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Rumor: Apple is currently discussing internally to re-enter the gaming console market


They should also sell chargers to go along with their phones. They don't really care about the environment, so the decision isn't to benefit the earth. Otherwise, user repairability would be a thing common thing with them.

Again, not exclusive to Apple. Samsung and Google also no longer ship their phones without wall charging adapters. Did Apple touch you anywhere inappropriate? You're fairly critical on things that apply to all companies in the same market as Apple.


You’re telling me that cheap labor, aluminum and glue got very expensive?
Tim Cook gets payed a fortune every month… yeah definitely inflation!

Very short sighted....There are many factors that go in to inflation, not just raw resources. A CEO's pocket is one of them. This also includes investors/shares-holders not wanting to see loses/reduced profit margins.
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Xbox is bringing back numbers for sure, hence their Series X and Series S naming. easy to follow these up with a Series X2 and Series S2 like phone manufacturers do
OR they go full on typical MS and call the next xbox 2030....Xbox GAMEPASS PUS Series P , Xbox 360 SE who knows... They do not even know how to name their consoles
Very short sighted....There are many factors that go in to inflation, not just raw resources. A CEO's pocket is one of them. This also includes investors/shares-holders not wanting to see loses/reduced profit margins.
I guess they will have to cut even more on cheap labour then. I have seen multiple articles about the real profit Apple makes from their products...They do not sell things without a huge profit margin.


I can "You pleb I got this iCons for 1199 getting half the specs and half the features"
I think it would be more like, you Xbox, PS fans are a disgrace to the planet supporting consoles made of plastic... Apple console doesn't even come with HDMI wire that is how environment friendly Apple is.


OR they go full on typical MS and call the next xbox 2030....Xbox GAMEPASS PUS Series P , Xbox 360 SE who knows... They do not even know how to name their consoles

nah, this new naming scheme is clearly designed to get them out of this random naming loop they were in before, where they didn't have any logical followup to go with...
like you can't name the successor of the Xbox 360 the Xbox 720, that would have been even worse than Xbox One xD just imagine all the 720p memes given the lack of GPU power it had

and after Xbox One they couldn't call it the Xbox Two, that would make zero sense...

their only way out was either to just say fuck it and call it the Xbox 4 (maybe Xbox 5 to catch up to Sony, and just count the One X as the 4th system) or to make a radical shift towards something they can easily add numbers to down the line
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nah, this new naming scheme is clearly designed to get them out of this random naming loop they were in before, where they didn't have any logical followup to go with...
like you can't name the successor of the Xbox 360 the Xbox 720, that would have been even worse than Xbox One xD just imagine all the 720p memes given the lack of GPU power it had
I still think they will name it something else and keep making it complicated.
Again, not exclusive to Apple. Samsung and Google also no longer ship their phones without wall charging adapters. Did Apple touch you anywhere inappropriate? You're fairly critical on things that apply to all companies in the same market as Apple.
First phone to cost over 1k retail was from Apple. Yes, everyone else followed. So everyone guilty, but Apple is to blame. And yes Apple touched me somewhere, as a consumer of technology. We just witnessed some interesting shit from Apple and why they support planned obsolescence and hate right to repair. If they won that suit, even myself, as a non Apple supporter would be affected. Fuck them.


they could go the Nintendo route and just use the "Xbox" part the way Nintendo uses their Nintendo brand name... and maybe go with the "Xbox SlipSpace" or whatever lol
Thank god we are not the marketing team thing to make MS choose a name, we would go crazy.


Gold Member

Hey apple
Benedict Cumberbatch Drinking GIF


First phone to cost over 1k retail was from Apple. Yes, everyone else followed. So everyone guilty, but Apple is to blame. And yes Apple touched me somewhere, as a consumer of technology. We just witnessed some interesting shit from Apple and why they support planned obsolescence and hate right to repair. If they won that suit, even myself, as a non Apple supporter would be affected. Fuck them.

No one is forcing you to buy a a phone that is over 1K. Primary use of phones today is phone calls & social media, no one needs the latest device to do either or. Cost off research and development isn't decreasing anytime soon either. And again, this isn't an Apple issue. This is an industry wide issue. People want new features, companies aren't going to remain stagnate. (Growing) Companies in general spend more to make more.




One of the green rats
Apple is already in the gaming space. It’s just a different user base that we are but the two markets get closer and closer together every year. One day it will be elden ring 7 on iOS and android along with everything else. MS and Sony know this. It’s the people nay saying in this thread who don’t want to face it.


OMG... it is... beautiful, we will get rich. Soon they will sing tales of how xbox CRZY was their fav system and we were behind it.

I can see the marketing before me already! "You'd be C̵̳̏R̶̩̀Z̵͈͛Y̴̻͘ to not get one!" or "Don't be C̵̳̏R̶̩̀Z̵͈͛Y̴̻͘! BUY ONE NOW!"
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No one is forcing you to buy a a phone that is over 1K. Primary use of phones today is phone calls & social media, no one needs the latest device to do either or. Cost off research and development isn't decreasing anytime soon either. And again, this isn't an Apple issue. This is an industry wide issue. People want new features, companies aren't going to remain stagnate. (Growing) Companies in general spend more to make more.


Yeah, but when your mid range Android phone has many more features, many more years earlier, what R&D are you paying for as a consumer? Look at it from a consumer POV vs defending a company you like. Sure their silicon are next level, but everything else is behind the curve. But anyways, right to repair and planned obsolescence are horrible from any respectable consumer.


Their new chips are undeniably impressive; id be interested to see what they could do, but apple as a company isnt what gaming needs.


I would love for Apple to enter the console market.

Their hardware is expensive but it is rather excellent. Their chips especially are incredible and their devices are always extremely well optimized. They also have a pretty good track record of supporting devices for a long time while also not afraid to release new, updated hardware frequently.


Please no! Can you imagine Apple fanboys waging console wars against xbox, playstation and Nintendo fans? It would be the first world war of gaming lol.
By the time such a console war would kick off, I think only Nintendo would be around making actual dedicated consoles.

Apple is also toying around with a hardware subscription service.

Remember when the WEF said you'll own nothing?....


By the time such a console war would kick off, I think only Nintendo would be around making actual dedicated consoles.

Apple is also toying around with a hardware subscription service.

Remember when the WEF said you'll own nothing?....
I’ve read about those rumors!

Between Sony making a console and selling it at a loss, people upgrading almost every year to a new iPhone and MS trying to beat Amazon and Netflix before they even start getting into gaming seriously ….. yeah the future does sound uncertain.


Why not. Create a dedicated apple controller that can work on everything. They’ve immediately got the biggest gaming ecosystem in the world from the word “Go” at that point. Would be interesting to see how that would all go down.
They don't need to create a dedicated controller when they have added support for the Dualsense & Xbox Series controllers + other controllers.
And Apple has already made their way into gaming.
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Hari Seldon

I wonder why. Console gaming, on the surface, seems super small potatoes compared to making cell phones. Maybe the appstore just isn't generating any money these days as it is filled with garbage and scams and "free" apps that don't generate anything for Apple, and iTunes is completely dead anymore as everyone has moved to sub-based music services.

Maybe if they cleaned up the appstore of all the garbage they could make money on gaming without directly competing with the console makers. It would be fucking fantastic if I could find actual good games on my phone without wading through pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of complete and utter shit. Googling is completely worthless because the iOS companies just buy all of the google search results, and iOS "reviews" are 100% payola. The appstore is a pile of shit from top to bottom.


Apple TV is competitively priced against premium streaming devices. Apple phones are competitively priced against premium Android phones.

I currently use Android, but I will make the switch if they offer something compelling. My daughter is all in on the Apple eco system and frankly her Apple TV is more compatible than both my Roku and Android TV's. I have been contemplating getting Apple Arcade lately for my single Apple device which is an iPad mini.
It’s more expensive than it used to be but Apple TV is still a neat little box. And for people having one; Don’t miss Fantasian! It’s basically old school Final Fantatsy. Just sign up for a month on Apple Arcade and play it. Highly recommended! 👍


Apple is fully capable of delivering a competing $399 or $499 box, they have done it with tons of products. They just need software support, which is really probably the only reason one doesn't exist already.

Not sure why people keep saying the box would be $999 and controllers $299, Apple isn't stupid, it would fail and they know it.
Certainly not the same kind of product as a MacBook pro or a desktop where the market will bear a higher price to a degree.
It's more of a mainstream iPad.


Why not. Create a dedicated apple controller that can work on everything. They’ve immediately got the biggest gaming ecosystem in the world from the word “Go” at that point. Would be interesting to see how that would all go down.
I don’t know what you mean.

Make their own controller, that will work on everything? So basically just make a universal third party peripheral?

I don’t get why they’d do that…
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