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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


Really? You don't care what it costs? 100 bucks? 200? Don't care at all?

I won't? Why're you angry? Did I offend you?

Sorry for coming off a bit confrontational. I am just not a fan of others wanting certain games to do bad so less of those games can be made. There are plenty of games out there they probably do meet your standards so I see no reason to want other games be made less. There are a ton of gamers that do like and purchase shorter high production games like The Order at full price. If you dont thats fine. I do agree that there does need to be a much wider range of prices though.


When you have a guy who uploaded an entire playthrough, and said upload is five-and-a-half hours long, I guess there's not really much you can say. We're in Heavenly Sword territory here.

Even worse is that it wasn't even a speedrun. So people who speed run can be even faster, and even if people decided to spend more time, you're looking at like a 4-7 hour campaign which is pretty short.
Yep. Most people just show up with some hard "facts", most if not all without having played the game.

That works both ways. For months now, people have been giving 'hard facts' about how wonderful the game is, also without playing it. I've seen numerous gifs and videos used to demonstrate 'visceral combat', yet all of a sudden, only playing the game yourself is enough to form an opinion.

I also cannot understand how many people seem to miss the point about the length of the game. A short intense blast of gameplay is fine by me. A short game, where a large chunk of the overall duration is spent watching cut-scenes is a different kettle of fish. I'm not making any decision with regards to purchasing the game until that is a bit clearer.
I was hoping for something around the length of The Last Of Us i.e. 15-20 hours. I guess I could just buy/play and sell it, but I might just wait for a price drop. I still have games from the Fall to play. The possibility of getting spoiled makes me not want to wait though.
Sorry for coming off a bit confrontational. I am just not a fan of others wanting certain games to do bad so less of those games can be made. There are plenty of games out there they probably do meet your standards so I see no reason to want other games be made less. There are a ton of gamers that do like and purchase shorter high production games like The Order at full price. If you dont thats fine. I do agree that there does need to be a much wider range of prices though.

Sure, you're right, but you do see what I was saying right? I said that I kind of agree with him. I don't want the Order or RAD to do badly, but every single time a game with questionable value gets sold, we slide farther down the hole. There are plenty of games that meet my standards, but there are less and less it seems.


Sure, you're right, but you do see what I was saying right? I said that I kind of agree with him. I don't want the Order or RAD to do badly, but every single time a game with questionable value gets sold, we slide farther down the hole. There are plenty of games that meet my standards, but there are less and less it seems.

I disagree. There are a ton of huge value games coming out now. DAI, FC4, ACU, The Witcher 3, Blood Bourne, Destiny, Xenoblade X, ect.


gaffers impressions that put the game > 5 hours don't mean shit, i guess?

Well, visual evidence where you can watch the entire thing that features a guy taking his time kind of trumps all. It is what it is. Take it or leave it and give or take a few hours depending on how you play.


gaffers impressions that put the game > 5 hours don't mean shit, i guess?

gotta cling to whatever fits the agenda for some

A bunch of drive-by post just fueling the fire. Every other playrhrough has been at least 8 hours but this one is all that gets the attention for obvious reasons.


Yo what?

How are you going to stretch a 5 hour campaign into a 14 hour one? lol

See post below. Bare in mind 14 hours is an outlier on the highest end. GAF average is around 11 hours (that's based on 5 completion times).

If you look at it from a logical perspective, they very well could.

Add in a harder difficulty - X amount of extra time
Add in further exploration and exposition - X amount of extra time
Add in all the readable articles, posters etc - X amount of time
Add in the collectible items and moveables - X amount of extra time
Add in differences in combat and gameplay approach - X amount of time
Add in potentially attempting specific trophy tasks - X amount of time

And so on.


I dont believe that its only 5 or 6 hrs long. Maybe if you speedru it on easy.

Did you see the video? I don't get how you're arguing against factual, video evidence? Even worse is, the guy wasn't speedrunning it either, so an actual person who does speedruns could do it even faster. Accept it, it's a very short campaign.

Almost everything I've read has the campaign between about 4.5-7ish hours.


Sure, you're right, but you do see what I was saying right? I said that I kind of agree with him. I don't want the Order or RAD to do badly, but every single time a game with questionable value gets sold, we slide farther down the hole. There are plenty of games that meet my standards, but there are less and less it seems.

The hands on impressions on this site don't seem to imply 'questionable value', and also suggest it's more of a 10 hour game. That one impression even said it had high replayability and compared it to Vanquish.

Until we've played it, it's quite hard to judge 'questionable value'... I mean, all games have 'questionable value'. Not everyone likes every genre.

Did you see the video? I don't get how you're arguing against factual, video evidence? Even worse is, the guy wasn't speedrunning it either, so an actual person who does speedruns could do it even faster. Accept it, it's a very short campaign.

Because multiple people on this site have clocked it at double that? Supposedly the person playing the game didn't stop to look at anything, etc. Many players spend time exploring the environment and doing other things that extend playtime. I'm sure some people can complete it in 5 hours... that does not mean everyone should deride it as a 5 hour game if they, in fact, would spend 10 or more hours on it, perhaps 20+ if it's as replayable as some have mentioned.


That works both ways. For months now, people have been giving 'hard facts' about how wonderful the game is, also without playing it. I've seen numerous gifs and videos used to demonstrate 'visceral combat', yet all of a sudden, only playing the game yourself is enough to form an opinion.

I also cannot understand how many people seem to miss the point about the length of the game. A short intense blast of gameplay is fine by me. A short game, where a large chunk of the overall duration is spent watching cut-scenes is a different kettle of fish. I'm not making any decision with regards to purchasing the game until that is a bit clearer.
Define "large chunk". Or is it just exaggeration on your part.


Dudes. If the game is half cutscenes then it is. No need to get insane about it. You know what you get and if a cinematic and atmospheric shooter is up your ally, you know you'll like it.


I think the YT vids add up to about an hour and a half of cutscenes, which depending on your play time (Eg 5 and a half to 14 hours) could be a lot or not.



I can see that adding a couple hours, maybe a few. Nearly triple the length, though? No way.

There were multiple gaffers with similar playtimes. Orisis had a second playtime of about 8 hours.

I have no Idea how its possible to have a range of 5-10 hours.
So only adults without responsabilities, and children play MMO's then? The fuck? Maybe, just maybe people spread out their playing time. Kinda like how you can watch 10 season long tv shows but you just don't do it in one sitting.

This is a true statement for you i suppose. I apologize for the generalization. My intent wasn't to ruffle feathers which it seems I have done. In regards to going back to a game like Dragon Age Inquisition after an few days away from it, I found myself lost; forgetting what I was doing and why and where I should go next. Hence, I just prefer games that are more coherent in their delivery of content. Yes, I found both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls to be more coherent despite thier obtuse nature. I can't speak to MMO's as I do not play them.
Hello, grown adult here with plenty of responsibility, and I've enjoyed sinking a fair amount of my precious leisure time into Dragon Age. Just because it isn't worth your time doesn't make it for children and feckless adults.....

I apologize for the broad generalization. I failed miserably at getting my point across. I used terrible wording.


I love their response.


"Can you tell us the truth?"


Great example of long PR speech that says nothing, is afraid to later get quoted (when the "truth" comes out) and wants to turn the conversation into quality over quantity.

And I'm fine with a 5h game that is great, but it has to be top 10 to be worth the ~ 13$ per hour in my opinion.


I paid $60 for Metal Gear Rising, and that was "5 hours" long and it was my favorite game from last generation regardless of replayability (I only played through it once). Judging game quality on raw hours to the dollar is an incredibly dumb way to evaluate game quality, otherwise everyone would be head over heels for F2P MMOs.

I'm glad that we have a AAA single player focused game and will gladly drop $60 for it. I don't need the game to be Skyrim for it to be worth my time and money.


He would buy it again too lol. Hopefully the squeal is much longer since now they dont have to spend a very long time making the engine.


Man, the Uncharted comparison sort of sticks in my crawl. Naught Dog had far more experience and cachet building up to Uncharted 2 throughout its history than Ready at Dawn. It's like comparing Scorcese to Matthew Vaughn.

You think RAD just has Hennig and Druckmann hanging around?
Really tired of these blanket accusations against people, earlier in the thread a user referred to everyone who enjoys open world games as "No-lifers" and now you try to tell me that I'm either a child or someone with no responsibility. I can't stand passive aggressive insults.

Sorry about the language that I used. I tried to make a point that I obviously failed to get across. I apologize.


Did you see the video? I don't get how you're arguing against factual, video evidence? Even worse is, the guy wasn't speedrunning it either, so an actual person who does speedruns could do it even faster. Accept it, it's a very short campaign.

Almost everything I've read has the campaign between about 4.5-7ish hours.

I posted about the playmethrough user on gaf before there was a thread about it.

It looked to me like he was playing on easy.
Man, the Uncharted comparison sort of sticks in my crawl. Naught Dog had far more experience and cachet building up to Uncharted 2 throughout its history than Ready at Dawn. It's like comparing Scorcese to Matthew Vaughn.

You think RAD just has Hennig and Druckmann hanging around?

No, but they have Santa Monica.

I love their response.


"Can you tell us the truth?"


I found this pretty funny as well.
I can see that adding a couple hours, maybe a few. Nearly triple the length, though? No way.

Wouldn't be the strangest thing

Some people finish TLoU in 7 hours, took me 20. Some people finish UC2 in 6 hours, took me 14 or so first time through. You can't underestimate the difference it makes when one player explores every nook and cranny even in a heavily linear game (not even for any reason other than savouring the aesthetics and atmosphere), and another player plays the critical path.

I don't know where the Youtube guy falls on the spectrum, but I can easily believe that a critical pather could take 5 hours, while I take 10+ and others take 14.

Christ, even in Sherlock Holmes:Crimes and Punishments, I must have spent an hour or two just looking at the scenery and enjoying the atmosphere :p
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