
Trump's refusal to acknowledge this and have the WH do it makes zero sense even if he is trying to be tactical. What's going to happen when his 2020 opponent attacks him on the issue? Try to play both sides by telling white supremacists he never condemned them but tell the general American public he did?

I can't tell if he is just playing to his racist base or if he himself is just as much of a racist.
He still denies ever supporting the Iraq war despite there being taped evidence of him doing so, so you can bet he'll deny this.
Trump's refusal to acknowledge this and have the WH do it makes zero sense even if he is trying to be tactical. What's going to happen when his 2020 opponent attacks him on the issue? Try to play both sides by telling white supremacists he never condemned them but tell the general American public he did?

I can't tell if he is just playing to his racist base or if he himself is just as much of a racist.

The fact that Trump refuses to call this like out is probably one of the reasons why he won in the first place and also why his basement approval rating is likely much higher than Bush or Nixon. Too much of his support is still with him because of his refusal to "bend to the SJWs". Never apologizing for any of his horrible statements like everyone was saying he should was incredibly successful

It makes sense for Trump because the people who he would appease by calling out White Supremacy hate him and it wouldn't make much of a difference.
The White House has tried to mitigate the damage by explicitly saying "white supremacists."

They know he screwed the pooch.

They haven't.

They're having their cake and eating it. They're minimizing the damage to the sane world with additional statements, while maximizing the support from their base by their lukewarm first statement.

I think we're mistaken when we think the White House and entourage gives a lot about what the mainstream media and sane people think of them. They just need the support from their base. By some insane stroke of luck it worked with the 2016 election, so they just continue this strategy.
Trump's refusal to acknowledge this and have the WH do it makes zero sense even if he is trying to be tactical. What's going to happen when his 2020 opponent attacks him on the issue? Try to play both sides by telling white supremacists he never condemned them but tell the general American public he did?

I can't tell if he is just playing to his racist base or if he himself is just as much of a racist.

It gets to a point where not acknowledging a problem is basically an endorsement of its existence. By not taking the few minutes to condemn Neo Nazis and other White Supremacists, Trump is basically telling them he's fine with their actions. Somehow people can't seem to call a spade a spade when it comes to Racists.
Trump's refusal to acknowledge this and have the WH do it makes zero sense even if he is trying to be tactical. What's going to happen when his 2020 opponent attacks him on the issue? Try to play both sides by telling white supremacists he never condemned them but tell the general American public he did?

I can't tell if he is just playing to his racist base or if he himself is just as much of a racist.
It depends on how much the general electorate cares about a POTUS enabling/supporting neo-nazis.

After 2016 and all the controversies, who knows.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Cheeto has to say it, who cares what some anonymous WH official says.

Edit: even if he does, anyone paying attention knows it's not genuine. Fucker tweets about the most mundane things in a heartbeat, could've tweeted if he was honest about it.

This actually makes it worse and reeks of Bannon.

Yesterday was trump deliberately and spastically obfuscating to avoid criticizing his base, but today was a sober deliberate plan to keep the presidents hands "clean" and away from direct criticism of the alt right and white supremacy. The president just sent a very clear message to Nazis.

"The establishment has to say SJW shit but me personally? I'm your guy. I'm with you."

This was a rubicon. I think he knows he's toast with the sober establishment and is riling up his base for the coming battle. Congress should try to own this before they totally lose control of the monster they made.


No Scrubs
This was a rubicon. I think he knows he's toast with the sober establishment and is riling up his base for the coming battle. Congress should try to own this before they totally lose control of the monster they made.

They lost control at least a year ago, when Trump started leading in the polls.


It's hilarious to see this happen, because Bannon is considered the link between the WH and the Nazis.

Curious to see how they'll spin/take this.

Bannon is the link between the WH and the Mercers.

Not sure how much that connection matters these days, but they're why he's in there in the first place.


Also Bannon's people have continued to be favorites of Trump's. He was reportedly furious when McMaster purged the fascists from the NSC, or the recent putting of Miller in front of the cameras on immigration policy.

If Bannon's on the way out, it's because of something he did personally.



Yes, in a way this thread really is about the dangers of subsidizing public transportation with stolen labor.

Free benji


It'll be interesting to see how Bannon handles termination...does he turn on Trump? Or still keep trying to stick it to McMaster? Does that psychopath Steven Miller go at the same time?
I don't buy Trump dumping bannon. He got him where he is and axing him will harm his support with the only group of people who still like him too much.


Trump has no loyalty to anyone, Bannon will get thrown out at some point, it's just a question of when.

What I was getting at is I don't think Trump has much of a choice.

His relationship with Bannon has been contentious almost as long as he's been in the White House. Almost as long as he was on the outs with Priebus. There've been several rumors about Trump being upset with Bannon, Bannon in the dog house, etc..And yet each time Bannon has escaped being fired.

I think Trump's wanted to fire Bannon for a while now. I suspect that he can't without pissing some important people off.
Also Bannon's people have continued to be favorites of Trump's. He was reportedly furious when McMaster purged the fascists from the NSC, or the recent putting of Miller in front of the cameras on immigration policy.

If Bannon's on the way out, it's because of something he did personally.

Something must of gone wrong if we are hearing this.


Something I haven't been able to determine about Miller is what kind of racist he is. He's clearly a white nationalist/supremacist, but is Jewish. I haven't heard anything about if he considers himself Jewish, though. Supposedly javanka like him so I guess he's not outwardly anti Semitic.

Also, guy and waiter think they're trolling libtards, but this business is probably about to go under


I wonder if Gallup will finally get to 35/60 tomorrow or there really just are that many racists.
Something I haven't been able to determine about Miller is what kind of racist he is. He's clearly a white nationalist/supremacist, but is Jewish. I haven't heard anything about if he considers himself Jewish, though. Supposedly javanka like him so I guess he's not outwardly anti Semitic.

Also, guy and waiter think they're trolling libtards, but this business is probably about to go under


Jared very clearly and obviously doesn't give a shit about his Jewish identity and how this administration has targeted it.
Trump has no loyalty to anyone, Bannon will get thrown out at some point, it's just a question of when.

His issue is that no one he's hired is loyal to anyone either. It's a big reason his administration is so leaky and incompetent; various factions are trying to push their own goals, and they'll tear down every other faction to get what they want, including Trump. It's Stupid Game of Thrones.

The complacency of hope.

Last year I believed that the victory of liberal pluralism and inevitably economic and social justice for all was more or less a historical inevitability.

I suspect a lot of people, especially in California, felt the same way.

I don't feel this way any more and I suspect I'm not alone.

I'm very torn on how I feel on this sometimes.

On the one hand, I do think the country's populace is moving in a good direction (or rather, a larger number of the populace is moving in a good direction instead of a bad one). And we weren't that far away from avoiding this. We talk a lot about 70K votes being what cost us, but that's just the White House. How many more votes in the right places would've won us the Senate? We were pretty damn close to 50 there, if not 51. How about the House? The country is definitely not in the same place as it was when Reagan won almost the entire country and the idea of not being conservative was something to be investigated.

On the other hand, this stuff is exactly what had my students in tears after the election. This fear, this panic. We all saw it coming within the next day, and it's awful to see that vindicated. And while I believe that the public has shifted to something better, I've gained a new (potentially worse) fear that our institutions won't survive the next few years. The dismantling of our government is going to hurt a lot of people, and it's not something that can be voted on. None of us have any say in what happens to the entirety of the executive branch for the next 3 years. Congress is equally useless for at least the next year. I'm skeptical of the Court. This lack of faith in our government has really got me down sometimes, especially after Charlottesville. The response of our government to a terrorist attack has been awful.
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