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Rumors of Justice Kennedy's Impending Retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court

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Let me make this as clear as I possibly can.

Anybody that voted for Trump, or a joke candidate, or Bernie or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

YOU are directly responsible for the large scale pearing down of the rights of minorities in this country.

Not the republicans. Not Trump. Not Sessions. Not whatever slimeball they get to replace leaving justices.


And I hope, god willing, you have some form of a conscience and it eats at you for-fucking-ever how you "stuck it to the man" and ended up fucking over hundreds of millions of people so you could get a jolly by being a fucking contrarian.
I appreciate the sentiment but that is objectively untrue.


Water is not wet!
Oh look in a thread about republicans planning to undo abortion rights we manage to have douches like you to do nothing but attack democrats.

The fact that you care more about shitting on democrats than on opposing people like Trump makes you part of the problem.

You know who shitted on me? The people that used this strategy right here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4632402/every-blue-collar-democrat

Blame Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters though. And just fyi not only did i vote for Clinton but i helped others to vote for Clinton. After the display of incompetency, the unwillingness to change tactics, and the complete lack of accountability ill never help the Democratic Party ever again ill tell you that.


Every week you think it can't get any worse.

And yet somehow it does.

It will be interesting (and terrifying) to see how long America stays on this conservative course.
In terms of the executive and legislative branches, I think the plummeting approval ratings means that, at least in the short term, the fever has broken. A conservative supreme court can fuck up a lot for practically a generation, but its important to note that they hear only 80 of the 10,000 cases offered to them each year. A lot of good is done by lower courts.

Also, I side with others that the court will never kill roe vs wade. Republicans need Roe vs Wade because it rallies the evangelicals to vote every. Single. Time. They lose that and their turnout at the polls would plummet. They'll let it exist and look the other way when states fuck with it.


America is self distrusting right before our eyes.

God, Hillary was truly a complete and utter joke if she was able to lose to that mindless Orangutan sitting in the White House right now.


if true and Shit-Head in chief puts in another judge, then the Supreme Court lost any legitimacy.
Liberal majority or conservative majority. If there's no centrist then it's just another biased branch playing the party game.

Speeding towards the Handmaid's Tale at a record pace.

I think at that point I may be violent with people who tred down that path.


America is self distrusting right before our eyes.

God, Hillary was truly a complete and utter joke if she was able to lose to that mindless Orangutan sitting in the White House right now.
She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million despite a targeted campaign of Russian interference and month upon month of wildly imbalanced media coverage of her it's-fucking-nothing scandals, so...
God, Hillary was truly a complete and utter joke if she was able to lose to that mindless Orangutan sitting in the White House right now.

Not a joke, but her campaign's lax attitude towards Trump voters was just one of the major reasons why she lost.
You know who shitted on me? The people that used this strategy right here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4632402/every-blue-collar-democrat

Blame Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters though. And just fyi not only did i vote for Clinton but i helped others to vote for Clinton. After the display of incompetency, the unwillingness to change tactics, and the complete lack of accountability ill never help the Democratic Party ever again ill tell you that.

First off I don't care about hearsay about Chuck from a conservative democrat.

Second, if all you did was vote, then all you did was the bare fucking minimum. You don't get to complain about your support when you didn't even volunteer for the campaign for any local democrats.

And I wasn't just talking about third party voters. Anyone at this point that cares more about opposing democrats than opposing social conservatism is nothing but a fake-progressive. The kind of fake progressive who looks for reasons to refuse to continue to actually try to get progress done.


Let me make this as clear as I possibly can.

Anybody that voted for Trump, or a joke candidate, or Bernie or Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.

YOU are directly responsible for the large scale pearing down of the rights of minorities in this country.

Not the republicans. Not Trump. Not Sessions. Not whatever slimeball they get to replace leaving justices.


And I hope, god willing, you have some form of a conscience and it eats at you for-fucking-ever how you "stuck it to the man" and ended up fucking over hundreds of millions of people so you could get a jolly by being a fucking contrarian.

I know this is logically wrong but it's exactly how I feel too.


Water is not wet!
First off I don't care about hearsay about Chuck from a conservative democrat.
Its right out of Schumers mouth. The video is right there.

Second, if all you did was vote, then all you did was the bare fucking minimum. You don't get to complain about your support when you didn't even volunteer for the campaign for any local democrats.
i just fucking told you i did more than just vote.

And I wasn't just talking about third party voters. Anyone at this point that cares more about opposing democrats than opposing social conservatism is nothing but a fake-progressive. The kind of fake progressive who looks for reasons to refuse to continue to actually try to get progress done.
The Democratic Party is as much in the way of progress as the Republicans, that much is clear to me now.
So glad I'm a white male with a stable career, the rest of you are so fucked. Both parties are the same, lul. Elections have consequences, I guess we are really gonna see em this cycle.


You know who shitted on me? The people that used this strategy right here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4632402/every-blue-collar-democrat

Blame Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters though. And just fyi not only did i vote for Clinton but i helped others to vote for Clinton. After the display of incompetency, the unwillingness to change tactics, and the complete lack of accountability ill never help the Democratic Party ever again ill tell you that.

I'm pretty sick of the blame 3rd party voters and the Bernie busters (what ever minuscule amount of people that might be) rhetoric myself. Hillary lost because of Hillary's campaign plain and simple. IMO She should have never run while being under FBI investigation in the first place. People can say it was nothing with all their stupid "but her emails" memes but the investigation / Comey Letter proves it mattered a great deal. At the end of the day there are lots of reasons she lost most of them were on her.

Getting back to the court I actually cried election evening when I realized I will spend the entirety of my life under a conservative court. I guess there is hope for you younger people but when one party has no fight in them I wouldn't get my hopes up.


It's depressing that this far in, with the amount of horseshit going down with President Trump, this is still somehow all Hillary's fault. Jesus Christ.
I'm pretty sick of the blame 3rd party voters and the Bernie busters (what ever minuscule amount of people that might be) rhetoric myself. Hillary lost because of Hillary's campaign plain and simple. IMO She should have never run while being under FBI investigation in the first place. People can say it was nothing with all their stupid "but her emails" memes but the investigation / Comey Letter proves it mattered a great deal. At the end of the day there are lots of reasons she lost most of them were on her.

Getting back to the court I actually cried election evening when I realized I will spend the entirety of my life under a conservative court. I guess there is hope for you younger people but when one party has no fight in them I wouldn't get my hopes up.

There is plenty of blame to go around, no one gets out of this without taking some. Ultimately, sure, she was the candidate. The issue I have is how much people have deflected their own responsibility, I knew this was going to happen and it is only going to get worse. The further we get away from the election the more brazen people are going to be.

If you didn't vote for Clinton in the general election, then you have ZERO excuse. I don't want to hear anything from someone crying about how their life is gonna be shit. She wasn't my first choice, but she would have prevented us from losing the SCOTUS for an entire generation. She would have stopped minorities and LGBTQ from being utterly snuffed out. It is going to be one wild fucking ride for civil rights. I honestly don't even know how we recover if there is such a paradigm shift on the SCOTUS.

Honestly, just imagine if RBG and Breyer go under Trump and don't think it is impossible. We could be seeing a 7-2 court within two years. Think about that, think about what the Republicans could accomplish and how everything you thought was standard could disappear.
I'm feeling so damn low over everything I'm witnessing since the election..look how fast a country can unravel.

And the worst part is seeing some people welcome it with open arms.
Its right out of Schumers mouth. The video is right there.

I got it confused with some other video. Anyway, I still don't still don't why him saying that democrats planning to win over new voters is a bad thing.

i just fucking told you i did more than just vote.
Oh wow you talked to some friends of yours that's SO MUCH.

Come back when you actually have some experience working for an actual campaign.

The Democratic Party is as much in the way of progress as the Republicans, that much is clear to me now.

And here we are. The part where douches like you pull the "both sides are the same" crap even AFTER all the shit Trump and the GOP has pulled. I'm sure even AFTER we have seen what the AHCA looks like and who the ACA has helped you will still insist that Obamacare was nothing but a corporate handout because you would rather rely on fake-ass false-equivalencies than actually put in some efforts in tough times.

Like I said. You are nothing but a fake-ass progressive who cares more about shitting on democrats than actually getting things done.
There is plenty of blame to go around, no one gets out of this without taking some. Ultimately, sure, she was the candidate. The issue I have is how much people have deflected their own responsibility, I knew this was going to happen and it is only going to get worse. The further we get away from the election the more brazen people are going to be.

If you didn't vote for Clinton in the general election, then you have ZERO excuse. I don't want to hear anything from someone crying about how their life is gonna be shit. She wasn't my first choice, but she would have prevented us from losing the SCOTUS for an entire generation. She would have stopped minorities and LGBTQ from being utterly snuffed out. It is going to be one wild fucking ride for civil rights. I honestly don't even know how we recover if there is such a paradigm shift on the SCOTUS.

Honestly, just imagine if RBG and Breyer go under Trump and don't think it is impossible. We could be seeing a 7-2 court within two years. Think about that, think about what the Republicans could accomplish and how everything you thought was standard could disappear.

She was my first choice. I thought she'd do a good job. Shame that decades of twisting her accomplishments and making up slander and conspiracy theories about her actually paid off.

The Democratic Party definitely has its problems, but to say they're standing in the way of progress just as much as Republicans us ludicrous. I mean, just look around. Look at people in wheelchairs being violent dragged out of Republican offices because they'd prefer not to lose their healthcare and die. Look at the gutting of the EPA and every other agency that protects people who aren't millionaires. Both parties are not the same, not even close.
So glad I'm a white male with a stable career, the rest of you are so fucked. Both parties are the same, lul. Elections have consequences, I guess we are really gonna see em this cycle.
Everyone's career is stable until it isn't and whites have it good until they don't. Just ask the people of Montgomery Ohio and other rural/urban zones in the rust belt. If the Senate Republican Healthcare plan really is as bad as they say then the Trump supporting southwest and south will be too busy worrying about their lives to care about the SCOTUS.
Everyone's career is stable until it isn't and whites have it good until they don't. Just ask the people of Montgomery Ohio and other rural/urban zones in the rust belt. If the Senate Republican Healthcare plan really is as bad as they say then the Trump supporting southwest and south will be too busy worrying about their lives to care about the SCOTUS.

Every single Republican President since Roosevelt has presided over a recession. Their economic polices don't work. They allow some people to get parasitically very rich at the cost of dangerously unbalancing the system.

Game Guru

Hillary Clinton, if she won the election, would not have been able to get Garland onto the Supreme Court without also having a Democratic majority in the Senate, and even then, the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees would have likely been nuked to do it. If the Senate remained Republican and Clinton won, you can bet your ass that the Senate would have continued their obstruction of Clinton's nominations all throughout her presidency or until the Senate turned Democrat.

The fact of the matter is that the Republicans can no longer be considered fair actors that can be trusted to compromise in a bipartisan way and have not been fair actors at least as far back as 2010. The Republicans are going to do everything possible to minimize Democratic influence and effectiveness and dismantle anything Democrats may favor. The Democrats need to treat the Republicans as the bad actors they have become.
What about embracing state laws? States like California can remove themselves from the Union. It seems that the gridlock in the US will not go away. The country will implode and self-sabotage. If you embrace full state run laws, left and right wing states can compete in the marketplace of ideas. We'll be able to see how economic viable trickle-down economics play out with no democrats to clean up the mess.

Conservatives are not going to learn the lessons of their actions if they don't feel the consequences. Let Paul Ryan and friends play out their dream, and let conservatives try and live in their utopian dream, while they look at the democratic state-run states with legal abortion, weed, gun regulations and so on.

Neither side wants to embrace state laws because they cannot accept many of the policies of the other side, particularly out of "slippery slope fears". But if you don't let every state decide, they'll not be able to learn.
I predict that conservative states will be shocked to the core under how disasterous many of republican valued policies are. But conservative voters remain oblivious as these utopian dreams remain ruined and hindered due to democratic influences, which prompts them to accept the sabotage and gridlock.

Democrats and left leaning individuals would need to scramble and congregate in left leaning states and vice versa. The effect is total polarization.

In conservative states crime will increase, gun violence will remain big problems, teen pregnancies will be a big toll economically and socially, international businesses will ignore the states due to anti-LGBT and racially insensitive laws, continued lack of funding for education and health care will depress their social mobility.

Conservative values are ripe for self implosion and for conservatives to learn the hard way, that these values are a lie. But they are never going to stop believing in these lies, and trying to sabotage American if they do not listen.

This is the last stop, where conservatives need to taste the awful tasting medicine. It's been par for course for all countries and socities who have to learn their lessons by feeling the weight of bad policy and decision making. Democrats will be fine without conservatives, not the other way around. Conservatives are in a ignorant bubble surrounded and cuddled by a conservative propaganda based media. That bubble will burst once things start playing itself out.

In Europe, with everything that has happened with the UK, has left other countries able to look at what they are doing and going "nope". That is the marketplace of free ideas in action. The UK and pour gasoline on itself and the rest of Europe can decide it won't want to do the same.
In the US, states are too protected and that has created the bedrock for too much ignorance.

The US can still be a union, held together by common principles, but democracy will be stronger under state laws. It's a really difficult pill to swallow, but this gridlock and infighting will likely only get worse. It's easier to accept that the cultural values between left and right america are too different to be reconciled under one goverment.

We also know that this can work. In the last 8 years under Obama obstructionism, state legislatures have voted on many big laws due to gridlock in washington. Having a lot of the big decision on a local state level puts the average citizen much closer to being able to instigate change. If your state has 3 million people, your sphere of influence is much stronger than trying to make a difference under a government representative body that speaks on behalf of 300 million people. The tripling of the US population since the 1800s simply has caught up to itself.

This is not on Jill Stein or Gary Johnson voters, or Bernie supporters or Hillary Clinton. What about the fact that there was almost 100 million people who were registered to vote, but didn't. There was more registered voters who didn't vote than there was voters who voted combined. That is quintessential a indirect way of saying that the majority of people doesn't give a fuck about who is president.
Systemic problems have lead to this point for many decades. Trump shouldn't even have gotten 1% of the vote with his level of incompetence. So forget any blaming of a specific group. This is on american culture and the american people.
It's too bad the filibuster for SC nominees is toast. I'd love to have seen that seat vacant until January 2021.

But then the D's don't have the stomach for that kind of hardball.


It's too bad the filibuster for SC nominees is toast. I'd love to have seen that seat vacant until January 2021.

But then the D's don't have the stomach for that kind of hardball.
You can't hardball as minority party without the filibuster, so I don't understand the logic behind blaming Dems?
I'm feeling so damn low over everything I'm witnessing since the election..look how fast a country can unravel.

And the worst part is seeing some people welcome it with open arms.
That in itself should tell you that what you perceived prior was a fucking facade held together by band aids and willfully ignorance. The veneer of progress in the US has been unmasked as a band-aid covering up a festering infected wound inflicted by massive human rights violations, racism and institutionalised brutalisation if minorities and non rich white segments of the population.

While it's true that the current US is much better off in those matters than just 10 years ago, the fallacy that progress is this one way Street with no deviations, course corrections, massive setbacks and changing narratives is beyond naive.

The time is now to shake off the apathy and actually get involved. To accept that it takes a massive effort to heal the societal wounds that plague the US. The question however is if that can actually be achieved through the current political parties. Personally I don't believe that is possible.


Water is not wet!
I got it confused with some other video. Anyway, I still don't still don't why him saying that democrats planning to win over new voters is a bad thing.
Are you that dense? He is saying right there that they knew they were going to lose support of their base. And why were they going to lose support of their base? Because they were courting Republicans.

Oh wow you talked to some friends of yours that's SO MUCH.

Come back when you actually have some experience working for an actual campaign.
Is that what i said? No. i said i helped people vote for Clinton. How did i do that? i shuttled people to voting stations during early voting.

You know what.. im done responding to your condescending smug ass.
Clinton lost by such a small margin that it's Schrodinger's loss basically. Any factor that could have conceivably cost her a slim number of votes can be blamed as 'the' reason. So people pick the one that fits their argument the best.

The truth is lots of things cost Clinton votes. Some of those things were her or her campaigns fault. Some weren't. And many by themselves could likely have swung it had things gone differently.

We've got to move beyond blaming each other for the situation and towards doing something about it.

Unfortunately in this sort of situation, where there isn't really anything we can do but have long memories and hope conservative justices retire or die after the democrats get back in power, I understand the desperation and need to tell at someone else for where we find ourselves.

But if that anger isn't directed at Trump and the GOP it is 100% misplaced.

Trump will be the one to pick any further nominees and the GOP will be the ones to confirm them. The only reason the GOP have a 5-4 court right now is because they out right stole a seat.

And don't forget it.

Those of us who would oppose them turning on each other just helps keep them where they are.
I got it confused with some other video. Anyway, I still don't still don't why him saying that democrats planning to win over new voters is a bad thing.

Oh wow you talked to some friends of yours that's SO MUCH.

Come back when you actually have some experience working for an actual campaign.

And here we are. The part where douches like you pull the "both sides are the same" crap even AFTER all the shit Trump and the GOP has pulled. I'm sure even AFTER we have seen what the AHCA looks like and who the ACA has helped you will still insist that Obamacare was nothing but a corporate handout because you would rather rely on fake-ass false-equivalencies than actually put in some efforts in tough times.

Like I said. You are nothing but a fake-ass progressive who cares more about shitting on democrats than actually getting things done.

I helped in a local campaign so I'm allowed to criticize other democrats? I didn't realize there was a job that checks the qualifications of progressives before they can comment and you were in charge. I'm glad you're here. I'm so tired of these fake-ass progressives who think they can publicly comment on a video game message board while only putting in the slightest effort in their civic duty by voting in a election. You need to call out more of these lazy bastards.
Are you that dense? He is saying right there that they knew they were going to lose support of their base. And why were they going to lose support of their base? Because they were courting Republicans.

White working class are not the base of the Democratic Party. Try again.

Is that what i said? No. i said i helped people vote for Clinton. How did i do that? i shuttled people to voting stations during early voting.

And yet here you are looking to throw in the towel after one bad general election.

You know what.. im done responding to your condescending smug ass.

Smug would be someone who still calls democrats just as bad as republicans even after all the shit the GOP had been doing.


Well, its been nice knowing you guys! I'm glad I don't have any children who will have to deal with all our shit in 30 years.


The lower courts are probably far more relevant in this day and age. And Trump is completely ignoring them, along with all of his other government appointments and duties.

Of the 10,000+ hearings of relevance per year, about 80-100 show up at the Supreme Court.
Not happening
No Kennedy retirement announcement at clerk reunion, I'm told, leading to dimming WH hopes he'll step down this year.
It was expected that he'd announce it at the reunion if he was retiring this year.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Fuck Trump supporters, if Kennedy does retire that will set the court and this country back decades.



Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I'm pretty sick of the blame 3rd party voters and the Bernie busters (what ever minuscule amount of people that might be) rhetoric myself. Hillary lost because of Hillary's campaign plain and simple. IMO She should have never run while being under FBI investigation in the first place. People can say it was nothing with all their stupid "but her emails" memes but the investigation / Comey Letter proves it mattered a great deal. At the end of the day there are lots of reasons she lost most of them were on her.

Getting back to the court I actually cried election evening when I realized I will spend the entirety of my life under a conservative court. I guess there is hope for you younger people but when one party has no fight in them I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Hillary should have learn from Trump to only get FBI to investigate you after you win, duh! That's the winning strategy :p


I think I will probably be bitter the rest of my life that we can't seem to get the supreme court, no matter what. I was so ready for it to happen and then the unthinkable happened in November and now here we are
You know who shitted on me? The people that used this strategy right here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4632402/every-blue-collar-democrat

Blame Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters though. And just fyi not only did i vote for Clinton but i helped others to vote for Clinton. After the display of incompetency, the unwillingness to change tactics, and the complete lack of accountability ill never help the Democratic Party ever again ill tell you that.

That's the spirit.

The Democratic Party is as much in the way of progress as the Republicans, that much is clear to me now.

GOP rolls back civil rights, environmental safety, destroys health care and is poised to be able to create a multiple decade long hard right wing supreme court...

You: Fuck the Democrats.


It's too bad the filibuster for SC nominees is toast. I'd love to have seen that seat vacant until January 2021.

But then the D's don't have the stomach for that kind of hardball.

Ummm they were going to filibuster Gorsuch

Then the GOP nuked it...

So they in fact did play hardball but the GOP blew up the ball.

I was making a bad argument that, even if the filibuster was still around, they wouldn't actually use it.

They literally did....
Letting Presidents nominate Supreme Court justices, and letting the Senate confirm them, was a huge mistake by the Founders. This should be left up to a non-partisan committee.
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