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Rumor: Wii U final specs


Long as it looks better than the Wii on a HDTV, I don't care. Most games look horrible on one. I laugh at the 8gb storage though. Why do I have a feeling they will end up selling some sort of external HD. No GC BC, so they need to sell some games on the Wii U shop channel.


It's not that simple. DX11 is not that much about new graphical features but more about efficiency (SM 4.0 shaders are already freely programmable, so you can basically achieve any effect you like). In other words, you can achieve the same results with less raw power. At the cost of more transistors on the GPU of course.
Most PC titles with DX11 support just don't use it in a very meaningful way.

I was talking about the SM 5.0 features which open new rendering techniques, like tessellation and random data write access. Those use significant silicon and run terribly on cheaper/smaller GPUs. Such silicon would sit unused in the Wii U, all for a slightly better SM4.0 performance.

Many other DX11 features (and even some DX10 and DX10.1 features) are meaningless in the context of a console, since the CPU and the GPU can freely access each other's data. For example, DX10.1 adds support to using depth buffers directly as textures, so you don't need an additional (and very expensive) render pass to generate a depth map. This is something consoles have been doing since the PS2.
Wii U should be easy to emulate on PC like Wii and Gamecube. We will probably see a Dolphin 2.0.

One thing that saddens me, is the lack of hard drive. If Nintendo wants to compete with Steam, PSN or XBLA they need to have a HDD. 8 gigs is nothing...


CPU: 3 Broadway-based cores running at ~2.1GHz (3x the speed, 3X the cores, for ratio balance)

Broadway GFLOP perf: ~3GFlops

3GFlop x 3x clockspeed x 3x cores = 27 GFLOP/s

So roughly a little more than a third of the total performance of the Xenon.

And the GPU is basically confirmed to be based on the RV740 series GPUs.

It's supposed to be more powerful than the Xenos (240 GFLOPS), so that gives credence to the RV740 being used. But i just cannot see how they'd fit the RV740 in there without being underclocked from the 4750. Just IMO.

In the 4750, the RV740 pumps out 800-900GFLOPS if all shader units remain in there without the number being cut and the speed being kept at 575MHz. Probably to compensate for the CPU.

I predict 400MHz and a steep cut to CUs

Wow, I thought that WIiU was going to have a modified low end AMD 7XXX . Now it's 3 generations behind. I hope there are power or cost saving or manufacturing conveniences with it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I've got a gaming PC for graphics whoring

It's not about graphics whoring...it's about content access, or potential limits therein.

Unfortunately PCs haven't been treated in a first-class way wrt either. But maybe that'll change next-gen, it would be nice.


So why are people taking these rumored specs as fact?

NeoGAF? I'm more surprised when rumoured specs aren't taken as indisputable fact here.

Edit: Though these aren't far off what we were mostly guessing at and have accepted for a while. It's the CPU that's throwing most people off.


Long as it looks better than the Wii on a HDTV, I don't care. Most games look horrible on one. I laugh at the 8gb storage though. Why do I have a feeling they will end up selling some sort of external HD. No GC BC, so they need to sell some games on the Wii U shop channel.

It will. Part of Wii's problem and it's lower resolution cap is it had to be sent through the TV's scaler to be converted to 720/1080p which in a lot of cases just introduced a ton of artifacts and smudging. On Wii U it's going to be able to send a signal native to the TV in those resolutions.

And it's compatible with any external hard drive.


Besides which... is there anything fundamentally *wrong* with the Broadway architecture? The only thing I can think of is that I seem to recall it had a different endianness to the other two, requiring a bit of tinkering when we did games on the Wii - but it never struck me as a fundamentally flawed CPU despite that.


Specs always OK by me, I don't care if Nintendo releases a console with N64 graphics, I'd buy it any way. But they may repel some major western developers. We know that guys like Bethesda, Epic, Infinity Ward, Rockstar have had a stance against Wii because of graphics. I hope it won't have any effect and we will play some actual western games on this console. Ubi and Warner aren't enough to save Wii U from becoming Wii 2.


Ubershit CPU for a machine that will last for 5 years starting from 2012.

GPU is ok, did not expect any more from Big N.

In other words: Nintendo being Nintendo once again.

It's all about the games now.

why does it matter? There are already PC games that look great because of a great GPU, but don't take advantage of multicore CPUs. So maybe Nintendo looked at what was needed, and concluded that they only needed that level of CPU for that GPU?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
With these specs and a potential low price - they could sell + 10 million consoles in the first year. Hope it pays off, because with those specs they will need a high installed base if they want to be included in future multiplattform titles....


aka Mannny
Wii U should be easy to emulate on PC like Wii and Gamecube. We will probably see a Dolphin 2.0.

One thing that saddens me, is the lack of hard drive. If Nintendo wants to compete with Steam, PSN or XBLA they need to have a HDD. 8 gigs is nothing...
Lol are 360 and ps3 gonna be easy to emulate on PC as well?

Also, I'm sure it's been stated several times but wii u supports external HDDs and SD cards.
people are forgetting that these parts have been custom tweaked by miyamoto's tech wizards to maximize their capacity for nintenflops. it's not about raw numbers, it's about a midichloric concert of pikmenergy which creates more fun per clock cycle than any other console technology.

That's something I've always thought. Anyone who REALLY has an appreciation of specs/performance and architecture design, would always be excited for new Nintendo hardware! Anyone who isn't is just looking for something to make up for a small penis; Exposed!

But if you believe the info in the op then it isn't 3 overlooked Wii CPU'S. Since it clearly says enhanced cores and we know for example that part of that enhancement is 4 times as much L2 cache per core. Who knows what else is modified.

As has been said it seems more likely that it's a 470s or something and just looks a lot like Broadway because of Broadway compatible instructions being added. But it should be mentioned here that a triple core Broadway even at 1.6ghz and minus any enhancements would still be as fast or faster than Xenon.


Also, another thing that no one seems to be questioning. The site says

How would information with no specifics or clock speeds be of use to developers? How would simply claiming the CPU uses enhanced Broadway cores be useful? Wouldn't developers need much more specific info?

Also why would it only support up to 32GB SDHC cards when the 3DS supports up to 128GB?

Yeah, I agree. It's of no use to use, so imagine how useless this is to actual developers. It's more like something you'd read on the official Nintendo site.



fake Kaz really loves the WiiU..



Specs always OK by me, I don't care if Nintendo releases a console with N64 graphics, I'd buy it any way. But they may repel some major western developers. We know that guys like Bethesda, Epic, Infinity Ward, Rockstar have had a stance against Wii because of graphics. I hope it won't have any effect and we will play some actual western games on this console. Ubi and Warner aren't enough to save Wii U from becoming Wii 2.

If the Wii U is a hit and major developers want to ignore a large userbase again by convincing themselves with self-fulfilling prophecies ("let's not make good Wii games, they won't sell anyway... see, our bad games don't sell"), fine. Instead of having fun playing their games we can have fun reading news about their continued bankruptcies instead.


Corporate Apologist
The Reason they used broadway has to be related to backward compatibility right?

Not entirely, but it helps. Really, I want to know how fast the cores are. The Architecture of Broadway is fine for today, but the Wii's CPU only clocked at 740 MHz. If there are three cores running at say 1.5 GHz, it should be find for most gaming applications, which usually aren't that dependent on the CPU.
I have a 500GB external HD - the storage isn't a problem for me.

1GB RAM and the CPU sound underwhelming, however - though hopefully the GPU holds up and devs can push the hardware to the limits.

Without clock speeds etc. it's hard to tell, but right now this is pretty much what I expected and I'm fine with it. Maybe not a day one purchase, but as soon as we see RETRO's project/a new Mario/Zelda, I'll be on board.


What do the specs mean?

eg. Current console games at native 720 @ 60fps and 4xMSAA

The specs don't mean anything because they don't say much. The CPU could be 3x the Wii or 10x the Wii depending on the enhancements and clock rate. The GPU is even more uncertain as the OP contains no info at all on its performance.
Hell, those specs sound good enough to me. I was perfectly happy with my Wii on a 42" plasma for the last six years. Definitely excited to see this confirmed on Thursday.


Going to save this thread. The bitching about internal storage is going to be awesome when sony and microsoft talk about their first party storage that costs an arm and a leg.


So basically the CPU is pretty much the one we expected (power PC 476fp is most likely). The GPU is the one most people suspected. The memory is mentioned as 1 gig FOR APPLICATIONS i.e there's a separate pool for the GPU (most likely 512meg) and the 8 gig we knew about already.
All in all what we found out today was....nothing we didn't already know


I have a 500GB external HD - the storage isn't a problem for me.

1GB RAM and the CPU sound underwhelming, however - though hopefully the GPU holds up and devs can push the hardware to the limits.

Without clock speeds etc. it's hard to tell, but right now this is pretty much what I expected and I'm fine with it. Maybe not a day one purchase, but as soon as we see RETRO's project/a new Mario/Zelda, I'll be on board.

Will the WiiU allow for downloadable games to be stored in external HDD and/or be used as a primary route to play those games? Will the WiiU even have a way to upgrade its internal storage capacity?
I've accepted a Nintendo machine will never have the specs I'd truly want and will always be at least a gen behind. For the last few months I've stopped viewing the Wii U as a "next gen" console, as sensitive as some people are about that opinion. As long as it can provide decent-ish visuals, which it which, I'll be happy with it as Nintendo games are worth putting up with the shortcomings of the hardware.

8gb fucking sucks if true for storage though. Though I'm not convinced Nintendo will provide enough worth filling that yet, at the same time.

Basically, this doesn't change my view of the console at all. Still day 1.


Will the WiiU allow for downloadable games to be stored in external HDD and/or be used as a primary route to play those games? Will the WiiU even have a way to upgrade its internal storage capacity?

Why wouldn't they be able to be played off of the HDD? You already have to play eShop games on the 3DS off of the SD card.


Will the WiiU allow for downloadable games to be stored in external HDD and/or be used as a primary route to play those games? Will the WiiU even have a way to upgrade its internal storage capacity?

Nintendo is already far ahead of Sony and MS in terms of external storage. The Wii and 3DS both support standard SD cards, and you can store and play virtual console games off of them on the Wii, so it seems safe to assume the Wii-U will support external drives in similar fashion.

I really don't get people who think that paying 5x normal pricing for branded hard drives is somehow better than paying market rate for them.


So basically the CPU is pretty much the one we expected (power PC 476fp is most likely). The GPU is the one most people suspected. The memory is mentioned as 1 gig FOR APPLICATIONS i.e there's a separate pool for the GPU (most likely 512meg) and the 8 gig we knew about already.
All in all what we found out today was....nothing we didn't already know

more likely for OS.
Going to save this thread. The bitching about internal storage is going to be awesome when sony and microsoft talk about their first party storage that costs an arm and a leg.

Huh? I'm confused. Are you saying you don't think the 720/PS4 will have large HDDs?


So the all of this info is still extremely vague correct? Outside of the memory obviously. Nothing shown is too surprising outside of the "enhanced" broadways, but even then we don't really know how enhanced they've been.

All in all it will be fantastic for a Nintendo console. Zelda will look amazing, Mario will look amazing, Metroid will look drop dead gorgeous. My 3D Donkey Kong U
Please Nintendo!!!
will look great. Off-TV play will be really cool and convenient. I have a PC for everything else.
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