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Puzzle Fighter soft launches in select countries [Tell me if Dino Crisis is in please


I wouldn't call it shit at all. Definitely has the potential for being divisive though. But I'm really enjoying it for what it is.

When you change the entire mechanics for how matches are won just to add microtransactions and it looks horrendous, I think it goes beyond divisiveness. At this point, the only way I can see to enjoy it "for what it is" is to completely forget that it's based on an infinitely superior game and to not consider it part of the same franchise, considering how the franchise's bones were broken to make it ready for microtransactions and/or near-constant user engagement being mandatory to any sort of success.


Hail to the KING baby
The in-game sprites weren't traced over, they were just blurred to hell and back.Still don't know how anyone could prefer that fuzzy post-processed crap over pixel-perfect sprites, at least when it comes to as niche a title as this.

Did anyone really strongly prefer HDR over the original? It's just been pretty impossible to get legit copies of the original and HDR is decent though I prefer the original of course. I think the only place on modern consoles was through that weird PS subscription service where you had to pay like $30/month and then extra to rent it.


Gold Member
I don't care about the ugly 3d graphics... I understand the life gauge to make the matches quickier... but i DO care about a puzzle game being unfair to new users if a gem does more damage the more you level up your loot characters...

Basically is a pay to win game... buy gems... buy moves... make you stronger.

It's no longer a puzzle game if someone that pay for it can kill you in half the moves.


How does this game save progress on iOS? I didn’t see an account system for it or any mention of iCloud saves.

Wondering cause I had to download it with a dummy Canadian Apple ID to play it but as soon as it’s on the US App Store I’m gonna delete it and redownload it. I guess I can try the new “offload app” function of iOS 11 but I still wonder how one would transfer progress across different devices


I retweeted your honorable mission.

Thank You


Unconfirmed Member
How does this game save progress on iOS? I didn’t see an account system for it or any mention of iCloud saves.

Wondering cause I had to download it with a dummy Canadian Apple ID to play it but as soon as it’s on the US App Store I’m gonna delete it and redownload it. I guess I can try the new “offload app” function of iOS 11 but I still wonder how one would transfer progress across different devices

I just checked for you. It’s not a good answer though. When I uninstalled it I wondered this because using offload app wouldn’t really save any space because it still has all the data the app downloads after first launch and then again after the tutorial.

However if you don’t use offload app your save will just be lost. When I redownloaded it after uninstalling it everything I did before was lost.

In the future there’s probably cloud saves coming but right now if you don’t use offload app you’ll lose your save and offload app still leaves hundreds of MBs of data on the phone


Shame about the pay to win aspect. I would have bought this game if it was a flat cost game, but the f2p model means I won't bother at all.

The mobile market is so frustrating.


Did anyone really strongly prefer HDR over the original? It's just been pretty impossible to get legit copies of the original and HDR is decent though I prefer the original of course. I think the only place on modern consoles was through that weird PS subscription service where you had to pay like $30/month and then extra to rent it.

I liked the rebalance of HDR. New patterns and no diamond glitch made it a smoother game overall. Absolute shame what happened to the pixel art though.


As in "Heathcliff"
Jeff's a great guy. He is also very close to the Dev team, so make your voices are heard! :)

Maybe you should remind Capcom to not forget all about Nina or/and Ryu from Breath of Fire! ;) Add them in Puzzle Fighter and Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite. Thanks in advance if you could.

On other matters, do you know when the game is going to be out in United States?


Jeff’s a great guy. He is also very close to the Dev team, so make your voices are heard! :)

If you have any contact with the MvCI devs, please tell them to turn off color fringe and turn down the AA to mid on the console versions so everything doesn't look so blurry and discolored. or at least add the option. See one of my millions of posts about this in the MvCI thread.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope that I'm lucky as some of you with getting Haggar right away. I need my MAYYYORRRRR.

Which roll is actually random? I thought everyone got the same when I played it. If there’s a free random roll I guess you could just keep uninstalling it and starting again until you got what you wanted


I just checked for you. It’s not a good answer though. When I uninstalled it I wondered this because using offload app wouldn’t really save any space because it still has all the data the app downloads after first launch and then again after the tutorial.

However if you don’t use offload app your save will just be lost. When I redownloaded it after uninstalling it everything I did before was lost.

In the future there’s probably cloud saves coming but right now if you don’t use offload app you’ll lose your save and offload app still leaves hundreds of MBs of data on the phone

Good intel thanks for checking it out! So offload app will do the trick for me sweet. They really need to implement some account or cloud save system ASAP though, weird it doesn’t have one yet (at least on iOS, I think someone said it does on Android)


I hope that I'm lucky as some of you with getting Haggar right away. I need my MAYYYORRRRR.

So far I've unlocked Haggar, X, Morrigan, and M. Bison, fuck yeah. I still don't really know how the gatcha system works and if I'm really lucky or if this is normal, but I've gotten most of the main characters I wanted right off the bat. I got either Bison or Morrigan from a regular boat in Honda's shop, no blue/purple/orange thing. Weird seeing them charge so many gems for characters in the shop when they seem to come pretty easy.

I also have Chuck Greene and Chun but I think they're given to everyone? Not sure.


So far I've unlocked Haggar, X, Morrigan, and M. Bison, fuck yeah. I still don't really know how the gatcha system works and if I'm really lucky or if this is normal, but I've gotten most of the main characters I wanted right off the bat. I got either Bison or Morrigan from a regular boat in Honda's shop, no blue/purple/orange thing. Weird seeing them charge so many gems for characters in the shop when they seem to come pretty easy.

I also have Chuck Greene and Chun but I think they're given to everyone? Not sure.

On the flip side, I haven’t gotten shit from the chests or boats other than E. Honda and the shop is closed for me now. I think the game gives you Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li to start right off? Cause I have them too


Low key addicted to this.


I kinda am too, but the game almost discourages being addicted to it.

There’s only 3 single player missions you can play a day. That takes like 10 minutes.

And there’s only a certain amount of PvP matches (10 wins?) per day that give you rewards. Once you hit that limit the reward shop closes for 10 hours.

I can still play PvP to increase my rank, which give more rewards when the season ends, but when there’s no rewards coming in and no more missions til the next day, I kinda just wanna wait for the next time the shop opens...


ADD New Gen Gamer
I played a few matches. Still a fun game. Connection is a bit spotty though, but i am playing from south Korea, which is probably not a supported area yet.


tagged by Blackace
I kinda am too, but the game almost discourages being addicted to it.

There’s only 3 single player missions you can play a day. That takes like 10 minutes.

And there’s only a certain amount of PvP matches (10 wins?) per day that give you rewards. Once you hit that limit the reward shop closes for 10 hours.

I can still play PvP to increase my rank, which give more rewards when the season ends, but when there’s no rewards coming in and no more missions til the next day, I kinda just wanna wait for the next time the shop opens...
Yeah, in this sense it's almost a manageable amount of addiction because you know when it's worth it to stop playing.


No colorblind mode :(
Pay to win mechanics hard to outskill :(
Really poor performance during gameplay on my S6 :(
Health + Super mechanic removes the spirit of Puzzle Fighter (needing to bury your opponent) :(

Its cool they wanted to bring this IP back, but this version doesn't scratch that itch for me.


On the flip side, I haven’t gotten shit from the chests or boats other than E. Honda and the shop is closed for me now. I think the game gives you Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li to start right off? Cause I have them too

Man I must be lucky then. I'm out in the boonies right now though for a wedding and I'm missing all my Honda awards/missions sad times. And yeah I guess Ryu and Chun are the only guaranteed characters everyone gets, cause I got Chuck instead of Ken.

I kinda am too, but the game almost discourages being addicted to it.

There’s only 3 single player missions you can play a day. That takes like 10 minutes.

And there’s only a certain amount of PvP matches (10 wins?) per day that give you rewards. Once you hit that limit the reward shop closes for 10 hours.

I can still play PvP to increase my rank, which give more rewards when the season ends, but when there’s no rewards coming in and no more missions til the next day, I kinda just wanna wait for the next time the shop opens...

Seems like a lot of PVP mobile games do this these days. Probably to prevent burnout and to give you something to shoot for everyday. You can still fight for rank though.
No colorblind mode :(
Pay to win mechanics hard to outskill :(
Really poor performance during gameplay on my S6 :(
Health + Super mechanic removes the spirit of Puzzle Fighter (needing to bury your opponent) :(

Its cool they wanted to bring this IP back, but this version doesn't scratch that itch for me.

Add, "Doesn't work on Android Oreo" to the list...


Seems like a lot of PVP mobile games do this these days. Probably to prevent burnout and to give you something to shoot for everyday. You can still fight for rank though.

I can tell you with near certainty that those aren't the reasons it's done.
Too bad about this game. Mechanically, the HP bar is just a crappy idea. Gameplay is also way too slow. I can't drop gems nearly as fast as I want to.


Too bad about this game. Mechanically, the HP bar is just a crappy idea. Gameplay is also way too slow. I can't drop gems nearly as fast as I want to.

Speed wise I think it works well, it speeds up later mid-game too.

But speed wise I think it’s perfect for mobile with not so accurate swipe controls. Fast dropping tiles by swiping down works well so I’m not concerned about the speed of the game at all.

Mechanically with the HP bar does take some getting used to though, I get why they added it but yeah it’s a big fundamental change to the gameplay. My biggest gripe is the matchmaking combined with the life bar. Like, when I play PvP and get matched with someone 3 levels ahead of me, they feel like a boss fight. It’s autonatically an uphill battle sand almost impossible to win.

When matches are even though, I like it. Quick matches, and they can get intense.
Speed wise I think it works well, it speeds up later mid-game too.

But speed wise I think it’s perfect for mobile with not so accurate swipe controls. Fast dropping tiles by swiping down works well so I’m not concerned about the speed of the game at all.

My issue with speed is how fast the next tile comes out after placing your current one. There's like a second or two delay when the next one comes out and that's too long of a wait. Most of the time, I've decided where I want the next tile to be placed before I even drop my current one.
Not that this will ever happen, but man I wish there was a classic mode. I would plunk down $60 bucks easily for a classic mode with online. As of now, they won’t see a penny from me no matter how much I play this.


tagged by Blackace
No colorblind mode :(
Pay to win mechanics hard to outskill :(
Really poor performance during gameplay on my S6 :(
Health + Super mechanic removes the spirit of Puzzle Fighter (needing to bury your opponent) :(

Its cool they wanted to bring this IP back, but this version doesn't scratch that itch for me.
One of my best friends is colour blind and every time I remind myself the proportion of people have different types of colour blindness it's crazy to me that every dev doesn't add colour blind options to their games.
No colorblind mode :(
Pay to win mechanics hard to outskill :(
Really poor performance during gameplay on my S6 :(
Health + Super mechanic removes the spirit of Puzzle Fighter (needing to bury your opponent) :(

Its cool they wanted to bring this IP back, but this version doesn't scratch that itch for me.
Add, "Doesn't work on Android Oreo" to the list...
Let’s not forget this isn’t an official release, but a “soft launch”. In the mobile world, soft launches are basically beta releases, and you only do one if you are planning to make changes to your game based on the results. The game is probably loaded the heck up with metrics, telling them things like when/why the game crashes, how real gamers play the game and when they quit, what problems there are, how and when people make microtransactions, how those affect online games, etc.

I worked on one game where between two soft-launches we re-balanced the game, made the microtransactions more valuable, removed paid gating, sped up the forced title sequence, fixed bugs, changed the game’s icon, and even added online high scores. And also dropped support for low-end phones since we discovered very few people even tried to play the game on those, and it allowed us to optimize better for higher end phones.

What I’m saying is, don’t write the game off yet.


Gold Member
this game is plain shit... isn't a puzzle nor a fighter... just a pay to win fest.
fuck this shit
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