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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17

If this all pans out, it could possibly force Sony to reevaluate performance parameters for Neo. Should be a very interesting development.

If Microsoft shows their hand first I could see a repeat of the start of this gen with Sony making alterations to win out again.


What kind of announcement we gonna get at e3. Bring Mattrick back just for this one. We've got a new powerful xbox coming 2017!!! But in the mean time can you buy this slim x1 version before we drop it in a year.
Laying waste to the ps4k. Scorpio rules all!


I feel like this needs a xbox or Microsoft on the flame thrower.
This doesnt even make sense. Are you telling me this is not the xbox two? The powergap seems to be too much...

Unless this is designed to run xbox one games in 4k


extra source of jiggaflops
I request a GAF Gen 4 launch poster protection program where my statements that graphics difference doesn't matter that much will be erased.
If Xbox doesn't rebrand this as a new console I still think it will hurt their sales. The majority of console gamers are on PS4 and team Sony. Why would I want to get the Xbox 1.5 when I can get the PS4.5? So much good will has been earned with the PS4.

On top of that, if this is their entry into the 'iterative console' approach, which it is, then that means the PS4K will go on sale uncontested (by MS, NIntendo will launch in March but thats not a direct competitor) on the market for nearly a year. And since the baseline of these systems is still to be supported (PS4/X1), that means it doesn't get a clean break either. The platform approach, and forward compatibility, has entrenched users into the ecosystems even further this generation.

So yeah, unless they use an angle in the box to help sell it (as hinted at in Jason's article & what this jump in power hints towards; its native Oculus support), this thing doesn't really stand a chance in the market.


I think it's cool that Xbox gamers don't have to wait stupid long for new hardware. I think the important thing is compatibility. Everything should be compatible moving forward. That way, you're basically buying into an ecosystem ala Steam/App Store/Google Play.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
This seems like how we inadvertantly end up at Denis Dyack's wet dream. The average consumer will be so baffled at what is going on, and take the path of least resistance.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Something isn't adding up. Why would Sony launch an incremental upgrade if MS is essentially going next gen next year?

Wtf is happening. Who asked for this to happen?

Neo is rumoured to be 3.x times the original Xbox1, Scorpio 4.x. Is the line between 'incremental' and 'full leap' that thin?

(It's not in the traditional sense of a full console transition - neither meets that bar)


I suppose they have to say something to go for that wait for our Xbox machine hype against the Neo and announcing end of year would be crazy as it would put doubt in consumers minds when they purchase most so getting it out of the way at E3 is probably the safe bet.

Also, a $200-250 Xbox One/PS4 and likely $400 Neo/Scorpio are not in the same ball part for many consumers so I don't think they have too much to fear other than confusion which why they'll say something now rather than the holiday season.
All these rumors, the news, speculation..............

Lol I must be the only one that cares about the Slim announcement....can't wait for design, cost, release, etc.

Nah man I'm there with you. Just want to finally get in with a current gen system and I'm leaning toward the XB1. Looking forward to the Slim reveal.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
goddammit all of these consoles are gonna be spaced out just enough that i'm gonna be tempted to buy all of them lmao


It's Arthur Gies, with all the bullshit he said in the past I wouldn't give this a lot of credit.
And indeed how can a system supposed to launch in fall 2017 be announced soon if they should be focused on selling the Xbox One Slim this year?
Also if Microsoft is one year later and more expensive than Sony with their upgrade they're again dead on arrival regardless of power.


This is like that Looney Tunes episode where the 2 characters kept pulling out bigger guns to the point where the guns were visible in space.

I'm hopeful someone can find it for me.


So let me get this straight:

2016: PS4k
2017: Xbox 2
2018/19: PS5?

The days of 10 year plans are long gone to say the least.
Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?


Unveil soon, but launch in Fall 2017? Wouldn't that be a good incentive for people to not buy any xbox ones until the serpico launches? How's this a good idea?


Those shady inside sources


Seem's MS want to remove some of that inferior performance stigma, trouble is would people jump platforms on a mid gen iteration? especially if both iterations give full library compatibility, it's a hell of a lead PlayStation has already.


MS has lost this gen. What's the point of arriving day and date with a similar machine to the PS4k/Neo? It would have no effect.

On the other hand, introducing a console that might actually be able to do games at 4k/30fps (while the PS4k will not) would be a massive selling point for them - something they just don't currently have.

Better to wait a year and fire live ammo than arrive on time firing blanks.

Exactly what I'm thinking. I've been considering buying a Neo and PSVR, now that plan is on indefinite hold until we find out MS's plans. If I'm MS, that's exactly what I want consumers to be doing.

Price is always the deciding factor. Most consumers will buy the cheaper option especially if the same games can be played on it. It's why you'll see the OG ps4 sell better than NEO. Still giving NEO a full year on the market to mature and reap the benefits of games like GOW4 and Horizon. I mean PS4 will always have the market and mindshare. At this point this is about getting us in their ecosystems


lol at the article mentioning my wrong translation from the Chinese work order about the plastic housing. (Xbox One-Two) the last minute event before E3 was also my guess based on the changes at Xboxevent.com but this site was probably used for the third party event mentioned by Kotaku. I think his sources simply took that stuff tbh.
Before PS4 and Xbone launched strong rumors suggested Xbone the more powerful.

1. How can we trust these rumors?
2. Is this fun and the way we want console gaming developing in the future?
3. Any riscs on diluting both branches?
4. What is Cerny thinking right now in his tub?

Maybe Jeff Rigby can enlighten us??


One thing is for sure...

For all the people that say 'Power doesn't matter!'
a) It's clear that the smart decision-making people at Sony and Microsoft have come to the opposite conclusion, and
b) The most powerful console of this gen has utterly dominated it.

That old 'Power doesn't matter' argument looking mighty weak right now. The new truth is 'Exclusives don't matter.' That's one I can get behind.


Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?

Welcome to perma cross gen......been saying it in every iteration thread.


The Xbox One was more powerful yet more expensive than the PS4 at launch. Kinect obviously mires that comparison, but still, can Microsoft really release this thing at a competitive price point?

Late 2017 means PS4 Neo could have been out a year and got a great head start. PS4 as a platform will be miles in the lead in terms of sales so even if Xbox 2 leapfrogs the Neo, will it be enough to entice people over, especially when their PS4 ecosystem games will likely work on the even more powerful PS5 which could release not that long after the Xbox 2. This is definitely gonna get interesting!

First comment wins the day by the way. Beautiful.


They're many reasons , and power is one of them. Casuals look at a few things

What's the price and how good is my next dude bro shooter gonna look and perform . If the rumors are true this will be very big

lol like people say one machine display 1080p and another display 900p is not a factor why they choose to go for the former one.


Hard to Kill
It says target......which means it's not even final....this could all change easily due to price point.

Yeah I said if all rumors are true but I think it will all comes down to the price and that big of an upgrade if it is true might costs a lots can you imagine it costing 600€?


Here's what bothers me. The current Xbox hardware is absolute piss. 1.2 TF isn't it? And the new one is 6 TF now? How are they gonna make games that take advantage of the new hardware, while also not being a complete shitshow on old hardware?

It'll probably be a cross-gen situation where the X1 gets the PS3/360 treatment and the focus is on X2
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