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PS4 sales have surpassed 5.3 million units according to Sony (As of Feb 8)

Why do people say "Microsoft must be worried?… etc"

I just can't imagine Microsoft worrying that the PS4 is selling that much when they know they have things that people will gravitate to. I'm sure they are playing the waiting game and not getting all in a bunch just because of a couple million. Maybe I'm wrong but I just can't imagine it

I bet Nintendo thought the same with the Wii U. These things have a tendency to spiral out of control very quickly. MS desperately wants to change course, here's hoping TF does it for them.
Why do people say "Microsoft must be worried?… etc"

I just can't imagine Microsoft worrying that the PS4 is selling that much when they know they have things that people will gravitate to. I'm sure they are playing the waiting game and not getting all in a bunch just because of a couple million. Maybe I'm wrong but I just can't imagine it

MS has to be worry unlike Sony they don't have EU or Japan to fall back on and there is a good chance they going sell even less in those places also .
Right now it seems just being even in UK and NA giving them problems , the hype machine is full effect and that can be very hard to turn around .


Why do people say "Microsoft must be worried?… etc"

I just can't imagine Microsoft worrying that the PS4 is selling that much when they know they have things that people will gravitate to. I'm sure they are playing the waiting game and not getting all in a bunch just because of a couple million. Maybe I'm wrong but I just can't imagine it

MS must be worried by now. The reason the Xbox 360 launched in November 2005 was to give the system a 12 month headstart. MS used that time to establish the 360 as the games system to own, they secured deals with developers, the 360 became the base system developers made their games for, the default system for online players. Even with those huge advantages Sony was able to pass the 360 in sales (although it took many years)

All that could change this generation now the Xbone has turned out to be a rather weak console that's $100 more expensive than the PS4. MS could everything they've built with the 360 in just a year.


I'm sure it will have an impact, doubt it will change the world wide results though in the long term, but it's looking like it could be the system seller to the casual public. All I see on Social media is people complaining about not getting titanfall on their ps4 or willingness to buy the xbone just for it.

Yeah, all my social media friends are selling there 360's and PC to buy XB1 to play Titan Fall

Its hard to be a system seller when most already have the system that plays it


I find it kind of amazing that a big publisher like EA so incredibly misread the market. I hope in a few years someone writes a book about Xbox One's development and spills the beans on the Titanfall exclusivity deal. I'm sure they were assuming Xbox One would repeat 360's success in NA and whatever MS paid them for exclusivity would make up for lost PS4 sales.

The problem is that, despite all the talk about fanboyism, there's hardly a precedent for back-to-back marketshare domination...

I just find it amusing/hard to believe that EA must have thought MS had it in the bag. It should have been evident after the prices and specs were announced following the disaster the Xbox One reveal was that the average joe gamers wasn't going to pony up an extra $100 out of pure brand loyalty to MS when there was a cheaper and more powerful system released on the market.

Funny you should mention that, cinema blend wrote an article on exactly that topic.

Also I'd like to mention, a ps4 version of titanfall was in development. If I remember correctly zampella was extremely upset at the news as he heard it secondhand.
The deal is one game only. I assume this talk by EA is part of their pitch to Respawn. Vince Zampella seemed visibly annoyed when EA sold the exclusivity to Microsoft.

Also, just to confirm my source, this article was posted 1 hour ago regarding a PS3 edition of titanfall being discovered in production. http://www.slashgear.com/titanfall-playstation-3-edition-discovered-in-production-code-18317309/


Heard back from my supply chain guy, reworked the figures:

		Production	Air shipping	Sea shipping
August		0.2		0		0
September	0.4		0		0.6
October		0.9		0		0.8
November	1.7		0		1.8
December	1.7		1.0		0.7
January		1.2		0.3		0.9
February	1.2		0.2		1.0

Figures in millions.

Yup. 1.7m peak production per month. Crazy times if he is right. Makes sense though.

Thanks for numbers! Now try to find out how much will Japanese gamers get at launch :)



Didn't know this was worthy enough for a new thread!

For greater context, I expanded the sales to an even 34 month comparison.

Somebody can make a new graph if they want.


4 months (one territory) - March 31st, 1995 - 0.85 million
10 months - September 30th, 1995 - 1.77 million
16 months - March 31st, 1996 - 4.26 million
22 months - September 30th, 1996 - 8.07 million
28 months - March 31st, 1997 - 13.50 million
34 months - September 30th, 1997 - 22.50 million


1 month (one territory) - March 31st, 2000 - 1.41 million
7 months (one territory) - September 30th, 2000 - 3.52 million
13 months - March 31st, 2001 - 10.61 million
19 months - September 30th, 2001 - 19.58 million
22 months - December 31st, 2001 - 24.99 million
25 months - March 31st, 2002 - 28.68 million
28 months - June 30th, 2002 - 33.27 million
31 months - September 30th, 2002 - 41.56 million
34 months - December 31st, 2002 - 49.59 million


1 month - December 31st, 2006 - 1.7 million
4 months - March 31st, 2007 - 3.5 million
7 months - June 30th, 2007 - 4.2 million
10 months - September 30th, 2007 - 5.5 million
13 months - December 31st, 2007 - 10.4 million
16 months - March 31st, 2007 - 12.6 million
19 months - June 30th, 2007 - 14.2 million
22 months - September 30th, 2007 - 16.6 million
25 months - December 31st, 2007 - 21.1 million
28 months - March 31st, 2008 - 22.7 million
31 months - June 30th, 2008 - 23.8 million
34 months - September 30th, 2008 - 27.0 million


1 day - November 16th, 2013 - 1 million
2 weeks - December 1st, 2013 - 2.1 million
1 month - December 28th, 2013 - 4.2 million
3 months - February 8th, 2014 - 5.3 million

Dear Lord! That's crazy good! Congratulations, Sony!


I do hope you're kidding, especially since both of MS' strongholds have fallen. I mean they still have Brazil, right?

Crazy, I remember that before the launches, NA and UK were in the bag for MS and that EU was were the battle would take place. Remember the pack in FIFA being a big deal? LMAO


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Concerning MS resting on Titanfall, has any one game turned the tide for a company in the history of gaming?
You can have games like Mario 64 and Halo Combat Evolved that have historically high attach rates (or is that tie ratios?). A massive success relative to the install base of the platform. But it takes a lot more than one game to bridge a gap of tens of millions of units that the N64 and Xbox were facing. Xbox One isn't in that situation yet, but Microsoft has really allowed the tide to turn against them. MS in 2013 was a PR disaster on par with Sony in 2006.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Or in other words this is what you get when you do the opposite of Nintendo. Good job Sony.
I would think of it as simply as "learn from your mistakes." It couldn't have been more obvious coming out of the PS3 what the correct approach was to getting a system off to a strong start. Launch at a price the market will respond to, release installments to franchises people are familiar with, and save the new IP debuts for when the install base is there.

Basically, the polar opposite of how PS3 went early on.


y'all should be ashamed
Concerning MS resting on Titanfall, has any one game turned the tide for a company in the history of gaming?

It's always been a bit hard to say, since most major exclusives come out around holiday season, so you always get that huge jump of sales to begin with.

I think a good example would be MGS4 for PS3, released in June 2008. Huge exclusive game, massive IP, bundled and everything. (numbers taken from NPD)

May 08 (PS3 208k)
June 08 (PS3 406k, MGS4 775k not including bundles)
July 08 (PS3 225k)
August 08 (PS3 185k, 360 takes the lead)

Much has changed since 2008. It'll be interesting to see how much weight an online only, new IP can bring.


I do hope you're kidding, especially since both of MS' strongholds have fallen. I mean they still have Brazil, right?

You only have to look at MS PR to know what they think is going on. From bragging every month NPD numbers , to Major and Greenberg twitters of every possible Software bragging to .......... XBOX*


If a company is leading the pack, it's leading the pack. There's nothing anti-consumer about selling way more than your competitors; that's a result coming directly from your consumers.

I really wish I could find that Y2Kev post that addresses this 'sales parity is better for the consumers' garbage, because he summed it up perfectly. Basically, it's not the consumers responsibility to prop up a product doing worse than its competitions if the other products are of better value/more desirable to said consumers.

It's right here.

Yeah, but it wold piss me off if the industry as a whole messed up, we have an anti-consumer monopoly (which every monopoly is), or if one of them makes all the right moves but still fails (think Dreamcast) just because of this generation

We don't have a monopoly. There are three consoles on the market. One of them is doing what consumers want which is why it is doing good. Do you want the consoles that consumers don't like as much to do good too? What is happening now, isn't a monopoly. It is customers deciding their best choice at the moment. If this changes and Sony takes a turn for more anti-consumer ways, the consumer will react.

Keep thinking that...Sony has already learned their lesson.
This is a real shame. Sony doesn't have ANY software appealing to ME. Where is Atelier Uguugu? And how about a big JRPG franchise from Mark Cerny and based Yu Suzuki and Nobuo Uematsu? And why hasn't Guerrila Games, who sucks anyway, unveiled their new IP wrpg shooter hybrid with dating sim elements?

I saw from the Order gifs that the entire game takes place in a hallway and it's just a boring third person shooter, which is a genre nobody likes, so another fail on sony's part.
HA, You're the man Y2Kev


It's always been a bit hard to say, since most major exclusives come out around holiday season, so you always get that huge jump of sales to begin with.

I think a good example would be MGS4 for PS3, released in June 2008. Huge exclusive game, massive IP, bundled and everything. (numbers taken from NPD)

May 08 (PS3 208k)
June 08 (PS3 406k, MGS4 775k not including bundles)
July 08 (PS3 225k)
August 08 (PS3 185k, 360 takes the lead)

Much has changed since 2008. It'll be interesting to see how much weight an online only, new IP can bring.

how did gears of war do?
While titanfall is fun, how many are going to spend 500$ to play it? One game won't push the x1 over ps4, certainly not one that's also coming out on two other platforms.

Itll get a nice bump for the month, but sony would have to sell zero consoles to give up that lead.
Concerning MS resting on Titanfall, has any one game turned the tide for a company in the history of gaming?

Sonic, Halo (arguably), Maybe DOOM for PC gaming which was once looked at with hesitation.

Titanfall will not turn the tide for anything. It'll just be a really big seller for the generations' #2 system.

The Xbox One will continue to do well, it'll never reach the PS4 but it'll do well.


I would think of it as simply as "learn from your mistakes." It couldn't have been more obvious coming out of the PS3 what the correct approach was to getting a system off to a strong start. Launch at a price the market will respond to, release installments to franchises people are familiar with, and save the new IP debuts for when the install base is there.

Basically, the polar opposite of how PS3 went early on.
I didn't mean it as a conscious strategy. However, funnily enough, learning from your mistakes is also the opposite of Nintendo.
how did gears of war do?

218k to 511k. However it was a holiday month: November.

2-2.5x is the biggest bump you can expect from a release and especially the lower end considering its not the holidays. In XB1's case that puts it at around 300k the month Titanfall comes out. I mean Halo 3 which had astronomical hype only resulted in a 2x increase.

PS4 did 271k in January. Yeah Titanfall ain't going to save XB1 numbers and its a possibility XB1 will get outsold by PS4 in March NPD.
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