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Rumor: A digital only Xbox One might be in Microsoft's 2016 plans.


There was a similar rumor around E3, I believe.
I doubt that it will happen.

But if it does, I'd certainly consider that as a secondary console. For no more than €150, I'd get it for EA Access and an occasional exclusive if any happen to appeal to me


I have yet to get an XBOne, but priced right, this could be a good deal.

If it's the following:

- Priced at $199 comes with Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay and Halo:MCC
- User replaceable internal HDD (like the PS3 and PS4) comes with 500GB
- Remove HDMI-IN, and remove the TV features
- Comes with 3 Months of Xbox Live
- Provide an External BD-Rom using USB 3.0 and sell it for $99.99

And, I'll get it day one the XBOne-mini becomes available.


PSP Go jokes may fly, but I think it's a good idea. They need to make their console smaller and less indimidating. This is one way to do it.
The problem with psp go, was that it was more expensive and not all games were available digitally. It is was a train wreck before it even launched.


It could work out it had additional slots for memory and was sold well below the regular Xbox One price (like $150 range)

Most companies forget that for a customer to see this as a good deal you must make it convenient and less expensive option.

Microsoft will make more money on digital sales alone for a numerous amounts of factors, now hopefully they can focus on their own profits, and not try to force additional payments by only including 500gb hard drive that will easily fill up forcing a customer to pay another $100 for a 1TB hard drive then have to go through the process to install it.

It will be like if Playstation Vita had a digital only version with the only possible memory will be PSVITA memory cards. The extra expense destroys the entire point of the handheld and no one wins.


Thread title needs a change based on what that rumour is saying. Sounds like a Windows box, not a digital-only Xbox One.
True, but they shouldn`t name it Xbox then.

They used to call everything miltimedia "Xbox". Xbox Music, Xbox Videos etc.
Microsoft also have a history of using the name of one product to describe another, totally different one.


This thing had the "Windows Phone" label despite having nothing to do with then-unreleased Windows Phone or Windows Mobile.

So, I would be that surprised.


Not an XB1 then, but just an android/apple box with windows store.
Yeah, quote doesn't make sense at all and OP didn't bother to read it before making the topic. You get "Lightweight Xbox One" which suggests that it's a slimmed Xbox One, then you get "Windows Store" and "Apple TV competitor" which suggest something wholly different.


A device that plays only Windows Store apps/games makes some sense I guess. I mean, first party MS games are about to start appearing on there. KI, Gears, Fable, etc. Xbox and Windows Stores are about to get a little bit muddled, especially since these things are cross-buy too. So this Windows Store only box would certainly have a leg up on the AppleTV from a games perspective. At least in regards to games that people would actually want to play on a tv.


When they get the slim parts next year could be quite a tempting price, even for just small games and media streaming.

They don't want a cheap stick or tiny box eating into Xbox One.

I think consoles are the one of the rare device offerings that doesn't leave gaps outside of Apple services. Just needs to have all the apps and a good UI. 360 was way ahead last gen with it's collection of streaming apps. Microsoft need to be the get everything platform. That and great games, excellent offering.
Windos Store only not Xbox live?

This was my first thought too. How many games are showing up on the Windows Store at this point? Not very many comparative to the number that are currently coming out for the Xbox One would be my guess.

Now, if it's an "apple tv competitor" and doesn't actually the big Xbox One games, I think that makes more sense for it to be just Windows Store, but that's not a product that would be targeted at this audience. (Unless it also doubles as a console streaming solution like a PSTV.


This was my first thought too. How many games are showing up on the Windows Store at this point? Not very many comparative to the number that are currently coming out for the Xbox One would be my guess.

Now, if it's an "apple tv competitor" and doesn't actually the big Xbox One games, I think that makes more sense for it to be just Windows Store, but that's not a product that would be targeted at this audience. (Unless it also doubles as a console streaming solution like a PSTV.

Don't worry everybody, Cut The Rope will be free to play on it.


Sign me up, I haven't put a disc into my PS4 since launch and I have no plans to buy any physical media ever. This is a box for a person like me.

I don't see why so many people get so worked up and upset about this rumor. It's not like this a replacement, but an additional SKU.


Unless they can get cable companies to drop caps, this is pointless. ANd also come with a 2tb+ hard drive. Took me 2 days to download battlefront and that's getting 10mbs steady
I don't really see how it would save consumers that much money, while eliminating purchasing options. And I say that as someone who is all digital now.


If this is true, then it's also true that people from Microsoft want to kill X-Box.

It would be dead on arrival because all that tv, tv, tv, sports, sports, sports content isn't available outside USA so they wouldn't compete against Apple TV and similar. In any case, it would compete against Vita TV and Ouya, and would have a similar performance.

I call this rumor bullshit, doesn't make any sense.


Unless they can get cable companies to drop caps, this is pointless. ANd also come with a 2tb+ hard drive. Took me 2 days to download battlefront and that's getting 10mbs steady

The just buy the other SKU with an optical drive. Those that want digital only can get this. So what's the issue?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Based on what I understand from NPD ratios, the board's "digital or physical" thread, and European digital prices, I think this is a pretty niche product aimed squarely at this audience. I could see it being a nice boost for a month or two and the product would have a slightly higher margin overall. This is not a mass market product, but that's OK.
I'd get one, if it's cheaper and smaller. Good for a second room. Let me keep my EA Access and XBL Gold games in it.

I mean i'd still keep my disc drive machine for my game rentals, but I'd get one. Hell, give it 12 GB like that PS3 slim version to further reduce cost and let me get my own external drive.

Then sell me a separate disc drive attachment like that HD-DVD drive...goddammit MS.


Thread title needs a change based on what that rumour is saying. Sounds like a Windows box, not a digital-only Xbox One.

They're one in the same.

The Xbox team was moved onto the Windows team, which also includes hardware. Nadella said everything that team does, from games to hardware, is to grow Windows users and Windows Store revenue.

The Windows App store is also supposedly coming to Xbox One soon as part of the unified app push. We all know they're making cross-platform games now, too. I'm surprised so many don't realize that the Xbox One going forward is for all intents and purposes is Windows 10 for the TV.


I'm fine with a 100% digital console but it must have massive storage space included (Xbox One has some truly gigantic game file sizes) and I can't see it having that it so I find it hard to be interested by it even if it is cheaper.
Based on what I understand from NPD ratios, the board's "digital or physical" thread, and European digital prices, I think this is a pretty niche product aimed squarely at this audience. I could see it being a nice boost for a month or two and the product would have a slightly higher margin overall. This is not a mass market product, but that's OK.

Yeah, for now it would be a niche product for a niche market, which is fine. I don't think current-day MS is dumb enough to try and supplant the with-disc XBone with this.


Gold Member
The irony of PSPgo is that 99% of my Vita library is digital and I would suspect many are the same. Sony was just one step too ahead of the curve with the go.
MS's original Xbone plans fall onto a similar trap, in 2020 they'll be looked back upon as visionary, but in 2013 it was scary and seemed anti consumer.
They will still be viewed as anticonsumer because they were.

Parts were ok but most of it was bologna.


I always thought MS should align with Comcast and make a cable box that allows you to get games digitally. Put a big hard drive in - like a 3TB 3.5" drive and use it for games and DVR recordings. It seems so obvious to me, that I think they tried to do this and they couldn't come to an agreement on a way to do it where it was worth the effort for Comcast.
I always wanted retail console games to have serial keys like PC retail games do. Sure, it means you can't resell but it also means key selling on the internet can rise and I don't have to wait for discs to be delivered. It's how PC games got cheap.

A digital only Xbox One (not this Windows Store thing in the OP, but an actual Xbox One without a drive) would likely cause demand for these retail digital games and I would be quite happy.
The intel mini pc's are pretty much windows computers for less then £100, unless they can streamline the xbox one without losing power I can't see it happening.


Makes sense.

The Fire TV has sold tens of millions of units at this point and the new Apple TV will likely do the same eventually. While they're no threat to Xbox right now, I think you need a product that's in there competing to ensure you don't get disrupted over time.

I would buy it for my second TV if it's around $100 and lets me stream games from my main Xbox.
A smaller $199-$249 digital only model might do well. I would probably get it to replace my current Xbox One (all of my games this gen outside of Wii U are digital).

Would taking out a disc drive really lead to that much cost savings? Can't imagine the bluray drives costs them more than $15 given the millions they buy.

Edit: beaten


I always wanted retail console games to have serial keys like PC retail games do. Sure, it means you can't resell but it also means key selling on the internet can rise and I don't have to wait for discs to be delivered. It's how PC games got cheap.

A digital only Xbox One (not this Windows Store thing in the OP, but an actual Xbox One without a drive) would likely cause demand for these retail digital games and I would be quite happy.

That's okay if Microsoft actually allowed 3rd party key selling on mass but they are still the main shop front with just a trickle of retail keys but still in their controI so that still sucks. I would jump right in if they followed Valve and Steam key selling, not restricted to only Valve.
If this was a Windows 10 product that could play the entire Xbox one library then fuck yeah (not just the pc ports), you have a sale from me. But if it's just actually a disc drive less Xbox one or a glorified Windows surface tablet without the tablet part using Windows RT then I just don't see a this doing well like I said before.

For a disc less Xbox one they could keep it the same price, just up the gig size and include a year of Xbox live.


This would be a great way to do a standalone Windows Media Center machine, but they went and killed that............


I have yet to get an XBOne, but priced right, this could be a good deal.

If it's the following:

- Priced at $199 comes with Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay and Halo:MCC
- User replaceable internal HDD (like the PS3 and PS4) comes with 500GB
- Remove HDMI-IN, and remove the TV features
- Comes with 3 Months of Xbox Live
- Provide an External BD-Rom using USB 3.0 and sell it for $99.99

And, I'll get it day one the XBOne-mini becomes available.

This makes sense actually if it releases alongside regular models. Retailers will like it more as well since disk drive is a choice. Also MS would be wise to make Nintendo like cards with game codes available at retail as well.
I can't see them removing the disk drive. Even the original vision of the XB1 included it, because they didn't want to piss off their retail partners too much. The drive itself costs so little that the only reason to remove it is space reasons, and the XB1 is already so big that they could no doubt shrink it just by putting some bigger fans in the thing. I just cant see a driveless console showing up anytime soon, from anyone, because it really doesn't make any sense.


Would taking out a disc drive really lead to that much cost savings? Can't imagine the bluray drives costs them more than $15 given the millions they buy.

Edit: beaten

Would be hell of a lot smaller, like half size. Costs savings add up, materials, storage shipping, shop inventory, lessening of used game sales.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Day one if it will run all my XboxOne digital games. But if its low power W10 device which will only run stuff from Windows store then I am not sure if I want it.


This makes sense actually if it releases alongside regular models. Retailers will like it more as well since disk drive is a choice. Also MS would be wise to make Nintendo like cards with game codes available at retail as well.

I don't even think that'll happen but IF it does:

Meh, the BD drive wouldn't be any more than $50. Also, fine, remove the HDMI-In, but proper DVR functions need to be added. The drive won't be user replaceable, that'll just add cost; external HDD support resolves that anyway. And packing in THREE games? You'll get one and be happy with that, that'll be their thinking. And let's not even pretend they'll give you any more than a free month of Live.


Unless it comes with a 2TB hard drive at the least this thing is toast.

Why, it's no different than the current consoles bat require installs and started out with 500gb.

If a customer only had to pay $200 for a console instead, living with a smaller HD might be part of the trade off.


Damn. I would gladly buy one if it's smaller and sell my current one. I'm already digital only and have a 4TB external. Space isn't an issue.


They're one in the same.

The Xbox team was moved onto the Windows team, which also includes hardware. Nadella said everything that team does, from games to hardware, is to grow Windows users and Windows Store revenue.

The Windows App store is also supposedly coming to Xbox One soon as part of the unified app push. We all know they're making cross-platform games now, too. I'm surprised so many don't realize that the Xbox One going forward is for all intents and purposes is Windows 10 for the TV.

This is what people don't understand that the Xbox/PC/Mobile store are going to be One Store (PC/Mobile already is) under Windows 10. I think having a digital only XBO makes sense and it will run Windows Store apps (sure) but Windows Store apps are going to be XBO games as well...you just wouldn't have physical.

There's no reason to make a Apple TV/Roku competitor when all you have to do is bring down the price and size of an XBO and keep everything else.


Junior Member
Sounds like a Windows Store box if it won't actually play Xbox games. I'm not sure how useful that might be since it's probably not extremely difficult already to get something that qualifies as a Windows box.

I haven't tried it yet, but using Windows 10 apps is probably already a pretty good fit for a TV if you're using an Xbox controller or Xbox remote, no matter what Windows 10 is actually installed on. It's why Intel has that Compute Stick that literally just runs desktop Windows 10 on an HDMI stick. It's probably not that hard to buy or build a light HTPC and install Windows 10 on it.

To be honest I'm slightly surprised a digital-only PlayStation or Xbox model hasn't been done yet.


They're one in the same.

The Xbox team was moved onto the Windows team, which also includes hardware. Nadella said everything that team does, from games to hardware, is to grow Windows users and Windows Store revenue.

The Windows App store is also supposedly coming to Xbox One soon as part of the unified app push. We all know they're making cross-platform games now, too. I'm surprised so many don't realize that the Xbox One going forward is for all intents and purposes is Windows 10 for the TV.

That's all nice in theory. In practice they are distinctly different stores with very different requirements, albeit with simple porting.
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