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Robot used to kill Dallas shooter had a pound of C4 in its arm

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Rapid Response Threadmaker

Chief Brown says the robot was used in the building where Johnson was still sniping, intent on continuing to kill.

They'd had the robot for a long while. The Remotec Androx Mark V A-1, manufactured by Northrup Grumman, was purchased by the department in 2008. The robot, which cost $151,000, sustained minor damage to the extension arm and is still functional, the chief says.

Chief Brown says his officers were up against a military trained suspect holed up on the second floor of El Centro Community College building in downtown Dallas.
Eventually the robot was maneuvered behind a "brick wall" with the suspect on the other side, the chief says. The robot was carrying the one pound payload, ready to be detonated.

"A pound of C-4 runs about 20 dollars," if bought in bulk, explosive expert Matt Barnett of Bonetti Explosives told CNN.

Barnett is not in law enforcement, but he's licensed to dispose of unexploded ordinances and has been working with explosive materials since he was a child out in West Texas. He agreed to demonstrate what a pound of C-4 can do when detonated against a wall.

Makes sense. There was no fucking way the explosive usually used on the Bomb Defusal Robots would have enough of an explosive result.

So it was placed on the other side of the wall from where the shooter was situated. Since it was an enclosed area the pressured force would just eviscerate the body.


Can you imagine the last thing you see being a robot carrying a pound of C4 coming at you. I'd like to think I would go out laughing at the absurdity of the situation.


Old Member
Can you imagine the last thing you see being a robot carrying a pound of C4 coming at you. I'd like to think I would go out laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

I'd immediately feel like I had somehow ended up in a Battlefield game and a fucking 14 year old was laughing his ass off on the other end.


Seek victory, not fairness
Exploding behind a wall answers the question of how it managed to sneak up on him.

Hmph, reusable too. Quite efficient.

Can you imagine the last thing you see being a robot carrying a pound of C4 coming at you. I'd like to think I would go out laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

"Oh hey it's Johnny Fi-" *boom*


01000001 01101100 01101100 01100001 01101000 00100000 01000001 01101011 01100010 01100001 01110010 00100001


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
The Houston Chronicle posted on Facebook this morning that photos of the body have been leaked, but I wasn't interested in clicking the link.


Old Member
The Houston Chronicle posted on Facebook this morning that photos of the body have been leaked, but I wasn't interested in clicking the link.

Yeah, they're out there. About what you'd expect if someone was behind a wall that got blown up.
Can you imagine the last thing you see being a robot carrying a pound of C4 coming at you. I'd like to think I would go out laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

Sounds like he never saw it coming if they detonated the explosive on the other side of a wall.
Can you imagine the last thing you see being a robot carrying a pound of C4 coming at you. I'd like to think I would go out laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

I think laughter would be the farthest thing from my mind if a robot with a bomb started coming at me.


Sounds like they intended on using it as a mega flash bang? Take out a wall and hope it incapacitated the suspect?

Someone didn't do the physics on the kind of pressure wave C4 outs out.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Sounds like they intended on using it as a mega flash bang? Take out a wall and hope it incapacitated the suspect?

Someone didn't do the physics on the kind of pressure wave C4 outs out.
I think they intended to kill him. While a pound isn't a great deal of C4, they had to know it would cause hundreds of pieces of brick to fly at him at bullet speeds.
I think they intended to kill him. While a pound isn't a great deal of C4, they had to know it would cause hundreds of pieces of brick to fly at him at bullet speeds.

less the bricks and more the concussive wave. In a rather enclosed space like a parking garage, the force of the wave would do crazy damage to a soft body, even at a seemingly large distance.
Going to be interesting now when people in crisis situations won't trust the remote-controlled drones to deliver things anymore and demand people to do it instead.


Takes a drone to kill a soldier, what a world. RIP cops

Going to be interesting now when people in crisis situations won't trust the remote-controlled drones to deliver things anymore and demand people to do it instead.

If a cop-killer or whatnot doesn't have a hostage then they're fucked regardless. Police wouldn't risk C4 methinks.


Every Robocop will have pounds of C4 in every limb and will detonate upon termination to hide their hard drives that recorded everything they saw, so no one has to see the sinister acts they had to commit.

...Except one that will tell it all...Tonight on 60 Minutes.


I hope this leads to the development of non lethal police robots that can detain suspects with a net gun, gas, or foam or tazer or something.


time to take my meds
At first i was okay with it. But after giving it some days to marinate. Im more worried of the future implications.

Call me crazy, but i think this has the potential for future use of robot/drone methods to take people out. Not only that but criminals usually adapt. When criminals start using drones/robots of their own, shits fucked.

Leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it.


At first i was okay with it. But after giving it some days to marinate. Im more worried of the future implications.

Call me crazy, but i think this has the potential for future use of robot/drone methods to take people out. Not only that but criminals usually adapt. When criminals start using drones/robots of their own, shits fucked.

Leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it.

it was only a matter of time before "drones" were used inside the US.

and criminals, or better yet terrorist, already have. in the San Bernardino attacks the terrorist apparently tried to use a RC car with explosives.
At first i was okay with it. But after giving it some days to marinate. Im more worried of the future implications.

Call me crazy, but i think this has the potential for future use of robot/drone methods to take people out. Not only that but criminals usually adapt. When criminals start using drones/robots of their own, shits fucked.

Leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it.
Yup. Everything in America starts off as a special exception. Until it's "why risk human lives when we have the robot". 20 years from now we'll have folks on GAF saying why be afraid of bomb drones if you aren't breaking the curfew.

Juicy Bob

I just have to wonder what it's like to be the person in control of that bot and be driving it knowing that when you reach the suspect and press a certain button, you are killing another human being.


At first i was okay with it. But after giving it some days to marinate. Im more worried of the future implications.

Call me crazy, but i think this has the potential for future use of robot/drone methods to take people out. Not only that but criminals usually adapt. When criminals start using drones/robots of their own, shits fucked.

Leaves a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it.
I've been wondering how that's handled when the president is in public. Shooting down a flying drone would be pretty risky. What they need is some kind of signal scrambler.
I just have to wonder what it's like to be the person in control of that bot and be driving it knowing that when you reach the suspect and press a certain button, you are killing another human being.

probably not that different from pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger


Now that we know there are cop-killers out there and this is an effective means to remove an active shooter (which happens all the time these days) the arms race just ratcheted up. There is nothing about this that sits well with me.
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