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Polygon COD: Ghosts Review update: (XBONE better version)

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Polygon didn't review the Xbox One or PS4 versions (yet), or assign them the same or a different score. They did, however, point out the differences in a sidebar in their PC review, with a note to check back when a formal review is published. So what are you talking about?

He's making shit up. I asked for a link and he never provided one.


A Sheep
Not for long

Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4 Patch to Fix Framerate Issues Reportedly Being Worked on by Infinity Ward

In what Activision believes will be the biggest launch title on next-gen consoles, Call of Duty: Ghosts for the PS4 has been getting some unfavorable reviews so far from critics, with Polygon calling out that particular version for “consistent framerate drops.”

While there was no date or timeframe given for its release, Giant Bomb is reporting that “Infinity Ward is working on a patch to correct the performance issues.” With those framerate issues mostly happening “during multiplayer when action got especially hectic,” hopefully Infinity Ward releases this patch very close to when people can start playing the game come November 15th.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
The fact of the matter is, we have PS4 video footage showing the game running at native 720p. How does that not confirm anything?

..or thesixthaxis fucked something up when they put together those PNG's.

I doubt it's native 720p on the PS4.. if it is, I'm sure we'd know by now. Otherwise you'd have a whole lot of people lying about it right now.

I'll wait for another source before trusting those captures.


Why do people still bother, it is the same site that gave SimCity a 9.5, a game that was simply broken. After that SimCity review I never checked that site again.


Why do people still bother, it is the same site that gave SimCity a 9.5, a game that was simply broken. After that SimCity review I never checked that site again.

Like with their awful The Last of Us review, I won't use a single review to condemn the entire site, but rather just that specific reviewer.

You can damn all of Polygon if you want, but really you should just choose to ignore Russ Pitts' reviews from there on out.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Impressions of the framerate where based on the same seemingly 720p native PS4 captures.
Maybe not - I was under impression that Polygon review at least compared playing PS4 version from some earlier even to playing XB1 version from this event. Yes, I know he also said he saw them running side by side, but the quotes sounded conflicting.
Hmmm looks like I need to drop Polygon from my reader... What VG site should I add in their place?

There's only one publication you need.



Can't believe this site isn't banned yet.

If it weren't any more apparent before, it is disgustingly obvious right now.

No kidding the PS4's version is 1080p. It's 360p better. That's really all that needs to be said. We don't even need reviewers any more. Just some basic math knowledge. So that would make the PS4's BF4 version 180p better, which is why I purchased it. Not quite the 360p difference in COD:G but still respectable.


all i know is its pretty clear which of the three shown looks better

its not the Xbone
its not the PS3

I need more hints. XBO and PS4 are at the same resolution with the same effects in those screenshots, so the only difference at all is color temperature, brightness, etc. So unless there's something I'm missing it's not pretty clear which looks better.
I need more hints. XBO and PS4 are at the same resolution with the same effects in those screenshots, so the only difference at all is color temperature, brightness, etc. So unless there's something I'm missing it's not pretty clear which looks better.

I don't get it, are you suggesting the PS4 version isn't 1080p? Can you stop spreading fud please?


No kidding the PS4's version is 1080p. It's 360p better. That's really all that needs to be said. We don't even need reviewers any more. Just some basic math knowledge. So that would make the PS4's BF4 version is 180p better, which I why I purchased it. Not quite the 360p difference in COD:G but still respectable.

I won't trust any game reviews until they transition to the 1080p scale.


So, there has yet to be any comparisons with actual native 1080p PS4 footage against X1 720p? Where the video is actually in 1080p?

I just want to make sure, the games designer or something did just confirm a couple days ago the PS4 version runs at 1080p native... right?

Those comparisons with the PS4 version in 720p is a joke.


Like with their awful The Last of Us review, I won't use a single review to condemn the entire site, but rather just that specific reviewer.

You can damn all of Polygon if you want, but really you should just choose to ignore Russ Pitts' reviews from there on out.

This. This whole next gen lead up has made me a bit crazy with people freaking on individuals they disagree with and assigning huge nefarious intentions to a difference of opinion. Do people only read things they agree with?


Out of curiosity, why don't consoles and console devs allow for manual changes to the resolution in exchange for fps; just like pc. Maybe I want to play with better fx and fps verses 1080p, why don't developers allow for these types of manual changes on consoles?

I'd imagine the ps4 version of this game at 720p would have 60+ frames per second and superior fx or other types of improvements.


Now Gamespot PS4 vs IGN XB1/PS4

So no issue with the Ign video. Ign and Gamespot reviewed a 720p native version or the version is running at 1080p?


I don't get it, are you suggesting the PS4 version isn't 1080p? Can you stop spreading fud please?

I'm saying that in the images in question, the PS4 version was in native 720p. Not saying that the game doesn't do native 1080p on PS4 at all.

Even with crappy YouTube artifacts, you can tell by the aliasing that it's the exact same resolution:

This is great... last week 720p and 1080p was like night and day, today nobody is even sure what they are looking at! :D

Everyone wants a winner, fact is both versions look almost identical, most would never know especially without them running side by side.

And the horrible sharpening filter on xbone... i'll take that over soft looking textures all day


I wouldn't worry about these possible frame rate differences. Gies just as easily could have written:

"It's possible that the XBox One version ran a little bit smoother, but that may have just been my imagination after reading all about balance in the MS press kit."

Gies acknowledges that he doesn't trust that his perception isn't subject to influence, which of course everyone's is.

As for placing more emphasis on the frame rate, I'm just going to take that straight up. Infinity Ward decided that the PS4 version would have more merit if they didn't relinquish 1080p, and Gies disagrees with that decision.


I'm saying that in the images in question, the PS4 version was in native 720p. Not saying that the game doesn't do native 1080p on PS4 at all.

Even with crappy YouTube artifacts, you can tell by the aliasing that it's the exact same resolution:


Yep, both seem to be in 720p, I'm really interested to know what the hell is going on here. Maybe DF will eventually post something that will clear it up, or we'll just have to wait until Friday and see for ourselves.

1080p vs 720p is an enormous deal, just that it might not be what the reviewers are looking at.


Everyone wants a winner, fact is both versions look almost identical, most would never know especially without them running side by side.

if one version is being rendered at 2x the resolution of the other while still looking pretty much the same, either the Xbone team at IW is doing something incredibly right, or the PS4 team is doing something incredibly wrong

720p to 1080p is not a small jump, and anyone who has frequented this environment on their PC knows how noticeable it can and should be. im not saying people will or should notice when they're not side by side, but if stacked right on top of each other there isn't a winner then somebody has failed.


Still no eurogamer face off?

Btw.: what happened to lenth of truth?
Didn't see a face off from them posted in a long time.
I'm saying that in the images in question, the PS4 version was in native 720p. Not saying that the game doesn't do native 1080p on PS4 at all.

Even with crappy YouTube artifacts, you can tell by the aliasing that it's the exact same resolution:


Oh, sorry about that. Good catch actually. I think the most effective test (and sadly least feasible) is to have these games running side by side, or switching between inputs on the same TV. I'm very sensitive to resolution, and anyone with a PC is too. I couldn't play half of the games from the latter part of this generation because everything was so damn close to 480p, like Crysis, Dead Island among others.


So what now, Polygon reviewed both the X1 and Ps4 at 720p? Instead of doing Ps4 at 1080p?

Wth is this crap


If they reviewed a PS4 version running at 1080p native, why didn't they notice that the video is clearly different from what they saw when reviewing the game?


Oh, sorry about that. Good catch actually. I think the most effective test (and sadly least feasible) is to have these games running side by side, or switching between inputs on the same TV. I'm very sensitive to resolution, and anyone with a PC is too. I couldn't play half of the games from the latter part of this generation because everything was so damn close to 480p, like Crysis, Dead Island among others.

the most effective test should be to take 2 direct feed screenshots, full screen them on your computer using your computers image viewer, and then hitting the left and right keys, alternative between the two. (assuming you've obviously got the images next to each other in the directory)
This is great... last week 720p and 1080p was like night and day, today nobody is even sure what they are looking at! :D

Everyone wants a winner, fact is both versions look almost identical, most would never know especially without them running side by side.

And the horrible sharpening filter on xbone... i'll take that over soft looking textures all day


It seems like no one knows what the fuck they are talking about anymore.
the most effective test should be to take 2 direct feed screenshots, full screen them on your computer using your computers image viewer, and then hitting the left and right keys, alternative between the two. (assuming you've obviously got the images next to each other in the directory)

My PC (laptop) has a 720p screen, so that method won't work unless I'm on my 1080p plasma, but that is a good suggestion nonetheless.
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