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PS5 Launch title Destruction AllStars detailed, to run at 60 FPS with dynamic 4K resolution

Seems this is a PS5 exclusive? Or am I wrong? If so I'm on board. If there's a fucking PS4 version, I'm out.

This looks like great fun, I'm a massive advocate for destruction so this is my cup of tea even if its relegated to just cars.


Suffers from extreme PDS
why dynamic 4k? Is this the new norm?
The GPU can’t handle 4K at 60fps, it’s roughly on par with an RTX 2080 and that has a hard time running native 4K at 60fps for a lot of AAA titles. 1440p though it has no issue, so expect a lot of dynamic 4K this gen from PlayStation.


It also is a MP game designed for chaos (cars crashing each other) and has a lot of effects. "Basic" my arse.

It's funny, despite all the protestations, most people on here are really just seduced by photorealism. You get a game with an unusual style like this, but very high fidelity, and it's all just "urgh, basic".

And then a game like Demon's Souls, photorealistic but imo only a small step up from something like God of War, and it's "omfg MIND BLOWN!!!!!"


Hard to Kill
And yet virtually all the big "casual" games run at 60fps.

I realise correlation doesn't equal causation but it's still something to consider.

While there's no particular evidence that casual gamers care about frame rate, there's also no evidence they care about graphics either.

And I'm fucking certain they don't care about resolution, which at small differences is basically imperceptible.
They don't care about resolution , hell most people don't even understand resolution but visuals they just have to look.
They might think a game is smooth but won't know if it is 60 fps.
Hell even here some people don't know what 4k is (look at that thread about the Xbox one S, someone thought he was playing in 4k and that it was stunning) give them HDR and they will be happy, shiny colors and good visuals and most casuals are delighted.

As for the most casuals games being 60 fps I assume you talk about Cod and Fifa? Because I sure hope that looking like that on such a small terrain it better runs at 60 but I'm pretty sure you can put it a 30 and most people won't notice.


Destruction All Stars looks great.....I think people are underestimating it's visuals too. It looks like great fun and I hope this hits it out the park for Sony in the MP arena.......Hope it gets the reception of Rocket League and Overwatch...


Gold Member
So not even a mediocre looking AA game (more like A and a half) can have native locked 4k resolution?!



They don't care about resolution , hell most people don't even understand resolution but visuals they just have to look.
They might think a game is smooth but won't know if it is 60 fps.
Hell even here some people don't know what 4k is (look at that thread about the Xbox one S, someone thought he was playing in 4k and that it was stunning) give them HDR and they will be happy, shiny colors and good visuals and most casuals are delighted.

As for the most casuals games being 60 fps I assume you talk about Cod and Fifa? Because I sure hope that looking like that on such a small terrain it better runs at 60 but I'm pretty sure you can put it a 30 and most people won't notice.

The idea that casual gamers care about graphics much is basically all just patronising conjecture. It amounts to nothing more than "Oh they're idiots, just give them something shiny and pretty and they'll lap it up".

Yet in the real world, casuals play 60fps games like Fortnite, COD, FIFA, Minecraft. Not to mention all the massively selling and much uglier games on Nintendo Switch!


Hard to Kill
The idea that casual gamers care about graphics much is basically all just patronising conjecture. It amounts to nothing more than "Oh they're idiots, just give them something shiny and pretty and they'll lap it up".

Yet in the real world, casuals play 60fps games like Fortnite, COD, FIFA, Minecraft. Not to mention all the massively selling and much uglier games on Nintendo Switch!
Maybe but having worked in retail(micromania) most people are indeed idiots that just want to play the shiny new thing or the new trend.
Or parents buying anything for their children no matter the restriction (pegi or sell).
The GPU can’t handle 4K at 60fps, it’s roughly on par with an RTX 2080 and that has a hard time running native 4K at 60fps for a lot of AAA titles. 1440p though it has no issue, so expect a lot of dynamic 4K this gen from PlayStation.
Ps5 is def NOT on par with a 2080. More closer to a 2060


I dont care about the resolution as long game runs at 1440p 60fps, so dynamic 4K sounds almost perfect.

The GPU can’t handle 4K at 60fps, it’s roughly on par with an RTX 2080 and that has a hard time running native 4K at 60fps for a lot of AAA titles. 1440p though it has no issue, so expect a lot of dynamic 4K this gen from PlayStation.
2080ti dips below 60fps in the most demanding games, but it still can run 99% of games at locked 4K 60fps if you only adjust settings from maxed out to high.

5070XT can run some amazing looking games at 4K 60fps even maxed out (for example forza horizon 4, doom eternal, battlefield 5), and PS5 GPU is 5700XT on steroids, so it should be really capable GPU. VRS alone improve fps by around 20% at minimum, and probably more because 3dmark benchmark on PC shows 70% performance boost thanks to VRS tier 2 and RDNA2 should support it as well.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
This looks fun but man not for the price. Maybe when I get around to getting s ps5 it'll be cheap but I worry it won't have a community by then.
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I dont care about the resolution as long game runs at 1440p 60fps, so dynamic 4K sounds almost perfect.

2080ti dips below 60fps in the most demanding games, but it still can run 99% of games at locked 4K 60fps if you only adjust settings from maxed out to high.

5070XT can run some amazing looking games at 4K 60fps even maxed out (for example forza horizon 4, doom eternal, battlefield 5), and PS5 GPU is 5700XT on steroids (VRS should improve fps by around 20% ay minimum, and probably more because 3dmark benchmark on PC shows 70% performance boost thanks to VRS tier 2 and RDNA2 should support it as well).

Sony has yet to confirm that the PS5 has VRS the system launches in weeks. I think its time to let that go.


Sony has yet to confirm that the PS5 has VRS the system launches in weeks. I think its time to let that go.
True, but since PS5 is RDNA2 there's 99% chance PS5 GPU has it. If not then all hell will be let loose here on neogaf, because XSX has it for sure, and VRS performance boost is huge. The same multiplatform game would literally run at 4K 60fps on XSX, and 1440p 60fps on PS5 😝
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Its crazy how much the narrative has changed here from the reveal. So much crow has been served since then lol.

Its better to be humble. Now look at the reincarnation of Don Mattrick on sony.


The 4K fetishists need to start to be rational. Dynamic 4K/60FPS gives basically only visual resolution downgrades under a microscope if you game on a 4K TV from the couch with a massive difference in graphical fidelity. Non-dynamic 4K is objectively stupid on a console - and that will remain true with much better hardware than the next-gen. Better push that silicon into graphical fidelity than static 4K every day of the week.
True, but since PS5 is RDNA2 there's 99% chance PS5 GPU has it. If not then all hell will be let loose here on neogaf, because XSX has it for sure, and VRS performance boost is huge. The same multiplatform game would literally run at 4K 60fps on XSX, and 1440p 60fps 😀.

We haven't actually seen any die shots of PS5 unlike we have with the XSX. People keep claiming its RDNA2 because that's what sony said but they've demonstrated absolutely nothing that indicates that it is in fact RDNA2. And ironically the power draw of PS5 indicates the opposite.


The GPU can’t handle 4K at 60fps, it’s roughly on par with an RTX 2080 and that has a hard time running native 4K at 60fps for a lot of AAA titles. 1440p though it has no issue, so expect a lot of dynamic 4K this gen from PlayStation.

You get much more out of a console GPU though - true for every console. The issue is not if it is possible - the issue is that it is stupid to go for static 4K/60FPS due to the very visible graphical downgrade you need to do to achieve that. And that will be 100% true for both Xbox and Playstation.
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We haven't actually seen any die shots of PS5 unlike we have with the XSX. People keep claiming its RDNA2 because that's what sony said but they've demonstrated absolutely nothing that indicates that it is in fact RDNA2. And ironically the power draw of PS5 indicates the opposite.

Both are confirmed RDNA2. The outlier right now is XSX that has a different CU count and different frequency than the RDNA2 cards as they have been leaked. PS5 frequency is exactly where the AMD cards are at. Right now I am willing to bet that the 3D technology that AMD seemingly has incorporated in the RDNA2 cards are also part of the PS but not the Xbox.
Both are confirmed RDNA2. The outlier right now is XSX that has a different CU count and different frequency than the RDNA2 cards as they have been leaked. PS5 frequency is exactly where the AMD cards are at. Right now I am willing to bet that the 3D technology that AMD seemingly has incorporated in the RDNA2 cards are also part of the PS but not the Xbox.

Once again - because you people don't get it. There. Has. Been. No. Evidence. Of. RDNA2 features. On. PS5.

There's a reason for it. If I were you I'd just remain skeptical until a 3rd party does a tear down. Sony is refusing for whatever reason.


Could be a fun game, especially if the destruction looks and feels next level. Show us more.

Also noticed almost all first party games for PS5 so far are either 60fps or have a 60fps option. That is sweet (and I honestly wouldn't consider buying Ratchet, Spiderman...etc if they were only 30fps).


Once again - because you people don't get it. There. Has. Been. No. Evidence. Of. RDNA2 features. On. PS5.

There's a reason for it. If I were you I'd just remain skeptical until a 3rd party does a tear down. Sony is refusing for whatever reason.
Another RDNA2 denier... Let me guess, it is also 9tf only?
Both Sony and AMD said it is RDNA2, but it isn't enough for you, do you need to do a SoC lick test to "feel" the RDNA2?


Could be a fun game, especially if the destruction looks and feels next level. Show us more.

Also noticed almost all first party games for PS5 so far are either 60fps or have a 60fps option. That is sweet (and I honestly wouldn't consider buying Ratchet, Spiderman...etc if they were only 30fps).

Yeah it's an excellent early trend, hopefully it continues.

A far cry from the reveal event when it seemed like 4k30 with no 60fps option would be ubiquitous.

I don't think there's a single launch game now which doesn't at least have the option to run at 60. Such great news.


Once again - because you people don't get it. There. Has. Been. No. Evidence. Of. RDNA2 features. On. PS5.

There's a reason for it. If I were you I'd just remain skeptical until a 3rd party does a tear down. Sony is refusing for whatever reason.

Didn't Lisa Sue already say the ps5 is Rdna2.

She has confirmed it and she would know.
Problem with consoles to maintain 4k is probably the apu considering we know these cpus and gpus are zen 2 and RDNA but aint apu more laptop based? And we know apu with integrated gpu aint as good as the desktop version. If theres anyone that could develop a desktop cpu and a desktop gpu intergrate and act like a apu then that would be on another level of technology.

Anyways i think were gonna see alot of 4k and dynamic 4k as a result kraken and oodle is basically a new technology which we wont fully see it utilized further down the console life span what more inprovement would we see? Possible more standard 4k games? Possibly dynamic 4k higher 4k assets?
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