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Resident Evil 3 Remake - Reveal Trailer (April 3rd 2020)


The original is my favourite Resi and one of my top 10 games of all time.

This looks... fine.

Worse than the original, design wise, and it's a shame to see they've apparently not gone a bit harder into the ridiculousness of the original since REmake 2 did so well while bejng so conservative, but oh well.

I just hope they keep the branching story options, rewards for temporarily downing the nemesis, different endings, funky weapons and special ammo once youve made enough of one type.

I'm in the exact same boat.


Arachnid Arachnid
At 40 seconds into the RE3make music, you hear a hint of Nemesis's final battle theme.
Holy SHIT, nice ear. That's not even one of the distinct parts of the final metamorphosis theme and you caught it the split few seconds it plays. I'll give you that one, but I'll note that it only plays in the last few seconds of that that video. Everything leading up to that is standard/boring IMO, and that little hint doesn't make up for it.

The icons are not transparent and have the RE effect on them (some kind of scratched paint)
I can kind of see the scratches on the icons zoomed in now. Still really low effort compared to something like this:

Or this, which is IMO the best PS4 theme of all time


Remakes are trying to be more realistic, and changes like this gives them their individuality
The latter I can understand, but the former I don't get. Tube top & skirts aren't any less realistic than skinny jeans and a tank top. Those are real clothes in real life often worn by real flesh and blood women. The Remakes are more hollywood than realistic in tone and style.

I think it's Capcom looking at more modern action games style that inspired the change, hence the Tomb Raider/ Uncharted look. I have no issue with changes, I just think it looks uninspired for Jill.
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The latter I can understand, but the former I don't get. Tube top & skirts aren't any less realistic than skinny jeans and a tank top. Those are real clothes in real life often worn by real flesh and blood women. The Remakes are more hollywood than realistic in tone and style.

I think it's Capcom looking at more modern action games style that inspired the change, hence the Tomb Raider/ Uncharted look. I have no issue with changes, I just think it looks uninspired for Jill.

By realistic I mean more maneuverable. Mini skirts can't be ideal for rolling around, Jill needs to be fast by running and dodging all those zombies and Nemesis, I can't imagine a girl doing that with a restrictive skirt and tube top, just look how slow girls are in the clubs, telling u to hold up because their dress is falling apart, fixing their boobs and pulling down their skirts.
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I wonder how they're going to handle the end to this game. When Umbrella convinces the US government to launch a strategic nuclear stike on one of its own major cities, the series officially jumped the shark from schlockey B-horror zombie tropes to, "What the fuck are you doing videogame?"

Remember that after this we had transvestite Norman Bates-esque antagonists, Wesker with magic superpowers, saving the President's daughter like it was a Kurt Russel movie, and whatever the hell happened in 5 and 6.
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By realistic I mean more maneuverable. Mini skirts can't be ideal for rolling around, Jill needs to be fast by running and dodging all those zombies and Nemesis, I can't imagine a girl doing that with a restrictive skirt and tube top, just look how slow girls are in the clubs, telling u to hold up because their dress is falling apart, fixing their boobs and pulling down their skirts.
Sure I get that, but they're still adding the tube top & skirt in the game with Jill's new movements. So it's not really an issue to animate fast movement and maneuvers.
If you're arguing practicality, her new design isn't really much more practical in a zombie outbreak scenario, given her tank top isn't really going to protect her form bites lol.
But that's not an issue as they're not necessarily going for realism, it's a more heightened "hollywood" reality.

To be honest, I think adding that restrictive movement could've added more interesting tension for the player, much like the original games with tank controls and limited view.
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Holy SHIT, nice ear. That's not even one of the distinct parts of the final metamorphosis theme and you caught it the split few seconds it plays. I'll give you that one, but I'll note that it only plays in the last few seconds of that that video. Everything leading up to that is standard/boring IMO, and that little hint doesn't make up for it.
Fair enough. I like the synth sound to it, and I'm hoping that makes it over to the other tracks in the game as well.

But I seriously doubt this is going to be Nemesis's theme in the actual game. I can see it being the title screen music, or something that plays in the opening cutscene, but I doubt they'd spoil the Nemesis theme for the PS4 theme. In comparison, RE2make's PS4 theme music was a track that was only played once in the game--that part when you are trying to make it back to the main hall from the East wing after trying to save Elliot. Very minor track.
Sure I get that, but they're still adding the tube top & skirt in the game with Jill's new movements. So it's not really an issue to animate fast movement and maneuvers.
If you're arguing practicality, her new design isn't really much more practical in a zombie outbreak scenario, given her tank top isn't really going to protect her form bites lol.
But that's not an issue as they're not necessarily going for realism, it's a more heightened "hollywood" reality.

To be honest, I think adding that restrictive movement could've added more interesting tension for the player, much like the original games with tank controls and limited view.

Valid points. I did say "trying" to be more realistic, but at the end of the day it's a video game with video game tropes.


I wonder how they're going to handle the end to this game. When Umbrella convinces the US government to launch a strategic nuclear stike on one of its own major cities, the series officially jumped the shark from schlockey B-horror zombie tropes to, "What the fuck are you doing videogame?"

Remember that after this we had transvestite Norman Bates-esque antagonists, Wesker with magic superpowers, saving the President's daughter like it was a Kurt Russel movie, and whatever the hell happened in 5 and 6.

Resident Evil really should have ended with 3. Still make the other games, but give them their own universe and plot lines.

RE7 seemed like it did this up to the end, which not coincidentally is when the story, end boss and ending became absurd.
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Jill's look is inconsistent. The beginning of the trailer uses a different model than the end of the trailer (this happened with Leon in the reveal trailer for RE2make), and the CG render of Jill for promotional images looks nothing like either ingame model. Thankfully, I think the model in this image is the one being used in the final game, and she looks great here.

Speaking of ingame Jill models, what happened to that leaked screenshot? That wasn't in the trailer.
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Shame about being outsourced, but it was to be expected and it still looks great. Always prefered this compared to RE2 because of it being more focused on action and being pursued by Nemesis. Female protagonists in RE have more intense scenarios. Curious to see how they handle it all.
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Shame about being outsourced, but it was to be expected and it still looks great. Always prefered this compared to RE2 because of it being more focused on action and being pursued by Nemesis. Curious to see how they handle it all.
It's being worked on by M-TWO, who consists of Platinum games and Capcom employees; plus, the RE2make team jumped on development a year ago after they completed that game. RE3 is in really good hands!
Shame about being outsourced, but it was to be expected and it still looks great. Always prefered this compared to RE2 because of it being more focused on action and being pursued by Nemesis. Female protagonists in RE have more intense scenarios. Curious to see how they handle it all.

Rather than working on both simultaneously, maybe it was outsourced partially so Capcom can finish RE2, but once that was finished Capcom reclaimed the project, and did the finishing touches on RE3? similarly to FF7R when it was outsourced to CC2, only to be polished by SE themselves.

Kev Kev

still gotta play RE2r but thsi looks great! RE3 was always my fav.

little more of a nemesis reveal would have been cool but i guess they savin that for another trailer. i was a little confused about whether or not it FPS or TPS but i saw a couple of those gameplay videos posted... but yeah the trailer is bit misleading with that lol

oh and jill looks fine, yall are a buncha babies about things changing i swear to god...


The beginning of the trailer had me excited with the first person view. Bummer that its only 3rd person.


Shame about being outsourced, but it was to be expected and it still looks great. Always prefered this compared to RE2 because of it being more focused on action and being pursued by Nemesis. Female protagonists in RE have more intense scenarios. Curious to see how they handle it all.

Seems to be quite an interesting company, by Tatsuya Minami.

Capcom has just issued an official Press Release

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) today announced that Resident Evil 3 for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X, and PC is scheduled for release on April 3, 2020.

The Resident Evil franchise features survival horror games in which players utilize a variety of weapons and other items to escape terrifying situations. Cumulative sales of the games in the series now total 94 million units* since the first title debuted in 1996. More than 20 years later, continuous support from the passionate fan base across the globe makes it Capcom's flagship game series.

The new Resident Evil 3 is a remake of the 1999 release of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, which went on to sell a cumulative 3.5 million units. The new game incorporates fresh ideas and utilizes the latest technology, leveraging Capcom's proprietary RE Engine. Further, the title is planned to also include Resident Evil Resistance, an asymmetrical online title unveiled under the working title of "Project Resistance" at Tokyo Game Show 2019, giving players a chance to immerse themselves in two unique survival horror experiences that are complimentary.

The Resident Evil series has garnered high praise from both fans and the media internationally, with Resident Evil 2, a remake released in January of this year, achieving more than 5 million units in sales* and being honored with Ultimate Game of the Year in the U.K. Golden Joystick Awards 2019—the highest prize awarded to games released in the current year.

Capcom remains firmly committed to satisfying the expectations of all stakeholders by leveraging its industry-leading game development capabilities in order to create highly entertaining gameplay experiences.

*As of December 4, 2019
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Ok I'll buy it at launch if it includes resistance. I was interested before in it but no way I wasn't going to buy a stand alone online co OP game.

I'm usually disappointed in them and if I wait till price drops there usually aren't many still playing it. But if I get re3 also then it makes it an easier pill to swallow.

Looking forward to it. I never finished 3 originally for some reason. Just never took to me at the time.


You need new glasses, cause you're blind.

LOL... you guys do realise that Jills likeness here is CLEARLY inspired by Milla Jovovich, right ?

I mean, especially with THIS Image its not even vague… at first I really thought they mocapped Milla, reprising her role for this.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
LOL... you guys do realise that Jills likeness here is CLEARLY inspired by Milla Jovovich, right ?

I mean, especially with THIS Image its not even vague… at first I really thought they mocapped Milla, reprising her role for this.

I thought that EXACT same thing with that pic, its uncanny even. I don't think it's supposed to be her, but damn if that isn't a lookalike.


Day one for sure. Unfortunately I am not a big fan of how Jills faces looks like now, but I like the new Carlos

Finally I can get my skull crushed by Nemesis again <3


LOL... you guys do realise that Jills likeness here is CLEARLY inspired by Milla Jovovich, right ?

I mean, especially with THIS Image its not even vague… at first I really thought they mocapped Milla, reprising her role for this.
Milla Jovovich didn't play Jill. Though I do see what you mean, just like for RE2 they'd have used a real face model for the character. So any resemblance would be coincidental.

Airbus Jr

Looks good. I'm not so much a fan of her redesign though as it looks less inspired, It lack the unique silhouette of the original tube top & skirt.
She looks like she walked off the set of Uncharted/Tomb Raider

This new Jill look like Alice ( Milla Jovovic)

Not a fan of this new design but i can live with it
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Re-watching the RE3 trailer...

I'm seeing an awful lot of rpd, sewers and I think umbrella labs early in the tailer. I think REsistence is just going to retrace those areas?

Thank God later parts of the RE3 trailer showed the tram car, streets and maybe a bit of the park etc. Classic costumes look good on a first glance, not incorrect like Claire's RE2 one is. It should have looked more like this pc mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil22019/mods/8?tab=images
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