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Should i stop watching porn and jerking off just bcs i have a gf?

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Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
The rate that my libido is at I gotta jack it pretty often or else my girl will be bow legged for the rest of her days...
I brought this up with my girlfriend. Her response:

"It is a cowardly behavior that he (you) tries to make allies out of strangers on the internet instead of talking to (your) girlfriend. Neither of them are wrong and both of them have rights to demand equal actions in the relationship. It so happens that it is her taking actions. All he needs to do is respond, make a choice."

I made it clear that I didn't particularly agree with her response, but it's another perspective.
I kinda agree with her. She feels the way she feels regardless of anyone else's views on here. If that's something that the person can't respect then they shouldn't be together. People attacking her and telling him to lie need to learn not everyone has to be the same because something is common place.


i don't jerk off to porn often, whether or not im in a relationship.

however, i do masturbate maybe 2-3 times a week while in a relationship. i feel like it helps me last longer.


but did you get a birthday card?

Honestly, you already did a great job getting her to have sex with you before marriage. Now it's on to the next step: allow you to masturbate. Since youve been together for so long, I'd say you have a chance to change everything to being good. However, maybe you should stop liking models on facebook. Just do your whole thing more subtly.


Hey everyone im reading all the replies as i speak to a couple of friends of mine telling them what happened.

Just wanted to say that we spoke about 20m ago and she said that breaking up is probably the best gift she could give me today. On any other moment i would be feeling really depressed, but i think that all of your replies have given me a bit of strength.
My friends are taking me out to celebrate my bday and forget about what happen, tomorrow ill be back and im gonna reply to some of the stuff i read.

Also, that Spiderman gif is hilarious!!

I brought this up with my girlfriend. Her response:

"It is a cowardly behavior that he (you) tries to make allies out of strangers on the internet instead of talking to (your) girlfriend. Neither of them are wrong and both of them have rights to demand equal actions in the relationship. It so happens that it is her taking actions. All he needs to do is respond, make a choice."

I made it clear that I didn't particularly agree with her response, but it's another perspective.

Im not making allies and we did speak, thats why she told me to jerk off to the argument!
Shes holding her grounds.


Gold Member
It's not like your Don Jon or anything, right?

In that case, relax and go have a wank. Relank.

Hey everyone im reading all the replies as i speak to a couple of friends of mine telling them what happened.

Just wanted to say that we spoke about 20m ago and she said that breaking up is probably the best gift she could give me today. On any other moment i would be feeling really depressed, but i think that all of your replies have given me a bit of strength.
My friends are taking me out to celebrate my bday and forget about what happen, tomorrow ill be back and im gonna reply to some of the stuff i read.

Also, that Spiderman gif is hilarious!!

I would have lied.


Junior Member
Hey everyone im reading all the replies as i speak to a couple of friends of mine telling them what happened.

Just wanted to say that we spoke about 20m ago and she said that breaking up is probably the best gift she could give me today. On any other moment i would be feeling really depressed, but i think that all of your replies have given me a bit of strength.
My friends are taking me out to celebrate my bday and forget about what happen, tomorrow ill be back and im gonna reply to some of the stuff i read.

Also, that Spiderman gif is hilarious!!

Holy shit, is that for real? She's breaking up and it's your birthday? And over something as menial as jerking off? What the hell!

You're strong, be strong now!


I kinda agree with her. She feels the way she feels regardless of anyone else's views on here. If that's something that the person can't respect then they shouldn't be together. People attacking her and telling him to lie need to learn not everyone has to be the same because something is common place.

yea i really didn't wanna say anything but relationships are a two-way street. People here clamoring that she's nuts or she needs to understand i have to disagree with. If your partner is unhappy with something that you are doing no matter how much you enjoy that activity, if spending time with her and speaking to her is important to you then it is your OBLIGATION to reach a compromise with your partner or just quit the activity all together.


yea i really didn't wanna say anything but relationships are a two-way street. People here clamoring that she's nuts or she needs to understand i have to disagree with. If your partner is unhappy with something that you are doing no matter how much you enjoy that activity, if spending time with her and speaking to her is important to you then it is your OBLIGATION to reach a compromise with your partner or just quit the activity all together.

I've stopped doing many many activities throughout the 3 years. The fact that this is something that a man would do privately, unoffensive and just for ones own pleasure and breaking up because of it really is kind of ...idk.. a weird reason to break up.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Well, is your GF still going to be mad if you use different kind of porn? Like erotica or 2D porn? How about using art object? Try to fap to venus de milo?

I'm saying this since it seem your GF jealous that you see another naked woman, so let's see if different kind of porn is okay with your GF,

Edit: i read the latest update. Happy birthday OP sorry about your break up...

Do you have a sister you can stay with while you work things out?

Ah, i understood this reference. Green wave initiated!
Hey everyone im reading all the replies as i speak to a couple of friends of mine telling them what happened.

Just wanted to say that we spoke about 20m ago and she said that breaking up is probably the best gift she could give me today. On any other moment i would be feeling really depressed, but i think that all of your replies have given me a bit of strength.
My friends are taking me out to celebrate my bday and forget about what happen, tomorrow ill be back and im gonna reply to some of the stuff i read.

Also, that Spiderman gif is hilarious!!
That sucks man but it's probably for the best. She's not going to change her mind and her viewpoint on the matter is ill informed and paranoid.

Last night my wife and I had sex, then I fingered her to orgasm during House of Cards, then I stayed up to play some League of Legends and jerked it twice in between games.


Orgasms are fun so have as many as you can!

Jerking is healthy and natural and unless it negatively impacts sex with your partner in some physical way there is no reason not to do it when she isn't around or even if she is.


I've stopped doing many many activities throughout the 3 years. The fact that this is something that a man would do privately, unoffensive and just for ones own pleasure and breaking up because of it really is kind of ...idk.. a weird reason to break up.

you can't reason with her logic man. If she didn't like it, she didn't like it.

but since you two are broken up then you can spank the monkey all night long and maybe

find a girl who don't mind. Hey, I'm not against you or anything I am just explaining if you

really cared about her then you should not mind stopping. But since you trying to justify

this then obviously the relationship wasn't strong enough to convince you to stop. So Be

happy, I guess...
OP, your girlfriend doesn't have a healthy attitude about sex, and doesn't seem all that open to rethinking her position. Perhaps breaking up with her is for the best. I know it sounds ridiculous, "I broke up with her because she didn't like it when I watched porn", but it's more than that. Attitudes like that are indicative of all sorts of troublesome issues that are likely to pop up down the line. You don't have to be clones of one another but I feel like having similar values is essential to a healthy relationship, and there seems to be some disparity in yours.


if you stopped, that would imply your girlfriend is nothing more to you than wank material. Think about she would feel, jesus christ.

I know how she feels! I really do! But come on ! I could be a cheater, a mad man, an alcoholic, beat her up, i could curse her out, not give a F about her, not being how i always am with her but this? Masturbation? Out of all the things?
I know how she feels! I really do! But come on ! I could be a cheater, a mad man, an alcoholic, beat her up, i could curse her out, not give a F about her, not being how i always am with her but this? Masturbation? Out of all the things?

You would be worse than all those things. even worse than a few of those combined.
Are you sure she's not just embarrased/mad about you following and liking or commenting or w/e on models facebooks and whatnot

if it's the masturbation she has a problem with she seems really naive and clueless

edit: oh she broke up with you just now? on your birthday? that's a pretty dickish thing to do



Get rid of her now. She is controlling about this, imagine how she will control you when things get more serious. That way of thinking about "if you jerk off to porn, youre cheating on me" is fucking PSYCHOTIC.

Please, please, avoid this toxic relationship. IT's only going to get shittier with time! AVOID! AVOID! Listen to me. It's going to get crazier and crazier and she is going to get more and more controlling. She is going to blackmail you about SILLY SHIT all the time. Shes going to make you feel guilty about everything

Save yourself. BELIEVE ME

That line about cheating is a sign of her being incredibly immature when it comes to relationship.




and bail the fuck out.

Edit: I didn't read the op before I made this post.

Seriously I know its been 3 years.

Bail out.


Hey, I'm not against you or anything I am just explaining if you really cared about her then you should not mind stopping.

Or...maybe if she cares about him, she should figure out a way to come to terms with a naive, irrational viewpoint?

OP could probably do a lot less broadcasting of all the models/pornstars he likes, but bottom line is, an extremely small minority of men don't masturbate. If that is truly a deal-breaker for his GF, then more power to her, but most of her eligible dating pool evaporates under that requirement.


All of my exes were okay with porn. However, many if not all of my female friends are against porn. It's a weird dichotomy.
I've stopped doing many many activities throughout the 3 years. The fact that this is something that a man would do privately, unoffensive and just for ones own pleasure and breaking up because of it really is kind of ...idk.. a weird reason to break up.
Actually seems like a great reason to break up. You guys don't seem very compatible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Jack off for an hour?! Ain't nobody got time for that!


All of my exes were okay with porn. However, many if not all of my female friends are against porn. It's a weird dichotomy.

Reality vs ideals? Most of the women I know probably wouldn't appreciate it, but I think everyone knows what the deal is, lol. I wasn't suggesting earlier that the OP mislead or deceive her, but is it really any of her business? Why would she (or anyone) want to have it thrown in their face? As long as it doesn't become unhealthy or compulsive I don't see the issue.


She's being unreasonable and needs to change her opinion on pornography.

Quick and dirty.

I even add flirting in there: I find it to be a harmless ego-booster and nothing more.

Honestly I think, if anything, you don't masturbate enough.


From what I understand the OP is really into softcore and non-porn hot model pictures? If so, it takes quite a bit more sexual liberation for a girl to be OK with it, since it's a fantasy she can't participate in. How would you feel if she spent one solid hour twice a week oogling at pictures of hot muscular well endowed guys?


From what I understand the OP is really into softcore and non-porn hot model pictures? If so, it takes quite a bit more sexual liberation for a girl to be OK with it, since it's a fantasy she can't participate in. How would you feel if she spent one solid hour twice a week oogling at pictures of hot muscular well endowed guys?

To be fair, I was kind of jealous when my ex and her friends were swooning over Tom Hiddleston...


Not to be mean but your gf sounds like a bitch. She is completely out of line trying to dictate your masturbation habits. Just stop doing that liking model pictures on social media where she can see it. Every time you like one she probably assumes you wanked it to that picture.

You also have to consider, if you two ever move in together, how is that going to work? Obviously you can't just have sex at any point of the day when you're feeling like it, so would you be like hiding from her in the house and rushing to wank one off without her knowing? That's no way to live man. You need to set this girl straight.
She is crazy. But you are a fucking moron.

EDIT: I should expand. Her views on masturbation are a bit conservative, but you should really be talking to her about this, and not NeoGAF. One, you shouldn't be talking to her about your masturbation habits and, two, she broke up with you wouldn't change. That's the way she feels and that sucks. But one of you has to give ground or that is what happens. Neither of you decided to give ground and the relationship broke. It isn't about what is right or wrong. The most likely compromise is that you stop talking about it but you weren't willing to. You're probably better off, and you'll probably be happier but who knows.

Either way, spending an hour masturbating seems like not only a waste of time, but it sounds like you are doing it wrong. And fix your grammar. You're 24, not 14.


I do think there's some disadvantages to a ton of masturbation.

mainly you get used to your grip and it can cause troubles getting off with an actual girl. I have a hard time (hehe) getting off with a condom on and I partly attribute this to my furious masturbation younger days.

I know this isn't really related to the situation at hand but I figured it was somewhat relevant


Ugh, it's not weird at all, and I think she has a strange attitude about it. I was gonna say it might be weird if you guys lived together, but I thought about it a little bit and it wouldn't be that weird either.

She sucks. Sorry this dumb thing (of all things) broke you two up. Happy birthday anyways?
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