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PS4 sells through 1 million units on Day 1 in NA, best start in PS / console history


Wii U global is 3.91 million to date

entirely possible PS4 overtakes it in 2013

Perhaps, but a good launch is by no means an indicator of continual success. Wii U had a fairly decent launch, much better than PS3 and 360 launches, and then essentially flatlined.

Sony is likely to keep momentum, sure, but it's by no means a guarantee.
Next year is Infamous Second Son, Gaikai, added features (mp3, help in someone else's game, suspend/resume), Destiny (PS4 beta first + DLC), The Order, Watch Dogs (exclusive DLC), DriveClub, Diablo 3 (DLC), Ground Zeroes, The Witness, more Indies, perhaps Uncharted....

Nothing stops this train.


Wii U global is 3.91 million to date

entirely possible PS4 overtakes it in 2013
Certainly possible if they have the hardware.

I would have laughed at the idea...but Nintendo seem to be keeping such tight purse strings on their marketing (and what little they are doing is poor) it's hard to see them selling much even in the holidays (I've seen more PS4 and Xbone marketing in the last month than I've seen for the Wii U since its launch 12 months ago).


Nintendo must be kicking themselves. They probably bought into the delusion that the industry as a whole was dying.

They have always said the complete opposite. Remember that their most imporant platform currently was supposed to be an impossible niche product in 2010 and onwards. Yet here we are.


Don't know where the ps2 numbers from above come from, but these are the numbers I have for these consoles in their debut months for US:

ps3 = 196,580
360 = 325,902
ps2 = 391,245
wii = 476,140
ds = 479,695
psp = 620,000
gc = 647,466
ps4 > 1mil

Wow, Gamecube sold that much?
It's possible, though I suspect 3DS weathers this charge and stays on top. What's less clear is whether legacy Gen7 hardware will surpass Gen8 hardware for NPD in November. It'll be interesting to watch. I could see the finishing order being 3DS, PS4, XBO, X360, PS3, WiiU when the data comes next month. Not a lock, mind you, but quite possible.

I expect 360 to be just shy of a million units, 3DS well over, and now PS4 hovering somewhere around it.

My initial thought would be a million units first month max. It exceeded that first day. So sky is the limit.
Next year is Infamous Second Son, Gaikai, added features (mp3, help in someone else's game, suspend/resume), Destiny (PS4 beta first + DLC), The Order, Watch Dogs (exclusive DLC), DriveClub, Diablo 3 (DLC), Ground Zeroes, The Witness, more Indies, perhaps Uncharted....

Nothing stops this train.

Holiday 2014 is going to be insane.
Perhaps, but a good launch is by no means an indicator of continual success. Wii U had a fairly decent launch, much better than PS3 and 360 launches, and then essentially flatlined.

Sony is likely to keep momentum, sure, but it's by no means a guarantee.

Yup, in the grand scheme of things, month 1 sales don't really mean much. You can't put much weight into it. 1 million is phenomenal, but the true test will be during the non holiday months.
The Geometry Wars comment was only to give an indication of taste. I wouldn't buy a console for just one game these days. But yes, Resogun looks nice.

Also, if you read the comments I've made as a whole rather than in isolation, you won't see them as off-topic (or shouldn't). I asked why were people congratulating a corporation. People said that it was because it was better for gaming as a whole. I disagree -- or at the very least it's based on your point of view -- and highlighted how extreme success for Sony isn't indicative of positive trends for gaming as a whole.

What will be great for gaming is competition. Nintendo's already in the toilet, so if Microsoft can't deliver a return punch of equal strength and Sony becomes the de facto standard, it could actually be detrimental, at least to some.

What I got from your post was you essentially saying that Sony games and consoles "do nothing for you" and even though the GameCube and Xbox (OG) didn't sell as well as the PS2, you still enjoyed the games you got on them. Thats fine, and you can and should enjoy what you like, but coming in here only to try and downplay the numbers and then talk about why the numbers don't matter to you isn't fine.

Your original question on why Sony is getting so much praise was fine, if you don't think that people are happy that Sony is getting rewarded for months of the right messaging and specifically targeting the group of gamers that would go on GAF, thats your opinion. But don't bring in your "I don't like Playstation games" into a sales topic and expect not to get called for being off topic.

I won't continue with this conversation any longer.
Perhaps, but a good launch is by no means an indicator of continual success. Wii U had a fairly decent launch, much better than PS3 and 360 launches, and then essentially flatlined.

Sony is likely to keep momentum, sure, but it's by no means a guarantee.
With Europe launch in 2 weeks it's pretty safe to assume the PS4 will have outsold WiiU lifetime sales by the end of the year.

Nintendo never stood a chance anyway. The only reason they did good with the Wii is because the other two fukked it up. Not this time. Sony is doing everything right.


It does make me wonder slightly about what kind of shipment numbers they'll have for EU. They know MS isn't in the greatest of shape their stock-wise so maybe they have dramatically prioritised NA stock.

We'll see of course.

Almost everything is going to the UK. The rest of Europe gets scraps. I only know numbers for my own chain, but I hear it's the same in a lot of countries. There's not going to be any real stock available this year. It's all going to pre-orders, and it doesn't even cover those. From a retail perspective a delay probably would've been preferred.


Next year is Infamous Second Son, Gaikai, added features (mp3, help in someone else's game, suspend/resume), Destiny (PS4 beta first + DLC), The Order, Watch Dogs (exclusive DLC), DriveClub, Diablo 3 (DLC), Ground Zeroes, The Witness, more Indies, perhaps Uncharted....

Nothing stops this train.

As I mentioned earlier, don't forget Planetside 2. I have a feeling that it will have an explosive launch.
See, this is my worry when people in this thread are already calling the console war over. Although you mentioned a bunch of consoles that failed to catch on, with the exception of the Jaguar, most of those machines have generally offered great experiences because they had to offer something to combat the PlayStation brand that was sucking up all the exclusives. So, for example, I had much more fun with both the GameCube and Xbox libraries. Indeed, I've always found the PlayStation brand to be... not mediocre, but vanilla. Inoffensive, I guess.

The thing is, it's not 2003 any more. No company is going to take a chance, and the age of third-party exclusives is slowly coming to an end. So if the Xbox One tanks, what's going to be the consolation prize for owners like it was in the PS2 days? It didn't matter that the machine had only shifted 25 million units or so and had tanked in Japan when you were playing Halo, KOTOR, Morrowind, Jade Empire, Project Gotham Racing, etc. I mean at least Nintendo will have to keep supporting its own platform for at least the immediate future.

When you chuck in the fact that franchises like Wipeout have been kicked to the curve in favour of cinematic experiences like Uncharted and The Last of Us, as someone who bought an Xbox 360 to play Geometry Wars, a knockout blow by Sony in Round One would actually be something that I would be concerned about rather than elated.

But then again I'm in the minority of GAF users.

I always found the xbox lineup of games to be very "murrican" centric and not very diversified. Sony definitely has much more diversity, especially when you account for all the jrpg's. Too many shooters and moneyhatted third party exclusives for my taste.


With Europe launch in 2 weeks it's pretty safe to assume the PS4 will have outsold WiiU lifetime sales by the end of the year.

Nintendo never stood a chance anyway. The only reason they did good with the Wii is because the other two fukked it up. Not this time. Sony is doing everything right.

Always never good to assume. Nintendo assumed the Wii U would take off and that people wouldn't be idiotic enough to assume it was a peripheral. Look how that worked out.
Don't know where the ps2 numbers from above come from, but these are the numbers I have for these consoles in their debut months for US:

ps3 = 196,580
360 = 325,902
ps2 = 391,245
wii = 476,140
ds = 479,695
psp = 620,000
gc = 647,466
ps4 > 1mil

Would you be so kind to post the NPD sources for those? :) This actually means PS4 is the biggest console launch in NA. (yes NPD doesn't cover Canada but Canada is 6x smaller than US so its not gonna make a huge difference for the other consoles.)

Wow @ Shu for insisting IGN that it is sell-through.


lol, for those who still doubt it. don't blame em though, this is mighty impressive.


Would you be so kind to post the NPD sources for those? :) This actually means PS4 is the biggest console launch in NA. (yes NPD doesn't cover Canada but Canada is 6x smaller than US so its not gonna make a huge difference for the other consoles.)

It's the biggest launch in the world. NA was kind of obvious :)


With Europe launch in 2 weeks it's pretty safe to assume the PS4 will have outsold WiiU lifetime sales by the end of the year.

Nintendo never stood a chance anyway. The only reason they did good with the Wii is because the other two fukked it up. Not this time. Sony is doing everything right.

Nah, Sony can probably produce and deliver 3m units by the end of the year, and Nintendo will probably sell an additional 600k units
You're having a mild meltdown. Calm down. Xbone will be fine. There's going to be plenty of Halo for you in the upcoming generation. Don't you worry about vanilla Uncharted okay ?

Oh no, I'm calm. But I'll elaborate on the vanilla comment. Say you go to a restaurant and on the desert menu there's nothing that really tickles your fancy, but there's some vanilla ice cream. It's a safe bet, relatively inoffensive. That's how I feel about the PlayStation brand. If I own one, then there's things I can pick up on the console, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy one just to play those games. In the past, I've been one of those people to own all the consoles because I was young, had no dependents, and a large disposable income. I'm older now -- damn the generation has been long -- and those things no longer hold true. I no longer get every new piece of tech or every gaming console just because. So if vanilla is the only thing on the menu that appeals, maybe I'll just skip desert.

For the record, I don't think the 360 did a particular good job of offering up an alternative flavour. Because last generation we saw so many exclusives go multiplatform, and because anything remotely adventurous often saw the studio shuttered, it's been one of those menus where I'm just like "Fuck it, I'm going to McDonald's."

When I was a teenager, Wipeout was one of the reasons to look at a PlayStation. Today, Sony closed the studio because it wasn't successful enough. Times change, people grow old. :p

Oh, and Uncharted isn't vanilla, it's chocolate. I'm a strawberry man, myself. ;)

EDIT: Just so I'm clear on why this line of thought has come up, I think that 1 million sales is great for Sony, but I don't necessarily agree that it's great for gamers. Well, at least not all gamers. Indeed, if Sony dominates this generation and forces the other competitors to throw in the towel, then for some gamers that will actually be a bad thing.
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