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Polygon COD: Ghosts Review update: (XBONE better version)

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Really? Im not impressed by the trailers at all, are there any comparisons of 360/PS3 vs X1/PS4?

Nothing of the quality that Gamersyde provides, but IGN has videos up of the versions... next gen is clearly a step ahead. Whether or not they're enough of a step up for you, I'll leave that up to you.


I guess the Xbox One code is optimized while the PS4's is not? I thought the PS4 was easier to work on.

The PC version sucks up 6 gigs, looks like shit and still has performance issues. The PS4 version buckles even at times where nothing is going on, yet does 60 fps during action moments. The code is fucked.

The XB1 version could have been tested more or just got lucky, who knows.


Would be surprising, but going from 1080p to 720p also seemed like too big of a drop considering that battlefield's difference was just 900p to 720p


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Yea sounds like this game badly needs a month one patch on both platforms, hopefully they can get their head wrapped around PS4\X1 and things get smoothed out.


I'm not going to disagree with the PS4 version having fps drops but I cannot agree with the XB1 version being totally smooth what with those MP videos (or has this been addressed and I missed it?) and from what others have been saying. It would not surprise me if both versions are just horribly optimised and require major Day One updates, especially given how the PC version runs on extreme-tier hardware.

This review is horribly written though, no doubt about that. Saying 'it could have been my imagination' in just about any factual article is unbelievable and really brings into question the facts raised in the article itself.


Are you suggesting that the Xbox One has a hardware advantage over the PS4?

No, just not as much as people have been implying.

Interfectum said:
The PC version sucks up 6 gigs, looks like shit and still has performance issues. The PS4 version buckles even at times where nothing is going on, yet does 60 fps during action moments. The code is fucked.

The XB1 version could have been tested more or just got lucky, who knows.

Yeah, thats it the Xbox One is just a lucky mf. lol

When the Xbox One performs bad, it's its weak hardware. When the PS3 doesn't perform great it's for some other reason. That is very convenient.


When the Xbox One performs bad, its it's weak hardware. When the PS3 doesn't perform great it's for some other reason. That is very convenient.

When the PC version doesn't perform great, it's because Infinity Ward doesn't care about PC gamers.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
When the PC version doesn't perform great, it's because Infinity Ward doesn't care about PC gamers.

The PC version performs bad because high end PCs arent that much better than an Xbone.


The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
I'm happy to see that some sites, like Giant Bomb, still have the basic decency and integrity to hold off on reviewing a game until it is final, regardless of when an embargo ends.

If you haven't played a MP-focused game on the actual network that everyone who will buy the game will be playing it on, you shouldn't be publishing a review of that game, full stop. Polygon doesn't know what kinds of issues these games might have online on PS4 or XB1. Also, it is likely that the PS4 version will be getting an update that addresses these issues. If that update is out on day 1 and it fixes the stuttering issues, then what? What happened to the "just wait and see for proper info" attitude that they were all about?

Oh, that's right. Polygon can just "update" their review to correct their rushed and irresponsible reporting and get a whole second round of fresh clicks. If they feel like it.

What a bunch of hacks.

So polygon wasn't really wrong then? Wonder what other sites say.

They are wrong for reviewing a game having never played the MP on PS4 PSN or on XB1 XBL, and they are wrong for making such performance judgments about an unreleased product that is confirmed to have a patch that will address (and hopefully fix) the stuttering issues that are unique to the PS4 version.

And impressions from less biased sources (ones that haven't been personally publicly downplaying resolution differences and belittling those who disagreed, for example) on the differences between today's versions of next-gen CoD have noted some occasional stuttering with lots of particle effects (IGN, Giant Bomb), and a couple other sites have noted that the resolution difference is pretty big.

It would be wise to wait for the game to launch and to wait for Digital Foundry to do their work.


Oh Polygon...

That was embarrassing to read :/

It's 100% factual information that the game runs at double the pixel count of the XB1 version yet it might be his imagination? C'mon.
I don't really care either way but I don't really consider Polygon to be a valid news outlet. We've heard of the framerate issues from other publications but whether they are more or less noticeable in the XBONE version I simply don't trust them to tell us the truth.


When the PC version doesn't perform great, it's because Infinity Ward doesn't care about PC gamers.

Don't be silly. BF4 is set at 900p for a reason. I'm sure they would have gone to 1080p if they could. Right now shoddy programming exists across all the platforms so it's not an excuse as to why one performs better than the other. If the PS4 version ran better at 1080p it would touted as proof of the system's huge graphical superiority over the XBO.

But it doesn't and it's not.


Don't be silly.

I'm being 100% fucking deadly serious. Infinity Ward doesn't care about PC gamers.

I can't possibly think of any other explanation why Treyarch cares enough to put an FoV slider in their game last year, but Infinity Ward says "fuck it, you can download a mod yourself".

Also, SLI is broken. They just don't care.


When there is a general consensus among reviewers, GAF assumes everyone was paid off. When reviewers disagree, GAF loses their freakin' minds.


It doesn't really make sense that some reviewers and sites taking comparison shots are reporting zero visual differences, while other review sites and the official word from IW are reporting large (or should be large) differences in the visuals. Something else must be at play


I haven't heard about this, what's wrong with it?

The Battlefield 4 single player campaign is locked at 65 FoV, even on PC. (Slider only affects MP). BF4's campaign is for the bin anyway, though, so whatever.

Whats the FOV problem with KZ SF? Didnt read about that yet.

Has a narrow FOV...so it might make some people uncomfortable? I consider it a non-issue if people aren't sitting right in front of the tv.


I'm being 100% fucking deadly serious. Infinity Ward doesn't care about PC gamers.

I can't possibly think of any other explanation why Treyarch cares enough to put an FoV slider in their game last year, but Infinity Ward says "fuck it, you can download a mod yourself".

Also, SLI is broken. They just don't care.

Sorry to hear that, but that has nothing to do with my point. PC gaming comes with a certain amount of pain. You learn to love it, or buy a console.


Sorry to hear that, but that has nothing to do with my point. PC gaming comes with a certain amount of pain. You learn to love it, or buy a console.

You're trying to argue some kind of console war BS, I'm just saying that Infinity Ward is a poor development studio that released a sub-optimized game on nearly ever platform, so it shouldn't be used as a benchmark of power.


Nothing of the quality that Gamersyde provides, but IGN has videos up of the versions... next gen is clearly a step ahead. Whether or not they're enough of a step up for you, I'll leave that up to you.

Fair enough man, i think i was expecting too much.
But to be honest, as long as its a good and fun game, it doesn't matter what it looks like.
Is it like this always or just when you play in 1080p on PS4?

I remember RE5 being a mess graphically when you had 1080 chosen, but played great when you stuck it back down to 720.


Due to this thread I have returned Ghosts for PS4 and exchanged it for a copy of BF4. I didn't do this solely because of the framerate issues...... I did it because there was lots of evidence presented that showed that this game was a lackluster effort overall. I disregarded these things before making the purchase for some reason. Thanks, all.


Sorry if it's been posted already but C&VG have an article on different publications getting different results from the two next-gen versions.

Some are saying they've had no issues with resolution on the Xbox version and some are saying that they've had no issues with frame rate on the PS4 so maybe the potential frame rate issues will be remedied with a patch as it only happening on some systems suggests that is possibly a bug rather than a longterm issue.


Due to this thread I have returned Ghosts for PS4 and exchanged it for a copy of BF4. I didn't do this solely because of the framerate issues...... I did it because there was lots of evidence presented that showed that this game was a lackluster effort overall. I disregarded these things before making the purchase for some reason. Thanks, all.
Fantastic decision. Battlefield 4 is amazing, I've been really enjoying it on PC except for the crashes.


IW's COD engine is so far beyond it's Quake 3 roots that it's irrelevant.


I don't think that's really 100% true, though. An analogy would be if somebody had a toy wooden toy that was glued together. Infinity Ward has, over time, replaced all of the wood but they're still using that Quake 3 glue to underpin/interconnect components.

They're still using a version of radiant to edit levels, and they clamped down the framerate on the PC to stop a weird bug that pops up in Quake as well at high frame rates.


You're trying to argue some kind of console war BS, I'm just saying that Infinity Ward is a poor development studio that released a sub-optimized game on nearly ever platform, so it shouldn't be used as a benchmark of power.

Yes the two biggest 3rd party franchises are meaningless for comparison. The fact that the PS4 isn't running 1080p on one and having trouble on the other is not something to be considered.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Yes the two biggest 3rd party franchises are meaningless for comparison. The fact that the PS4 isn't running 1080p on one and having trouble on the other is not something to be considered.

Dude, you are arguing that about a case where the High end PC version runs worse than the Xbone version. That argument is useless, unless you want to state the power advantage of high end PCs is "less big than what others tried making you believe".


This is an interesting theory. It is possible but the most simple explanation is that by being forced to drop to 720p, the Xbox One gained a secondary benefit of a more stable fps. It seems that the game is poorly optimized on every platform. Including the Xbox One. The game is really not very impressive graphically. It should be able to run 1080p 60 fps on both systems. I think the technical issues are not really a result of the power of either console but more or IW's failure to optimize the game for both consoles and PC.

Hopefully a patch can improve the FPS issue on PS4. I imagine it should be possible for them to make some improvements post-launch.

Could be on all platforms. I was just wondering if the rumours were true about them spending just a few weeks porting to PS4 and got a reasonable frame rate, but took months working on the XB1 side. Maybe once it failed to perform at 1080p it was dropped to 720p and the work they'd put in for months means it was relatively stable straight away at that resolution. It might even be over optimised at this time, and could handle a few more effects.

The original XB uses a similar tech so maybe benefited from the work on XB1 also, as it might be slightly easier to use its memory configuration as it doesn't need as much manual input.


Yes the two biggest 3rd party franchises are meaningless for comparison. The fact that the PS4 isn't running 1080p on one and having trouble on the other is not something to be considered.

Do whatever you want with Battlefield, but I place the Ghosts problems at Infinity Ward's feet, not Microsoft or Sony's.


For me, the fact that these games are running at such a resolution difference at launch is simply a demonstration of the differences in potential between the two platforms. In the future, I would rather trade pixels for greater realism thanks.

At the distances people tend to sit from their televisions, 1080p is a total waste of graphical potential. See for yourself by seeing just how close you have to get before you can see the pixels of your display! My PC has a 27" monitor but I would need more than a 140" TV for the same distance ratio from where I sit for 1080p to look the same.

Ryse actually has the right idea here. A technical balance designed for arts sake, not stupid bragging rights and spec wars. Your perception of realism has so little to do with resolution, it hurts.


I don't have a problem with him finding the xbox version to be a better experience because of the framerate alone, BUT

This is dumb. "I'll just ignore the facts for reasons, and throw subjective fluff into an exclusively objective part of my review"

Can we get some retired engineers to go into journalism or something.

Okay. This is getting out of hand. You don't have to be a graphics engineer to review a game, it is subjective. Do you have to be computer graphics engineer to review a movie's CG?

These are opinions.


For me, the fact that these games are running at such a resolution difference at launch is simply a demonstration of the differences in potential between the two platforms. In the future, I would rather trade pixels for greater realism thanks.

At the distances people tend to sit from their televisions, 1080p is a total waste of graphical potential. See for yourself by seeing just how close you have to get before you can see the pixels of your display! My PC has a 27" monitor but I would need more than a 140" TV for the same distance ratio from where I sit for 1080p to look the same.

Ryse actually has the right idea here. A technical balance designed for arts sake, not stupid bragging rights and spec wars. Your perception of realism has so little to do with resolution, it hurts.



More likely the Xbox One code is unoptimized and the PS4 code is unoptimized, but one is unoptimized and displaying a resolution of 720p.
That's what I was thinking, in this instance PS4 probably got close ENOUGH to 1080p so they ran with it at the expense of framerate, while the XB1 could get higher than 720p but not by enough to be worth it, so they went with that instead, kind of a case of rounding up on PS4 and rounding down on XB1.

It's probably the only way we'll legitimately have the XB1 be preferable, similar to how some PS3 versions have V-Sync even if the FPS averages lower, but similarly it still comes down to personal preference. Question is if we'll keep seeing incidents like this or not, I imagine it's possible but it'll be less obvious in the future.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
So this thing exploded huh? Ign and other sites reporting framedrops as well?

This game just can't catch a break on any platform it seems. All blame is on Activision as I see it.


Yes the two biggest 3rd party franchises are meaningless for comparison. The fact that the PS4 isn't running 1080p on one and having trouble on the other is not something to be considered.

So all this because you want PS4 to be bad in comparison to Xbox One?


Okay. This is getting out of hand. You don't have to be a graphics engineer to review a game, it is subjective. Do you have to be computer graphics engineer to review a movie's CG?

These are opinions.

What is subjective about the performance of a game? Of course it's his opinion, but he's going about the process in an ignorant manner by telling us he couldn't see (what amounts to) a pretty massive difference in image quality. Why bother saying that. Mention the objective difference and move on.

These guys write for a technical industry. I would expect them to have more respect for what they're covering at the lowest level.


I am still amazed that Infinity Ward couldn't make Ghosts run at a stable 60fps on the hardware the PS4, let alone a PC is capable of.
For me, the fact that these games are running at such a resolution difference at launch is simply a demonstration of the differences in potential between the two platforms. In the future, I would rather trade pixels for greater realism thanks.

At the distances people tend to sit from their televisions, 1080p is a total waste of graphical potential. See for yourself by seeing just how close you have to get before you can see the pixels of your display! My PC has a 27" monitor but I would need more than a 140" TV for the same distance ratio from where I sit for 1080p to look the same.

Ryse actually has the right idea here. A technical balance designed for arts sake, not stupid bragging rights and spec wars. Your perception of realism has so little to do with resolution, it hurts.
Ryse? The only idea it had was to be as mediocre as possible on the gameplay and effects front while putting all its chips in the graphics front, yet still not being able to hit 1080p or 60fps, if that's your idea of next gen, I'm glad its not your call.


Ryse? The only idea it had was to be as mediocre as possible on the gameplay and effects front while putting all its chips in the graphics front, yet still not being able to hit 1080p or 60fps, if that's your idea of next gen, I'm glad its not your call.

Didn't Ryse have to cut assets just to get to 900p?

And lol, are we really going to keep arguing that you can't tell the difference between 720 and 1080 on a 50 inch TV? Really. Even if you sit across the room, you can still tell. I kind of wish those saying they can't tell should start watching their Blu Ray in 720p since it doesn't matter.


I am still amazed that Infinity Ward couldn't make Ghosts run at a stable 60fps on the hardware the PS4, let alone a PC is capable of.

PC version on a $1,000 GTX Titan:


(frame rate counter in upper right corner is what you should be paying attention to)
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