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Prey's debut sales in the UK seem quite low


Bethesda normally have an incredibly expensive and prominent advertising campaign for their games in the UK but I've not seen any of that for this game.


Almost no marketing, no reviews before the release, no demo for the PC players...

Bethesda deserved what they got if you ask me. They should be happy that some ppl actually care about this game and decided to pre-order/buy it.


It's a shame a good company like Arkane has to be the guinea pig for Bethesda's idiotic policies and marketing strategies.

At the end of the day, the game itself will be blamed for weak sales and nothing else.

Yep. I hope they're not "sacrificing" Arkane's games in order to train audiences to not expect launch reviews, because it won't work since most pubs are not following in their footsteps.


Launching a game with no marketing and hype behind it will do that to sales

I would have had no idea if I didn't read gaf
I will buy it for sure. But too many games, backlog is huge already. I can wait for a discount or when I'm ready to play. Sorry ^^

I guess multiplayer oriented games are the only ones I buy at launch now.


No reviews copies before the game official launch policy was bound to bite them back one day or another.
Now, this game had no marketing nor hype at all in the mainstream media, a real shame.

Yup. Marketing in general sucked too.

Bethesda has no one to blame but themselves (and maybe Zenimax).
Lack of reviews might be one thing contributing to it, especially since this is at least technically a new IP, and most casuals probably have never even heard of the original game. I think Bethesda did do some pre-release marketing with early looks by YouTubers and of course the demo. I'm sure the poorly polished demo turned away some people, but I'm not sure it was a net negative compared to not having a demo at all. At least it garnered some attention, and I think at least in theory giving a free demo is a good idea for a new IP, as long as it'll creative positive buzz. Unfortunately most of the talk around Prey has revolved around demo issues and Bethesda's questionable review policy.

It's sad to see immersive sims underperform since these games include some of my all time favorites. I think perhaps they're just too stuck in the past, and a better way to go about making such a game is masquerade it as a simple story driven FPS like Bioshock did. The slavish adherence to the old immersive sim games is not what I'd expect from the people who came up with the genre in the first place. It was truly innovative back then, now it's been there done that, and a lot of modern titles adopted many of the aspects of immersive sims to their respective systems, so making a new immersive sim with old mechanics doesn't impress anyone anymore. Prey is undeniably a great immersive sim, but nothing it does warrants special attention in this day and age, at least in the eyes of the mass market.
It's actually funny to see an embargo work the opposite way. Seems like most people didn't think it'd be good and are waiting for reviews. I personally am waiting till I upgrade my GPU as I read the game doesn't even support PS4 Pro, lol.


I feel really bad for Arkane. They are putting out really high quality single player narrative AAA games and both this and D2 underperformed.

It's a damn shame and I can't help but worry for the studio
Same. These are exactly the kinds of games that I love, and Arkane are doing great work. I'm afraid weak sales will just play into the "no one wants single player games any more" narrative.


It's a shame because so far, it has made it as one of my favorite games ever, it's really good, but that lack of marketing and no reviews pre-release really hurt this game.


Tears of Nintendo
- For reference, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided debuted with ~38K, and that got the series killed.
It was killed by SEQ long before release - there's no way (and after DXHR) that devs decided to make such underdeveloped characters and tell such a shitty story just to save much more interesting stuff for later... or never, as it turns out. As for sales... they just added up to already flawed game, that's all.

As for Prey sales. I'm sure digital sales is much better, either way you can blame Bethesda for its shitty review policy cuz people don't know how good this game is yet (and it's really fucking good) cuz there's was no reviews on launch day or even a week before it (which would have helped a lot). I really hope that one day this review policy will bite them in the ass so hard that it'll make them rethink what they've done cuz it hurts them too, not just the consumers.


I suspect Arkane Lyon will wheel out some kind of standalone expansion pack for Dishonored 2 since it did a bit better, and both studios will make significant design changes for their next major projects.
So what you are saying is that the games will get worse, and we should enjoy Prey while it lasts?


I feel really bad for Arkane. They are putting out really high quality single player narrative AAA games and both this and D2 underperformed.

It's a damn shame and I can't help but worry for the studio
Hopefully the devs can land on their feet if anything happens.

I wish the indie scene could produce games like these. So many publishers seem ignorant about what their customers want and indulge in questionable buissness practices I just wish these talented studios and people could be free of them and still make the same stuff.


Damn, I seriously thought it had another week or so before release. It's been out since Friday? Talk about a marketing push, Bethesda.
Were they expecting YouTube/twitch "influencers" to promote their games for them with their new policy? Maybe that strategy would work for something like skyrim but a game like this nowadays needs all the marketing and mass media coverage it can get.

Sad to see this. Arkane deserves better :(

Im also worried about games like this just disappearing because they're risky.

So what you are saying is that the games will get worse, and we should enjoy Prey while it lasts?

Incoming Open world survival always online co-op hero shooter moba hybrid


I wish I could say I was sad but this isn't the sequel to Prey I wanted. The direction they took it in after human heads version was killed just did not look as interesting, in fact it just looked like Bioshock in space without Irrational at the helm.

Sucks for the devs but Prey 2 was a buy for me, this version was a pass almost from the beginning.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Time for them to change the review policy. Only Doom has managed to survive it, and not every game is going to be as good as Doom.

This could also be a case of a decent release window being lousy because of what came before it. If you've bought a Switch and a few games, or half a dozen PS4 games since January, are you looking for a new game right now?

SE did no additional marketing for DXMD after the six month delay, so selling well below that is a bad sign.


Mabye if Bethesda stopped acting like their games are shit they would get more people to buy them?.

Because that's the only reasonable explanation I can think of for a publisher to not invest in marketing and not hand out review copies of a single player game: they think it's shit


The first thing I heard about this game was a thread on GAF a few weeks ago. None of my usual news outlets were talking about it, nada.

I don't know if that's a lack of marketing or poor relationships with gaming media.


Bethesda is one of the last publishers still pouring money into big, story driven singleplayer games with depth.
Arcane in specific has been amazing with both Dishonored 2 and now Prey.
I hope there is some justice and they get rewarded for their market position.



There are reviews, but another problem with their strategy is I no longer trust those reviews because I know that reviewers rushed them to try to get clicks as close to launch as possible. Knowing that reviewers got the game at launch, I'm pretty skeptical of any reviews that hit during that first week. We're only at the point now where I feel like I can trust the general opinion that's starting to hell around the game.
To be fair however, the demo didn't do it any favors.

The only thing I really knew about the game was that it was "in space" and FPS and that I liked the look of it. Checked out the demo and quit after about 45 minutes because of the sluggish controls, messy as fuck sound mix and generally assuming it to be a rather weak ass shooter.

Something about it stuck and I wondered whether I had just been approaching it the wrong way, kind of like how I hated Dark Souls when I first tried it, and went for another run the next night. 3 or 4 hours later, turns out the game was pretty fucking cool after some much-needed mobility upgrades and playing on its own terms.

My point being, I think it demoed very poorly, or the demo was simply poorly handled. I think they should've started you out with some pre-added mods like mobility etc. and given players a slice of 'what can be' instead of dropping you into a slow opening at level 1. It definitely took even me quite a while to come around to it and to really dig it and I can imagine the average player out there won't give a shit enough to even bother on top of the lack of marketing and reviews. It just all seems like a perfect storm for nobody to even notice this game's existence.


Not surprised, as there just didn't seem to be that much hype for this game, and the no early copies policy doesn't help either. Hopefully this game could get some decent legs.
I found the demo boring as hell, and I liked dishornored.

Control input lag sucks ass too!

I feel like Arkanes going to get hit hard after dishornored 2 and if this doesn't pick up on sale.
There are reviews, but another problem with their strategy is I no longer trust those reviews because I know that reviewers rushed them to try to get clicks as close to launch as possible. Knowing that reviewers got the game at launch, I'm pretty skeptical of any reviews that hit during that first week. We're only at the point now where I feel like I can trust the general opinion that's starting to hell around the game.

"There's no reviews available"

[OpenCritic link]

"Those are fake news"


This game never even had a proper E3 showing, just a reveal CGI story trailer that didn't really reveal anything.

I love the products Beth Soft puts out, but they have to fix this mess.

Hari Seldon

We just went through a period of releases of truly massive deep single player games and this is releasing on the back edge of that. I'm still on Zelda and I have Persona, at least half of Yakuza, and Nier sitting in my backlog. Normally this is a good time to release a game such as this but this year in particular it is pretty unlucky.


The game has a 77 on metacritic, are these early reviews (few from high profile sites) really what you want to be defending?

Considering the lowest review is a 6 (or 60) and most major outlets haven't showed their scores (IGN, Kotaku, Polygon, Gamespot), yeah.
No marketing and very strict embargo will prevent any positive light on the game. It's all on Bethesda. The game is amazing and well worth the money IMO.
Hopefully it picks up because the game is fantastic. I'm absolutely loving it. But the fact that there has been zero marketing sure doesn't help, along with Bethesda's new policy for review copies.
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