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Rumor: Ewan McGregor Signs on For Obi-Wan Kenobi Return


If it's a series then it could be good. I'm thinking a modern Kung Fu or something. I'm not a fan of the prequels (and at the time I don't think McGregor was either) but if they get the tone right it could be great. I hope whoever does it looks back to the old Kurosawa films.

The movies are dead for me. The Mandalorian looks the best thing to come out of Star Wars since 1983, so another series that can take its time to develop is preferable. Hopefully he will have nailed the British accent by the time filming starts.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
just so tired as fuck of A New Hope. why do we have to keep going back to Tatooine? jesus fucking christ come up with something new for once

The entire Star Wars film saga could take place in one solar system considering how few planets are prominently featured. Tatooine aka Jaku, Naboo, Croissant, Hoth, Dagobah, Endor....lol


just so tired as fuck of A New Hope. why do we have to keep going back to Tatooine? jesus fucking christ come up with something new for once

Were you not impressed with Tatooine 2 and Hoth 2? At least the prequels gave us the cool visuals of the underwater city of the Gungans, the clone water planet, the lava planet, a look at Coruscant and the Jedi archives, etc.


yeah, well... this already happened in Rebels.

I know my guess is it is set between the 14yrs gap between end of ROS & The Begging of Rebels, any excuse to reuse maul again & if you wanna see what happens to maul after the new obi wan show, please watch rebels.
If this was 5 years ago, I’d care. Now? I don’t know. Disney has made exactly one piece of Star Wars content I enjoyed (Rogue One.) Everything else has been such a massive disappointment. Between the bad writing, bad characters, and forced diversity, I don’t really want to see what Disney would do to Obi Wan. He’d probably end up in the supporting role of his own movie. He’d probably be some disillusioned hermit that would return to the light side via some new, super-important female character. Ugh. Whatever.


I just hope the casting of a cis, white, straight male doesn't alienate their hardcore purple haired, trans lesbian, merch buying fanbase.


I just hope the casting of a cis, white, straight male doesn't alienate their hardcore purple haired, trans lesbian, merch buying fanbase.

Was Obi ever seen with a woman (romantically) in any of the films he has appeared in? There’s no way Disney will allow him to be politaclly incorrect and be cis. No way in hell.


I'm not sure if anyone within Disney believes that. The Benioff and Weiss trilogy is scheduled to run through 2026. So does Rian's Trilogy being in 2028, nine years from now? Or will Star Wars need another three-year hiatus first? Even Disney can't predict what demand there'll be for a 5th trilogy almost a decade or more from now.

It's a real relief to know I'll be 50 before I have to worry about another Rian Johnson Star Wars film. Maybe I can go senile by then.
I’d take 100 rian films before one B&W film.


Gold Member
Hopefully it'll be a musical that condenses the clone wars period and includes Empress Satine and concludes in the final battle with Darth Maul on tattoine. Nicole Kidman can play Empress Satine.

I can already imagine the Darth Maul solo number.
I'd like to see him take revenge on Darth Maul. That would be awesome. But I think Disney will fuck this up like everything else they've done Star Wars related.
Mother of the Fuck

We’re hearing that Lucasfilm president and Obi-Wan producer Kathleen Kennedy was not happy with the scripts. Sources tell us that what will most likely happen next is the scripts will be reworked with the hopeful goal of reassembling this summer, but there’s always the possibility that that timeframe could shift.



This is awful news. Mandalorian was an absolute gem, but this right here is why I was interested in Disney +

The saddest part is my first reaction to the news she put the hold on it, was that it probably means the stories were actually good. From a certain point of view of course, this one being people who grew up with the franchise.


This is bothersome for me. Another script that they aren't happy with? What the fuck are they doing?
They should be on the same page before a script even starts getting written.
I still have no clue how they're going to make it at all... if you have Obi-Wan doing all these fun and exciting adventures.. the OT makes even less sense. If he DOESN'T do all these fun and exciting adventures.. it's a boring ass show. Where is the middle (high) ground?

Maybe he'll be a Private Dick on Tatooine, going around solving mysteries.


Mother of the Fuck


These rumours persist from fake accounts on Twitter litaerally the first one came from a paraody account and people who are annoyed by Sequel haters btw, they are trying to stir shit up to try to convince Disney to not make it somehow, by annoying & stirring the “Toxic fandom” so they can convince KK and gang it would be a mistake to make it

There was a group of them discussing on Twitter the other day about how no one deserves Kenobi and how they intend to get it shut down 🤣

Also collider have gone woke


Rage Bait Youtuber
Collider doing clickbait non-news. The show was always going to film in the summer.



Collider doing clickbait non-news. The show was always going to film in the summer.

Double annoying. I hope Collider won't proceed in the direction of click bait shit.
Reading the actual Collider article now, it's a pretty piss poor article to be honest. My last post is a bit over reactionary.
I didn't take my own advice and do further research before posting.

Stupid me.

I despise how Lucasfilm is run by KK and Iger. This was supposed to be an un-fuck-upable home run!


the movie that became a tv series that became 4 episodes that became... ?

i guess rumors are floating round that it might become a movie again.

the idea they only just now realized it's too similar to Mando is hilarious.


oh yeah this is pure catnip to the youtube crowd.

Geeks + Gamers was just showing the video of Kathy last year stating they had scripts finished and ready to film. add it to the pile of lies.
The dumb thing about this that Disney said around last fall that the scripts were done. I get that Hollywood is complicated but the number of similar incidents almost reached double digits by now on the film/tv side alone. Aside from the cancellation of CW or 1313/it´s "reboot" or... And then we have all the issues with the EU and whatnot else. LF is run like shit without George and KK literally failed to do the job that gave her this position, by George himself no less. She was supposed to make his E7-9 and to continue the projects and teams (Lucas Arts) that worked under him. Why the fuck is SW Underworld dead?
I want to see that shit in some from. I get that Iger holds her reigns but both have abysmal comprehension of the IP and it shows. 2022 here we come. Things can only improve regardless of who takes the Disney and LF thrones.

LF employees clearly aren´t happy either. They are the ones who leak all of this or the recent E9 concepts after all. Lol.
PS: Dear KK. Don´t make Indy 5. What the fuck are you thinking?
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iirc George had about 100 scripts already fully written for the live action tv series. that is what you get when you have someone incredible in charge.

this is what people forget when they are bashing prequels all day long. George Lucas is not just some guy. he was a visionary, created not just these films, the spin offs & merch, but Indy, Pixar, ILM, THX, so many film and effects companies. he may not have been single handedly responsible for everything he did (and he never said he was, he always gave props to his companies) but he was a super creative person. you can't just remove that from the equation and have things go the same as always.

tbh it is sad, the poor job they have done so far. they are doing so badly they are failing at capitalism.

seeing TLJ, i thought for sure that the streaming service would end up w multiple shows, you would have shows starring kids as Jedis hiding from stormtroopers and stuff, like the Target commercials. Mando was cool but it was still just Boba Fett Action Figure The TV Show. where are the Ewoks and Droids style cash ins? where is Wicket's show? where is the Muppet Baby Star Wars Special? are they really only doing 8 episodes over 2 years worth of SW tv? they could be cashing in so hard on this stuff right now. what we are getting is anemic, fumbled garbage.
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