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Pregnant woman ran down a fleeing man 'who stole purse from her car' in Walmart


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Even if we assume the man is never going to be caught, it's still incorrect to attempt assault with a deadly weapon/risk manslaughter to the thief, bystanders and even yourself.

Whether or not you have faith in others to uphold the law is irrelevant; you should strive to uphold your end of the bargain.

Hey I totally agree. I just think folks saying "call the police" in this scenario should 100% expect to not actually get their stuff back.
I'd acquit her in a second. That asshole will think twice next time.

I am also a big fan of the castle doctrine which probably can't be used a defense here.

Indeed he will.

Sadly, it'll be more along the lines of "better not take any chances and shoot this person in the head lest they come after me" but hey, is what happens when someone already liable to break the law feels threatened.

Happens in Rio de Janeiro, where victims are executed as soon as they're suspected of being capable of any kind of retaliation.


She deserves a medal. He had it coming.

I don't understand. Stealing a purse equals getting hit by a car, possible killing you. Or leaving you severely disabled for the rest of you?

I've gotten my car broken into several timed and I've wish death upon those assholes but I don't actively go out and about running them down with my car

Also she's GOD DAMN PREGNANT. Did she think the judge will let her walk if she killed the thief cause she's knocked up?


Imagine if you were in a situation where you could save someone from drowning but you have to throw your purse into the ocean to save him and it would sink afterwards. If you said "no, I want to keep my credit cards" you'd rightfully be judged as a shit person. That's basically what all these lethal force over robbery situations are.


Not Wario
Imagine if you were in a situation where you could save someone from drowning but you have to throw your purse into the ocean to save him and it would sink afterwards. If you said "no, I want to keep my credit cards" you'd rightfully be judged as a shit person. That's basically what all these lethal force over robbery situations are.

To many, pent up rage over the ills of society justifies it, not the material tradeoff. Nevermind the fact that humanity has committed atrocities across all of its existence and that society, in general, has always moved forward- no, the world these days is always descending into a wretched hive of villainy and even a small time thief is emblematic of the sin running rampant. That's what they're running over/shooting/beating- the degenerate responsible for our moral downfall, not a man who stole a purse. I imagine if you look at comments on stories like this across the web, you'll find no shortage of "people these days" and the like.

All of that is to say, while your situation is maybe materially equivalent or similar, it lacks the moral dimension which is what so many are responding harshly to here, not that I agree with them.


Imagine if you were in a situation where you could save someone from drowning but you have to throw your purse into the ocean to save him and it would sink afterwards. If you said "no, I want to keep my credit cards" you'd rightfully be judged as a shit person. That's basically what all these lethal force over robbery situations are.


I'd throw my wallet away to save the life of an innocent. I would not do the same for Bill Cosby or this guy.
She deserves a medal. He had it coming.

I'd acquit her too.

I'm on her side here. Do dumb shit and get your ass served.

Amnesty International on Saudi Arabia

Cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments

Saudi Arabia’s courts continue to impose sentences of flogging as punishment for many offences, often following unfair trials. Besides Raif Badawi, in the past two years the human rights defenders Mikhlif bin Daham al-Shammari and Omar al-Sa’id were sentenced to 200 and 300 lashes, respectively, and Filipino domestic worker Ruth Cosrojas was sentenced to 300. Amputations and cross-amputations are also carried out as punishment for some crimes.

I guess you guys are okay with this aswell right, just so we know where you stand on punishing people that commit low level crimes


Ok yeah she really fucked up.

God damn she must have been blinded with rage to pull something so fucking reckless.

Yeah I can kinda imagine flipping my shit like that. But I'd like to think I would take a deep breath first.

She's also pregnant and hormonal.

Seriously, you cant kill or main people who steal from you.

There's no justifying her actions.

And what if she's a single mom with no one else to depend on? And all her financial resources are in that purse? Not even a tiny justification there?

My father took a knife on a guy who tried to mug him while he was coming home with his last cent spent on milk for me when I was a baby. It was a very difficult financial time for my family back then. They got into a grapple and ultimately the mugger ran away.

We have no idea what her situation is.


This thread is full of people who cant see any ounce of grey.

Probably shouldn't run over someone because they stole your purse and try to kill them.

Probably shouldn't try and rob someone of their purse.


Not Wario
This thread is full of people who cant see any ounce of grey.

Probably shouldn't run over someone because they stole your purse and try to kill them.

Probably shouldn't try and rob someone of their purse.

Do you believe the people disapproving of her use of potentially lethal force see nothing wrong with the thief taking her purse in the first place? Really?
I don't understand. Stealing a purse equals getting hit by a car, possible killing you. Or leaving you severely disabled for the rest of you?

I've gotten my car broken into several timed and I've wish death upon those assholes but I don't actively go out and about running them down with my car

Also she's GOD DAMN PREGNANT. Did she think the judge will let her walk if she killed the thief cause she's knocked up?

I seriously doubt she went after him with the intention to kill him. She's furious for being robbed, furious for him thinking she's an easy mark because she's pregnant, probably just furious to be put in the position of a victim in general. None of it's an excuse for what she did and she'll get her punishment too, but acting like she premeditated it because she thinks she'll get some special privilege is pretty ridiculous.


She's also pregnant and hormonal.

And what if she's a single mom with no one else to depend on? And all her financial resources are in that purse? Not even a tiny justification there?

My father took a knife on a guy who tried to mug him while he was coming home with his last cent spent on milk for me when I was a baby. It was a very difficult financial time for my family back then. They got into a grapple and ultimately the mugger ran away.

But that's someone attempted to mug you with deadly force. You can justifiably use self defense to defend yourself even if you harm your attacker. If you killed that person as they were coming at you with a knife, that COULD be considered as justifiable homicide and something I'm personally okay with.

This was a purse snatcher who just ran off. She then got in a two ton death machine (because lets face it, that is what cars are) and mowed him down. He wasn't shooting at her, he didn't have a weapon. She easily could have just kept following him or even tried to cut him off with the car. And since this thread really is that dense (I shouldn't have to clarify this) fuck purse snatchers. Let them do time in county. If you are all for maiming or killing people who commit petty theft, you're essentially vindicating the cultures that do this regularly and it's not okay.


Trespassing = death penalty? Goddamn.

I don't think it should be a situation anyone wants to be in but I cannot blame people for not wanting to lay down and be a victim when the police are almost never going to catch this guy unless he is literally served up to them on a silver platter.

I don't ever WANT to resort to violence but I'm also not above using it. And I can't blame this woman who was probably panicked and worried for her and her unborn child's saftey. It's easy to sit there when you're not in the moment and day how she should have handled it but being in that moment is entirely a different thing.


Even if I agreed with this, equating a mugger to a serial rapist is an absurd comparison.

True. But you mind your in life. He fucked up he just did not know that was what he bargained for. In all honesty If that was my mom, sister, or aunt please reserve a cell for me.

Honest has anyone is this thread been robbed, mugged, or held up? That shit is no joke. Fucks with your mental.


She's also pregnant and hormonal.

And what if she's a single mom with no one else to depend on? And all her financial resources are in that purse? Not even a tiny justification there?

My father took a knife on a guy who tried to mug him while he was coming home with his last cent spent on milk for me when I was a baby. It was a very difficult financial time for my family back then. They got into a grapple and ultimately the mugger ran away.

Not the same. He was actively being threatened, she wasn't.

As far as we know the purse snatcher is financial desperate and needs money. By your logic his crime is justified.


Not Wario
Yes. That's exactly what I said.

The implication of your comment is that people in the thread are taking sides on each end of a spectrum without considering positions that entertain both ends or are somehow less straightforward. You then lay out the fact that the two positions can both be viable- I'm not really sure how else to read it other than each side disapproving of one party is also not considering the other party can still be wrong.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I don't think it should be a situation anyone wants to be in but I cannot blame people for not wanting to lay down and be a victim when the police are almost never going to catch this guy unless he is literally served up to them on a silver platter.

I don't ever WANT to resort to violence but I'm also not above using it. And I can't blame this woman who was probably panicked and worried for her and her unborn child's saftey. It's easy to sit there when you're not in the moment and day how she should have handled it but being in that moment is entirely a different thing.

i want to agree with your sentiment but the bolded .. no .. if the woman was worried about herself and her unborn baby, getting in a car and running someone down and deliberately putting yourself and your unborn child in danger is definitely not the answer, no one decides they're gonna chase and run someone over in a state of panic. It's a deliberate decision. Panic would be freezing up or breaking down or something in a case like this.

also to people saying "but she is pregnant and hormonal" .. that's practically saying "but boys will be boys"... and we all know how well that argument goes.


The implication.

My comment is not being used as evidence in a courtroom.

My comment was made that a majority of people in this thread are taking sides for or against the woman.

My point was that there's no need to take sides. Both side are right and wrong at the same time and the discussion should not be 'was she right to do what she did' and more, can we understand what she did
My comment is not being used as evidence in a courtroom.

My comment was made that a majority of people in this thread are taking sides for or against the woman.

My point was that there's no need to take sides. Both side are right and wrong at the same time and the discussion should not be 'was she right to do what she did' and more, can we understand what she did

Both sides are not equally wrong. Stealing a purse is not equivalent to attempted vehicular homicide.


My comment is not being used as evidence in a courtroom.

My comment was made that a majority of people in this thread are taking sides for or against the woman.

My point was that there's no need to take sides. Both side are right and wrong at the same time and the discussion should not be 'was she right to do what she did' and more, can we understand what she did

No, both sides are wrong in this case. Neither action is justified. Unless you've got some new info that is.


Not the same. He was actively being threatened, she wasn't.

As far as we know the purse snatcher is financial desperate and needs money. By your logic his crime is justified.

One of these individuals actively sought and robbed an individual who was unprovoked. How is his crime justified? Just because he was running away, doesn't mean she wasn't under financial threat for days to come.

Seriously? What if this was all the woman had?


One of these individuals actively sought and robbed an individual. How is his crime justified? Just because he was running away, doesn't mean she wasn't under financial threat for days to come.

Seriously? What if this was all the woman had?
What if he was on his last cent and had resorted to theft to provide for his wife and sick baby at home?

One of these individuals actively sought and robbed an individual who was unprovoked. How is his crime justified? Just because he was running away, doesn't mean she wasn't under financial threat for days to come.

Seriously? What if this was all the woman had?

Unless your hypothetical is that she would literally die without the money in her purse, still not equal.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
One of these individuals actively sought and robbed an individual who was unprovoked. How is his crime justified? Just because he was running away, doesn't mean she wasn't under financial threat for days to come.

Seriously? What if this was all the woman had?

Still doesn't justify what-could-be attempted murder.

She can very easily call and have her cards blocked, and the most important thing is that no amount of cash is worth putting an unborn child in danger.


One of these individuals actively sought and robbed an individual. How is his crime justified? Just because he was running away, doesn't mean she wasn't under financial threat for days to come.

Seriously? What if this was all the woman had?

She actively tried to kill him. We have nothing that suggests she had her life savings in that purse. Hypotheticals get the discussion nowhere.

Even if it was all she had, it still isn't justified. She could've killed him, or worse, an innocent bystander.


Not the same. He was actively being threatened, she wasn't.

As far as we know the purse snatcher is financial desperate and needs money. By your logic his crime is justified.

What if he was on his last cent and had resorted to theft to provide for his wife and sick baby at home?


Again, one person actively sought another one out with ill intention, another one was just trying to get through her day, running errands.

We really putting these people on equal playing fields?

She actively tried to kill him. We have nothing that suggests she had her life savings in that purse. Hypotheticals get the discussion nowhere.

Even if it was all she had, it still isn't justified. She could've killed him, or worse, an innocent bystander.

Anything but a hypothetical. Its a very real reality for many people.
Fucked up. If you get robbed, don't try to murder people. Cancel the fucking cards and move on with your life. People defending this come off as insane.


I don't think it should be a situation anyone wants to be in but I cannot blame people for not wanting to lay down and be a victim when the police are almost never going to catch this guy unless he is literally served up to them on a silver platter.

I don't ever WANT to resort to violence but I'm also not above using it. And I can't blame this woman who was probably panicked and worried for her and her unborn child's saftey. It's easy to sit there when you're not in the moment and day how she should have handled it but being in that moment is entirely a different thing.

I don't blame anyone for feeling upset either. But in civilized society having feelings is not a free pass to start mowing people down with your car.


i want to agree with your sentiment but the bolded .. no .. if the woman was worried about herself and her unborn baby, getting in a car and running someone down and deliberately putting yourself and your unborn child in danger is definitely not the answer, no one decides they're gonna chase and run someone over in a state of panic. It's a deliberate decision. Panic would be freezing up or breaking down or something in a case like this.

also to people saying "but she is pregnant and hormonal" .. that's practically saying "but boys will be boys"... and we all know how well that argument goes.

You might be wrong. A pregnant woman's body has chemical changes that can be backed by science. Changes to mood and mental stability occur through out pregnancy. A pregnant woman can be a different person versus prior to pregnancy. Have you heard of postpartum?

Pregnancy changes a mother's brain for years, study shows

What causes mood swings during pregnancy?

Mood changes during pregnancy can be caused by physical stresses, fatigue, changes in your metabolism, or by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Significant changes in your hormone levels can affect your level of neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that regulate mood. Mood swings are mostly experienced during the first trimester between 6 to 10 weeks and then again in the third trimester as your body prepares for birth.

Emotions during pregnancy
Strong moods and emotions are common due to changes in hormones during pregnancy. Find out why this happens and how to cope with mood swings in pregnancy.

Not taking away from the fact that anyone can suffer from mental issues. But comparing a woman going through pregnancy is just not the same.


He was no angel. So it's ok to try to murder him. Maybe she even feared for her life while she was behind the wheel chasing him down.

To the people siding with the woman, what if the thief was black and the woman a police officer? Should she just be given a slap on the wrist (administrative leave)?
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