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Scorn dev talks about Xbox Series X console exclusivity, says CPU is more important than SSD for next gen


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Again. Overall, it is what it is. Nothing will change that. You've got balls to even talk about "lose". Its not about winning or losing. Its the fact that since the SSD is the one thing Sony fans can champion over the Series X, its apparently what next gen is all about. And I mean, its literally the only thing you guys rant and race about because that the one thing, the ONE THING the PS5 has over the Series X. Anyone with even a modicum of a brain understands why you guys literally mention NOTHING ELSE. There's a reason for that. You know why, just like everyone else does.

If the PS5 came in at the rumored 13Tf (like many were touting would be the case) this entire conversation would be solar system levels of different. Don't get bent broski. Its not that serious. Its just vidja games.

It took a while to group think how to spin the bad week or two of news ;)?

You want a prize why you do not see PS5 fans being arseholes about their console of choice as much as the Xbox One fans still tried back then or why people are excited about the entire console but a lot by the SSD? Discovering hot water on either side. The SSD also happens to be one of the key next generation advancements overall for both consoles and PS5’s one is not just a few percent faster and more efficient HW+SW wise.


Sure, but if the PS5 GPU is at it max of 2.23ghz, and there is unused CPU power, it wont be diverted to the GPU at all, as its already at its peak and cant go past that point.
Both the CPU and GPU cannot be at full power at the same time, obviously.
So for the GPU to be cranking at full 2.23ghz, the CPU wont be cranking at full 3.5ghz at the same time.
How much power the CPU has to drop by to make sure the GPU is at full tilt we dont know.
Might only be 100mhz for all we know.
Yes they can be both at full power, read Cerny explanation (quoted underneath) and you aren't understanding the power budget concept:
they both have a power budget sealing at capped clocks, if one of them is not being used is transferred to the other, even if the other is at max clock _ in this situation it's the max wattage (the 'power budget' sealing) that is increased, giving it more headroom to maintain performance.

So we have to have less pretty, effects, graphics whatever they choose when the CPU is under heavy use. Sounds very compromised to me. Yeah most of us probably won't notice unless its a 400% DF zoomed in shot but it doesn't fill me with confidence.
That's not it, power is diverged when it's not being used, read the full article
The CPU and GPU each have a power budget, of course the GPU power budget is the larger of the two," adds Cerny. "If the CPU doesn't use its power budget - for example, if it is capped at 3.5GHz - then the unused portion of the budget goes to the GPU. That's what AMD calls SmartShift. There's enough power that both CPU and GPU can potentially run at their limits of 3.5GHz and 2.23GHz, it isn't the case that the developer has to choose to run one of them slower
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Only if I get to pick and choose and you pay, I’m not eating at a place you pick it’ll probably suck and have slow service.

You ever been to Chuck E. Cheese?

It gets reposted several times?



Do people not understand that the XSX has a built in SSD too? They each thier pros and cons but at the end of the day there going to be pretty close.

It still seems pretty popular to pretend like XsX doesn't have ultra fast storage bandwidth too. I have multiple SAT SSDs in my PC and the XsX SSD shits on all of them, PS5 much more so, of course. But both are awesome
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You ever been to Chuck E. Cheese?



It still seems pretty popular to pretend like XsX doesn't have ultra fast storage bandwidth too. I have multiple SAT SSDs in my PC and the XsX SSD shits on all of them, PS5 much more so, of course. But both are awesome

Actually tbh the ssd on series x is probably no faster then what pcs have now
Actually tbh the ssd on series x is probably no faster then what pcs have now

Not what I said.

It's faster than the SATA SSDs I have now.

It seems my Michael Jackson popcorn gif was not unwarranted. Get a grip guys, Jesus.
It‘s just the usual suspects rattling the cage, you say something factual they don‘t agree with about a console and think it’s directed to them.

Name the names.
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Every developer wants to put their 2 cents into next gen hype:

-"The SSD is fast, but what really matters is the CPU"
-"The CPU is fast, but what really matters is the GPU"
-"The GPU is great, but what really matters is the SSD"

and repeat to your hearts content.


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Its not just the the XSX CPU at is 10-15% faster than PS5 CPU clock at max clock. A game's performance is a product of many factors like CPU, GPU, RAM speed etc. They are somehow able to hit 60 fps on Xbox Series X
The Xbox Series X exclusive Scorn may be a visual powerhouse for next-gen gaming, but the hardware-intensive ray-tracing lighting will only be included if it doesn’t sacrifice the game’s 60fps performance target.
Scorn game director Ljubomir Peklar told us that, while the developer is currently experimenting internally with ray-tracing for ambient occlusion and shadows on Xbox Series X, the next-gen lighting setup will not be included if it botches performance.
It probably wont be able to hit 60 fps on PS5.


Likes moldy games
Yes they can be both at full power, read Cerny explanation (quoted underneath) and you aren't understanding the power budget concept:
they both have a power budget sealing at capped clocks, if one of them is not being used is transferred to the other, even if the other is at max clock _ in this situation it's the max wattage (the 'power budget' sealing) that is increased, giving it more headroom to maintain performance.

That's not it, power is diverged when it's not being used, read the full article

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That's fair enough but why is it even mentioned. Why is not the maximum possible for both stated like all console spec reveals since I can remember and be done.
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That's fair enough but why is it even mentioned. Why is not the maximum possible for both stated like all console spec reveals since I can remember and be done.
It's that new paradigm thing i think
Mark Cerny sees a time where developers will begin to optimise their game engines in a different way - to achieve optimal performance for the given power level. "Power plays a role when optimising. If you optimise and keep the power the same you see all of the benefit of the optimisation. If you optimise and increase the power then you're giving a bit of the performance back. What's most interesting here is optimisation for power consumption, if you can modify your code so that it has the same absolute performance but reduced power then that is a win


Likes moldy games
It's that new paradigm thing i think
I just hope it's not a boost being used for marketing purposes for the TF contest. Because I and I'm sure others would rather have it running at lower TF as long as its reasonably quiet and not really hot. Cool if it does work well, hopefully we'll find out later this year.


somebody: says ps5 is better in some way
gaf: wrong! the xbox is better

somebody: says xbox is better in some way
gaf: wrong! ps5 is better

me: avoids threads like these.

meanwhile the reality will be like this:

Digital Foundry: "as you can see Call of Duty 42's dynamic resolution runs at an average of 10% higher on Series X as you can clearly see in this side by side at 400% zoom, meanwhile as you can see at this 200% slowed down clip, the assets over at that wall on the other end of the map get streamed in half a second faster on PS5"
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meanwhile the reality will be like this:

Digital Foundry: "as you can see Call of Duty 42's dynamic resolution runs at an average of 10% higher on Series X as you can clearly see in this side by side at 400% zoom, meanwhile as you can see at this 200% slowed down clip, the assets over at that wall on the other end of the map get streamed in half a second faster on PS5"

You don't play games 400% zoomed in? You're missing out, bruh

Texas Pride

Everything is a damage control when it does not match what you want to hear.

Seems like you wanted a different reply. Too bad you will only hear what I want, not what you want.

Seems like not supporting your plastic box of choice is "PR".

Isnt that basically your circlejerk in a nutshell ?

Complaining about posts not being framed to highlight your cause is the "PR" you speak of. You are not in any way answerable to how a post should be worded and what counts as "PR".

Difference being he has the dev kit. No need to use additive conjunctions.

This is simply not true, but it is affirmative to your rhetoric and that includes "muh bottlenecks".

You're a zealot who cares too much not only about your plastic but what others think of your plastic. I don't give a shit what you had to say because if you could help yourself you would. To be fair you're not the only one on this site like that but you are one of the worst I've seen on the Xbox side. The free marketing you do for MS should be compensated because imo you put in way too much work to simply call it a hobby. If that offends you reflect on the behavior that earned you the rep you have.


Its not just the the XSX CPU at is 10-15% faster than PS5 CPU clock at max clock. A game's performance is a product of many factors like CPU, GPU, RAM speed etc. They are somehow able to hit 60 fps on Xbox Series X

It probably wont be able to hit 60 fps on PS5.
I guess we will never know now will we? according to the article you posted in the OP didnt microsoft strike a deal for this game to be exclusive? from what i gathered they even locked it in it seems at the last minute which would lead me to think they probably were working on a ps5 version at some point.

Also didnt you just come down or texas or some others for projecting their own thoughts onto something and trying to read between the lines other than just quoting a article? maybe i missed it but where do these guys say it wouldnt run RT or 60fps on ps5? how ironic.😏
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This game is so cool, I’ve been interested in it since they debuted it 2 years ago. Really glad to hear they’re pushing the technical limitations to the max, love everything about this game from the art style to the horror themes, hope they push that horror side hard.

Not a surprise they’re using series X exclusivity to push the game as hard as possible and not be brought down to work on other consoles (PS5 and current gen).


Plus he’s right, I’ll take a faster CPU for better performance over one SSD’s slightly faster loading times over another SSD.

300mhz isn't going to make a huge difference, maybe 1-2 fps here and there, especially if the goal is 30 or 60 fps for next-gen.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
it must be true you know since he's developing for both o wait.......

just like UE5 .. marketing marketing marketing and imaging you have a deal with a company like MS .. absolutely you will say whatever suits that product of theirs , the same goes for Sony
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
When I made the Xbox Velocity Architecture thread, some guys replied with the "What do devs think of PS5" ResetEra post to make a point and it has been used to prove the "Most devs like PS5" point. So, I made the "What do devs think of Xbox Series X" post and update it when relevant. And I think this interview demands an inclusion in that list.
Nope, majority are 3rd party devs. Do some research instead of spewing crap. So, cut the crap
So, uh, about that "Sony Dev React" thing that is still going after 26 pages. From what I've gathered on this thread :

Kurt Margeneau (Naughty Dog) ---> Sony dev
Anthony Newman (Naughty Dog) --> Sony dev
James Cooper (no studio currently) --> Not Sony dev anymore
Andrew Maximov (Promethean AI) --> Not Sony dev anymore
Randy Pitchford (Gearbox) --> Not Sony dev
Matt Philips (Big Evil Corp) --> Not Sony dev
Mike Evans (ex AMD) --> Not Sony dev
Robert Boyd (Zeboyd Games) --> Not Sony dev
Andrea Pessino (Ready at Dawn) --> Not Sony dev
Dale North (composer) --> Not Sony dev
Olivier JT (VR audio) --> Not Sony dev
Jason Nuyens (Breakfall) --> Not Sony dev
Some of them are very out of context like
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Codes 208

Gold Member
300mhz isn't going to make a huge difference, maybe 1-2 fps here and there, especially if the goal is 30 or 60 fps for next-gen.
Which again is something i would prefer over slightly faster loading times. Both systems are using SSD so both will have super fast loading times regardless, I just want higher performance for the gameplay, and while something like 60fps dropping down to 56-58 is hardly noticeable, a game like asscreed dropping from 30 to 26-27 would be. Though this generation has been a weird one in terms of which version is better than the other despite power gaps. Another factor I keep forgetting is development lead, like how we frequently see capcom games perform better on ps4 pro than the X (like MHW and RE)


? What are you talking about? I’m not saying SSD isn’t important and nor is the article, I’m saying that the CPU upgrade is overshadowed by the SSD hype, but it’s just as important if not a bit more.

Aint no one trying to downplay the SSD, or say it’s not important but let’s not get tunnel vision and forget what else these consoles are packing that are truly beyond a singular generational upgrade.

Dude you just called the SSDs in the next-gen consoles "hype". It's not hype. It's real. I wish more people on GAF would talk about all the ways these next-gen consoles are a full gen leap. The I/O controller being another thing.


somebody: says ps5 is better in some way
gaf: wrong! the xbox is better

somebody: says xbox is better in some way
gaf: wrong! ps5 is better

me: avoids threads like these.

Did you see how Sony fanboys lost their fucking minds because Horizon Zero Dawn ( a mediocre game to begin with ) was going to come out on PC?
They had a complete mental breakdown about it.

I've only owned a PS1-2 and Xbox 360 when it comes to consoles, but I don't remember it being this bad back then.
I dunno about Xbox fanboys, I honestly don't hear that much from them. But Sony fanboys are so extremely obsessed with the console and act like it's their goal in life to defend the honor of Sony.
I just don't understand it at all, I always thought that I was the nerd who got super emotionally involved in things like Star Wars and characters in video games when I was a kid but I am always baffled by how insane it is today. Even with things like Star Wars it's basically normal now to be extremely obsessed and overly hyped and defensive about it, and I am someone who thinks that the empire strikes back is the best movie of all time and read all of the old novels, played all the games, got autographs etc. And it's even too much for me with all the fanboys today...
I just don't care, I don't get genuinely angry or lose my mind and have a heart attack out of pure happiness and cum in my pants because of a product and I never have. Even in regards to things I love.
But that's how it is today o_o...
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The Amiga Brotherhood
At one point it was multiplatorm.

Did they have a PS5 Dev kit then? I doubt that this could not in some way been done on the PS5, they may just need to compromise and I'm sure MS will have made it worth their while not to bother, I very much doubt it is just because they are 'lazy devs'.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
When I made the Xbox Velocity Architecture thread, some guys replied with the "What do devs think of PS5" ResetEra post to make a point and it has been used to prove the "Most devs like PS5" point. So, I made the "What do devs think of Xbox Series X" post and update it when relevant. And I think this interview demands an inclusion in that list.

Some of them are very out of context like

Well I’m not a fan of Devs war talk from both sides while the facts are so obvious to the public but still people are blind .. oh wait ?!

what are the facts ?



This game is so cool, I’ve been interested in it since they debuted it 2 years ago. Really glad to hear they’re pushing the technical limitations to the max, love everything about this game from the art style to the horror themes, hope they push that horror side hard.

Not a surprise they’re using series X exclusivity to push the game as hard as possible and not be brought down to work on other consoles (PS5 and current gen).
Would you kindly show me where they stated ps5 would be holding back?


Did they have a PS5 Dev kit then? I doubt that this could not in some way been done on the PS5, they may just need to compromise and I'm sure MS will have made it worth their while not to bother, I very much doubt it is just because they are 'lazy devs'.
theres a deal in place with ms, its talked about briefly in the very first post of this thread. Its funny how some are using its exclusiveness now to make a point that the game isnt possible like it would be on xbox, ive read most of the interviews and i havent heard them draw any comparisons to next gen psx at all. so it seems a bit hypocritical for some to interject how they feel it should play out and then trying to use the exclusive deal as evidence when theres no statements that ive come across that show ps5 would not be parrell with performance.


Great more talking and promises. Show games that prove how important it is. That Inside Xbox "Gameplay" Premiere did NOT cut it.

I'm tired of just hearing why Series X will be so powerful. I'm tired of hearing why quality Xbox exclusives should be expected soon, year after year. Let's SEE it.
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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
Would you kindly show me where they stated ps5 would be holding back?

Sir.. just please open your eyes it’s here :

We didn’t [want to bring Scorn to current-gen consoles] because we want our game to be played at 60FPS. That would be close to impossible without big sacrifices. Next-gen is about responsiveness, smoothness and a lot less time wasting. The problem with these features is that they are not easy to sell in videos or screenshots.”
With so much focus on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 revolving around the move from mechanical hard drives to solid state storage, Peklar believes that the biggest change between this generation and the next is on the pure power afforded by the CPU at the heart of Series X.
“Everyone is touting the SSD as the next big thing, and yes SSDs will help a lot with loading and moving assets, but the biggest culprit that is creating problems in the current generation is the CPU,” Peklar explained to us. “That’s where the biggest difference compared to current generation will come from.”

Did you catch it ? come on do I need to explain it again ?


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Well I’m not a fan of Devs war talk from both sides while the facts are so obvious to the public but still people are blind .. oh wait ?!

what are the facts ?

Great more talking and promises. Show games that prove how important it is. That Inside Xbox "Gameplay" Premiere did NOT cut it.

I'm tired of just hearing why Series X will be so powerful. I'm tired of hearing why quality Xbox exclusives should be expected soon, yet after year. Let's SEE it.
You mean Halo Infinite, Flight Simulator, Everwild, Hellblade II, Project Mara, Bright Memory Infnite, Medium and Scorn. And all of that before the actual game reveal event in July.
Show games that prove how important it is.
And where are Sony's PS5 games ? Ofcourse they have also not yet done their reveal event like Xbox. But Xbox has already shown a lot before the actual event.


Sir.. just please open your eyes it’s here :

We didn’t [want to bring Scorn to current-gen consoles] because we want our game to be played at 60FPS. That would be close to impossible without big sacrifices. Next-gen is about responsiveness, smoothness and a lot less time wasting. The problem with these features is that they are not easy to sell in videos or screenshots.”
With so much focus on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 revolving around the move from mechanical hard drives to solid state storage, Peklar believes that the biggest change between this generation and the next is on the pure power afforded by the CPU at the heart of Series X.
“Everyone is touting the SSD as the next big thing, and yes SSDs will help a lot with loading and moving assets, but the biggest culprit that is creating problems in the current generation is the CPU,” Peklar explained to us. “That’s where the biggest difference compared to current generation will come from.”

Did you catch it ? come on do I need to explain it again ?
I read the entire context of what he stated, before and after. Him saying ssd is overblown is not him connecting or comparing to what he was talking about in current gen hardware... all he said was the cpu would be the biggest obstacle for them making next gen games. where does that say ps5 was or would be holding them back?
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Great more talking and promises. Show games that prove how important it is. That Inside Xbox "Gameplay" Premiere did NOT cut it.

I'm tired of just hearing why Series X will be so powerful. I'm tired of hearing why quality Xbox exclusives should be expected soon, year after year. Let's SEE it.

Hopefully all questions will be answered by July. Or in July, I guess

Jack in the Crack (Box) doesn't suck. What?? You don't like Crispy chicken sandwiches, you fiend???

Totally off topic but growing up in California, Jack in the Box was our main Go-To (outside of In-N-Out). Something about those Jack tacos...


And where are Sony's PS5 games ? Ofcourse they have also not yet done their reveal event like Xbox. But Xbox has already shown a lot before the actual event.

Remember PS4 vs Xbox One? That's WHY people need to see games from Xbox.

PlayStation showing games right now makes no sense - they are still releasing blockbustertitles for PS4. PlayStation home consoles are supported their entire lifetimes. The Last of Us Part 2 and Ghosts of Tsushima are coming out each of the next two months.

If you've been with PlayStation since the PS1, you have zero doubts the library will come. It always does. I feel like Xbox kind of mailed it in with the last few years of 360 and pretty much the entirety of the Xbox One.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
You mean Halo Infinite, Flight Simulator, Everwild, Hellblade II, Project Mara, Bright Memory Infnite, Medium and Scorn. And all of that before the actual game reveal event in July.

And where are Sony's PS5 games ? Ofcourse they have also not yet done their reveal event like Xbox. But Xbox has already shown a lot before the actual event.

my god just can you take a breath before replying ! ..I’m not denying next gen games being developed I’m stating that we need no war dev shit talk every week for both consoles .. and I said that when games come out everything will just fade away and people will see the big leap every dev talked about .. got it ? So don’t do PR shit on me

Only games that matter .. this period of time is about who has the big D .. but that will be vanished when gamers play next gen games
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