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Resident Evil 4: Chainsaw Demo will be available today for download (No Time Limit)

I really hope they patch the image quality. Probably has the worst IQ of any RE Engine game I have seen. Resident Evil 8 looks so much better. They are doing something really odd with their scaling tech. Looks worse than Dead Space in performance mode and that is below 1080p internally. This is apparently much higher.
I think its racist when you have a game/movie set in country and the majority of the characters are not of the majority race of that country. Basically everthing coming out of Europe now.


I think its racist when you have a game/movie set in country and the majority of the characters are not of the majority race of that country. Basically everthing coming out of Europe now.
This. Every fucking show has the same races, no matter if it's based in medieval england or scandinavia.
Now if Resident Evil 5, while being set in Africa was full of Chinese people, then I would consider that racist because it would make absolutely no sense so there must be an ulterior motive.
I'm not defensive I just don't have sympathy for people complaining about not being able to shoot through a door. There are strategies in the Remake that you can't do in the OG. Off the top of my head luring enemies into their own bear traps, lighting the cow on fire and shooting it into the crowd, shooting an enemy at the top of the stairs so that they roll down and knock others in their path, the parry system, and more. So if people are whining they can't shoot through a door, it comes off as nitpicky to me.

Don't worry, we typically don't, or at least not nearly to the same extent as Era.

Not to mention extremely hypocritical. Imagine adding ten things and taking away one, and yet some people claim they're left with less.


We’ll see when the full game is out how much is cut or not. According to a leak of mission objectives in the game it seems like at mimimum
U3 is cut

I’m fine with taking some cuts along with some additions to an extent, but I reserve the right to be skeptical. RE2R had decent give and take, but would’ve been even better if it had the same detail of differences the original had in terms of the A and B scenarios. RE4 is a top 5 GOAT for me, so I’m going to be critical of the remake while still probably enjoying it.
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Gold Member
I have a youtuber friend (cant mention the name) who has the game already and is saying that the final release controls much better, almost night and day difference compared to the demo

Aiming feels much more smooth as well as the deadzone, he is playing it on ps5

PS5 version? If so, did your friend mention if they fixed the image so it doesn't look like vaseline was smeared all over it?

Airbus Jr

I think its racist when you have a game/movie set in country and the majority of the characters are not of the majority race of that country. Basically everthing coming out of Europe now.
How is this RE4 racist? Leon is the staples resident evil protag

Do we have to pull that stereotype everytime here ( every protagonist have to come from the same location)

Oh neo member

Hi my dear resetera friends
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How is this RE4 racist? Leon is the staples resident evil protag

Do we have to pull that stereotype everytime here ( every protagonist have to come from the same location)

Oh neo member

Hi my dear resetera friends
I think you completely misread the post.

He's saying that a show based on a particular region should have a cast primarily of that region's ethnicity.

The racist bits are about the bullshit people used to claim about RE5, not RE4.

Airbus Jr

I think you completely misread the post.

He's saying that a show based on a particular region should have a cast primarily of that region's ethnicity.

The racist bits are about the bullshit people used to claim about RE5, not RE4.
Leon are there to combat bioterorism and sent there to rescue the president of united states daughter

Same as Chris Redfield with bsaa as global organization can go wherever he needs to be

Ada Wong too been everywhere around the world

What is this forced cultural apropriation that we must have the same protagonist from the same races from the location settings

That dude turning this convo into another resetera with his race baiting debate
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Gold Member
I only played the demo once. I can’t remember, but does Leon make the same terrible noises he does in RE2 remake? His gurgling and grunts while running are so annoying, and sometimes sounds like zombie noises.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I have unlocked the mode. Also already have the TMP but no infinite ammo. Why ?
Tmp with unlimited ammo is impossible unless you mod it on pc


Tears in the rain
I really hope they patch the image quality. Probably has the worst IQ of any RE Engine game I have seen. Resident Evil 8 looks so much better. They are doing something really odd with their scaling tech. Looks worse than Dead Space in performance mode and that is below 1080p internally. This is apparently much higher.
As someone with only a FAT PS4 still...I have to agree. I am replaying RE8 right now and it looks a lot better than the RE4 demo. You really know they were stretching thin to fit in PS4 on that one. The really slow loading textures, that sometimes never actualize are some Gamecube shit lol.

Meanwhile RE8 on a phat 4 is....damn solid and never looks bad.

Didn't stop me from pre-ordering the Digital Deluxe Edition though lol.


what about controls? fine on xbox after all ?

unplayable... it can't be be said enough how fucking awful this game plays on Xbox.

it's already the worst 3rd person RE game in terms of controls even on PC with a mouse or on PS5 with a smaller deadzone... but on Xbox? holy shit man...

after retrying the other remakes and the original RE4 it is shocking to me how this one turned out.
leon controls like ass, his animations give zero satisfying visual feedback to your input, the movement is based on his actual animation steps which makes movement feel stilted and uneven...

REmake 2 and REmake 3 play so much better, smoother, more precise and have better visual feedback
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Lol dont ask me. Im that insane mofo who games with motion smoothing on. Its fine enough for me.

that's actually disgusting.

and people wonder why I say most people on these forums are casuals.

disgusted the fox and the hound GIF


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
that's actually disgusting.

and people wonder why I say most people on these forums are casuals.

disgusted the fox and the hound GIF
I’m glad this forum has people like you to help identify these types of issues with a level of nuance, and I don’t have always do it myself. I honestly feel like I’m taking crazy pills with the majority of impressions on this forum regarding controls (dead zone, input lag, acceleration curves) and game mechanics. Appreciate your work, brother.
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I’m glad this forum has people like you to help identify these types of issues with a level of nuance, and I don’t have always do it myself. I honestly feel like I’m taking crazy pills with the majority of impressions on this forum regarding controls (dead zone, input lag, acceleration curves) and game mechanics. Appreciate your work, brother.



I've warmed to the demo with a few more replays.

The new opening is great and the pacing feels a bit more logical than the original (apart from the ToD going from middle of the night to daylight in the span of 10 minutes). The game is leaning into the horror more which is welcome. I was also happy that the game knows what it should keep the same and what needs updated. The path to the village is I think a definite improvement, much more visually interesting and rustic, while the iconic village layout is almost 1:1 with the original. As a remake of the scenario and setting, Capcom have done a phenomenal job.

What I was unsure about was the gameplay, and I think I am still not 100% sold on it. It doesn't feel nearly as tight as the original game, in part due to the speed of the animations winding up, the slight deadzone in the aiming (noticeable even on PS5), and also how the Ganados are more unpredictable. The last point of course can be considered a positive, but it does change the flow of the game considerably. Old crowd control tactics can no longer be relied upon, because Ganados will just surround you and/or charge you with pitchforks if you stay still for too long. I had a great moment where one grabbed me from behind and while I was struggling to break free, Dr. Salvador chainsawed me through the stomach.

As a series vet, this is refreshing and helps set the remake apart from the original. However, I feel that the remake's movement does not prepare you well enough for that increased enemy aggression. There is something missing to make it fully work. To me, it's like there should be some sort of dodge mechanic like in Alan Wake, which would let you scoot out the way of an attack at the last minute. You can just move out the way, sure, but then you're contending with Leon's sluggishness.

I wouldn't ask for slow-motion like in Alan Wake, but just a reliable one button solution to dash out the way of imminent danger. When the game character and the controls cannot keep up with what I want to do fast enough, there is an issue. In the original, it's not like Leon was amazingly agile, but everything like player speed, enemy speed, level of aggression etc were all perfectly tuned to create an almost dance-like flow to the encounters, which is now harder to replicate in the remake. I think a dodge mechanic would go a long way to bringing back that flow. Right now the game feels a bit stiff and more difficult to string the action together into a pseudo-combo, making it feel slightly disjointed from a design point of view.

Enemies also seem a bit more bullet spongy and difficult to get them into a staggered state so you can melee them. You can fire a few shots at them and get little reaction. Likely by design, but again something to consider when comparing that flow of the original to the remake. I've also yet to see what happens when the knife fully depletes, and by extension of that, what happens when you completely run out of ammo and knife. Does the game become essentially unplayable at that point? Because the original never did and knife-only runs were possible.

It's a tough question to decide what actions should affect knife durability. Blocking Dr. Salvador's chainsaw or parrying certainly should, but then what should happen at 0%? Should it break and become unusable? I'd say it should get weaker like a blunt knife should, but should still be useful enough for melee attacks, and should always be able to be used for killing downed enemies or stealth kills (a nice addition btw to ease you into that village part).

I need to spend more time with the game to explore the nuances of its mechanics. Right now it is a solid game, but I think it does not supplant the original design. It just feels like a new take with its mechanics rooted in the previous RE2 and RE3 remakes they did. That's good enough for me to buy it of course, but the demo has definitely made my expectations for the full game more realistic.
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The new opening is great and the pacing feels a bit more logical than the original (apart from the ToD going from middle of the night to daylight in the span of 10 minutes).
I leave for work in an hour where it's just about to dawn. The time needed for the transition can be about 15 minutes, especially if they're no clouds. It isn't unfeasible, especially if you take into the account the weak light that illuminates the countryside as Leon heads out of to go to the first house is the sun which slowly begins to illuminate the area.

Of course, the darkness in the beginning is more suited for a moonlight illumination rather than an incoming sunrise but I'll allow it.

They did the same thing with RE8. Ethan gets out of the jeep about 20 minutes before dawn.

Same goes for sunset. Once the sun almost disappears, it only takes 10-15 minutes for the sky to turn almost completely dark.


We found the virgin, boys.

we found another casual pleb boys!

imagine going on a audiophile forum and telling people you listen to music on a 30€ bluetooth speaker.

that's basically what he did here, so imma joke about it ;)
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Gold Member
For what is worth, i tried the demo on pc with a sex controller and the aim was perfect, i nailed headshots very easily.

K' Dash

Gold Member
Less time thinking about finding virgin boys you might notice motionflow is indeed disgusting. But hey, enjoy your kink.

I don’t use it, I don’t give a fuck if someone use it. Calling people out, shaming them because they’re not obese virgins dedicating their life to raging about a 2fps difference, badly implemented HDR ( like most games) or not enough Ps, is pretty pathetic.


Gold Member
If there is one thing I just don’t care for with the adaptive triggers are the noises they make. I booted up the demo and every time I let go of the L2 trigger, you can hear the gears resetting.


Moderated wildly
I just replayed it too. Thought it was going to be a weekend game, but I completed it between 6 - 11pm last night. I remember it being very short. Like, unacceptably short. But goddamn it's amazing how Capcom got away with that.

agree lol, can do it in a sitting easy peasy!


just copying my quote from another thread into here.

for 8bitdo owners on xbox

a tiny fix for people that have the right equipment.

if you have an 8bitdo Ultimate for Xbox, download the configuration app, make a profile slot and check the box that turns off deadzones on the controller completely (which you should do regardless btw if you have that controller)

if you do that it seems the controller not only turns off deadzones but also sets a small negative deadzone.
that's what it feels like it to me at least.

so with the 8bitdo Ultimate and the deadzone off setting the game feels a little bit better to play.

I just was able to actually finish the demo without the urge to throw my console out the window.
so that's at least something.

don't go out an buy an 8bitdo just for that tho, it's a small improvement like I said, but not worth getting that controller for, especially since I had issues with it in other games that weren't there with the original controller.

the Xbox version ends up feeling roughly like the PC version on an Xbox controller if you use this setup. which is still much worse than PS5 mind you.


I don't think most people know about deadzones or curves like that lol.

If he's playing the demo and full game back and forth and saying the full game feels better to control, that definitely means there's some changes there. Maybe they got data from playtesters or their internal QA flagged it, or maybe DF gave them some 'tips' like you said.

In any case, it's a welcome news.

it means something has changed for sure, but if this dude is a casual player, then it could actually mean for someone like me it actually got worse.

because there's a relatively high number of players out there that basically use the right analog stick like an arcade stick, as in they just slam that thing right to the edge each time they move the camera/aim.

these kind of players are the reason Aim Acceleration exists. Aim Acceleration is like a pair of training wheels on a bike for kids, it's a safety net for people who aren't good with aiming on a stick. but it ultimately, just like trainig wheels on a bike, will get in the way if you actually know how to do it correctly, and slow you down immensely while also making the whole procedure feel bad.

so if this guy is someone like that, someone who just goes 0% stick movement or 100% and nothing in between, maybe even letting go of the stick while aiming each time he wants to center it... then his opinion on this matter is sadly useless.

improving the controls for that type of player doesn't mean it improved controls for the people that actually use the 99% of the stick that this type of player ignores.

him using super vague terms doesn't give me confidence in his opinion is all I'm saying

If he's a person writing in a videogame forum and he has access to the final version of the game, he is not a "casual".

so it's now finally 100% confirmed, the guy on REEE was absolutely talking out of his ass btw.

which I INSTANTLY saw coming since he used casual pleb terms...

this is why you can never trust anyone talking about controls onine without hard evidence
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