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Skull & Bones Delayed Again


Gold Member

It's Ubisoft earnings day, which means we're due yet another update on the six-time-delayed pirate game Skull and Bones. And while the news is not explicitly another delay, the latest update is that we can expect Skull and Bones to launch sometime between January and March of 2024.

If you haven't been following the saga of Ubisoft's deeply troubled pirate adventure, buckle up. Skull and Bones was first announced way, way back at E3 2017, with a release window set for fall 2018. It has since been delayed a whopping six times, with the most recent delay in January of this year pushing the game, allegedly, to "early 2023-2024." It's a bit of a vague window that could have meant any time this past year or early next year, but at the time seemed to refer to Ubisoft's current ongoing fiscal year, which ends in March. So while hopes weren't high, Ubisoft seemed to be targeting a release window that's now once again passed them by.

In today's earnings report for the first half of its fiscal year (ending with September), however, it gave a new window of "Q4 2023-24," which would be between the start of January and the end of March of 2024. Given that we're now at six delays and counting, there's not a whole lot of reason to be confident in this assertion, especially with Skull and Bones losing its third creative director just last month. We did actually get to play the game in August and had a pretty good time with it, but it remains to be seen when everyone else will finally get their hands on it.
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Neon Xenon

At this rate, Skull and Bones might join gaming names like Dead Phoenix and the Phantom Lapboard for having fitting names for the wrong (but extremely funny) reasons.


How they messed this up so badly? All they had to do was expand on the pirate stuff from black flag.

I remember when the trailers for s&b and sea of thieves dropped around the same time and ppl were lol'ing sea of thieves to death.


Snake Oil Salesman
Allow me to act as the combo breaker...

I heard the last beta was actually pretty good and a big improvement from prior betas.


Gold Member
One of my friends said and I quote "you enjoy that Sea of Thieves trash, I'll enjoy a real pirate game". He's still waiting and I've been playing SOT's for years.

Bored Still Waiting GIF
Joke's on you. You thought he meant a "real pirate game" but he actually meant a "real pirate game" and is building a ship as we speak.


Joke's on you. You thought he meant a "real pirate game" but he actually meant a "real pirate game" and is building a ship as we speak.
No I'd say the joke backfired! He gave up on wanting or buying Skull and Bones period! Ubisoft should have stayed with a Black Flag design. They had a great sea game in Black Flag! Also, SOT is a real pirate game with a cartoon cover! Funny its the only game of its kind on PC and console!
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More like Skull & Boned...I'll see myself out.

Black Flag was wicked good, hopefully this is up to par with that and not so much grind/filler on the map please. The last 25% of Black Flag felt pretty annoying but the legendary ships and forts were fucking awesome though.


I'm waiting for it to be quietly aborted and repackaged as the online side game attached to the Black Flag remake. It's poetically Ubisoft.
Honestly I think this could be the best case scenario. At this point the game has been delayed so many times- I have to seriously wonder if there aren't major major issues with the game. But hey, we just do a little snip here and some hot glue there and bam. Black Flag Remake.


Gold Member
Well, actually:

Talk about a mess.
The good 'ol "chase the government subsidies and loan strategy". Like the trainwreck Delorean car company did buildng a car plant in Ireland surrounded by people with zero car making experience. The Netflix doc is awesome.

UBI was thinking it'd be a slam dunk since gaming is digital. As long as you can find the right people, all product is digitally transmitted.
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How many people do they have working on it, I wonder? These delays must really be driving up the costs for a product they don't seem to believe in all that much.


Dev team at this point is probably like:
Sad The Office GIF

Just cut your loses at this point.Same with Suicide Squad.Accept that you've failed,cut your loses and bring something amazing the next time instead of wasting even more years on a done deal....though for Rocksteady it's also a done deal that the studio will be gone after the Suicide Squad bomba.
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