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Resident Evil 7 Spoiler Thread


Lol this was exactly what I was picturing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This sounds amazing. Hoping this ends up being the case.

At the very least, the soundtrack hints at this:



Add to that the leak from months ago that said Chris was in RE7 and there was a BOW in RE7 bigger than anything the series had ever seen, which also got some other points correct, and it's not too far-fetched a theory, but we shall see when we see.

It also might explain why the Molded go into walls and why the plants on the plantation are infected, they're literally seeping out of this monster.


I love Pokken!
Eh, i don't mind the magic liquid limb restorer thing so much, specially in a series that has herbs than can cure anything, magic item boxes, a teleporting Merchant, a virus that can make you turn into a T-Rex, etc.

I do wonder if there is some sort of limb mechanic, the footage shows Jack cutting out Ethan's feet and there is a screenshot of him without one of his hands.


At the very least, the soundtrack hints at this:



Add to that the leak from months ago that said Chris was in RE7 and there was a BOW in RE7 bigger than anything the series had ever seen, which also got some other points correct, and it's not too far-fetched a theory, but we shall see when we see.

It also might explain why the Molded go into walls and why the plants on the plantation are infected, they're literally seeping out of this monster.

There's certainly a lot of weight to back-up it up. I'm looking forward to seeing it for myself if it's in the game.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Eh, i don't mind the magic liquid limb restorer thing so much, specially in a series that has herbs than can cure anything, magic item boxes, a teleporting Merchant, a virus that can make you turn into a T-Rex, etc.

I do wonder if there is some sort of limb mechanic, the footage shows Jack cut out Ethan's feet and there is a screenshot of him without one of his hands.

Ethan losing his hand early in I'm pretty sure is a story moment, but who knows maybe it's also an introduction to this idea. Someone who played the 3-5 hour demo commented in the gameplay video topic no one he knew who played the game lost their limb at all while they played RE7, but he lost a limb, but not at that section of the game, but a much latter segment, but no one else did. So at the very least it sounds like it's a rare and completely missable condition, but no clarity if it only can happen at specific moments or it's a rare thing the stalkers may do. At the very least we know it can happen at two different points in RE7.

There's certainly a lot of weight to back-up it up. I'm looking forward to seeing it for myself if it's in the game.

I am too, though it'd be kind of dumb it'd also be an amazing RE twist thing, "The whole Plantation is a GIANT B.O.W.!!"

That footage was unimpressive. Still waiting for better spoilers.

When more people play it there will be, but will back out before then. Keep in mind the segment is from the very first stalker encounter, even before you get your first weapon (a knife). I don't know a lot about many of the sections of the game (and that's how I prefer it), but this section had been detailed a lot, and after he crawled through the floorboards he would eventually meet a police officer which gives him his first weapon, the knife.


yeah magical liquid that fixes severed limbs.

That is the most RE thing I've ever seen, in the level of how dumb it is.

I honestly hope this is basically just classic RE in first person, I'd be okay with that. The demo gave me heavy RE1 vibes.
Haha, yeah kinda. Nothing I've played or seen about RE7 feels or looks like RE (IMO) Well, until now. That is the first thing about RE7 that gave me genuine RE vibes. I'm still iffy about the game of course, but that shit's so stupid that I can't help but to like it.
I'm not sure I really believe Chris dies, but I don't think if he did it's not going to be anything like Jack shows up out of nowhere and gets a cheap shot.

In the soundtrack, the final boss's music theme is titled, "Daidara-bocchi".

A Daidara-bocchi is a Japanese Demon which is mistaken for a mountain or a mass of land. It stays dormant for centuries and people build homes, live on it, think it's just a mass of land, until one day it awakens and stands up from the ground and reveals it was actually a demon all along, one bigger than mountains even.

From a really old leak there was a mention of BOW in RE7 that was bigger than any other monster in the series to date. I actually think a twist in RE7 is that the Baker Plantation isn't hiding a secret within it, the whole goddamn plantation is actually a giant B.O.W., the whole place is nested on-top of a giant monster.

But we shall certainly see if that pans out. But from a leak from ages ago that even revealed Chris supposedly in the first place, it mentioned there was a monster in RE7 that was bigger than anything else the series had seen so far. And with the final boss theme on the soundtrack being named Daidara-bocchi, a Japanese Demon who's head is mistaken for a mountain and then reveals it's actually a demon even to people living on-top of it, it does paint quite a colorful possibility.

This sounds pretty cool so I'm excited to see how this turns out. Thanks for sharing that.


Hmmm just from my friends list I can see my buddy is out the house and in the wrecked ship now. He started playing last night.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Any details about how/why the virus is in a backwater location? Was really glad to see them taking a central location approach instead of globe trotting.


I'm glad that Wesker is not in the game as it makes me hopeful that the game's tone won't suddenly change to a cheesy anime action.

I just skimmed through most of the spoilers but, I hope that the LSD ending from the demo is indicative of some unreliable narrator story elements.


I guess this is out on the east coast. I was surprised to see someone in my friends list playing but then they always get games a week or 2 early. Lol

Some dude on a FB group I'm in is in NYC and has Yakuza 0. Fuck these people with access to shops that will sell these games early.

Not really, I'm just jealous. :(


So speculation time but it seems both Ethan and Mia are infected by the virus? It would prevent people from dying under certain circumstances. Seems the only way you could put your limbs back on and why he thought Mia was dead. It also seems the Bakers groom people to be their next family member. Like they had Andre at the dinner too from those artworks but he wasn't probably good enough.
No it won't be available until launch.

You can actually force the trophy list for unreleased games.

If you go into "Notifications" and highlight a trophy for a unreleased game you then get an error message.

If you press "Back" you then get a option to view the trophy list in a offline state, and from there it is fully viewable.

It requires you've gotten a trophy for said game, but it's possible to force access to it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So some people are streaming the full Resident Evil 7 game right now. Just know that it's happening, I also am going to duck out of the spoiler thread now until I've played.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
If Chris is in the game I might actually get it.


Seems like magic healing liquid is just magic and works before anything is done to Ethan.

With the molded being plant type things, and there being a green house in the game. Im sure the liquid stuff is something pertaining to margarette or the entire house in general.


This game reminds me more of Condemned then the comparisons to Outlast and Amnesia rofl.

Condemned was such a great game.
So far:

Clancy is
. His name is on one of the first notes.

EE01 is the
old woman.

Mia is infected. She is the
first enemy you fight, and goes between infected and normal, acting possessed.

Beginning Hour house is in and expanded. Save room upstairs. Animations on appliances are the same, as is the locked drawer. Items are mixed around.

Axe is your first weapon. Handgun soon after.

cuts your hand off. With a chainsaw.

Tagging due to the early and
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