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RUMOR: Evil Within 2 / Psycho Break 2 in production


I think your definition of 'dudebro shooter' is off, while I can see the subjectivity of the phrase, TEW doesn't really have dudebro elements even later in the game when it gets more action focused for a couple chapters. "Dudebro" was originally coined for big dumb action shooting games and multiplayer shooters. Shooting in TEW has way too much high-stakes for failure and often precision to really fall into the "Dudebro" category, most casual gamers into shooting who played it would actually be pretty pissed off by TEW shooting because it's not dumbed down enough or easy to pull off. You have limited ammo and can't just shoot mindlessly, and even when you have ammo you can't shoot mindlessly due to high stakes and how enemies react to being shot. Even if you shoot an enemy in the head in TEW, this game has some of the most precise headshot systems I've seen since it only works if you shoot them squarely in the brain. Miss the shot and enemies will still keep coming at you.


^In fact, it's due to this system that TEW somewhat prevented headshots from being the end-all of its combat, because compared to almost any other shooter TEW has very hard to pull off headshots, enemies lurch around, change speeds, and shooting them in the head simply isn't good enough, you have to be precise or else you shoot off their jaw or a hole in side of their head or a hole in the middle of their face, etc. It often becomes worthwhile to shoot a limb to stun them so you can get a clearer shot at the head or to immobilize them.

Add to that most enemies can kill you pretty quickly in TEW for fucking up shots (many enemies are about as fast as you and punish you quickly if you're not be careful), many enemies you think you may have defeated may pretend to be dead to try to sneak attack you unless you use finite match resources, and there be a surprising amount of strategy you can put into the combat (from setting up traps, working with your environment, using matches at the perfect time to set enemies on fire, and other methods), and how you upgrade Sebastian, along with most enemies not shooting you back and there not being a cover system in the game.

IE, shooting gameplay =/= dudebro shooter, and behind the shoulder is a camera perspective, not all behind the shoulder shooting are dudebro. The stereotype was done by Gears of War, which had a behind-the-shoulder camera yes. But GOW didn't invent the camera angle, and it's been supplied in a variety of types of games, not all of which are 'dudebro'. Dudebro was coined for games that made shooting simplified for a more casual gaming audience with an easy to pull off bombastic action set-up. Not only is The Evil Within's combat not particularly easy, it also is very rarely bombastic in any way.

I agree, and the area you posted your faceless screenshot from, if tried on nightmare difficulty is the antithesis of dudebro shooting. If you don't know what you're doing in that area you'll be dead within 5 seconds flat.

I think most of the criticisms of this game come from people not trying the harder difficulties. It's a completely different experience.


the piano man
eventually we got used to it. but certain bosses/events are indeed cheap as hell.

Laura teleporting and instakilling you is complete bullshit in hindsight but it made the fight tense and exciting so...


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I think most of the criticisms of this game come from people not trying the harder difficulties. It's a completely different experience.

I don't think it's fair to question the validity of people's criticisms that played on normal. It's the default difficulty for a reason, that's how the developers intended the majority of people to experience the game.

And for what it's worth, I'm fairly decent at these types of games and found default difficulty pretty hard going at times.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I want to be able to pick up pipes, shovels, knives, wrenches, hammers, axes and bats to use for melee when ammo is low and not have them disappear after a single use. Use should see them degrade and know intrinsically how many more uses they have in them.
I don't think it's fair to question the validity of people's criticisms that played on normal. It's the default difficulty for a reason, that's how the developers intended the majority of people to experience the game.

And for what it's worth, I'm fairly decent at these types of games and found default difficulty pretty hard going at times.

The game was the hardest for me in the beginning 3-4 chapters when I'm still getting used to it and have little upgrades. Subsequent chapters the game feels the most like OG RE4 in terms of the level of difficulty imo- not too easy and not too hard.


eventually we got used to it. but certain bosses/events are indeed cheap as hell.

Laura teleporting and instakilling you is complete bullshit in hindsight but it made the fight tense and exciting so...

It is not like she does the attack instantly after teleport. You have plenty of time to react to it since the grab is rather slow.


Why they are using UE4 when they have such an awesome in house engine like Idtech 6?

DOOM is one of the best looking games out there, looking better than any UE4 game that I know of, and is smooth as hell to boot, why not choosing that engine?


I love Pokken!
Why they are using UE4 when they have such an awesome in house engine like Idtech 6?

DOOM is one of the best looking games out there, looking better than any UE4 game that I know of, and is smooth as hell to boot, why not choosing that engine?

UE4 is easier to work on i guess.


Why they are using UE4 when they have such an awesome in house engine like Idtech 6?

DOOM is one of the best looking games out there, looking better than any UE4 game that I know of, and is smooth as hell to boot, why not choosing that engine?

Timing, idtech 6 probably wasn't ready when the game started development. Eould have been nice if it is idtech6, they can probably get it to run at 60fps like the engine was design to unlike the first game since they don't need to do any hack job to get dynamic light support etc.


Timing, idtech 6 probably wasn't ready when the game started development. Eould have been nice if it is idtech6, they can probably get it to run at 60fps like the engine was design to unlike the first game since they don't need to do any hack job to get dynamic light support etc.

You are probably right, too bad since 60 fps was guaranteed and it could also look better than most games despite the smooth framerate, I really like DOOM's engine and I haven't been impressed with UE4 thus far.

At least it couldn't be worse than the original's engine...
Timing, idtech 6 probably wasn't ready when the game started development. Eould have been nice if it is idtech6, they can probably get it to run at 60fps like the engine was design to unlike the first game since they don't need to do any hack job to get dynamic light support etc.

I guess the main reason is that idtech documentation is only available in English while U4's documentation is available in Japanese. For a small Japanese development studio this is simply the better option.
Timing, idtech 6 probably wasn't ready when the game started development. Eould have been nice if it is idtech6, they can probably get it to run at 60fps like the engine was design to unlike the first game since they don't need to do any hack job to get dynamic light support etc.

That would have been cool, I did like the bespoke work they did with idtech 5, while the game is janky in places it feels technically impressive at the same time. Making it cross-gen must have been a nightmare for the devs too given how many assets aren't just simply shared between both versions like with MGSV.
I heard the first rumors of this sequel a month (?) ago and made myself go through the first game.

I was really hoping that was better than what everyone was saying...
I didn't like it! Game mechanics are messy and bloated; the storyline has some nice hooks but is delivered in such a cliché way that makes it boring as hell. I was really disappointed...

Here's hoping that the sequel is much better that the original.

Edit: It was also a technical shit show


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Edit: It was also a technical shit show

On PS4 without the day 1 patch it ran at a sub 20fps framerate. I was under the impression that it got a fair bit of post-release support though.


I couldn't get into this game due to the frame rate problems unfortunately. I wish it had a pro patch because some of the screenshots made it look stunning I would be up for a sequel that focused on refining the combat from re4.
I couldn't get into this game due to the frame rate problems unfortunately. I wish it had a pro patch because some of the screenshots made it look stunning I would be up for a sequel that focused on refining the combat from re4.

According to digital foundry the game delivers a stable 30fps when the pro's boost mode is enabled.

In case you have a modern gaming pc (gtx 970 class) you can run the game at 60fps.
I don't think it's fair to question the validity of people's criticisms that played on normal. It's the default difficulty for a reason, that's how the developers intended the majority of people to experience the game.

And for what it's worth, I'm fairly decent at these types of games and found default difficulty pretty hard going at times.

And you can't select a harder difficulty until you beat the game once. I think the normal difficulty is one of the best balanced I've played though. Like you said, it can provide a pretty solid challenge at times.
Might go back and give it a try then!

Yes you should. It is really a great game and unique japanese survival horror experience.

Even though most people disagree I would recommend to play with the letterbox as I feel this is how the game was supposed to be played (if you don't like it you can disable the letterbox in the options menu).


I think that people also sometimes neglect how damn good it looks.

Screenshots from my last playthrough, atmosphere is so thick that you can cut it with knife. I hope they maintain the same level of detail for the sequel.
I still go back through The Evil Within and get downright mad at how good that game looks for a multi-gen 2014 release. Sebastian's character model in particular still holds up as damn impressive even compared to some 2017 releases. These were all taken by me on PC, and I do not by any means have a beefy PC:



I honestly wished RE7 looked more like TEW. The Japanese style of trying to be realistically but not fully so is my favorite style. RE4-6, MGS, and TEW all share that sort of look


I don't think it's fair to question the validity of people's criticisms that played on normal. It's the default difficulty for a reason, that's how the developers intended the majority of people to experience the game.

And for what it's worth, I'm fairly decent at these types of games and found default difficulty pretty hard going at times.

I think the default difficulty isn't even that much easier, most of the harder sections have one hit kills where it doesn't even matter how much health you have.


I think that people also sometimes neglect how damn good it looks.

Screenshots from my last playthrough, atmosphere is so thick that you can cut it with knife. I hope they maintain the same level of detail for the sequel.

It wasn't technically impressive at all imo, it loked good because it had a great art style but the engine itself was weak.

I don't find Sebastian's model to be impressive at all.
I think that people also sometimes neglect how damn good it looks.

Screenshots from my last playthrough, atmosphere is so thick that you can cut it with knife. I hope they maintain the same level of detail for the sequel.

Maintain this level of detail with a bit more responsive controls and you have another dream survival horror game to play!

That box headed man's encounters were so scary, haaha loved the overall fear I got out of the game!
- And the camera
- And the gun combat
- And the leveling system
- And the Aiming
- And the god awful story and plot
- and the engine that was BUILT to run at a solid 60 FPS but was mauled to death by the devs for some reason to run terribly and at barely 30

Maybe stop sucking at video games.
Shit was buttery smooth on my R290 a couple months after release.

The story was bonkers but the gameplay more then made up for it.


I think that people also sometimes neglect how damn good it looks.

Screenshots from my last playthrough, atmosphere is so thick that you can cut it with knife. I hope they maintain the same level of detail for the sequel.

REmake art director (Naoki Kataki) the goat
Hope they make the sequel more coherent. The level spawning was tiresome and was (artistically) the cheapest way possible to connect the levels with each other. Show a bit more effort.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Maybe stop sucking at video games.
Shit was buttery smooth on my R290 a couple months after release.

The story was bonkers but the gameplay more then made up for it.

-There's legitimacy to some of their claims at the very least though. Firstly, when you are aiming at enemies and they're extremely close, bullets will pass right through them as if the gun is clipping through them.
-the amount of zoom that occurs when you aim is jarring initially and takes some time to acclimate to. I don't think it's the worst thing that the game does but the game essentially goes from being third person to first person when you aim.
-the game's performance is very questionable at times as well but hopefully those issues will be ironed out with this release
-I feel that the story is convoluted, I'm hoping myself that it will be streamlined in future play. I know some posters here have explained the story. Confusion regarding the story is a pretty common complaint amongst a lot of people that have played the game

They need to change some gameplay systems as well. If Sebastian is crouched behind cover and I pop out to shoot an enemy, why after completing the shot would he just stand there? Why wouldn't he return to cover?


Maybe stop sucking at video games.
Shit was buttery smooth on my R290 a couple months after release.

The story was bonkers but the gameplay more then made up for it.

The game launched on consoles as a technical mess that to me was borderline unplayable.

Im sorry that I played on a peasants console and not in the best conditions on a PC with much better control of the internal settings.

On Xbox and PS4 it was garbage. The letterboxing being default was also a large contributing factor actively inhibiting the game. It stuttered, the letter boxing and camera fought with eachother making aiming and close quarters combat practically useless and then there was the constant crashing, and locking up and then sometimes areas would just fail to load...or the geometry would just die and I'd be staring through walls or the cutscene would render only half of the time and I'm looking at josephs glasses floating in the air instead of the character model.

The game was trash on release and it took what...nearly more than a year to actually release patches on consoles?

TEW was a technical dumpster fire, not at all helped by it's disjointed narrative and clunky combat that has no place in a modern game really.


The game launched on consoles as a technical mess that to me was borderline unplayable.

Im sorry that I played on a peasants console and not in the best conditions on a PC with much better control of the internal settings.

On Xbox and PS4 it was garbage. The letterboxing being default was also a large contributing factor actively inhibiting the game. It stuttered, the letter boxing and camera fought with eachother making aiming and close quarters combat practically useless and then there was the constant crashing, and locking up and then sometimes areas would just fail to load...or the geometry would just die and I'd be staring through walls or the cutscene would render only half of the time and I'm looking at josephs glasses floating in the air instead of the character model.

The game was trash on release and it took what...nearly more than a year to actually release patches on consoles?

TEW was a technical dumpster fire, not at all helped by it's disjointed narrative and clunky combat that has no place in a modern game really.

Not sure what the conditions were on XONE and PS4 when it launched but it was totally playable on PS3. Letterboxing and the camera were totally fine and didn't harm the combat one bit as it was clearly balanced around them.

It also didn't take more than a year to release patches on consoles. Last patch was about half year of launch which was the one that removed letterboxing. Remember it getting other patches prior to that too.


I've tried playing this game multiple times, because a lot of it is so up my alley. I just can't get over the disjointed feel of the game, and the instakill stuff.

The village part in the beginning is amazing. Systemic survival horror with decent controls. Why did they have to fuck it up? Just make the entire game like that. The immersive sim elements were great, it would be fantastic if they just doubled down on that aspect.


What are peoples opinion on the dlc?

Worth playing?

I liked the The Assignment. It helps contextualize the main story, and I actually found it retroactively improved the original. There are some pretty neat moments in it.

It's far from perfect, and it does reuse a good amount of assets, but i'd say it's definitely worth checking out for cheap if you liked the original game.

Be warned though, as it's largely about avoidance, rather than combat, so don't go into it expecting a whole lot of shooting.

I never played the final expansion released after The Assignment, so can't comment on it. I just know it's not story based, which is why I wasn't in a rush to play it.
The game launched on consoles as a technical mess that to me was borderline unplayable.

Im sorry that I played on a peasants console and not in the best conditions on a PC with much better control of the internal settings.

On Xbox and PS4 it was garbage. The letterboxing being default was also a large contributing factor actively inhibiting the game. It stuttered, the letter boxing and camera fought with eachother making aiming and close quarters combat practically useless and then there was the constant crashing, and locking up and then sometimes areas would just fail to load...or the geometry would just die and I'd be staring through walls or the cutscene would render only half of the time and I'm looking at josephs glasses floating in the air instead of the character model.

The game was trash on release and it took what...nearly more than a year to actually release patches on consoles?

TEW was a technical dumpster fire, not at all helped by it's disjointed narrative and clunky combat that has no place in a modern game really.
On PS4 the beginning chapters had framer rate issues but the game never crashed or glitched out on me.
"The only way out is in." ???????????????????????????

That sound you just heard was me screaming. This already sounds like everything I wanted.
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