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Priebus has been fired as WH Chief of Staff, replaced by General John F Kelly

Trump didn't like that Priebus didn't 'return fire' at Scaramucci.


He is like a dumber Vince McMahon
From the Mooch's New Yorker interview yesterday:

"They’ll all be fired by me,” he said. “I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus—if you want to leak something—he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.” The issue, he said, was that he believed Priebus had been worried about the dinner because he hadn’t been invited. “Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci said.

So there you have it. The Mooch, the incoming WH Comms Dir, on the record, stating that Priebus will be asked to resign.
I dont even know why Preibus even said he secretly resigned when they basically already had him in thier sites.
From the Mooch's New Yorker interview yesterday:

"They’ll all be fired by me,” he said. “I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus—if you want to leak something—he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.” The issue, he said, was that he believed Priebus had been worried about the dinner because he hadn’t been invited. “Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci said.

So there you have it. The Mooch, the incoming WH Comms Dir, on the record, stating that Priebus will be asked to resign.

But being asked to resign is just being fired nicely. It's not stepping away of your own volition. He even uses the two terms interchangeably in the same paragraph.


What you'll hear:

"I had a wonderful time working for the President and wish him the best has he continues to work for the betterment of America. I fully support him, just now from the outside, and I will do everything in my power to help him and the Republican party achieve our shared policy goals."

White House passes along a Statement From Reince Priebus



According Sanders talks about Priebus resigning started about 2 weeks ago between Priebus and Trump.

Are you psychic?
It has been one of the greatest honors of my life was to work my ass off to help elect a man who then hired someone to bad mouth the hell out of me so he could fire me.
The best part of that story? "He doesn't look well."

Good. Fuck bannon, I hope he keels over dead of a heart attack, the racist fascist fuck.

Wow man, sure he's a racist white supremacist who talks about ethnic cleansing, but that's too much man. We should come together and debate civilly; give him a platform and watch as America laughs at his racism and stupidity! But by saying there things you're no better than him, and will never change his views!



But being asked to resign is just being fired nicely. It's not stepping away of your own volition. He even uses the two terms interchangeably in the same paragraph.

That's what I mean, Reince did not resign of his own violation, he was asked, and it's an official WH statement that he was asked.
I mean, I feel for Steve Bannon. The Mooch said those things about him, and he just had to suck it up. He just had to swallow his pride while getting a tongue lashing. I'm just saying, guys, I bet it really blows.


Gold Member
I mean, I feel for Steve Bannon. The Mooch said those things about him, and he just had to suck it up. He just had to swallow his pride while getting a tongue lashing. I'm just saying, guys, I bet it really blows.

Bannon is one of the more interesting characters in the cast. I do think that without Bannon (say he gets axed), the administration will whatever policy (good or bad) that they even had.


I mean, I feel for Steve Bannon. The Mooch said those things about him, and he just had to suck it up. He just had to swallow his pride while getting a tongue lashing. I'm just saying, guys, I bet it really blows.

Ouch, no wonder he's been keeping his head low.


Gold Member
He's trying not to ignite a full scale war between Congress and the WH, which would fracture the party in two.

Its getting close to already happening.

If they fire Sessions, then they might as well put the horse head in the bed.


If Trump does get impeached and removed the Mueller investigation will continue and he'll have no ability to pardon anybody involved or have any influence on it what so ever. He'd be so toast.

These are all just hopes and dreams though.


So lets pretend that Trump is trying to start a 'war' between the WH and Congress. What would that even look like? Would he just sign executive action after action and memorandum after memorandum?


Clothed, sober, cooperative

Oh hi Bruce. Can someone explain basic decades long standard and uncontroversial reporting methods to "The Boss?" He keeps forgetting that there is nothing unusual or suspicious about unnamed sources. definitely a reasonable and intellectually honest poster who is simply seeking a balanced and coherent dialogue.

I'll stick to NYT, New Yorker, BBC and a few others for my news.

Of course you will Bruce.


So lets pretend that Trump is trying to start a 'war' between the WH and Congress. What would that even look like? Would he just sign executive action after action and memorandum after memorandum?

I doubt he knows how to fight a war like that. He's just yell and bully until he "wins."


So lets pretend that Trump is trying to start a 'war' between the WH and Congress. What would that even look like? Would he just sign executive action after action and memorandum after memorandum?

I imagine it would just mean he'd start shitting on people from Congress or the GOP party a lot more, and openly, and he'd take even less input from them and just start doing shit without consulting them or their agenda more and more.


So lets pretend that Trump is trying to start a 'war' between the WH and Congress. What would that even look like? Would he just sign executive action after action and memorandum after memorandum?

Too much work, and it keeps him in the office. He can slag them via tweets from anywhere.


If Trump does get impeached and removed the Mueller investigation will continue and he'll have no ability to pardon anybody involved or have any influence on it what so ever. He'd be so toast.

These are all just hopes and dreams though.

Pence will probably pardon him though.
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