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Shadow of Mordors true ending - Grinding or Lootboxes


(Obviously I am talking about the original game, not the Battle Royale mode that just came out)

It is currently sold for a minimum of 40 bucks, going as far as triple digits for some editions. It also comes in boxed, which is the edition I personally own. Despite the price of admission (the game will be f2p but right now it isn't), you have loot boxes, timers to wait for to do upgrades like in freaking Facebook games, a billion different currencies, and tons of grinding to do.
It's still a F2P game, and the current incarnation is no different than the Founder edition of countless F2P games before it.

Fortnite is completely unrelated to a full-price game designed around prolonging a grind to generate MT sales.


I'd have to imagine that anyone who does put all those extra hours in at the end are doing it because they are still enjoying the game, not because they are looking forward to an extra cut scene. At least this would be the case for me, if I stop enjoying it I'll just YouTube the extra scene.
Still bad
I'd have to imagine that anyone who does put all those extra hours in at the end are doing it because they are still enjoying the game, not because they are looking forward to an extra cut scene. At least this would be the case for me, if I stop enjoying it I'll just YouTube the extra scene.

That's why I can't really be as angry about the implementation here. Based on reviews that I've read, the "true" ending sounds akin to what you'd get for beating a different game on a harder difficulty. I've seen no mention of the "fourth act" having any additional story and Polygon specifically said that the story "wraps up" before that.

As someone who plans to play this game, I don't see any reason to buy into those lootboxes nor do I plan to.

Maximus P

From what I've read the game is fun to play.
If the reviewers started marking down for Microtransactions then there would be a hell of a lot of games that would get low scores. Shadow of War isnt the only game that has other means of making money beyond the initial purchase.

Is it wrong for them to do this? Of course it is. But while people are buying Shark Cards, Weapon skins, Fifa points, loot boxes, and other stuff then developers will carry on putting this stuff in.
(Obviously I am talking about the original game, not the Battle Royale mode that just came out)

It is currently sold for a minimum of 40 bucks, going as far as triple digits for some editions. It also comes in boxed, which is the edition I personally own. Despite the price of admission (the game will be f2p but right now it isn't), you have loot boxes, timers to wait for to do upgrades like in freaking Facebook games, a billion different currencies, and tons of grinding to do.
I should have explained myself better. Fortnite is a game that we always knew was gonna be F2P, so it being built around F2P shit is fair game. That isn't to say the game should not be criticized for it because its basically doing the same thing as retail games with MTs, just reversed (F2P game that also wants retail sales) and that is disgusting on its own right, but I don't think it makes sense to compare it to games like Shadow of War.


Easy solution = youtube the extra ending. I did that for Arkham Knight. I don't care about this as long as the first ending feels complete and this is just an extra bonus cutscene ending.


I'd have to imagine that anyone who does put all those extra hours in at the end are doing it because they are still enjoying the game, not because they are looking forward to an extra cut scene. At least this would be the case for me, if I stop enjoying it I'll just YouTube the extra scene.

Yeah, and it doesn't sound like there's some super cool extra boss or amazing climax you're missing out on if you don't play through the grind. It's probably just a minute long scene where Gandalf gives Talion a high five before erasing all memory of what happened in the game from the world.
I dunno man, that other thread where you made yourself look like a pretend tough guy idiot and a ton of people quoted you and made fun of you for it was pretty good too.

I know right? I'm so fuckin infamous (read=popular)

I'm like the Madonna of Gaf. I go where you won't but wish you could
Easy solution = youtube the extra ending. I did that for Arkham Knight. I don't care about this as long as the first ending feels complete and this is just an extra bonus cutscene ending.

Polygon's review said that the story isn't groundbreaking overall, but that the regular ending wraps things up nicely. They also said that a WB rep had to tell them there was a "hidden" ending. That seems to be plenty of confirmation that we're not getting a cliffhanger before this act begins.


I know right? I'm so fuckin infamous (read=popular)

I'm like the Madonna of Gaf. I go where you won't but wish you could



Neo Member
From what I've read the game is fun to play.
If the reviewers started marking down for Microtransactions then there would be a hell of a lot of games that would get low scores. Shadow of War isnt the only game that has other means of making money beyond the initial purchase.
Full priced games with F2P design should be getting bad scores.
Also, not being the only one doing it doesn't make it right.

And shark cards didn't affected the main single player game.
To clarify is this the ending, or is this the """ending""" like how Arkham Knight had a postscript type thing when you did all the riddler bullshit?


You excuse them now and next thing you know you will start having to pay to see the true ending of games.... oh wait

Cosmetic lootboxes will lead straight to true-ending DLC??

What an embarrassing post. You can't just slippery-slope your way to whatever random crazy point you want to make.
A requisite search reveals some threads from 2015 taking Arkham Knight to task for its bullshit. There were more but I'll just give you the basics.


Have fun reading! Or don't since it doesn't fit your flimsy argument lol

This is ridiculous, as if these people never played video games before. True endings have been locked behind 100% since the beginning of gaming. Metroid 2 just right now has that, I don't see a bunch of people whining about it. Every sonic game does it including the much beloved Sonic Mania. Mario does it.

People just went nuts for no reason with Arkham Knight and it is NOTHING like the situation with this game.


Cosmetic lootboxes will lead straight to true-ending DLC??

What an embarrassing post. You can't just slippery-slope your way to whatever random crazy point you want to make.

True ending DLC predates loot boxes by a few years. You can't earn the true ending of Asura's Wrath until you pony up $6.99 plus tax.
Seems like the latter option. Polygon states that the main story wraps up nicely before this act beings.

Still shitty but less so then. I never bother with 100% completion bonus endings unless the game has a manageable amount of content and I'm thirsting for more.

Lol Loot boxes.


Still shitty but less so then. I never bother with 100% completion bonus endings unless the game has a manageable amount of content and I'm thirsting for more.

Exactly. I'll just watch it off youtube and be done with it. Same I did for AK.

Some open world games do this, it's just this time they put loot boxes in the mix and people are losing their shit.
If I get the game and enjoy Act 4, I’ll play it. If I stop enjoying Act 4, I’ll just YouTube the ending. Microtransactions to beat Act 4 faster would feel like paid cheats for a single player game - I wouldn’t see a point.


Wow... Yeah, I refuse to support these practices in single-player games. It's bullshit, plain and simple. If I ever play this game, it will be after buying it used so that WB/Monolith never see a single cent from me.


Neo Member
Those of you who brush it off as something that is not THAT bad, ask yourselves how intrusive where lootboxes in Arkham Knight, or the first Shadows of Mordor.

Were they more or less intrusive? Did they affect the game design in a lesser or a greater degree?

How will they be next year?


Those of you who brush it off as something that is not THAT bad, ask yourselves how intrusive where lootboxes in Arkham Knight, or the first Shadows of Mordor.

Were they more or less intrusive? Did they affect the game design in a lesser or a greater degree?

How will they be next year?

What loot boxes in Arkham Knight?


Cosmetic lootboxes will lead straight to true-ending DLC??

What an embarrassing post. You can't just slippery-slope your way to whatever random crazy point you want to make.
As in you accept cosmetics and such now as ok and next thing you know you get shit like this. The old saying mate, give an inch and they will take a mile. Not that I am not guilty of it. I was ok with cosmetics as well... but now it looks like it's only going to be getting worst. Between this, NBA 2k18 and Forza 7 (and maybe battlefront 2 from the sounds of things) things are just slowly getting worst.


True ending DLC predates loot boxes by a few years. You can't earn the true ending of Asura's Wrath until you pony up $6.99 plus tax.
Oh god I almost forgot how much of a shit show this was. Now we got true endings inside of loot boxs in a way...
Those of you who brush it off as something that is not THAT bad, ask yourselves how intrusive where lootboxes in Arkham Knight, or the first Shadows of Mordor.

Were they more or less intrusive? Did they affect the game design in a lesser or a greater degree?

How will they be next year?

If the game is good, I'll buy it. If the lootboxes outweigh the good, then I won't. I wouldn't buy NBA 2k18, for example, but this looks like a quality game. The only major negative seems to be the grind in the 4th act, but I'm buying this for the fort gameplay, so more of that isn't an issue in the slightest.

Mt's aren't that big of a deal for me, but I can understand why they might be for others. I would be in support of strong regulation for Lootboxes. Gambling should be taken seriously, and in general, Mts should be straight transactions. That said, if I stopped buying games with Mts or lootboxes on principle, I'd be out of games to buy pretty quick, and a hypocrite, considering I still actively play Overwatch.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Can I buy a Legendary Eagle at the beginning and just fly to Mount Doom

You can, at the low price of $25 per Legendary Eagle*

*There's a 99% chance Sauron will use Legendary Fell Beasts and Mythical Nazgul to kill you before you get there. But feel free to try however many times you like.


Gold Member
sometimes, i think that what we really need to get rid of are all the 'true endings'. i mean, what's wrong with an ending that's the ending, period? just not happy/fulfilling enough? :) ...


Neo Member
If the game is good, I'll buy it. If the lootboxes outweigh the good, then I won't. I wouldn't buy NBA 2k18, for example, but this looks like a quality game. The only major negative seems to be the grind in the 4th act, but I'm buying this for the fort gameplay, so more of that isn't an issue in the slightest.
What I'm trying to say is that today is the 4th act, but tomorrow it could be all the endings, or the whole progression system twisted to entice people to gamble.
If you're going to edit the OP how about leaving the original post in there so people know what the fuck the first page of replies is all about.
Yes, the concept that "if you are not enjoying the game you are playing then you should stop and do something else you enjoy" is always such an insidious idea to put forward. What villians come up with such ideas. Everyone knows you should play games like second jobs. Doesn't matter if you enjoy it or not.... they must be completed.

I'm glad you agree.


sometimes, i think that what we really need to get rid of are all the 'true endings'. i mean, what's wrong with an ending that's the ending, period? just not happy/fulfilling enough? :) ...
I like a more complete ending based on difficulty like Halo but not 100% nonsense like Arkham Knight. I think it's mostly about failure to manage expectations. You're not getting a different ending, you're getting the game version of a mediocre after-credit sequence.
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