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Ryan McCaffrey on Unlocked: There is nothing here (XSX launch lineup) that says I need to spend $500 dollars on XSX. Launch games

Do you find the Xbox Series S|X launch lineup disappointing?

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Gold Member
That doesn't mean that they have the same level of attention to details and technical requirements... The only thing I would say Forza seems to do better is the road and grass textures.

Car paint.. it doesn't look like paint (it looks good, just not like what it should look like)
Interior details... Too much missing, low poly all over the place
Exterior details, same as the inside, it just doesn't offer the same level of details

As you said, the manufacturer sign off, but they don't make the game.
The discussion was about how a racing game that uses licensed content has other criteria that has to be met in comparison to a big budget third person adventure/shooter/whatever game, despite being.. apparently...the "simpler" games to develop.

It wasn't about which development team was The Bestest.
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The discussion was about how a racing game that uses licensed content has other criteria that has to be met in comparison to a big budget third person adventure/shooter/whatever game, despite being.. apparently...the "simpler" games to develop.

It wasn't about which development team was The Bestest.
You implied they're the same because of validation with the constructors.
Outside the enthusiastic communities like here, most gamers would just go with the games. Nintendo Switch success is a big indicator of how good games drive good sales.

Not only the Switch but the PS4 as well - even on the eve of a new console launch. Good games make a system and are remembered by it. PS4 will be remembered as the birth console for Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, the revival of God of War, the first great Spider-man in decades etc etc...

It's about the games. PS5 looking to start strong with new IP's too (Returnal, Destruction AllStars etc).
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Not only the switch but the PS4 as well - even on the eve of a new console launch. Good games make a system and are remembered by it. The birth of Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, the revival of God of War, the first great Spider-man in decades.

It's about the games.

Also sales of PS4 Pro (4:1) and X1X (unknown) compared to PS4 (slim) and Xbone (S) show that the majority don't seem that much bothered.
To be fair it got replaced by XSS and XSX, unless it had Switch levels of success it would have gotten discontinued regardless.

I do not think PS4 Pro is that far behind the chopping block (XSS is also cheaper than XOX).

I don't think the PS4 lines will get discontinued any time soon. Specially outside North America where price is key. It would be a tiered entry point for Sony. It wasn't long ago you couldn't find a PS4 or PS4 Pro on the shelves. Selling out due to COVID.
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- There is nothing here that tells me I need to spend 500$.

(after using it for a month and getting used to the load times and how much better everything is)

- I definitely dont wanna go back to current gen.

Oh yeah, im sure hes not gonna have one at home on day 1.

- current-gen was a mistake, it needs to end ASAP, Jaguar is fucking garbage and HDD tech is billion years old already.

Also gamers:
- there's no reason to get next-gen consoles.
be very frank here. people defending this launch lineup is hurting the interests of Xbox fans. MS dropped the ball. and as fans, you should ask MS to do better instead of doing their job and twist the reality. Likewise, when Sony made awful decisions, we would do the same. The wallet will cast the vote. just watch.

Ryan is a true XBOX fan. respect.


The reality is launch line up isn't going to make much of a difference because launch hardware is going to be sold out regardless. As the new year rolls around Microsoft is going to have to pivot sharply to talking about content. No more hardware and services talk. Everything is out there now. Start talking about what' games are being worked on and when there coming.


The reality is launch line up isn't going to make much of a difference because launch hardware is going to be sold out regardless. As the new year rolls around Microsoft is going to have to pivot sharply to talking about content. No more hardware and services talk. Everything is out there now. Start talking about what' games are being worked on and when there coming.

true, but launch lineup lives forever. You don’t go back and talk about a consoles year 2 or year 4. You may say 2001 or 2002 was great for Sony or gamecube or even mention how a console era closes out. Usually it’s launch lineup talk, especially when new consoles are incoming.
true, but launch lineup lives forever. You don’t go back and talk about a consoles year 2 or year 4. You may say 2001 or 2002 was great for Sony or gamecube or even mention how a console era closes out. Usually it’s launch lineup talk, especially when new consoles are incoming.
Yeah I'm sure in year 2 and 4 people will look at the current offerings on the Xbox and say "yeah but that launch line up a few years ago wasn't liked by Sony guys on Neogaf..." At least you guys think highly of yourselves.
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Yeah I'm sure in year 2 and 4 people will look at the current offerings on the Xbox and say "yeah but that launch line up a few years ago wasn't liked by Sony guys on Neogaf..." At least you guys think highly of yourselves.

I think you completely misunderstood what I said


Yeah I'm sure in year 2 and 4 people will look at the current offerings on the Xbox and say "yeah but that launch line up a few years ago wasn't liked by Sony guys on Neogaf..." At least you guys think highly of yourselves.
7 years later, nobody gives a shit about all those xbox trolls who were saying "PS4 has no games" (like they always say at every generation, btw), or "at least the Xbox One has games".

I see your point. It's not about launch, it's about the proven track record.
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The reality is launch line up isn't going to make much of a difference because launch hardware is going to be sold out regardless. As the new year rolls around Microsoft is going to have to pivot sharply to talking about content. No more hardware and services talk. Everything is out there now. Start talking about what' games are being worked on and when there coming.

Exactly. I get tired of all that talk about services and so on. As a fan myself I’m not impressed at all with the messaging, I find it very boring most of the time. It says a lot a $500 console has a marketing strategy where a high percentage of it is news and impressions of older titles improved.

The pandemic, to me it feels disingenuous to use that as a big reason, it started in Feb-March , what’s been going on there before it?

With some people if Phil Spencer was running another platform he wouldn’t be getting as much of a pass. His whole defence seems to be subscription service , backwards compatibility and having more capable hardware than PlayStation.
Exactly. I get tired of all that talk about services and so on. As a fan myself I’m not impressed at all with the messaging, I find it very boring most of the time. It says a lot a $500 console has a marketing strategy where a high percentage of it is news and impressions of older titles improved.

The pandemic, to me it feels disingenuous to use that as a big reason, it started in Feb-March , what’s been going on there before it?

With some people if Phil Spencer was running another platform he wouldn’t be getting as much of a pass. His whole defence seems to be subscription service , backwards compatibility and having more capable hardware than PlayStation.
I agree with the above, but Sony kinda hasn't shown anything also to get people to spend 500 buckaroos here. Yes I know Demon's Souls exists which is nice and all but that's kinda it ? Besides Miles Morales and DES I'm kinda like... so cool I'm just going to go play some old games on faster load times, Cyberpunk, and the Ubisoft games.

Both platform holders are kinda just kicking the can down the road for me at this point.


I agree with the above, but Sony kinda hasn't shown anything also to get people to spend 500 buckaroos here. Yes I know Demon's Souls exists which is nice and all but that's kinda it ? Besides Miles Morales and DES I'm kinda like... so cool I'm just going to go play some old games on faster load times, Cyberpunk, and the Ubisoft games.

Both platform holders are kinda just kicking the can down the road for me at this point.
Demon's Souls is all the reason me and many other people need to buy a console. You are underestimating how big the game is for souls fans.
I only decided to pre-order the ps5 when Demon's Souls was confirmed to be a launch game, otherwise I would wait until closer to Demon's Souls release date.
Astro Bot and Sackboy are good extra games to complement DeS.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I generally agree with Ryan Mcaffrey's opinions and I can see his point.

HOWEVER, posting in another thread about how great NHL 98 was on PC reminded me about how revolutionary it was to install my first Voodoo graphics card in the Gateway my parents bought me when I went to college. It significantly improved my gaming experience with the same games and remains to this day one of the absolute best tech purchases of my life.

So, if the Series X is anything like that, it will be a worthy launch upgrade even without a bunch of shiny new launch game toys.


Gold Member
The PS5 has the one killer app I care about - silence. Sure, Miles Morales is cross-gen, but I can either play it on my jet engine PS4 Pro or play it on max settings on PS5 without the jet engine. That's an easy choice to make.
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7 years later, nobody gives a shit about all those xbox trolls who were saying "PS4 has no games" (like they always say at every generation, btw), or "at least the Xbox One has games".

I see your point. It's not about launch, it's about the proven track record.
Not quite. It certainly isn't about the launch but consumers look at what is available at that moment not what was on the platform at launch. The launch is the best time to 'have no games' seeing how the early adopters don't need amazing launch titles and most of the time there aren't any.

I don't remember 'Xbox trolls' attacking Sony for not having games. Everywhere I look it's 'Xbox has no games'. That is still said to this day. Pretty sure it's not Xbox people saying that.


7 years later, nobody gives a shit about all those xbox trolls who were saying "PS4 has no games" (like they always say at every generation, btw), or "at least the Xbox One has games".

I see your point. It's not about launch, it's about the proven track record.

PS4 really didn't have much to offer for the first half of it's lifespan, it didn't took off until 2016 once the exclusives started to show up, until then it had to be carried by PS3 remasters, 3rd party cross-gens, and indie ports from PC/smartphones, which anyway didn't even matter as the 399$ price tag alone carried the console so damn well. XB1 on the other hand, despite the popular belief, I think it had quite a solid lineup within those same 3 years or so - Forza was there, Gears were there, Halo was there, Titanfall was a fucking blask, so was Sunset Overdrive, and so on, which again, didn't matter much since most people went for the cheaper console anyway, where their friends already were.

But if speaking strictly about games output, it was that ~2016 when the tides have turned, when Sony's devs were finally finishing their games, whereas MS lost its steam, and it all didn't happened without a reason - that's just how long it took, and still is today, to make games. PS3 was heavily supported until the very end, so once the devs finished those PS3 titles they needed time to focus on PS4, rewrite/modify the engines first and foremost, and finally develop the games, whereas MS at the end of X360 life were focusing on Kinect and other bullshit, meaning their AAA devs had that extra year or two head start.

Now fast forward to today, and we are seeing basically the exact opposite situation, 2013 in reverse so they say, where if we look at upcoming PS5 lineup, 2021 and 2022 looks fucking stacked, basically every 1st party studio will release their PS5 title in that time (unless there will be multiple delays yet again), but the question is - then what? Because they will need years again to make another games, and I'm not even taking quite possible delays in consideration, and we are talking abut cross-gen PS4/PS5 titles here, not to mention sequels - another R&C, another Spider-Man, another Horizon, another GoW, another GT, they already have solid foundation, basically half of the work is already done - the engines are there, the gameplay mechanics are there, animation/physics/AI/sound systems are there, that's why they can make those early PS5 titles so fast, but if any of those studios will want to make something truly new, then the time needed to develop the game will greatly extend, take Sucker Punch for example - it took them 6 years between inFamous:SS and GoT, because it was something completely new, SSM same deal - GoW took them so long because it was basically a completely new game with just and old title and main character, but everything from gameplay, universe, story was completely new. So the first 2 years for PS5 look very optimistic, but after that, I believe it will be eaither sequel fest or a long dry period before new IPs show up.

MS on the other hand is obviously the one who needs extra time after launch this time around until all their recently acquired studios start pumping out the games, 2022/23 is when we will start seeing those acquisitions doing their job, but until then, it's all about 3rd party multiplatform titles doing the heavy lifting..


He’s got to be joking, or being trollish because compared to Microsoft. Sony has some exclusives at launch.
Neither I'm not a fanboy and both consoles are unattractive for me right now because the wow effect is missing I will wait till the wow effect occurs that means around 2025 with the PS5 pro

Alan Wake

He found that out just now? It's been obvious for months. Both Xbox Series and PS5 have pretty atrocious launch lineups, but Xbox is worse of the two. Xbox, 360 and One all had decent lineups so it's disappointing that Series X/S is so weak. Not even a new Forza! No wonder they're only talking about back compatibility and quick resume.
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Neither I'm not a fanboy and both consoles are unattractive for me right now because the wow effect is missing I will wait till the wow effect occurs that means around 2025 with the PS5 pro

Been saying this forever. This launch is just trash. Biggest exclusive is a 13 year old game remake.

I'm waiting to see what happens next year when we know more. Regardless I will still buy both. Its just a matter of when. I'd definitely like to wait on a ps5 pro tho.


Been saying this forever. This launch is just trash. Biggest exclusive is a 13 year old game remake.

I'm waiting to see what happens next year when we know more. Regardless I will still buy both. Its just a matter of when. I'd definitely like to wait on a ps5 pro tho.
I got laughed for my opinion and everyone made jokes about me and accussing I'm crazy or something even my opinion is legal and logical and I got banned because of that
Everything else is crossgen making it very hard convince me/anyone to put out that cash.

Both machines are having a hard time actually convincing people to buy them.
Most of the people I know buying early are literally doing it just because its the new Xbox/Playstation.....theres no game they are particularly excited for, its just the console itself thats the hype

The majority of gamers don’t care for exclusive games, that’s why both consoles are already sold out. And looking at games like Watch Dogs Legions the difference is huge, it definitely looks like a nextgen Game.


There's nothing on either system that warrants spending $500 on. I say this after spending $500 on both systems with demon souls 😁. But in all reality no one needs an xbox or ps5 until mid 2021


I got laughed for my opinion and everyone made jokes about me and accussing I'm crazy or something even my opinion is legal and logical and I got banned because of that

Yea its most likely the sony fanboys. When I criticize something Xbox related, i may get a little flack for it. But when its criticism towards Sony, the trolls dog piles, call me a troll, xbot, or whatever stupid names they come up with, and spam laughing emojis which i feel is more like nervous laugh from them lol.

So yea between the two extremes. Easily the sony ones are the most toxic. N4G is another great example, as is twitter.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
If you just have the older consoles (especially base ones) I can see the merit in upgrading just for the SSDs. Games will get a big enough boost from base consoles too.

Seems like that’s the biggest draw out of the gate to me.
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Yea its most likely the sony fanboys. When I criticize something Xbox related, i may get a little flack for it. But when its criticism towards Sony, the trolls dog piles, call me a troll, xbot, or whatever stupid names they come up with, and spam laughing emojis which i feel is more like nervous laugh from them lol.

So yea between the two extremes. Easily the sony ones are the most toxic. N4G is another great example, as is twitter.
Yeah I see there are many childish fanboys here and now it's getting worst because of the respective launches next month


Yeah I see there are many childish fanboys here and now it's getting worst because of the respective launches next month

It doesn't help that everything they've gloated about Xbox missing or whatever, has backfired. I remember reading rumors on how the ps5 would be 13tf and the trolled on about it. Then came the 10 tf ssd spin lol.

Check this out from earlier today for example. How do you try to be condescending then play victim?

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