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PS5 Price won't be cheap

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
It won’t be anything more than $499.99, history has shown that consoles sell miserably at $600, and best at $399 or less. $499.99 is the “sweet spot” for eating a fairly small loss and still being marketable, with room for plenty of future price cuts to bring it down to the $400 range in a few years when the initial hype dies down and more casual gamers start to consider the console.
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Codes 208

Gold Member
That was a Don Mattrick quote. He was asked what people without Internet should do about the Xbox one DRM. Don replied "we have a console for people without the Internet, it's called an Xbox 360"
I got the reference, im just saying people really do still look for archaic systems.
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How is that the best scenario?
Maybe best for Xbox? probably. Really best case scenario would be $399 each.

I think these things will come in at $499, which is a great value. I think both PS/Xbox can afford to lose money on console sales. They have other revenue streams that can make up for those loses, PS+/Live, Now/GamePass, to be specific. I think we'll be okay... unless these two somehow get together and make some weird agreement to price their pieces of plastic "at cost."


Neither of these consoles will be cheap. Unless they are willing to eat a huge loss.

Yep, I don't think people realize that last gen for once it didn't take them 2 years to make a profit on hardware sells. They were pulling in positive cash flow 5-6 months into the generation, I don't believe either company is willing to eat a long term loss anymore after that. It'll be expensive, but close to the actual manufacturing price I bet.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Everyone's definition of "cheap" is comparatively different though.

Keep in mind that the dude telling us this is worth millions of dollars.
so you expect ms to just take a huge loss on each console just because? both consoles will be the same price

You just wait and see my friend.


PS5 cost 470 $ to manufacture .. so most likely it will be 500 $ machine ..

and retailers get nothing and shipping is free ?

Shipping costs for freight has doubled internationally last 3 months...to add to the pain.

550 for ps4, 600 for XSX. lockart comes in at 400 to 450.
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Current gen is going to last a lot longer than people think.
I think next gen might last longer due to dev time and the gen after that won't be bringing 8K.
More the reason I wish Sony would have went with a 12TF machine, forgo a potential Pro model.


Gold Member
Hasnt Sony been saying this since the initial Wired article early last year. Something about it being a "Premium Device" so expect a premium price.

You are correct, Kenichiro Yoshida even went as far to say that it was a niche product aimed at hardcore gamers

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My guess is still $499 for both consoles. But that's the minimum too. If either was $549 or $599, I wouldn't be shocked.

There's a lot more of a technology jump this time. Those SSDs won't be cheap - especially PS5's.

Codes 208

Gold Member
Ohh 😂😂

The 360 was a good system.
It was, my personal favorite really, but its just so alien to me when people walk into into walmart/target looking for systems that have been obsolete for years.

then again, i equally have people coming in asking if we have VCR’s.
They probably read GAF and saw that there's a $11,000 SSD that beats the one they're using, so they decided last minute to switch to that one and now the PS5 is $11,500.

I heard the Pro revision will have 3 super secret SSDs linked together by Magic and will only cost a cool 50k. Good value for unlimited bandwidth tho
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Neo Member
I'm ok with 499 dollars. I think the 399 barrier makes the development and implementation of meaningful features really hard. I'd rather pay a little more for a one time purchase that will allow me to have a better experience, than pay a little less for something that will be outdated pretty soon.



If this is what I'm getting on my "abandoned" platform, I can't even imagine what I'd get on a PS5.

Dont forget FF7R and Dreams. This is great year for PS4. Not that great for XBone. Well last year wasnt great for them either. Time for a new console I guess.

Anyway, I personally dont think that 499 is expensive, considering its a one time payment for a machine that you'll use for about 6 to 8 years. Considering what people pay for other stuff.
I find it especially weird when you think about the fact that people are arguing between a range of 400 and 550 bucks. Like how much does that 150 (put in your currency of choice) really matter. I mean if the difference is too much for you to pay, than you should really just wait for a pricedrop and get some discounted older games for maximum value. I dont mean that in a mean way, but if you can not afford this, than it should not be your first priority to get a console on launch when there is hardly anything to play on. Just doesnt make sense. If you are a bit short on money, then just wait a year, enjoy the games that are out on your current plattform because I'm sure you havent played all the games yet and wait until the market has decided what a good price for these new consoles is.

That doesnt mean they should go completely nuts with pricing, but I think people who pay that amount of money to get a gaming console at launch buy a luxury product and in that context 50 bucks more or less shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Especially if these system are going to be limited in numbers at launch.

I know I will piss people of with this post, because everyone is entitled to their hobby. Then again I think if 50 bucks more or less breaks your bank it would be financially not advisable to buy a console on launch. For the first 10 years after moving out from home I couldnt buy shit without savin up for several months or even a year. For the first 5 I was in university and for the later 5 I was paying back my student loan. I couldnt afford a lot of games or hardware and that was that. I had to wait or get creative. Now that I earn enough money I just dont care if these new consoles cost 400, 500, or 600. If I decide that the hardware and software is worth that price I can just buy it without thinking about it too much. Thats why I find price speculations in a vacuum quite useless.

Just my two very radical cents.
I know its not apples to apples but after building a gaming PC I can't see how both of these consoles won't be pushing $600.


PS5 at $499 is a bargain. Its the most advanced next gen console (That SSD, Tempest Engine, advance cooling AND that pretty controller)

Hell I would pay more than that for it!!
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Everyone's definition of "cheap" is comparatively different though.

Keep in mind that the dude telling us this is worth millions of dollars.
Yeah damn straight. I tell people Cuba is cheap for an island vacation, but that doesn't mean 2,000 dollars for a 2 week stay that'll pay for everything from flight, hotel, food, transporation and experiences (paid and free) doesn't make 2000 dollars any less expensive. You just get a better value for your vacation.


What time is it?
There is a lot less disposable income out there, anything over $499 for either console seems like a big ask.


Sony is not that stupid to ask for more than 500 bucks, they know how they mainly won this gen and how important the price is to the people.
I’m comfortable with this being £699 in all honesty because of how much time i will spend on this. It will be £499.


and retailers get nothing and shipping is free ?

Shipping costs for freight has doubled internationally last 3 months...to add to the pain.

550 for ps4, 600 for XSX. lockart comes in at 400 to 450.

They should eat a small loss in each console sold


I love how the same people claiming $600 is too much for any console and claimed that be the case for XSX is now praising I can deal with $600 because Sony boss comes out and says it won't be cheap. Wow


I really hope for people’s sake that it will not be another “$599 fuck up” but personally, I know I’ll get it no matter how hefty the price tag will be.
I love how the same people claiming $600 is too much for any console and claimed that be the case for XSX is now praising I can deal with $600 because Sony boss comes out and says it won't be cheap. Wow

Sony’s exclusives are worth more, so even £699 is appropriate. Microsoft have to price their console £399 to get any traction because they simply won’t have the exclusives and will be relying on gamepass and bc.


Isn't it cheaper to book a flight to Mexico/US (or cheapest country) and buy a PS5 ?
To Paraguay yes... to Mexico I don't know... to US probably not (but you will enjoy the travel so it is a plus).
But you won't have it at launch that way :(
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As long as the hardware justifies the price I don't care if it it's expensive, that said 500€ doesn't sound expensive to me for a xonsole that will last 7 years
Kaz Hirai in 2013: "Why go first, when your competitors can look at your specifications and come up with something better?"

Shortly after, Sony announces the Playstation meeting.

I don't believe executives in general.


Sony’s exclusives are worth more, so even £699 is appropriate. Microsoft have to price their console £399 to get any traction because they simply won’t have the exclusives and will be relying on gamepass and bc.

Sorry this is such a bullshit comment. Why stop there and just say $1000? What is ironic about you saying they rely on gamepass and BC thats what all the consoles relied on was game sales not the hardware. So how is this a bad thing that services associated with systems sold is a bad thing? So Sony doesn't want you to buy Playstation Plus and Now to make more money? Thats the way it works in any market but MS is special somehow.


Then you pay for customs when you bring it back.

Dunno about how it works in different parts of the world, but I just put it in hand-carry and they don't check jackshit, if they ask - I tell them its for personal use. Maybe its only my country but never had a problem


I stick to my guns with this. I think each console is worth 600 bucks easy, but I think they will be priced no higher than 499 (and both will be insane values at that price)

I still say 449 for PS5 and 499 for XsX

But just wanna say that if these consoles cost 600 bucks, or close to it, they are still outstanding values
Completely agree. What a pitty they won’t be worth 700€ and priced 599 for a 32GB pool.
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